I got a Mute Button Always On Problem.??

I am a new onwer of the SB Audigy 2 NX. I also have a 7. Creative speaker system. Here is my problem. I am using a dvd player with Optical out. Which goes into my 2 nx external device, and have al the correct speaker line out putt in places. Yet the "mute" is always on on the console. I try to hold the mute button ( doesn' work) try the remote mute button ( doesn't work) . if i hook it up to my computer and have the usb hook up then the "mute" light is gone and I care hears sound.
I don;t wan **bleep** hook up to my pc, I want to hook it up to my dvd player with opitcal out adn use ym 7. speaker set in another room. can some one let me know if thats within devices operation or I am not doing something right.
please if you need more info on my problem please just ask and I will give more info that might help.

If you are just looking for an external decoder, then the Audigy 2 NX is probably the wrong product for this. I would suggest the DDTS - 00 digital decoder if you aren't looking to connect to your computer at all. This is not a sound card, and does not work with your computer. It is strictly a decoder made to work with computer speakers. It is listed in the products/speakers/decoders section of this website.

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    Entering page number works fine to view that page Request.Form parameters sample for that (change page from page 3 to page 5):
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  • IPhone 4-Caller can't hear my voice. Checked the mute button and had restart the phone. Still problem occurred. HELP ME PLS!

    iPhone 4-Caller can't hear my voice. Checked the mute button and had restart the phone. Still problem occurred. HELP ME PLS!

    I'm having same problem with my 3G. When I adjust my ringer volume it says headphone in parentheses. I can still hear thru headphones. Until u get it fixed maybe u could try this as a temp solution. Good luck.

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    my iphone 4 lock button does not work, i turned it off using assesive touch, now it wont turn back on? got any tips for fixing this problem!

    Hi, braidenwhitesidemate. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    I would recommend going through the steps in the article below.  If the issue persists, see the section labeled Issue not resolved.
    iPhone: Hardware troubleshooting
    Jason H. 

  • Mute button problem on iPhone 4S

    The mute button on the side of my iPhone 4S isn't working. The button still turns on and off, but I don't see the mute notification (the volume button with the slash through it) and the sound remains on, even when it's supposed to be in silent mode. Is anyone else having this issue, or have suggestions on how to fix this?

    You can try a backup and restore.  If it still does not work then you will need to have the Apple Store look at it.
    See http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1766

  • PHONE CALLS - Mute button gets turned on by face contact w/ iOS7. Anyone else having this problem?

    Is anyone else having an issue w/ the "mute" button getting face dialed while talking on the phone?

    Hi sails4fun,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities. I would first try these steps:
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting
    If the issue still occurs, I would attempt a reset of all settings as per this article:
    Reset iPhone Settings - iPhone User Guide
    Reset iPhone settings
    Reset iPhone settings. Go to Settings > General > Reset, then choose an option:Reset All Settings:  All your preferences and settings are reset.
    - Ari

  • HP Probook 4520s: sound card doesn't work (no sound, red mute button)

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    Soundcard device ID: HDAUDIO\FUNK_01&VEN_111&DEV_7605
    OS: Windows 7 Professional x86
    How can I fix it?

    Hi, just registered to post my solution. I got HP ProBook 4330s in for repair. Problem: some sticky liquid spilled all over and no sound. Also discovered that no microphone as well, but webcam did work just fine.
    What I tried:
    1) Installed fresh Win 7 Ultimate 32-bit and all official drivers (audio driver did not want to install), still no sound. Sound icon shows red cross. Message: No audio output device installed.
    1) Installed the newest version of BIOS, in my case F.40, still no sound.
    2) Pluged in headphones, still no sound.
    3) Took apart, unpluged and firmly inserted every possbile cable, still no sound.
    4) Found in BIOS everything that relates to Audio. Made sure Audio device is enable, still no sound.
    5) Install XP and installed XP sound driver, still no sound. In fact, that driver did not install correctly, showed some kind of error.
    What did work, in consecutive order:
    1) Took apart again and took out the coin battery that retains the BIOS data, date, clock etc.
    2) Put everything back together, switched on, entered the correct date in BIOS settings, and started Win 7 Ultimate. Still no sound. But I noticed that Win 7 Ultimate has found some devices and was installing drivers for it. Though did not check exactly which ones.
    3) If I could not get the sound working I was determined to buy some speakers with USB connection. Then, I remembered that I already had a set of speakers for another laptop. These speakers had USB connection to draw power from and a grean standard headphone connection/plug to draw audio signal. I plugged in these speakers into HP 4330s and the sound started coming from these external speakers. The sound icon next to the clock in bottom right corner switched to normal mode and I could control volume with my mouse. Then I unpluged external USB speakers and the sound started coming from the HP's built in speakers.
    Checked with Device Manager that correct sound drivers are installed and microhpone appeared to be installed as well. Though did not check with Skype if microhpone was working.
    I was soooo happy!!! I struggled with this problem for three long days, searched many forums (none gave solution), tried everything with drivers, took apart the laptop some three or four times (now I learned to do it with my eyes closed, so to speak).
    I started to think that taking out the BIOS/date coin battery did the trick. There must be some glitch in BIOS to motherboard connection in these HP ProBook laptops, and all BIOS settings need to be reset.
    I'll be happy if this helps someone.

  • Re: MUTE button stuck on blue in hp pavilion tx 2500 ( model tx2531au )

    Is there anyone who has a solution to the audio output problem in hp tx 2531au ?
    The audio meters in software shows fine and displays that audio is being played, even the mute-unmute is displayed as working fine but the mute button above the function keys is always stuck on blue, along with the volume up and volume down keys. The worst part of all this is that I do not have any audio output, from the speakers or from the headphone jack.
    I have tried system restore, BIOS update, uninstalling and re-installing audio drivers, both the original drivers via recovery manager and latest ones via hp support, uninstalled QLB and also tried to install the latest drivers via audio's driver details.
    Windows Home Premium is installed in hp tx 2531. Whenever I uninstall the Realtek HD Audio drivers, I am not able to update the drivers via installation through sp******.exe that I download from hp support. The installation of the exe files goes fine but the drivers are not listed in the device manager for the Audio. Instead, after restarting windows, Vista automatically installs the original drivers, which does not help. There is no audio output though all the software shows that its all fine.
    This is very annoying as I am not being able to get any sound from this Entertainment PC, rendering music and video play useless.
    PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Is there anyone who has a solution to the audio output problem in hp tx 2531au ?
    The audio meters in software shows fine and displays that audio is being played, even the mute-unmute is displayed as working fine but the mute button above the function keys is always stuck on blue, along with the volume up and volume down keys. The worst part of all this is that I do not have any audio output, from the speakers or from the headphone jack.
    I have tried system restore, BIOS update, uninstalling and re-installing audio drivers, both the original drivers via recovery manager and latest ones via hp support, uninstalled QLB and also tried to install the latest drivers via audio's driver details.
    Windows Home Premium is installed in hp tx 2531. Whenever I uninstall the Realtek HD Audio drivers, I am not able to update the drivers via installation through sp******.exe that I download from hp support. The installation of the exe files goes fine but the drivers are not listed in the device manager for the Audio. Instead, after restarting windows, Vista automatically installs the original drivers, which does not help. There is no audio output though all the software shows that its all fine.
    This is very annoying as I am not being able to get any sound from this Entertainment PC, rendering music and video play useless.
    PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Mute button says "you have no new messages"

    I've been having a problem with my Torch since I downloaded updates to a few apps the other day. Now any time the Mute button on the top right of the Torch is hit, a chime sounds and a few seconds later a woman's voice says "you have no new messages". My phone is always on silent, but the voice and chime still sound at full volume. This happens frequently as the button gets triggered when my phone is in my pocket. Anyone else have this issue, and hopefully know of how to disable it??
    Go to Solution.

    Excellent! Turns out it was caused by BeBuzz, which blackberry was giving away for free as a premium app along with Drive Safe.ly like Bill.J mentioned above. I deleted BeBuzz (first thing I tried deleting thankfully!) Now my mute but works and I don't get the "you have no new messages" voice. Thank you Krypto and BillJ, your help was very much appreciated, that voice was driving me nuts!

  • Print screen and Function "fn" key not working.Mute button stays red constantly.

    I bought an hp pavilion dv6-2154ca two weeks ago. It has windows 7 64-bit, nvidia Geforce 210m 1Gb graphics card, and my function "fn" key is not working at all. I downloaded the quick launch buttons driver a few days ago, according to the advice of an hp advisor, so any suggestions on how to get my fn key working. 
    My mute button stays red, even when the volume is on and i'm watching videos. This problem didn't exist until i downloaded the audio driver.
    My print screen key doesn't work either, i got to know it when i was trying to print screen images for school work.

    Woudl advise a BIOS upgrade when downgrading to Windows XP, the European BIOS driver for your version of notebook is;
    [BIOS upgrade |http://uk.computers.toshiba-europe.com/innovation/download_driver_details.jsp?service=UK&selCategory =2&selFamily=2&selSeries=178&selProduct=784&selSho rtMod=null&language=13&selOS=10&selType=all&yearup load=&monthupload=&dayupload=&useDate=null&mode=al lMachines&search=&action=search&macId=&country=8&s electedLanguage=13&type=all&page=1&ID=65754&OSID=-1&driverLanguage=42]
    When the BIOS has been installed, re-install the Hotkeys/Controls driver on the link below;
    [Hotkeys/Controls driver |http://uk.computers.toshiba-europe.com/innovation/download_driver_details.jsp?service=UK&selCategory =2&selFamily=2&selSeries=178&selProduct=784&selSho rtMod=null&language=13&selOS=10&selType=all&yearup load=&monthupload=&dayupload=&useDate=null&mode=al lMachines&search=&action=search&macId=&country=8&s electedLanguage=13&type=all&page=1&ID=63996&OSID=1 0&driverLanguage=13]
    Also would advise upgrading the common modules;
    [common modules|http://uk.computers.toshiba-europe.com/innovation/download_driver_details.jsp?service=UK&selCategory =2&selFamily=2&selSeries=178&selProduct=784&selSho rtMod=null&language=13&selOS=10&selType=all&yearup load=&monthupload=&dayupload=&useDate=null&mode=al lMachines&search=&action=search&macId=&country=8&s electedLanguage=13&type=all&page=1&ID=63941&OSID=1 0&driverLanguage=42]
    Good luck and let me know if you get it solved using these recommendations

  • How to handle Back button, Browser Refresh problem at server side.

    Hi Friends,
    How to handle Back button, Browser Refresh problem at server side in java?.
    I am able to trace that,
    request.getHeader("ACCEPT") is returning value- */*
    when the browser was refreshed and returning different MIME types
    for all other actions from browser.
    I have doubt, will the above solution works always for all servers,browsers?.
    Please also specify any solution to handle back button at server side?.
    Thanks in Advance.

    I'm sorry I don't think tht's the right solution for
    the above question....
    We must be aware that whatever scripting methdologies
    we either javascript/vbscript would executed @
    client(browser) side not @ server side....
    Dud If U get a good solution keep me updated.....
    RAHULMy dear friend ...
    the bad news is that u simply cant disable or add any listener to the back button of the browser.
    When u hit the back button of ur browser the URL gets re-executed. So in case u have a JSP then the history.forward() is the best solution. [only if the page doesnt get expired similar to secure https sites]
    Now dont say that user can have javascript disabled ...those users will have a pretty touch time browsing websites since javascripts r used extensively by almost all websites.
    But in case u have an action.do or servlet call then u need to manage it using a session variable since the request will be sent to the server rather than client.
    For multiple form submittion issues read the following article in javaworld...
    Client vs. server solutions
    Different solutions can solve this multiple form submission situation. Some transactional sites simply warn the user to wait for a response after submitting and not to submit twice. More sophisticated solutions involve either client scripting or server programming.
    In the client-only strategy, a flag is set on the first submission, and, from then on, the submit button is disabled based on this flag. While appropriate in some situations, this strategy is more or less browser dependent and not as dependable as server solutions.
    For a server-based solution, the Synchronizer Token pattern (from Core J2EE Patterns) can be applied, which requires minimal contribution from the client side. The basic idea is to set a token in a session variable before returning a transactional page to the client. This page carries the token inside a hidden field. Upon submission, request processing first tests for the presence of a valid token in the request parameter by comparing it with the one registered in the session. If the token is valid, processing can continue normally, otherwise an alternate course of action is taken. After testing, the token resets to null to prevent subsequent submissions until a new token is saved in the session, which must be done at the appropriate time based on the desired application flow of control.
    for more details refer :
    Hope u got the idea.
    FYI I have been using both these ideas in my credit card payment gateway project. This concept has worked really well.

  • Macbook mute button is possessed.

    I've got a new unibody white macbook and the mute button is going crazy. the macbook keeps on muting and unmuting itself constantly. The screen overlay thing keeps popping up and i keep getting the "blip" like when u unmute it. i've tried restarting the macbook, resetting the pram, hasn't made a difference. It does it when i'm using it(i.e it's going nuts even as i type this) and does it when i just leave it alone on the table and don't touch it to.
    Any help would be great.

    I am having the same ongoing issue! This is such a hard problem to search for on the internet as well so I haven't been able to figure it out either. I thought it might be some kind of harddrive stuttering issue so I verified/repaired permissions and also verify/repaired disk but its still happening...anyone know where we can look into this more deeply?

  • Mute button on Pavillion dv6 stuck on red

    My mute button on my dv6 pavillion laptop is stuck.
    My p/n is N R493EA#ABU
    Im in the UK...if that makes a difference I dont know.....
    Please help!
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    I have a HP Pavilion DV6 laptop S/N CNF0220252   P/N NW973PA#ABG   Model 1130TX.  Just spent AUS$120 to ge this sorted out as nothing worked. When I toook it in to my local computer shop I informed then that he MUTE light was on RED and that I had no sound. By the  time I got it back on the Saturday afternoon and saw the problem was still there and that the font sizw as at 126 DPI, tosay I was annoyed and angry was an understatement. After a few hours I found out how to re-set the font to 96 DPI which means my desktop looks neat and tidy. However the MUTE light is still showing RED and I havent found a way to sort that problem out  .Any help would be greatly appreciated, short of taking it back to the people who were supposed to have fixed this problem and wrapping it around their heads.  At times I regret having bought a laptop as my previous desktops were never as much trouble as this laptop.
    Another problem occured late last night and tha was when the monitor screen turned itself upside down. Tried eveything I had read to get ti back to normal and nothing worked. By this time I was dead tired, annoyed and ready to throw this in the bin. I picked the laptop p by the screen and threw it on the bed. Hey presto the upside down screen suddenly reverted back to the right side up. How ever the MUTE light hasnt been solved.
    Thannks in advance

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