I have PS CS4 with ACR 5.7

Should it be possible to open Canon 5D mk111 RAW files because mine does'nt????

That camera requires at least Camera Raw 6.7, which is not compatible with your version of Photoshop.  It will be necessary for you to upgrade your Photoshop or else use the latest version of the DNG converter.

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    I have photoshop CS4 with the newest update. I'm a photographer and just purchased the new canon 7d mk II. Today, I shot some photos on raw but am unable to pull them up in photoshop. A window pops up saying "photoshop cannot recognize this type of file. The thumbnails are white with a blue and white CR2 on them. Please help.

    Adobe Camera Raw 5.7 is the latest for Photoshop CS4 Adobe - Photoshop : For Windows
    The problem is that your new camera is supported by ACR 8.7 and only Photoshop CS6 and up supports this version.
    So if you do not want to buy CS6 or subscribe to the $10/month Photography Program, you have to convert the CR2 files to DNG to work on them. Your original CR2s are untouched in the process, you just can't directly edit them in CS4, only the DNGs.
    Maybe Canon offers editing software for their CR2s, but CS4 is not going to be updated and there is no way around that.
    It's not what you want to hear, but that's the situation so far.
    Maybe Elements or Lightroom has updated raw support for your camera, so I encourage you to visit those forums and ask.

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    You need to have your computer looked at for upgrading and evaluate your third party hardware, software and files.
    To fix your issue is too complicated and lengthy to go into all of it here, it will require the services of person very familiar and experienced with Mac's to first recover your data and then restore OS X back to a functional state which may or may not require new hardware/software installed.
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    Good Luck.

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    Could be several factors at play here. This ARTICLE might give you some tips on getting your computer ready for an editing session. Note that there are some added tips on Win7, thanks to Black Viper, near the end.
    If nothing is helping, then the tips in this ARTICLE might help you find some clues amongst the breadcrumbs left behind with a hang, or crash.
    The link in this ARTICLE will give you some general troubleshooting tips.
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    Good luck,

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  • Why not use Bridge CS4 with PsCS3?

    I will post this on both the Bridge and Ps User-to-User forums as it applies to both.
    I have PsCS3 and PsCS4 installed side by side in the default folders assigned by Adobe but have shifted my Bridge CS4 Cache (containing all the thumbnails and previews) from C:Documents and Settings\etc to a subfolder within My Documents, which I had previously moved to my F: drive - my main data drive.
    I have found Bridge CS4 to be much more stable than Bridge CS3. Additionally, Bridge CS4 has certain features which make it more attractive and easier to use than Bridge CS3. I want to use Bridge CS4 in conjunction with PsCS3 until Adobe has sorted out the problems with PsCS4 - which at the moment is simply unuseable on my rather old and humble system.
    On my system, I seem to be able to use Bridge CS4 with PsCS3 without any problems detected so far. I even have things set up such that any JPEG, TIFF or PSD file double clicked within Bridge CS4 or within Windows Explorer (Win XP Pro SP3) automatically opens the file in PsCS3 and not PsCS4 (provided, of course, that PsCS4 is not itself already running). Furthermore, even with PsCS3 running beside Bridge CS4, from within Bridge CS4 I can open any RAW, JPEG or TIFF file in Camera Raw 5.1 and use its new features (Adjustment Brush, Graduated Filter, extra vignetting capabilities, etcetera) which were not available in the last release of Camera Raw (4.6 I think) associated with PsCS3. The only problem comes when trying to open edits made in Camera Raw 5.1 in PsCS3 using the "Open Image" button in ACR - it does nothing/won't work, this is, it won't open the image with the ACR adjustments in PsCS3. That's not a big deal for me - as I am currently not doing any work within ACR (any version) and if I needed to I could simply save the ACR edits and then open the files in PsCS4, save the files as PSDs and then open them in PsCS3 to finalise them there.
    Has anyone else had a similar experience, or does anyone else know of any reason(s) why I should not continue to use this workflow, at least in the short term?

    I've been away. Thanks John, Bart and Buko for your responses. Think you misunderstood my post Bart, but it does not matter now. John got the correct message. Buko: of course CS3 cannot use ACR 5.x - that was implicit in my post.

  • Is it possible to have Indesign CS4 and CS5.5 both installed on the same Mac? 10.6.8

    We have a bunch of recent Intel macs at our corporation.  Currently they should all have 10.6.8.  They were all imaged from a base image that has Adobe CS4 embedded in it. 
    We are now using a packaging software part of the JAMF Casper suite and AAMIE to push CS5.5 to the end users.
    The problem is that we want to keep CS4 on the end user's computers in case of issues.  That way the end users can try Indesign 5.5 and see if it does everything they need to do and still have Indesign for backwards compatiblity.
    So we created a CS5.5 install package using the AAMIE tool which works fine.  We then use Casper to spam the package out to a Mac.
    The issue that arises is that a few Plugin errors occur during the lauch of Indesign CS5.5 such as:
    Adobe inDesign does not recognize InCopy Bridge UI.InDesignPlugin as a valid plug-in.
    Adobe InDesign does not recognize InCopyExport.InDesignPlugin as a valid plug-in.
    Adobe InDesign does not recognize InCopyExportUI.InDesignPlugin as a valid plug-in.
    Adobe InDesign does not recognize InCopyImport.InDesignPlugin as a valid plug-in.
    There was one more plugin error that occured before the first one but I forgot to write it down.
    If we click okay to them, the application launches okay but when you quit and relaunch it, you still get one of the errors.
    Is this because both applications are installed at the same time?
    Is it offically okay as per Adobe to have Indesign CS4 and CS5.5 installed on the same Macintosh?
    What else should we be considering what to do?

    Well currently, I'm just testing this issue.  I just installed the trial version of  Adobe CS4 suite on my mac and then deployed the CS5.5 package on top off it  The resulting errors that I listed above are the same ones that occur when the end user has a licensed volume license install of CS4 and CS5.5.
    So I'm still back to square 1 where when I deploy cs5.5 on an  end user's mac, they get those plugin errors when they launch Indesign CS5.5.  
    I am not sure about the licensing restrictions, I asked my Director and he is going to check with our VAR.

  • How do i re-install my CS4, with no discs?

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    I have InDesign CS from 2003.  At some point I upgraded to Adobe CS4, but I did that online, and never had a disc.
    I had to clear my Mac, and reinstall my Mac when it crashed.  I uninstalled my Adobe CS4, and I am now realizing I don't have a way to reinstall.
    1.  My Mac won't support the install system on my old InDesign CS disc.
    2.  I don't have discs for the CS4.
    How do I get my CS4 back?

    Hi josephcarlsonjc
    Download CS4 Trial from below link : http://prodesigntools.com/download-adobe-cs4-and-cs3-free-trials-here.html
    Follow the instructions carefully to initiate your download...

  • I have Ps CS4.  I run Apple OS X 10.9.5  on a new MacPro 3GHz 8-core Intel Xeon E5 - 64 GB.    I hardly ever use CS4 ( preferring Elements for my low level needs), but I now want to use it's function for stitching together a landscape.  I fire it up and g

    I have Ps CS4.  I run Apple OS X 10.9.5  on a new MacPro 3GHz 8-core Intel Xeon E5 - 64 GB.    I hardly ever use CS4 ( preferring Elements for my low level needs), but I now want to use it's function for stitching together a landscape.  I fire it up and get Error 150:30 with the suggestion to contact you  - hence this message

    I have Ps CS4.  I run Apple OS X 10.9.5  on a new MacPro 3GHz 8-core Intel Xeon E5 - 64 GB.    I hardly ever use CS4 ( preferring Elements for my low level needs), but I now want to use it's function for stitching together a landscape.  I fire it up and get Error 150:30 with the suggestion to contact you  - hence this message

  • How to run image processor with ACR?

    I have a folder with 1000 raws.
    I just want to run image processsor to make small jpegs for the copyright office.
    Think it ACR opens each one to the ACR window and then stops.
    (I think Jeff S, explained this in a previous thread of mine I now cannot find— sorry. At that time it probably was not a critical issue and I move on. But I do gotta get these shots over to Washington DC now. thanks!)

    kevin4545 wrote:
    I have a folder with 1000 raws.
    I just want to run image processsor to make small jpegs for the copyright office.
    The interaction between Image Processor and Camera Raw depennds on your Image Processor settings...if you've laready set the image adjustments (or don't need any adjustments) simply be sure you DON'T select Open fist image to apply settings> As long as you don't select this option, IP will run through all of the raw files, process them with the image settings and save as JPEG–you'll want to select the Save as JPEG, set the quality and prolly set to Convert Profile to sRGB. If you want to minimize the final output size (suggested for several reasons) you can select the Resize to Fit option. You don't want to send high rez images to the Copyright Office...1024 x1024 is large enough...you WILL want to fille out the bottom line for Copyright Info.
    Yes, Lightroom can be used for this (easily) but so can Bridge/ACR/Image Processor.

  • I have a CS4 and would like to install Camera Raw 8.6. How do i do it?

    I have a CS4 and would like to install Camera Raw 8.6. How do i do it? The reason being in LR5 when I want to edit the images in Photoshop Layers, the message comes that I need to install Camera Raw 8.6 for compatibility.  Even
    After installing Camera Raw 8.6 I am unable to install the plugin in CS4. Please advice.

    Camera Raw 8.6 is only compatible with Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop CC. There is no way for you to install it in Photoshop CS4.  The message you are receiving means that you need Camera Raw 8.6 to have full compatibility with Lightroom 5. But in that message you are given the option to edit a copy that includes the Lightroom adjustments. That is the option that you should use. Lightroom will create a copy (PSD or TIF, depending on your choice in Lightroom preferences) and will send that copy to Photoshop CS4. Then you can use Photoshop and all of its features to continue editing your image. When you close and save the image in Photoshop, it will appear in your Lightroom folder along with the original raw file.
    Another option you could use would be to use the free Adobe DNG converter to create DNG (digital negative) copies of your raw files. Those DNG files would be compatible with the Photoshop that you have now. Your other option would be to upgrade your Photoshop.

  • I have reinstalled cs4 student edition afther a deactivation by adobe but can not veiw ORF or DNG files in bridge i am runing windows 7

    I have reinstalled cs4 student edition afther a deactivation by adobe but can not veiw ORF or DNG files in bridge i am runing windows 7

    Keep in mind that if your camera is newer than the last released version of Camera Raw (5.7) for Photoshop CS4, Adobe does provide a free solution for compatibility, as Curt has mentioned, through the use of the free DNG Converter application.
    The way that works is this:
    1.  You get your raw images from your new camera into a folder on your computer.
    2.  You run the latest DNG Converter application and choose the folder.
    3.  It converts the entire folder full of images to .DNG files.
    4.  You open a DNG file as you would an older raw file, with your old version of Photoshop.
    While the DNG Converter provides you a way to continue to use your older Photoshop software with a new camera, keep in mind that there are significant improvements in the raw converter in the latest version of Photoshop that may allow you to make better images out of your raw files if you do choose to upgrade Photoshop.

  • Setting up Dreamweaver CS4 with PHP testing server... Live View doesnt work

    Im trying to setup Dreamweaver CS4 with a php website im
    making. Ive setup the site information, and provided a testing site
    (XAMPP), and i can see the fully rendered .php pages in the Live
    View tab. However, say i change some of the text in the .php file
    (say from <p>Hello</p> to <p>Hi</p>) and
    then click in the Live View tab - the page does not update. It
    seems to do something, bit just returns the same.
    How do i set it up so, like with plain .html pages, you can
    make a change to the source code and instantly see the change in
    Live View?
    (At the moment i have to make the change to the source code,
    save it, click Live View to cancel it, and then click Live View
    Ive setup XAMPP (G:\XAMPP\)
    Ive setup vhosts in apache.
    Ive stored my websites in G:\Websites
    Ive set the testing server to G:\Websites\site, where "site"
    is setup as a vhost and correctly displays when entered into a
    Ive set the url prefix to
    Ive set local root to G:\Websites\site
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    > How do i set it up so, like with plain .html pages, you
    can make a change
    > to
    > the source code and instantly see the change in Live
    Did you try using F5 to refresh the page? If that doesn't
    work for you,
    then you'll have to drop and restart Live view. No need to
    save and reload
    the page.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Major_Disaster" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:gibqir$lgu$[email protected]..
    > Hello,
    > Im trying to setup Dreamweaver CS4 with a php website im
    making. Ive setup
    > the
    > site information, and provided a testing site (XAMPP),
    and i can see the
    > fully
    > rendered .php pages in the Live View tab. However, say i
    change some of
    > the
    > text in the .php file (say from <p>Hello</p>
    to <p>Hi</p>) and then click
    > in
    > the Live View tab - the page does not update. It seems
    to do something,
    > bit
    > just returns the same.
    > How do i set it up so, like with plain .html pages, you
    can make a change
    > to
    > the source code and instantly see the change in Live
    > (At the moment i have to make the change to the source
    code, save it,
    > click
    > Live View to cancel it, and then click Live View again).
    > Background:
    > Ive setup XAMPP (G:\XAMPP\)
    > Ive setup vhosts in apache.
    > Ive stored my websites in G:\Websites
    > Ive set the testing server to G:\Websites\site, where
    "site" is setup as a
    > vhost and correctly displays when entered into a
    > Ive set the url prefix to
    > Ive set local root to G:\Websites\site
    > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    > Cheers.

  • Test: Using Crop marks in indesign CS4 with Epson 3800 Mac 10.5.7

    Jun 19, 2009 9:35 PM
    Crop marks using indesign CS4 with Epson 3800 Mac 10.5.7
    My crop marks and pages are printing larger than my document sizes.  My paper size is 13x19, so I should have crop marks at the exact corners of the page sizes.  But indesign is printing the entire document larger.  So my document which is 11x14.75 is now printing 11.25x15.5.  All my settings are correct. So, is anyone else using an Epson 3800 with CS4 indesign having issues such as the above?  And can I ask (beg) a few of you to do a test print with crop marks and let me know the results?
    My workflow has been completely stalled because I can't get my pages to print the right sizes with the crop marks at the right measurements.  I'm printing a photo portfolio on the Lumijet double sided paper and "when" it did work awhile back sometime several months ago, the finals looked great. I've already reinstalled both the Epson 3800 driver and the Indesign CS4 software, but the results are still the same.
    So, here are my settings:
    document size: 11x14.75
    in the print panel:
    Printer: Epson 3800
    Setup: Paper size: Super A3/B13x19, scale 100% width & height, page position Centered
    Marks & Bleed: Marks: "Crop Marks" checked. offset: 0, weight: .25, Bleed and Slug: Use Document bleed settings, include slug area.  The bleed is 0 for top, bottom, left and right
    Color Management: Document profile: Adobe RGB, Options: Indesign handles colors, Printer Profile: (A custom made profile using Xrite for the 3800 with Lumijet paper)
    The settings on the Epson 3800
    Epson 3800 Printer
    Presets (set for the profile mentioned above)
    No Color management
    Sometimes, on a whim, the printer and indesign cooperate together like good little children should. But not often.  And I can not conclude why they are nice to each other sometimes, but given the same detailed data at other times, they fight.
    If anyone could run through a similar process using indesign with a photo layout and setting up the printer settings for both the Epson 3800 and in the indesign program and let me know their results, I would value your conclusions very much.  You don't even have to waste paper or ink.  Finally, after wasting so many pages of paper and of ink. I deleted the photos from the page, and printed it blank with only the crop marks for me to measure if it was coming out right or not.
    Thank you for any response.  And feel free to call me if you want to vent about Epson 3800's or about Indesign CS4 anytime! I'm up late....  646 256 8853.

    I specified the paper size as strictly 13x19, no boarderless, no retain size.  Same problem.   I also did as you suggested below.  The pdf document does remain true to the document.  As a pdf doc. I changed the color mgmt to Adobe rgb 1998.  It looks okay, but not as lively as I get when printing correctly with my color mgmt working and in sync. 
    Your final question about simply using photoshop.  Well... I might go back to it and give up on Indesign if this is the case that it won't simply crop my documents to the sizes that I input them to be cropped as.  But, I am using Indesign so that I can create a page layout that I can't do in Photoshop.  My folio is about 25 or more pages with double page spreads.  I am printing on a two-sided Lumijet paper and my folio was custom designed to be cut out at 11x14.75.  If and when it is printed correctly, I am printing on both sides of the paper and trimming it to exact size.
    It sounds as if you have exhausted the potential problems and don't have a clear explanation for why the doc isn't printing correctly in Indesign either with the color mgmt. or the document sizes.  I'll try one more print using a different color profile similar enough to get at minimum, an okay print. If it doesn't print at least okay, then it isn't most likely my profile..... Okay done.  Crazy.  The color is inaccurate, but for some reason or another, the document size printed correctly. It measured exactly 11x14.75.  What I have done during this period of time is:
    First) I did as you suggested and turned the Print to Adobe PDF 9 and created a print there. I measured it and it did measure correctly.  I didn't love the color, but... at least it is measuring correctly. 
    Second) I turned the Printer back to Epson 3800 (I'm beginning to think that this simple gesture was what caused the printer to print correctly)  I didn't change any settings, but I did make sure that they were set correctly as before. The paper size was set to 13x19.  When I make sure this setting is right in the "printer" dialogue for the Epson 3800, and then switch back to ID, the printer dialogue in Id changes to "Define by Printer."  But I changed nothing, other than the profile to an older one that I used before. The color is still inaccurate, but at least for two prints just now back to back, the measurements were correct.   What to do? Lol.
    Thanks again for all of your time spent trying to resolve this issue.

  • I have a problem with external editing preferences where Photoshop will not launch when I choose "Edit In"...

    Hi. I have a problem with external editing preferences. If I add Photoshop as an external editor, it won't launch when selected, if I add it as an additional external editor it will. Why? How can I fix this as I need to use Photoshop and another program as the additional external editor.
    I use a Mac running OS X (10.8.5) and PS CS4 and LR 5.7. Any ideas on a fix? Thanks in advance.

    I don't know why Photoshop won't start. However, it's possible to create external editor presets using the additional external editor tools. There are instructions on how to do this in the Lightroom help. You could assign Photoshop and create one preset, and then assign another program and create another preset.
    I don't know if deleting your preferences would fix the problem or not. It can sometimes fix other problems.
    Preference and other file locations in Lightroom 5

Maybe you are looking for