I do not have a desk or laptop computer, only my iPhone. The weather site needs MS IE or Mozilla Firefox to access website features. I have no computer to "sync

I want to access full features of the 'WestJet' website. I only have an iPhone -no computer - and the site needs Firefox Browser. I do not have a computer to "sync" the Firefox sync program with the iPhone mobile Firefox Home app, so what can I do??

With an iPhone, Firefox home is unfortunately the closest you can get to having Firefox on it. Apple will not allow us to put Firefox on the iTunes market. So in your case, to get to that website it seems like you will need to use a desktop computer to access it.
[[Will Firefox work on my mobile device?]]

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    == Today ==
    == User Agent ==
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    Do a clean reinstall and download a fresh Firefox copy from http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/all.html and save the file to the desktop.
    Uninstall your current Firefox version and remove the Firefox program folder before installing that copy of the Firefox installer.
    It is important to delete the Firefox program folder to remove all the files and make sure that there are no problems with files that were leftover after uninstalling.
    You can skip the step to create a new profile, that is not necessary for this issue.
    See http://kb.mozillazine.org/Standard_diagnostic_-_Firefox#Clean_reinstall

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    iTunes Customer Service is an online service unless they feel they need to call you.
    iTunes Customer Service Contact - http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/contact.html > Get iTunes support via Express Lane > iTunes > iTunes Store

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    As we know, Office creates TMP files like "$.tmp file" when you open a document. Saving does not delete the files if we still have them open. And this issue occur with network drive not local disk, so
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    Hope it's helpful.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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    This means there is a problem with the files you need to run Firefox.
    Try a clean reinstall:
    1. Download the Firefox installer from [http://mozilla.com Mozilla.com] and save it to your desktop or other location.
    2. Make sure that Firefox is closed completely
    3. Delete the Firefox installation directory (On Windows, this is typically the C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox folder that contains "firefox.exe" and other Firefox program files and folders).
    4. Reinstall Firefox by running the installer you downloaded previously.
    Your personal settings, including bookmarks and history, will not be lost.
    See http://kb.mozillazine.org/Standard_diagnostic_-_Firefox#Clean_reinstall

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    If you have problems with updating or with the permissions then easiest is to download the full version and trash the currently installed version to do a clean install of the new version.
    Download a new copy of the Firefox program and save the DMG file to the desktop
    * Firefox 6.0.x: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html
    * Trash the current Firefox application to do a clean (re-)install
    * Install the new version that you have downloaded
    Your profile data is stored elsewhere in the Firefox Profile Folder, so you won't lose your bookmarks and other personal data.
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_folder_-_Firefox

  • "do not have sufficient permissions to sync"

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    * How can we fix this "no permission" problem!?!?
    * How can we rescue the content on his iPod? He has quite purchased a few songs and apps directly through his Touch, and iTunes has never seen these. Though presumably his iTunes Store account knows he bought them. I tried to copy off the contents of the Touch by accessing it like a disk, but apparently that doesn't work for Touches. I tried checking the "manually manage music" checkbox and that didn't seem to help anything.

    No worries, thanks for the help!
    New info: #2 son just got his new 3G Touch. It syncs with no problem.
    So I tried syncing #1 son's Touch again. First we tried updating to 3.1.2, and the firmware was updated, but iTunes said the update failed because it (still) couldn't sync. Somewhere in there we got an error 3014, which is apparently one of a long list of generic connection-problem errors. Then iTunes said it detected an iPod in the midst of update, or something like that, and the only way to use it was to restore (wipe & reinitialize) the iPod. Oh GREAT.
    So we did, since iTunes didn't give us any choice. After wiping the iPod, iTunes said it was restoring from a backup, giving us hope that it would restore all the content he had on there -- but it didn't. The restore-from-backup apparently did nothing. All his content (purchased and free) is gone. Grrrrrr.
    So as long as we'd wiped it clean, I figured I would see if we could at least sync now. First it wanted to back up the iPod, which took well over an hour -- don't ask me why, since the thing is factory-fresh empty now, with nothing to back up. And at the end of that wasted hour of backup -- it STILL won't sync.
    So out of desperation I tried running iTunes as an Administrator. (I had set the iTunes shortcut to Run As Administrator so theoretically he already WAS running as Admin, but...) --- and that worked FINE. @#%##. Should have tried that before we wiped the iPod...
    So my son is still unable to sync his iPod -- from his login, anyway -- but it syncs just peachy from an Administrator login. Meanwhile another login with a different iTunes account has no problems syncing. This is clearly an iTunes bug. I've tried basically all the solutions I could find for these symptoms, and none of them worked for this particular variant. Hasn't anybody encountered this particular wrinkle before??
    Thanks for any tips...

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    Warning: Expected declaration but found '*'. Skipped to next declaration.
    Source File: http://support.mozilla.com/media/css/questions-min.css?build=93872dd
    Line: 1
    Warning: Unknown property 'zoom'. Declaration dropped.
    Source File: http://support.mozilla.com/media/css/questions-min.css?build=93872dd
    Line: 1
    Warning: Error in parsing value for 'display'. Declaration dropped.
    Source File: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/questions/new?product=beta
    Line: 0
    Warning: Unknown property '-moz-opacity'. Declaration dropped.
    Source File: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/questions/new?product=beta
    Line: 0
    Warning: Error in parsing value for 'background-image'. Declaration dropped.
    Source File: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/questions/new?product=beta
    Line: 0
    Just a few of the types of errors collected.
    It is getting to be a pain to have to sit and wait until it is responding again. At that point the cursor is locked on to what ever it is sitting over. You have to click on it to release it.
    Anyone have any ideas.

    Glad it is fixed. Thanks for posting back, (even if we are not sure exactly what happened).

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