I sent in my broken iPod to repair and they said no trouble found.

What do I do? Because I just got it back today and it's definitely still broken. It's skipping, freezes up, theres the connected icon in the green battery even when it's not connected, can't turn it off.. Not working at all.
It worked fine for about 30 minutes then it started going batty and not working. Maybe the person who was going to fix it played it for a little while and it worked fine so he thought nothing was wrong..
what do you think I should do? should I send it in again??
Dell Dimension 4500 Windows XP

You need to do a format to sovle your iPod's skipping problem.
For Window computer
Go to folder “My Computer”
Hope you can see your iPod there and right click on the iPod
Choose “Format”. Ensure the settings are at “Default” and that “Quick Format” is not checked
Now select “Format”
Eject your iPod and do a Reset
Open the iPod Updater and click “Restore”
In case you do not manage to do a “Format” on a window computer, try to use some 3rd party disk utility software, e.g.“HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool”.

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