HT4437 why wont mirroring out work anymore with ipad 2 and IOS 7

After updating to IOS 7 my ipad 2 and Iphone 4S will not mirror out to my TV for viewing Netflix!!!  why

After updating to IOS 7 my ipad 2 and Iphone 4S will not mirror out to my TV for viewing Netflix!!!  why

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    Try logging out of your Netflix and YouTube accounts and see if that will work.  If not, a common reset should solve the problem.
    Depending on the generation, you should be able to restart the Apple TV through the ,"General" option on your menu.  --> see this link in regards to reset. 
    Let us know how it turns out.

  • Why wont my paddle work anymore in my flash catching game?

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    could anyone tell me what i need to do to get my paddle moving again!
    import flash.utils.Timer;
    var keyArray : Array = new Array(false,false);//An array to check if keys are pressed
    var ballSpeed : int = 5;//the speed of falling lemmings
    var moveSpeed : int = 7;//the speed the player can move their boat at
    boat.x = stage.stageWidth/2;//move the boat to the centre of the stage at the start of the game
    var lives : int = 5;//the amount of lives the player will have
    var score : int = 0;//the starting score a player has
    var minSpawnTime : int = 1500;//the time it takes the lemmings to spawn
    var maxSpawnTime : int = 3250;//maximum time before next lemming is spawned
    var spawnTimer:Timer = new Timer(2000,1); //2 seconds and loops
    lives_txt.text = "Lives Left: " + lives;//text box reads lives left
    score_txt.text = "Score: " + score;//text box reads score
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);//event listener to tell flash to call "key pressed"
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyReleased);//event listener to tell flash to call "key released"
    stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);//event listener to tell flash to call "update" for new frames
    startGame();//tells flash to call the startGame function
    function startGame():void//a new function called startGame
        spawnTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, spawnBall);//new event listener to listen for the timer to run out and spawn new lemming
        spawnTimer.start();//starts the clock on the timer
    function keyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent) : void//a new function called keyPressed for when player uses arrow keys
        if(event.keyCode == 39)//if the keyboard event is the right key
            trace("right");//prints right in output window
            keyArray[0] = true;//right key array is true
        if(event.keyCode == 37)//if the keyboard event is the left key
            trace("left");//prints left in output window
            keyArray[1] = true;//left key array is true
    function keyReleased(event:KeyboardEvent) : void//a new function called keyReleased for when arrow keys are released
        if(event.keyCode == 39 )//if the keyboard event is the right key
            keyArray[0] = false;//right key array false
        if(event.keyCode == 37)//if the keyboard event is the left key
            keyArray[1] = false;//left key array false
    function update(event:Event) : void//a new function called update for updating the x position of the boat
        if(keyArray[0] == true)//if the keyArray for left is true
            boat.x += moveSpeed;//move the x position of the boat right with the designated move speed
        if(keyArray[1] == true)//if the keyArray for right is true
            boat.x -= moveSpeed;//move the x position of the boat left with the designated move speed
    function spawnBall(event:TimerEvent): void//a new function called spawnBall
        trace("SPAWN");//prints SPAWN in the output
        var ball : Ball = new Ball();//declares a new "temporary variable called "ball" that stores object of Type:Ball and populates it with a new object Ball
        stage.addChild(ball);//adds this new ball onto the stage
        ball.y = 0;//set the ball's vertical position to fall from
        ball.x = ball.width + (Math.random() * (stage.stageWidth - (2*ball.width)));    //sets the ball to have a random position on the x axsis so they seem to fall randomly
        ball.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);    //new event listener for the ball to listen for a new frame and to call the "moveBall" function
        spawnTimer.reset(); //resets the spawnTimer so it can be re-started
        spawnTimer.delay = minSpawnTime + (Math.random() * (maxSpawnTime - minSpawnTime) ); //set the delay for the next time to be somewhere between the minSpawnTime (1.5 seconds) and maxSpawnTime (3.25 seconds)
        spawnTimer.start();//tell the spawnTimer to start again
        if((maxSpawnTime - 20) >= minSpawnTime) //if the maximum time between spawn times is too close to the minimum time between spawns
            maxSpawnTime -= 20;//drop the minimum time between spawns by 20
    function moveBall(event:Event):void //new function called "moveBall" takes up 1 argument "event"
        event.currentTarget.y += ballSpeed; //move the object this functions event listener by the speed set.
            if(event.currentTarget.hitTestObject(sea)) //if the lemming falls and hits the sea object
            if(this.currentFrame == 2)//and we are still on frame 2
                lives--;//take 1 life away from player
                if(lives > -1)//if the player still have lifes
                    //set the text box to display the amount of lives remaining
                    lives_txt.text = "Lives Left: " + lives;
            if(lives < 0)//if the player has less than no lives game is over
                stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);//take away event listeners for key presses and releases
                stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyReleased);
                stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);//remove the update event listeners
                spawnTimer.stop();//stop the timer
                gotoAndStop(3);//tell flash to go to and stop on the loser screen
            event.currentTarget.parent.removeChild(event.currentTarget);//remove the falling objects from the game
            event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);//remove eventlistener for when game is over updating falling objects
            if(this.currentFrame == 2)//if the player is still in game
                if(event.currentTarget.hitTestObject(boat))//if eventListener is attached to hits the game object called "boat"
                    score++;//add 1 to the players score
                    score_txt.text = "Score: " + score;//update the score text to read the players score
                    event.currentTarget.parent.removeChild(event.currentTarget);//remove remove the lemming after it has hit boat
                    event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);//remove the eventlistener after caught so it doesnt keep updating
                if(score > 24)//if the player has more than 24 points
                    stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);//take away event listeners for key presses and releases
                    stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyReleased);
                    stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);//remove the update event listeners
                    spawnTimer.stop();//stop the timer
                    gotoAndStop(4);//tell flash to go to and stop on the 3rd frame of the time line i.e. the Game Over screen

    tried commenting them out doesnt effect it either...
    this is what the code now looks like with everything that should remove the key presses commented out
    import flash.utils.Timer;
    var keyArray : Array = new Array(false,false);//An array to check if keys are pressed
    var ballSpeed : int = 5;//the speed of falling lemmings
    var moveSpeed : int = 7;//the speed the player can move their boat at
    boat.x = stage.stageWidth/2;//move the boat to the centre of the stage at the start of the game
    var lives : int = 5;//the amount of lives the player will have
    var score : int = 0;//the starting score a player has
    var minSpawnTime : int = 1500;//the time it takes the lemmings to spawn
    var maxSpawnTime : int = 3250;//maximum time before next lemming is spawned
    var spawnTimer:Timer = new Timer(2000,1); //2 seconds and loops
    lives_txt.text = "Lives Left: " + lives;//text box reads lives left
    score_txt.text = "Score: " + score;//text box reads score
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);//event listener to tell flash to call "key pressed"
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyReleased);//event listener to tell flash to call "key released"
    trace(this);  // if you fail to see this trace the playhead is not entering this frame and is executing none of this code.
    stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);//event listener to tell flash to call "update" for new frames
    startGame();//tells flash to call the startGame function
    function startGame():void//a new function called startGame
        spawnTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, spawnBall);//new event listener to listen for the timer to run out and spawn new lemming
        spawnTimer.start();//starts the clock on the timer
    function keyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent) : void//a new function called keyPressed for when player uses arrow keys
        if(event.keyCode == 39)//if the keyboard event is the right key
            trace("right");//prints right in output window
            keyArray[0] = true;//right key array is true
        if(event.keyCode == 37)//if the keyboard event is the left key
            trace("left");//prints left in output window
            keyArray[1] = true;//left key array is true
    function keyReleased(event:KeyboardEvent) : void//a new function called keyReleased for when arrow keys are released
        if(event.keyCode == 39 )//if the keyboard event is the right key
            keyArray[0] = false;//right key array false
        if(event.keyCode == 37)//if the keyboard event is the left key
            keyArray[1] = false;//left key array false
    function update(event:Event) : void//a new function called update for updating the x position of the boat
        if(keyArray[0] == true)//if the keyArray for left is true
            boat.x += moveSpeed;//move the x position of the boat right with the designated move speed
        if(keyArray[1] == true)//if the keyArray for right is true
            boat.x -= moveSpeed;//move the x position of the boat left with the designated move speed
    function spawnBall(event:TimerEvent): void//a new function called spawnBall
        trace("SPAWN");//prints SPAWN in the output
        var ball : Ball = new Ball();//declares a new "temporary variable called "ball" that stores object of Type:Ball and populates it with a new object Ball
        stage.addChild(ball);//adds this new ball onto the stage
        ball.y = 0;//set the ball's vertical position to fall from
        ball.x = ball.width + (Math.random() * (stage.stageWidth - (2*ball.width)));    //sets the ball to have a random position on the x axsis so they seem to fall randomly
        ball.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);    //new event listener for the ball to listen for a new frame and to call the "moveBall" function
        spawnTimer.reset(); //resets the spawnTimer so it can be re-started
        spawnTimer.delay = minSpawnTime + (Math.random() * (maxSpawnTime - minSpawnTime) ); //set the delay for the next time to be somewhere between the minSpawnTime (1.5 seconds) and maxSpawnTime (3.25 seconds)
        spawnTimer.start();//tell the spawnTimer to start again
        if((maxSpawnTime - 20) >= minSpawnTime) //if the maximum time between spawn times is too close to the minimum time between spawns
            maxSpawnTime -= 20;//drop the minimum time between spawns by 20
    function moveBall(event:Event):void //new function called "moveBall" takes up 1 argument "event"
        event.currentTarget.y += ballSpeed; //move the object this functions event listener by the speed set.
            if(event.currentTarget.hitTestObject(sea)) //if the lemming falls and hits the sea object
            if(this.currentFrame == 2)//and we are still on frame 2
                lives--;//take 1 life away from player
                if(lives > -1)//if the player still have lifes
                    //set the text box to display the amount of lives remaining
                    lives_txt.text = "Lives Left: " + lives;
            if(lives < 0)//if the player has less than no lives game is over
                //stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);//take away event listeners for key presses and releases
                //stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyReleased);
                stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);//remove the update event listeners
                spawnTimer.stop();//stop the timer
                gotoAndStop(3);//tell flash to go to and stop on the loser screen
            event.currentTarget.parent.removeChild(event.currentTarget);//remove the falling objects from the game
            event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);//remove eventlistener for when game is over updating falling objects
            if(this.currentFrame == 2)//if the player is still in game
                if(event.currentTarget.hitTestObject(boat))//if eventListener is attached to hits the game object called "boat"
                    score++;//add 1 to the players score
                    score_txt.text = "Score: " + score;//update the score text to read the players score
                    event.currentTarget.parent.removeChild(event.currentTarget);//remove remove the lemming after it has hit boat
                    event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveBall);//remove the eventlistener after caught so it doesnt keep updating
                if(score > 24)//if the player has more than 24 points
                    //stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);//take away event listeners for key presses and releases
                    //stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyReleased);
                    stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);//remove the update event listeners
                    spawnTimer.stop();//stop the timer
                    gotoAndStop(4);//tell flash to go to and stop on the 3rd frame of the time line i.e. the Game Over screen

  • Why wont my ipod touch sync with itunes, and how can I fix it

    Key Facts:
    -I have an ipod touch (model number MC008LL)
         -It's probably running the same iOS id did in the package
    -It won't sync (and more importantly update to i0S5)
         -It's not a failed/slow sync, the option to sync as well as all other options under "Devices" is Grayed out
    -I am running iTunes 11.0.4
    -the Belkin cord I am using charges the ipod, and I think it was the one I used to sync it before.

    You have a 3G iPod and those can go as high as 5.1.1.  What exactly happens when you connect the iPod to your computer and try to update via iTunes? You need iTunes 10,5 or higher on the computer.
    After you get it updated see if syncs.

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    My Mac Pro will not connect to my wifi yet my wifi is working fine on my iPad/iPhone.
    I don't have a direct line where my mac pro is located.
    My time machine is located next to the mac and I have tried stating up anew network.
    Help please.

    I'm experiencing this problem as well. I've come ot the conclusion that my computer was one of the many that got internet connection cut because of malware since it just happened at miodnight (the 9th), though I have no idea how I would have gotten it. Any ideas??

  • Why doesn't the "zoom in/out" via pinching the trackpad on my mac not work anymore with firefox? It worked before and still works with Safari.

    why doesn't the "zoom in/out" feature by pinching the trackpad on my mac work anymore with firefox? It worked about a month ago, and still works on Safari.

    Some gestures have been removed in Firefox 4 and later.
    You can restore the zoom feature by changing the values of the related prefs on the <b>about:config</b> page. -> <b>cmd_fullZoomReduce</b> -> <b>cmd_fullZoomReset</b>
    browser.gesture.pinch.out -> <b>cmd_fullZoomEnlarge</b>
    browser.gesture.pinch.out.shift -> <b>cmd_fullZoomReset</b>
    browser.gesture.pinch.latched -> <b>false</b>
    To open the <i>about:config</i> page, type <b>about:config</b> in the location (address) bar and press the "<i>Enter</i>" key, just like you type the url of a website to open a website.<br />
    If you see a warning then you can confirm that you want to access that page.<br />
    *Use the Filter bar at to top of the about:config page to locate a preference more easily.
    *Preferences that have been modified show as bold(user set).
    *Preferences can be reset to the default or changed via the right-click context menu.

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    Hello,my question is why wont google toolbar work with firefox 5?????
    Also how can i get firefox 4 back so i can use the toolbar???

    This page is an easier way to download Firefox 4.0: , as this links starts the download process asap.
    I needed to upgrade to Firefox 4.0+ for an add-on that I really needed. However, I can't use Firefox 5.0, as I randomly checked 3 add-on's I had: "Firefox PDF", "Delicious Bookmarks" and "After the Deadline", and none of them worked with Firefox 5.0. In fact, I will have to download alpha versions, etc., to get these add-ons to work with Firefox 4.0.

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    wwith iOS 8 update, AirPrint doesnt work anymore with HP printer.  Lenova pc works fine.   Any ideas what to do?

    Hello there, Bkurowski818.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers up some great recommendations for troubleshooting AirPrint issues:
    About AirPrint - Apple Support
    For best results
    Make sure your software is up to date. For iOS, verify that your device is using the latest version of iOS available and that the app you're printing from is up to date. For OS X, Use Software Update to update OS X and apps you've purchased from the Mac App Store.
    AirPrint printers connected to the USB port of an Apple AirPort Base Station or AirPort Time Capsule are not supported with AirPrint. Connect your AirPrint printer to your network using Wi-Fi, or connect it to a LAN port on your AirPort device using Ethernet.
    Make sure that your AirPrint printer is connected to your network before attempting to print. Some AirPrint printers can take several minutes to join a network after being turned on.
    If you're unable to print
    Check these things if you are unable to print, or if you see the message "No AirPrint Printers Found."
    Make sure your printer has paper, and enough ink or toner installed.
    Make sure your printer is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your iOS device.
    Make sure your printer has power and is turned on. Try turning your printer off and then back on again to see if it resolves your issue.
    Check to see if your printer has any error lights or indicators displayed on the printer's control panel. Check the documentation that came with your printer to clear any errors displayed.
    Check with your printer's manufacturer to see if any firmware updates are available for your printer. Check your printer's documentation or contact the printer vendor for more information. A firmware update may be available, even if you just bought your printer.
    The information below is provided by each manufacturer and is updated once a month by Apple. You can use the Find feature of your web browser (usually Command-F) to search for a specific device in this list. If you don't see your printer or server listed, check with the printer manufacturer for more information.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

  • HT1386 why wont my ipod sync anymore. is it because it the first touch version made?

    why wont my ipod sync anymore? Is it because it is the first touch that ever came out?

    No, first-generation iPod touches still sync just fine. Give us details about your computer, particularly the operating system and version of iTunes it's running, and the exact nature of the problem and someone can probably offer suggestions.

  • Why wont my volume work on my iPhone 4s?

    why wont my volume work on my iPhone 4s?

    Hey Chelsreb,
    Thanks for the question. I understand you are experiencing issues with your iPhone 4s. The following resource may provide a solution:
    iPhone: No sound or distorted sound from speaker
    1. Verify that the volume is set to a level you would normally be able to hear.
    2. Ensure that there is nothing plugged in to the headset jack or the dock connector.
    3. If the iPhone is in a protective case, make sure that the speaker port isn't blocked by the case.
    4. Make sure that the speaker and dock port aren't clogged with debris. If necessary, clean it with a clean, small, dry, soft-bristled brush. Carefully and gently brush away any debris.
    5. If an audio issue occurs when using a specific application, try testing other applications to see if the issue persists.
    6. If the iPhone is paired with a Bluetooth headset or car kit:
              - Try turning off Bluetooth.
              - If you experience difficulties with the Bluetooth feature, follow these troubleshooting steps.
    7. Restart the iPhone.
    8. If restarting doesn't fix the issue, ensure that your iPhone is updated to the latest version of iOS.
    9. If the issue is not resolved after restoring the iPhone software, please contact Apple Support.
    If the issue persists, please follow the last step by contacting Apple Support for support and service options.
    Matt M.

  • Xperia Neo media server doesn't work anymore with Sony Bravia TV after ICS update!

    Xperia Neo (MT15i) updated from 2.3.4 to 4.0.4 (4.1.B.0.431). I did not perform any reset (factory settings) after the update.
    Media server does not work anymore with Sony Bravia TV KDL40-NX700. With 2.3.4 it worked correctly before.
    When I start the media server on my Xperia Neo and try to view my photos on my Bravia TV it shows connection, I am also able to view different folders on the Smartphone but when it tries to load the photos in any folder on the Smartphone it stops working after a while. Feedback on TV is "cannot connect to media sever". The same procedure worked without any problems when using 2.3.4 before.
    Is this a known issue and is there any solution for this?

    Wow that is a new one, great find!
    I wish I had tested that with my Ray, as I had used the media server feature quite a bit with my DirecTV receiver when on Gingerbread.  But too late, it's on the way back to Sony to get rolled back to Gingerbread.
    Too many other problems with ICS that have crippled my device.
    1) Wi-Fi Hotspot does not work anymore
    2) USB tethering does not work anymore
    3) LED notification issues for incoming SMS
    4) Dialer slow to load
    5) HD Video recording skip frames and jitter.
    6) Bluetooth AVRCP profile broke (can't use the play/pause button on my car stereo anymore)
    If you have not done so take a look at the above features and see what you turn up.
    Bob H
    Minneapolis, MN
    ST18a  Ray

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    why cant I reset my macbook with command and R  when I push them dont be work and when i turn on my macbook a black page preview and said restart?please help me

    Something is very wrong with your system, you need to try repairing the hard drive if possible.  See:
    If that doesn't work, you'll probably need to reinstall the system.

  • My programs don't work anymore with Lion!!!! Help me! Should I wait for patches or reinstall Leopard????

    My programs don't work anymore with Lion!!!! Help me! Should I wait for patches or reinstall Leopard????

    Which programs?  If they are very old (PowerPC) applications they will never work on Lion.

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    Why won't some photos or videos sync to my iPad when they work fine with iPhoto and iTunes? Other photos taken with same camera sync fine from iPhoto while certain events are inexplicably incompatible. I've recently foundvthecsame occurrence with certain mp3s and videos from iTunes.

    For photos try deleting the photo cache from your computer and then re-try the photo sync and see if they then copy over - the location of the cache, and how to delete it, is on this page
    Not all video formats that work in iTunes are compatible with the iPad - the supported formats are (from :
    Video formats supported: H.264 video up to 720p, 30 frames per second, Main Profile level 3.1 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps per channel, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; Motion JPEG (M-JPEG) up to 35 Mbps, 1280 by 720 pixels, 30 frames per second, audio in ulaw, PCM stereo audio in .avi file format
    Have you tried Advanced > Create iPad Version and then sync those versions to the iPad
    The iPad's supported audio formats are :
    HE-AAC (V1 and V2), AAC (8 to 320 Kbps), Protected AAC (from iTunes Store), MP3 (8 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible (formats 2, 3, and 4, Audible Enhanced Audio, AAX, and AAX+), Apple Lossless, AIFF, and WAV

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    No iPad has ever had a built-in flash for the camera.

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