Huge repeated overcharge of in-app purchase [Pokerist]

I have been having repeated overcharge of chips purchased.
For the past days my bank account shows almost $3000 purchase of chips in pokerist which was abnormally high than the actually amount I purchased.
For example. I never purchased the 150M chips ( $99.99) since July but my bill shows there are 3 such purchase in last 3 days.  Also there are more than 20 repeated purchases of $9.99 and $19.99 which I never did.
This is a really abnormal situation I found just today. As I check my bills and account generally Kamagames will charge 2-4times everytime I did one single purchase.

Hi sakhaarun,
Apple allows in-app purchases to be used for products you define within the same app.  In other words, you can sell an upgrade, add-on, or 'full version' for your own app, but you can't sell somebody else's app.  (Have a look on the 'Top-Grossing' list to see some examples- if it's free, it probably has in-app purchase so you can see what you sell.)  If you want to sell somebody else's app, you'd need to join Apple's iTunes affiliate program which is not related to in-app purchases.
When you enable In-App Purchases with Apple, they are bound to your own application- so another developer cannot access them directly.
However, if you let me know specifically what you are trying to do, I might be able to make a suggestion. If for instance, you have "My App", and you want to sell an upgrade to "My App Pro", it would make more sense to have just "My App", with an in-app purchase that enables all the "pro" features in the main app.
Feel free to email me any time if you want to chat more.
Milkman Games, LLC

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    Kaitlyn255 wrote:
    I've been trying to complete an in-app purchase within the game "Nemo's Reef"
    Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

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    The app developer is your contact.  No one here can help you.

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    You will need to contact iTunes Support : - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

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    They did the same thing to me on 12/24/11. Apple overcharged me 3 times my purchase amount and have caused my bank account to be overdrawn!
    I called my bank to make a statement of unauthorized charges AND filed a complaint with the FTC (Federal Trade Commission). Apple provided no way to contact a live rep and the email reps have been they left me no other option.
    I think they do this to their customers very often. It is extremely dishonest.
    I actually posted the above info on this discussion community earlier today...and Apple deleted it! If that isn't an admission of guilt, I don't know what is.
    But of luck.

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    Same is happening to me brother. Apple is sounding incompetent on the issue as I have had to re itereate myself three times to them and they are just going in circles with the issue.
    My issue lies within the game Clash of Clans. I've got over $400 invested into the game and can no longer put anymore in as I am getting the same issue as you. Here is the latest email I sent to them regarding my issue:
    "It's not the iTunes store that I am having an issue with. I've clearly stated my issue to you and have yet been able to receive an intelligible response in regards to my said problem with Apple.
    Again, please let me re iterate the issue.
    When trying to purchase gems in the app "Clash of Clans", I receive a message saying "The apple ID you entered couldn't be found or your password was incorrect. Please try again."
    FACTS surrounding this issue:
    1. My Apple ID is showing up correctly in the app as '[email protected]'.
    2. I've verified my Apple password by logging successfully into my account in iTunes.
    3. I've entered my Apple password into the app when trying to make another $99.99 purchase with repeat messages saying, "The apple ID you entered couldn't be found or your password was incorrect. Please try again."
    4. The app I am trying to make the purchase in is updated to the latest version. There are no available updates for the game currently.
    I expect a resolution soon. I do not want to repeat myself in a third email message."
    I have yet to get a response and doubt they will be able to fix this issue any time soon as they are SLOW in responding. Too bad they couldn't give any of the people in China jobs to answer phones rather than work in the sweatshops over 15 hours a day, 7 days a week.
    Don't believe me, check it out for yourself: ops-SIX-YEARS-expos.html
    I just want to be able to buy gems in my game. . . that's all!

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    I'm not sure I can make sense of this but without asking too many questions, you can resolve your question by contacting iTunes direct.
    Apple - Support - iTunes - Contact Us
    But they will be wondering about the reference to hacking and you feeling bad about getting something for free.
    Best step in my view is to make sure you don't get similarly involved in future.  You must know roughly what you were doing.   Then writie it off to a not to be repeated experience.

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    Hi kiwirudy,
    I've had the same problem more than once since I started trying to download my 14 April purchase of OS X Mountain Lion.
    I found a property list called manifest.plist in my ~/Library/Application Support/AppStore folder which had a Boolean property called failed checked. I unchecked it and afterwards I was able to resume my download.
    Here are some steps I've found useful:
    Close the Mac App Store.
    make a copy of the  ~/Library/Application Support/AppStore folder. For some strange reason the Mac App Store likes to just delete it in some circumstances, which will mean that one has to start one's download again from the very beginning.
    Double click on the manifest.plist in one's ~/Library/Application Support/AppStore folder.
    This should open it in Property List Editor.
    Expand all the nodes (holding down the alt key and clicking on the highest collapsed node should do it.
    Find a key called failed of type Boolean and uncheck it.
    Save the manifest.plist and close it.
    Open the Mac App Store.
    The red message "an error has occured" should now be gone and one should be able to resume one's download.
    In the event that the ~/Library/Application Support/AppStore folder gets deleted:
    start the download again (it will start from the beginning), pause it and close the Mac App Store.
    copy your backup copy of the pkg file back to its sub-folder (it's a numbered folder in the ~/Library/Application Support/AppStore folder).
    Open the Mac App Store and resume your download.
    It should continue from where it left off.
    This has worked for me so far. I'm holding my breath. Don't know if I'll still be alive when it's finished.
    Message was edited by: n c h

  • In App Purchases cancellation

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    kindly advise.

    To Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact
    As a suggestion... To help avoid future transgressions you could choose to set the Restrictions for In-App Purchases...
    Settings > General > Restrictions
    Understanding Restrictions  >

  • HT4009 In app purchase failure

    I've tried repeatedly to make an in app purchase on a game and it won't go through. My restrictions are turned off and other purchases are going through fine. Any ideas?

    Have you tried closing that app via your device's multitasking bar and seeing if it works when you re-open it ?
    iOS 7 : double-click the home button to open the taskbar, and then swipe or drag the app's screen from there up and off the top of the screen to close it, and click the home button to close the taskbar.
    iOS 6 and below : from the home screen (i.e. not with that app 'open' on-screen) double-click the home button to bring up the taskbar, then press and hold any of the apps on the taskbar for a couple of seconds or so until they start shaking, then press the '-' in the top left of the app to close it, and touch any part of the screen above the taskbar so as to stop the shaking and close the taskbar.
    If that doesn't fix it then you could try a soft-reset : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the equivalent of a reboot.

  • How do I Family Share in-app purchases?

    How do I Family Share in-app purchases?   The free app only allows certain areas to open. An in-app purchase unlocks the full app capability.  I cannot Family Share the in-app purchase. How do I do this?

    There is a way to get around it, as it worked for me!
    I turned on family sharing for my son. Now I have set up an Apple ID account for him too. His ipad was under my Apple ID account but I have since restored the ipad to factory settings, setting it up as his own now (you don't need to do this step, but I chose to do it so everything on his ipad is under his account now).
    When I logged into the App store on his ipad, using his Apple ID account I can access the apps that I have purchased (I being the main account holder). However I had the same issue as you, that I couldn't family share the in-app purchases.
    To get around this on his ipad, I logged off from the app store with his Apple ID account and then logged into it again using my Apple ID account. Therefore I could download the original apps that I had purchased for him + the in-app purchases. Then I logged out of the app store using my Apple ID account and logged in again using his Apple ID Account. Bingo now the full app is on his ipad!
    Then I synced his ipad to the itunes library on my PC, so the apps are now in his library. It would be also wise to do a backup so you don't have to repeat this process again.....

  • HT4009 I keep getting "ERROR Cannot Connect to iTunes Store" when attempting an in-app purchase.

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    I've tried a real close for the app, restarting my device (iPhone 5), enabling and disabling restrictions - I DO NOT have in-app purchases restricted under settings-general - restrictions - in app purchases.
    I purchased a book in iBooks this morning - my card was charged and the item downloaded perfectly. I have tried the purchase on WiFi as well as Cellular but neither work. I've also tried turning off my WiFi completely, still doesn't work.

    Kaitlyn255 wrote:
    I've been trying to complete an in-app purchase within the game "Nemo's Reef"
    Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

  • Charged for an In-App Purchase that did not upload to my iPad

    Last night I tried to download a Skyland Lost Islands In-App Purchase for my son - the first time through it did not work.  It took me to the iTunes Store and I entered my password and confirmed my credit card details.  It then opened the iTunes store page and there it stayed.
    I reopened the game and no gems were delivered.
    I then repeated the process a second time and the gems were delivered.
    This morning I received an invoice for two charges but only received 1 delivery.
    I am extremely disappointed that I am being shunted from help page to help page but no way of emailing an accounts department.
    Please help resolve this - Order ID: MH9WDNXFL3

    You can try the 'report a problem' page to contact iTunes Support (we are fellow users here on these forums) :
    If the 'report a problem' link doesn't work then you can try contacting iTunes support via this page : click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

  • HT4009 request refund for in-app purchase

    I've been going around and around trying to find how to submit a request for refund of an in-app purchase that I never received.
    I click on "report a problem" yet, no options to report a problem are available, just a huge list of FAQs and other articles on policies etc.
    If someone can direct me where or how to actually submit the request, I would be grateful for that.
    But, I'll submit my request here anyhow.
    I was emailed a Receipt for the Purchase by iTunes. Upon seeing the receipt I was surprised, because when I attempted to make the in-app purchase it did not complete, and i did not receive the product I was trying to purchase. Although, I am apparently being charge for it. I pasted a copy of the receipt below.
    So, my request is either a refund or credit toward my next iTunes purchase.
    Thank you.
    iTunes user ID:
    Billed To:
       Oakland, CA 94610-2730
    Order Number: MG******DG
    Receipt Date: 05/02/12
    Order Total: $4.99
    Billed To: Visa .... 9018
    Unit Price
      Virtual City Playground, 55  Invest Points 
         Report a Problem     
      G5 Entertainment 
      In-App Purchase           
    Order Total:
    Please retain for your records.
    Please See Below For Terms And Conditions Pertaining To This Order.
    Apple Inc.
    You can find the iTunes Store Terms of Sale and Sales Policies by launching your iTunes application and clicking on Terms of Sale or Sales Policies
      Answers to frequently asked questions regarding the iTunes Store can be found at   
      Apple ID Summary •   Purchase History
    Apple respects your privacy.
    Information regarding your personal information can be viewed at
      Copyright © 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

    How the **** do you contact Apple re refunding money taken out of my bank account for failed Bejewelled inapp purchases that said error made me sign into itunes account, update my security number for credit card and still didnt download????? Going round and roundin circles trying to report a problem with it
    how were you able to do it

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