I have water damage, only issue is i can't swipe to open.

last night i dropped my phone in a tub of water. not the smartest thing i've ever done. i quickly put it into a bag of rice, it was still on and still funcionning. i was still getting notifications and texts, my sound still works when alarms play. There is damage to th escreen itself with water inside of it. I dont think my wifi is working for my phone though. It also says my earphones are still plugged in, which they aren't! Is it possible to get something inside replaced or do something that can fix my phone??

You should have immediately turned it off. By leaving it on, you probably fried the electronics inside. It's doubtful that anything can be done now. Take it to a Genius Bar (make an appointment first) to get an out of warranty replacement for around $269 (I believe) or maybe get your upgrade with your carrier.

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    I don't know if this is what your looking for but here you go.
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    Message was edited by: Apple Head Kid

    Well I have a short story to tell. I had the exact problem with my 3G. I tried to download the latest 3.0 update and it did the Sync just fine but when it went to download the update the phone froze up and also locked up the computer. We tried to RESTORE the phone but all I ever got was a USB indicator and an iTunes logo on the screen. Finally I called Apple Support and they said to send in the phone or take it to an Apple Store to get it Restored. I choose to take it 40 miles to the Store and immediately they got out their little magnifier and looked in the ports and told me that the phone had been dropped in water---This phone has never been wet ! ---We asked for the manager and he had the same lame story that we had ruined the phone by getting it wet and the phone needed replaced but not under warranty as the warranty did not cover water damage. When I informed him that it was not water damaged and the problem occurred during a program update he basically called me a lier and said everybody tells them the same story. I asked the manager to at least try to reset the phone as I felt there was no water damage and he refused as he said it would ruin their computer. We called Apple support again and spent 2 hours on the phone as she had me remove and re-install iTunes and other settings to no avail and she told me to take the phone to an Apple store. A couple days later my girlfriend took the phone to an Apple store and sweet talked the Genius into RESTORING the phone without looking at the moisture indicators [both were pink] The phone restored perfectly and she was out the door in 15 minutes with a perfect working phone. We now are on record that we have an operational phone regardless of what color the moisture indicators are. This phone was a replacement for the original new one as it crapped out early after purchase and it probably had pink indicators when we got it. This is a great marketing scheme on Apples part to get current customers to purchase new phones and then use these same [faulty]phones for replacements for under warranty phones. This issue is rampid on the web it would behoove Apple to change their policy. At least they should install the indicators in a place that a sweat droplet will not trigger the indicators like other phones where they are in the battery compartment. I wasted way too much time on this issue and have placed an edict at my company not to purchase iphones anymore. i love the phone but do not have to live with Apples policy.

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    "only about 3/2.5 inches was with water of this corner.?
    How much is that in plain speak?
    Spill Cleaning
    And, don't think that just because it was two teaspoons and not a glassful that there is a difference.
    Some liquid has just spilled into your Mac. What should you do?
    Immediately shut down the computer and unplug the power cord.
    Remove the computer's battery (if you can)
    Disconnect any peripherals (printers, iPods, scanners, cameras, etc.)
    Lay the computer upside down on paper towels to get as much liquid as possible to drip out.
    Note what was spilled on your Mac.
    Bring the computer into an Apple store or AASP as soon as possible.
    Don't try to turn it back on. Liquids can help electrical current move about the components of your Mac in destructive ways.
    Don't shake the computer (this will only spread the liquid around).
    Don't use a hair dryer on it (even at a low setting a hair dryer will damage sensitive components).
    Do not put in a bag of rice in as much as rice will get into the ports and optical drive and do further damage.

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    My understanding is that the Apple care for Mac is a 36 months care plan which covers internal manufactured service parts i.e. Failed logic board burst LCD screen or damaged battery .
    Water/liquid damage falls under accidental damage so in this case your mac would not be covered.
    Most Macs have a metal plate underneath the keyboard to stop water filtering through to the Logic board which are neck bracingly expensive to replace.
    My advice would be to take your mac into an apple store so the technicians can identify what the liquid damage has effected from which they will be able to give you a quote as to how much its going to cost fix the issue or replace the part.

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