I think i have virus

I need some help about how to fix my Mac, because I think I have a virus. Actually I'm using Avast! program, but I don't know if its ok.

Uninstall Avast. Use its uninstaller. Do not use anything else to uninstall it.
Describe the problem you are experiencing, not its assumed cause.
When describing a problem with your Mac, please include as much detail as you are able. EtreCheck will provide a concise summary of your system's configuration. Read about it here: Using EtreCheck

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    We can't help you with virus problems on your laptop. If you need help, I highly recommend www.bleepingcomputer.com
    Go to the Forums, and look for the "Am I Infected" forum.
    A volunteer will be glad to assist you at no cost, provided you follow instructions and don't walk out until the troubleshooting is completed.
    Let us know how it goes.

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    Please review the options below to determine which method is best to remove the Adware installed on your computer.
    The Easy, safe, effective method:
    If you are comfortable doing manual file removals use the somewhat more difficult method:
    Also read the articles below to be more prepared for the next time there is an issue on your computer.

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    This isn't due to malware. There is no known malware capable of infecting an iPad that has not been jailbroken (ie, hacked to allow apps from outside the App Store).
    As lizdance40 says, your Hotmail account has been hacked remotely. Change the password immediately. Hotmail accounts are popular targets, but as long as you choose a good password, and make sure that password is not the same as a password you use with any other account, you should be safe.
    I disagree with lizdance40's statement that you have to abandon the account and create a new e-mail address. If a hacker is able to get back in even after changing the password, the problem is not with the account itself. There's another vulnerability of some kind somewhere. Perhaps the account allows hackers to leave a "back door" to get back in (such as with GMail's delegation feature), in which case any such feature needs to be reviewed and have settings changed. Perhaps you are checking mail in an insecure manner while on an insecure network (ie, a wireless network that requires no password). Perhaps you are using a password on multiple accounts, and a different account has been compromised. Perhaps a hacker has used knowledge gained by prior access to your account to achieve "social hacking" (ie, convincing a tech to give him access because he has "forgotten the password"). There are many scenarios, but there's no good reason to abandon the account entirely.

  • What can I do if I think I have a virus?

    QuestionWhat can I do if I think I have a virus?
    AnswerSkip this and contact a professional
    If you'd like to skip this guide and contact a professional, CLICK HERE.
    There are a few steps you can take if you think you have a virus.
    Use anti-virus software
    One of the first things you should do is scan your computer with anti-virus software. Many Toshiba computers come with software for this purpose. You may choose to use an alternative, but you should only have one anti-virus program installed at a time.
    Run your anti-virus program and ensure it's fully updated. Once it's updated, preform a full scan of your computer.
    Disconnect accessories
    If that doesn't help, you should disconnect any accessories connected to your computer. It's possible that the symptoms that you think are due to a virus could be due to an accessory.
    Uninstall new software
    An error with a new program might be causing problems that you think are being caused by a virus. To check this, uninstall any new programs that you installed near the time your computer's symptoms first appeared.
    Perform system restore
    If none of the previous suggestions helped, you might consider performing a system restore. This will return your computer's system files to a previous state. System settings will revert, and programs installed since the restore point was created might need to be reinstalled. Your documents shouldn't be changed.
    For more information on performing a system restore, see one of the following articles:
    How To: Understanding System Restore, Refresh, Reset, and, Recovery options in Windows 8 + Video
    How To: Perform a system restore in Windows 7
    Contact a professional or perform a system reset
    Lastly, you might want to return your computer to factory default conditions. This is sometimes called a system reset or a system recovery. Note that this will remove all of your software and data that you added including applications, documents, photos, etc.
    If you don't want to reset your computer and you'd like to contact a professional, CLICK HERE.
    If you do want to proceed with a system reset, the system reset will remove the virus. For more information, see the following article:
    How To: Understanding System Restore, Refresh, Reset, and, Recovery options in Windows 8 + Video

    Some processes are critical, but many can be interrupted without any problem.
    You can monitor your ongoing processes by going to Applications/Utiltities/Activity Monitor; pay particular attention to Disk Activity and Network. To interrupt a process, highlight the process, and tap "Quit Processes." This will interrupt or stop the runaway process.

  • I think I have a keylogger virus of some sort

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    Any ideas on how to scan for it or get rid of it???

    Malware should not be your first thought here. There's almost certainly some other explanation. However, if you want to set your mind at ease, get Sophos and do a scan with that. And take a look at my Mac Malware Guide.
    As to what the problem is, most likely the card number was stolen some time previously, and the fact that it was used the day after a particular purchase is likely to be nothing more than coincidence. There are many opportunities for credit card numbers to be stolen, and at this point it may be impossible for you to ever learn how it was stolen. Just cancel the card and have a new one issued.

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    Let me guess, one or more of your friends has asked you why you're sending them solicitations for phony pharmaceuticals or shady software?
    These emails did not originate from your MacBook. What happens is that one or more of your friends has a Windows computer with your email address stored in its Address Book (or whatever Windows calls it). Their computer gets infected with a program that examines email addresses stored on it and used yours as the "return address" on the spam it's spewing forth, to disguise the actual source.
    At present, there are no such known programs that run on Macs. Therefore, there is nothing to remove on your MacBook. All you're guily of is sending an email to someone with a Windows computer, who is lacking the anti-malware utilities that are a practical requirement for Windows.
    Summary: There's nothing you can do.
    Lesson: Friends don't let friends run Windows.

  • I think I have a virus/spyware/adware???

    Last week while I was on www.google.com searching images, my Safari download manager popped up and began downloading "soft_58s7.exe". I immediately deleted it and assumed that I had clicked on an image that took me to a link that gave me a virus. I continued on using google, and when searching something completely different the download occurred again, and again. Each time I deleted the file from my computer by locating it in Finder and dragging it to the trash.
    However, not I get random pop-ups everyone once in awhile while using sites that I know do not have pop-ups (Google search, aol.com, facebook). So I think I have a virus.
    I also tried to download ProtectMac Antivirus, but it tells me that it cannot be downloaded because there is another antivirus software on my computer that it is not compatible with. I checked my applications and there was an app called "VirusProtect", which I drug to the trash as well. However I still received this message that ProtectMac could not be installed because of another antivirus application. I believe that I either did not uninstall VirusProtect correctly, which I need help doing because the icon is no longer there, or this is also an effect of the virus.
    Please help!!
    Im on a MacBook, running OS X 10 .5.8
    Thank you!
    I think this is also an effect of the virus because I have no virus protection on my com

    .exe files are Windows executables that do not run on Macs, and simply downloading one will not give you a virus. Random pop-ups in your browser may occur but as long as you dismiss them there should nothing of concern.
    You cannot delete virus protection software by dragging it to the Trash. You must use the appropriate uninstaller that is included with the software.
    Also see:
    Do You Need Anti-Virus Protection for Your Mac?
    According to Rich Mogull's article, Should Mac Users Run Antivirus Software?,
    "The reality is that today the Mac platform is relatively safe. There are hundreds of thousands of viruses and other malicious software programs floating around for Windows, but less than 200 are known to target the Mac, and many of those are aimed at versions of the Mac OS prior to Mac OS X (and thus have no effect on a modern Mac).
    It's not that Mac OS X is inherently more secure against viruses than current versions of Windows (although it was clearly more secure than Windows prior to XP SP2); the numerous vulnerabilities reported and patched in recent years are just as exploitable as their Windows equivalents. But most security experts agree that malicious software these days is driven by financial incentives, and it's far more profitable to target the most dominant platform."
    Mr. Mogull is a computer security expert. I recommend reading the entire article as it is quite informative.
    For additional information on viruses, trojans, and spyware visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQs on viruses and spyware.

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    Please post a screenshot that shows what you mean. Be careful not to include any private information.
    Start a reply to this message. Click the camera icon in the toolbar of the editing window and select the image file to upload it. You can also include text in the reply.

  • I can't open or receive hotmail emails on my macbrook pro, but it works on other devices. i changed my password, emptied the cache, tried using a different browser, etc. i think i have a virus. help!

    I can't open or receive hotmail emails on my macbrook pro, but i can on other devices. i changed my password, emptied the cache, tried using a different browser, etc. i think i have a virus. help!

    Thanks for your help. that's not working either! ugh!!
    I can open hotmail, but it's not formatting right, i can't open emails, nor send them.
    Thank you so much for trying to help. I really appreciate it.
    I understand that you can't get a virus by opening an email, but it seems way too circumstancial! This is my third mac -- because unlike PC -- I never had a problem. I understand this problem is not with my macbook, because every other website works fine -- it's hotmail!

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    i think i have a virus on my Macbook Pro, OS X Yosemite, how do i wipe my computer clean without erasing photos and music etc?

    The update alerts are fake, and are intended to dupe you into installing malware or disclosing private information so that your identity can be stolen.
    You might get the alerts when visiting a website that has been hacked. Don't visit the site again. If applicable, notify the site administrator of the problem, but don't send email to an unknown party.
    If you get the alerts when visiting more than one well-known website, such as Google, YouTube, or Facebook, then they may be the result of an attack on your router that has caused you to get false results from looking up the addresses of Internet servers. Requests sent to those sites are redirected to a server controlled by the attacker. It's possible, but less likely, that the DNS server used by your ISP has been attacked.
    Back up all data.
    Unlock the Network preference pane, if necessary, by clicking the lock icon in the lower left corner and entering your password. Cllck Advanced, open the DNS tab, and change the server addresses to the following:
    That's Google DNS. Click OK, then Apply.
    In Safari, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data
    and confirm. If you’re using another browser, empty the cache. Test. If the fake update alerts stop, see below. Otherwise, ask for instructions.
    The router's documentation should tell you how to reset it to the factory default state. Usually there's a pinhole switch somewhere in the back. It may be labeled "RESET." Insert the end of a straightened paper clip or a similar tool and press the button inside for perhaps 15 seconds, or as long as the instructions specify.
    After resetting the router, quit the web browser and relaunch it while holding down the shift key. From the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Privacy ▹ Remove All Website Data
    and confirm. Do the equivalent if you use another browser. Open the Downloads folder and delete anything you don't recognize.
    Then go through the router's initial setup procedure. I can't be specific, because it's different for every model. The key points are these:
    1. Don't allow the router to be administered from the WAN (Internet) port, if it has that option. Most do.
    2. Set a strong password to protect the router's settings: at least ten random upper- and lower-case letters and digits. Don't use the default password or any other that could be guessed. Save the password in your keychain. Any password that you can remember is weak.
    3. If the router is wireless, or if you have a wireless access point on the network, use "WPA 2 Personal" security and set a different strong password to protect the network. If the router or access point doesn't support WPA 2, it's obsolete and must be replaced.
    During the time the router was compromised, you were redirected to bogus websites. If you ever connected to a secure site and got a warning from your browser that the identity of the server could not be verified, and you dismissed that warning in order to log in, assume that your credentials for the site have been stolen and that the attacker has control of the account. This warning also applies to all websites on which you saw the fake update alerts.
    Check the router manufacturer's website for a firmware update.
    If you downloaded and installed what you thought was a software update, ask for instructions.

  • Is there a fix for a virus I think I have on my SOX 10.7.3 system.  Has to do with email everyone on my list received about a week ago and I didn't send anything

    Is there a fix for a virus I think I have on my system  Has to do with email people received.  I didn't send it and some of them couldn't open it.  Is this a trojan virus and how do I fix it

    Generally that either means someone hacked your email account and sent the emails from your account, or one of your Windows using friends has a virus. You can check to see if your account was hacked by looking at your sent items folder. If it was sent from your account, it would be in the sent items folder. If it was accessable from the Web, check whatever webmail interface you have.
    The more common opition is that it is a virus on one of your friend's Windows computer that uses his email contact list to spoof the return address of the spam it sends out. The email is sent from somewhere else, but uses your email address as the return address.

  • HT4061 I think I have a virus, yesterday I opened this message from verizon about me owning 1,000 to them. and today I have 8 messages from someone on my ipad. how can I tell or fix my ipad of this virus?

    I think I have a virus, yesterday I got an email from Verizon that I own $1000 and I tried to open it and now I have 8 emails from the same sender. DO I have a virus and what should I do to clean my ipad?

    Chances are your iPad is fine. when you clicked on that e-mail, you confirmed to them 'hey, real person' so now Mr Spammer is working towards his 'make money from home' quota of spam by sending you multiple e-mails. You can block him - I'm not sure what e-mail client you're using so no idea for exact instructions, but you'll probably need to do this on a computer not via the iPad) and you could report him....wouldn't hold my breath that the report will actually accomplish anything beyond the person being blocked.
    The iPad's operating system is different from the OS of a PC or Mac. Viruses written for one can't run on the others. (and iPads dont' get viruses in the strictest definition of the term, malicious programs that propogate themselves across the operating system)
    The down side, even if you block this person, they know your address is a 'live' one so you'll need to be alert and aware because I'm sure more spam and phising mails are on their way.
    If you did enter ANY info, make calls and start changing passwords ASAP.

  • I think I have a virus - hard disk full and administrator rights gone

    I think I have a virus - my hard disk is full allthough I only have about 20G of 60 used. I cant install a virus checker as I have lost my administrator rights (when I check in accounts, I am just a "standard" user. This means I cannot install any software as it will not let me run the installer program - says incorrect username / password

    You may have a corrupted disk but you do not have a virus. Boot using your original system installation DVD and run Disk Utility. Repair the disk.
    If you have no Administrator accounts at all, follow this procedure to create a new, temporary Administrator account from which you can fix your normal one.
    Power on or restart your Mac.
    At the chime or grey screen, hold ⌘ and S on your keyboard to enter single-user mode.
    At the prompt, type
    fsck -fy
    and press Return.
    This is a simple check for file system integrity and is optional. It will take a moment or two to complete. Wait for it to finish before proceeding.
    Type the following exactly as written, one line at a time, each line followed by the return key. There is a single space preceding the first "slash" ( / ) character in each line:
    mount -uw /
    rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
    shutdown -h now
    When you restart the machine, it will take you through the entire setup and registration process all over again. When you do so, create a brand new account with Admin privileges. Give it a simple and disposable name since you will delete it later. Do not choose the option to transfer or migrate information to the Mac.
    When it completes, log in under that new account, change your previous account back to Admin, and log out.
    Log in using your old account, which will now have its Admin privileges restored. Delete the throwaway account you just created.

  • Pls help my time capsule (4th gen) lost it files..I think it have a virus pls help me to fix it tnx..

    Pls help my time capsule (4th gen) lost it files..I think it have a virus pls help me to fix it tnx..

    1. Ethernet .. are you using ethernet?
    2. Change the name of the TC to short, no spaces and pure alphanumeric.
    3. In the file sharing page change the workgroup to WORKGROUP.
    4. In the same area, change the guest access to on read and write.
    5. If you setup homegroup on the PC get rid of it.. TC is not compatible with homegroup.
    6. Turn off ipv6 in the network settings for ethernet. (since you are going to be using ethernet).
    From Mac version utility it looks like this.
    Go to the admin tools and ensure that bonjour for windows is on.
    Manually type the IP directly into windows explorer.. do not open via MyComputer.
    Because the error message is important.

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