I must be stupid (Graphical Applications)

Ok, like my subject says, "I must be stupid." I am fairly new at Java,
about 1 year to be approximate, but I have never done any type of
graphical application. I have done a few graphical applets, but I seem
to be having a lot of trouble with this. Here is what I want, I want
a window (frame) to open which has a menu bar at the top. The problem I
seem to have with this should be a simple answer. I want the color of
the menu bar to be the same color as all other menu bars that the user
uses (i.e. Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator). I am not sure if
this is possible without making my own menu. If I have to, I will
probably do this. Next, I want to have some buttons and text boxes down
the left side of the window and a canvas to the right. Everything done,
it should look something like this:
Simple3D - # x|
File Edit Help|
| |
Buttons| __________________________________ |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
Textbox| | Canvas to draw on | |
| | | |
buttons| | | |
| |_________________________________| |
| |
| |
| |
Okay now. Here seems to be the problem. I do not know how to draw to
the canvas. If I can be told how to draw to the canvas, or even make
my class extend canvas and use the class instead of a real canvas, I
am pretty sure that I can get the rest. I would like to keep this as
object oriented as possible because this is one of my first real
programs that will be object oriented. If anyone can please help me
out, I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks ahead.

Ok, like my subject says, "I must be stupid." I am fairly new at Java,
about 1 year to be approximate, but I have never done any type of
graphical application. I have done a few graphical applets, but I seem
to be having a lot of trouble with this. Here is what I want, I want
a window (frame) to open which has a menu bar at the top. The problem I
seem to have with this should be a simple answer. I want the color of
the menu bar to be the same color as all other menu bars that the user
uses (i.e. Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator). I am not sure if
this is possible without making my own menu. If I have to, I will
probably do this. Next, I want to have some buttons and text boxes down
the left side of the window and a canvas to the right. Everything done,
it should look something like this:
Simple3D***********************************************- # x|
File Edit***********************************************Help|
Textbox|***********|******Canvas to draw on**********|******|
Okay now. Here seems to be the problem. I do not know how to draw to
the canvas. If I can be told how to draw to the canvas, or even make
my class extend canvas and use the class instead of a real canvas, I
am pretty sure that I can get the rest. I would like to keep this as
object oriented as possible because this is one of my first real
programs that will be object oriented. If anyone can please help me
out, I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks ahead.
P.S. I forgot that this forum deletes the white space.
Try to imagine the asterics as the background color or something.

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    Hi graysky,
    graysky wrote:Haven't used lightdm in a long time... does it have a PostLogout function similar to lxdm?
    it does have something alike:
    # session-cleanup-script = Script to run when quitting a user session (runs as root)
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    Kind regards,

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    I dont know general classes for that, sure you will spend more time trying to find it, that writing it. Maybe this could be an example:
    public class Class
    /** Here you variables */
    int op = 0;
    int op1= 0;
    public static void main (String args[])
    while( op!=N)
         op = Console.readInt( " Seleccion: " );
         switch( op )
         case 1:
         /** some method */          
         case 2:
         /** some method */
         case N:
         op1 = 0;
         while( op1 != M )
              op1 = Console.readInt( " Seleccion: " );
              switch( op1 )
              case 1:
              /* some method */
              case 2:
              /* some method */          
              public static void menu1()
              System.out.println(" Flechado de Villa Euler " );
              System.out.println(" 1. Cargar Grafo");
              System.out.println(" 2. Mostrar Grafo");
              System.out.println(" 3. Mostrar Alcances " );
              System.out.println(" 4. Imprimir Conjunto de Nodos y Lados " );
              System.out.println(" 5. Recorridos " );
              System.out.println(" 6. Salir " );
              public static void menu2()
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              System.out.println(" 1. Circuito Euleriano");
              System.out.println(" 2. DFS ");
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              System.out.println(" 5. BFS con costos " );
              System.out.println(" 6. Dijkstra Secuencial " );
              System.out.println(" 7. Dijkstra HEAP " );
              System.out.println(" 8. A* (opcion a)" );
              System.out.println(" 9. A* (opcion b) ");
              System.out.println(" 10. Volver al menu principal");
    /** the implemention of your methods ... or whatever*/
    Regards, JTWN

  • [SOLVED]Unable to run Graphical applications as root/sudo

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    No protocol specified
    amdcccle: cannot connect to X server :0
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    DISPLAY=:0.0 xhost +
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    sudo amdcccle
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    Last edited by relik (2011-07-03 20:21:52)

    I took your advice about installking something like gksudo, and rememberd that on my kubuntu install I had something called kdesu. So Since im running KDE and not Gnome, I did some searching and found out how to install kdesudo using the AUR.
    Just followed the install guide here for Yaourt ---> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Yaourt
    Once I did that i just ran
    yaourt kdesudo
    selcted #1 and installed.
    Now when I need to run a GUI based app as root I type in
    kdesu <NAME OF APP>
    So to solve my original issue I just run
    kdesu amdcccle
    instead of
    sudo amdcccle
    This seems to work for any app that needs to be ran a root with a GUI.
    Also if your like me and you want to beable to just open CCC from your kickoff menu then do the following;
    1. Right click kickoff > edit applications
    2. Go to "Settings" > ATI Catalyst Control Center
    3. In the Command Field add "kdesu" without quotes to the begining of the line so it looks like this
    kdesu amdcccle
    4. Save
    Last edited by relik (2011-07-03 20:22:55)

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    <Edited by Host>

    Thanks for taking the time to reply. You do make a valid point but I feel it does not apply in my case:
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    Verify/repair the startup disk (not just permissions), as described here:
    The Repair functions of Disk Utility: what's it all about?
    Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Network, choose Network Port Configurations from the Show popup menu, and make sure that the configuration used to connect to Internet appears at the top of the list. Leave checked (enabled) only the port configuration needed to connect to Internet and Built-in Ethernet (in that order if not the same), uncheck (disable) the rest of network port configurations, and see whether that helps — if it doesn’t, turn ON again the ones you want enabled.
    Do you have any Mail plug-ins? In the Finder, go to each of the following folders (if they exist). What do you see there?
    To make accurately reporting this information easier, you may open /Applications/Utilities/Terminal, type the following command (you can just copy it here and paste it in Terminal), and press <Return>. You can then copy the output of that command from Terminal and paste it in your reply to this post:
    ls -1 /Library/InputManagers /Library/Mail/Bundles ~/Library/InputManagers ~/Library/Mail/Bundles
    Note: For those not familiarized with the ~/ notation, it refers to the user’s home folder. You can easily locate any of the folders referred to in this post by copying the folder path here, doing Go > Go to Folder in the Finder, and pasting the folder path there.

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       Thanks a lot !                 

    It is not mandatory to install provisioning application. You can use the other application without provisioning application on UCS box.
    Ronak Patel
    Rate all helpful post by clicking stars below the answer.

  • I Must Be Stupid (Ken Burns Effect)

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    Using the Ken Burns effect on a photo which lets say is a full frontal picture of someone standing it zooms in on the mid-section and head is gone. What I want to do is start the effect on the head and zoom out to a full body shot. I say I am stupid because I have read and re-read the help for this topic and I just don't get it having tried anything. Any help in accomplishing this step by step would be apreciated and a place in heaven will be awaiting you. LOL. Kevin

    With the KB effect turned on for that photo, set the KB "lever" to start and zoom and adjust the photo to get what you want for the start. Then click the lever to end and reset the photo with the zoom and sliders. That should do it.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.

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    Thanks a lot for your swift response. And sorry if it was a bit too hectic to go through my detailed query (which I did because it was misunderstood when I asked previously). As I've mentioned above, I was informed that updating to 5.0.1 would '''require''' me to '''delete''' the current version and then install the new one. And doing so will involve losing all my bookmarks. I guess I should have been more specific and detailed there. By losing, I didn't mean losing them forever. I'm aware that they're secured in some place and deleting and installing the software doesn't harm its existence. What I meant that if I install the new version, I'd have to delete the old one. And after installing the new version, I'd have to transfer them (bookmarks) back from wherever they are. Get it? When it updated from 3.6.9 to 3.6.13, and from 3.6.13 to 3.6.18, I didn't need to follow that process. They were already present on their own.
    BTW, I'm having no problems with 3.6.18 but after learning about the existence of version 5.0.1, I'm a bit too eager to lay my hands over it.
    Thanks for your help; hope this wasn't extremely long.

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    What am I missing?

    Ah! Okay. The Touch must have been recently synched to show the Playlists. That's very different to regular iPods I have owned when the playlist list is always available.
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  • My Intel Imac is experiencing crashes with some graphical application like wow or safari and the screen appear frozen and I hear some sound continuously some way to check what it's wrong pls

    Hardware Overview:
      Model Name:          iMac
      Model Identifier:          iMac12,2
      Processor Name:          Intel Core i5
      Processor Speed:          3.1 GHz
      Number of Processors:          1
      Total Number of Cores:          4
      L2 Cache (per Core):          256 KB
      L3 Cache:          6 MB
      Memory:          4 GB
      Boot ROM Version:          IM121.0047.B1F
      SMC Version (system):          1.72f2
    AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MB graphics
      Type:          GPU
      Bus:          PCIe
      PCIe Lane Width:          x16
      VRAM (Total):          1024 MB
      Vendor:          ATI (0x1002)
      Device ID:          0x6720
      Revision ID:          0x0000
      ROM Revision:          113-C2960H-188
      EFI Driver Version:          01.00.544
      Resolution:          2560 x 1440
      Pixel Depth:          32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
      Main Display:          Yes
      Mirror:          Off
      Online:          Yes
      Built-In:          Yes
      Connection Type:          DisplayPort

    Think its happening to me too!
    Is this the same that happens to your iMac?

  • Graphical application for an APC uninterruptible power supply (UPS)?

    I have a APC UPS (uninterruptible power supply) and I'm looking for an application that shows me more than just some percentages of the capacity of the battery. I know that and some settings can be done by the energy saving settings.
    But the Parachute application for windows, shows you the present load of the UPS so you can see if it is possible to power additional devices with it.
    It also shows you some more in detail information.
    So I was thinking of a tool like "APC Tracker" from Equinux.com, but 112$ is more than I paid for the UPS! So that is a no go. And now I was wondering if some of you might know an alternative?
    I know that there is a packet called NUT for MacPorts and also APCUSPd. But from what I've read. Both will interfere with Apples Energy Saving settings.
    cu AssetBurned

    Craig Baron wrote:
    Agreed, but I don't see how to do that in conjunction with the automatic shutdown capability of the UPS. I doubt the current OS is capable of responding to a usb signal by waking up then shutting down. It seems unlikely that apple or the UPS vendors would anticipate that someone would want this feature.
    On the contrary, that's exactly what people want, and Apple and at least some of the vendors do just that.
    The U.P.S. doesn't actually do the shutdown, of course, OSX does, and you're talking about two different things anyway.
    A good U.P.S. sends more than one signal. It sends frequent updates of the power level of the batteries, and notifies OSX when it's on battery power.
    OSX wakes a sleeping Mac up immediately when the utility power fails, so it can send a message.
    The automatic shut down is scheduled, via System Preferences, by your choice of time on battery power, estimated time left on the battery, and/or remaining battery power level (percent).
    APC's +Power Chute+ software, which I used with Panther, worked similarly, and I'd expect other decent 3rd-party U.P.S. software to have similar capabilities.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    ........ my system does not meet the requirements.......
    Just tick the box that says it does.

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