Ichat not conecting to aim

I have not been on my computer in about a month and when i went to sign back into my aim screen name on ichat it says "Could not connect to AIM (...my screenname...) The connection could not be completed because it timed out. Try again." and ive tried many times. Also im currenty on the internet. PLease help me! Thank you.

The setting in System Preferences > Secruity > Firewall is On or Off.
If ON then you need to go to the Advanced Button and in there, Enable Allow Signed apps and Add iChat to the list
8:34 PM Monday; June 28, 2010
Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

Similar Messages

  • IChat AV conecting to aim video

    I have no problem text chatting with people using aim, however I absolutely cannot connect via iChat av with them. No video.
    So um, can I get some quick and easy advice for this? So far I've read some long and drawn out guides to connecting it, but none have connected. Has Apple released some real advice or fixes for this? Are there any?

    Search for kichat (all the FAQs on iChat.
    Learning Center
    11:25 PM Monday; December 4, 2006

  • Ichat Not connecting to AIM.

    Im having a problem with Ichat. Since this afternoon, I have been unable to connect to my AIM account on Ichat. It was working fine, I put an away message on and left my computer for a few hours. It was open and it went into sleep mode. When I came back, It stopped working. I tried restarting the computer, modem, wireless, everything. Nothing seems to work. And then the Ichat almost like spasms and signs on and off like 5 times until I get an error message telling me I've tried to log on too many times. All the other internet programs work but Ichat. So now I've been forced to use the actual AIM program, which everyone knows that the program is WAY outdated and extremely buggy. Can someone PLEASE tell me what is wrong. I have a Macbook Pro with Leopard.
    Thank You,

    Nope it is a combo of things.
    Leopard and the rush from new or retrying Mac users.
    GoogleTalk has added AIM protocols (Goodness only know how many people that has added)
    At this time of year AIM clear out unused Screen names to allow them to be reused.
    This often causes synch problems with the AIM Servers as some people will still list those Buddies in their Buddy list.
    10:00 PM Thursday; December 6, 2007

  • IChat not connecting to AIM account

    I can seldomly ever connect to AIM on my iChat app.
    Im using te standard AIM 4.7 from AOL.com, but iChat cant connect.

    Apart from Rj's advice.... Do you use the same AIM screen on both apps ?
    Have you set the Multiple Logins option in iChat > Preferences > Accounts section
    Select the AIM account in question and then the Account info tab. This has a check box at the top of the pane to Enable Mulitple Logins.
    You have to be logged out of AIM first (all apps)
    11:28 AM Tuesday; May 23, 2006

  • IChat not connecting to AIM server

    for the last 2 days when i open iChat it signs on for 2 seconds, then immediately signs off and says "Lost Connection with AIM"
    I've never had this problem before and everything had been working fine. why is this happening and how do i fix it?

    Have you tried logging on to AIM on port 443 rather than port 5190
    Go to IChat > Preferences > Accounts.
    Log out of AIM and then use the Server Settings tab
    Set the port to 443.
    Log back in again.

  • Aim ichat not connecting

    When I attempt to connect to my aim account a message box comes up that it cannot connect to this screen because something is incorrect. This also occurs when I try to log into aim express through the aol website (I know this isn't specifically an ichat problem, but maybe someone here can help). I know my account works because I can check my email, but it does not work for aim. Other family members using their own screennames (on the same account) work fine for aim, but mine doesn't. Can anyone help? Please?
    (if not, can someone post a link to the support page on aol - i can't find/access it, and when I call tech support, they won't help because I recently stopped paying for the account (which is free).

    Do you mean you use AOL as your ISP and their package to access the Net ?
    Have you turned On the IM part ?
    If you had such an account and told them that you were no longer going to use it they will have cancelled the Screen name.
    Use the FAQ t find out http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=121885&tstart=50
    5:15 PM Saturday; May 24, 2008

  • IChat AV 3 inviting AIM chat with PC

    We can receive chat invitations from AIM on a PC and it works fine. However, when we try to initiate the video chat, we get a message that the other computer has "cancelled" our invitation.
    I reviewed some postings by other people, and ran across the following:
    "Can not initiate video conference with AIM: If you cannot initiate a video conference with an AIM user yet they can initiate one with you look at their buddy name. Does it have a space or an uppercase character? There's the problem. If you have iChat 3.1.0 the solution is to update iChat. (Click Software Update... in the Apple menu) Versions higher than 3.1.1 specifically allowed iChat to initiate a video conference with an AOL Messenger (AIM) for Windows user whose name include spaces or uppercase characters."
    The above scenario describes our problem perfectly, except that when I checked which version of iChat we have, I saw that we are running version 3.1.5.
    Any suggestions out there?
    PowerMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  
    PowerMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Hi dmark,
    Welcome to the Apple Discussions
    Essentially if they can call out but you can not call in they have not enabled the AIM application through the XP firewall
    The Display name that a AIM Buddy can send you from the AIM server is not the same as their screen name. If they have emailed you with the display name then enter it with no spaces and no capital letters. You can alter it in the Get Info card of that Buddy.
    9:44 PM Sunday; July 16, 2006

  • Could not connect to AIM

    Hi everybody,
    I have been having a problem connecting to the AIM server for iChatAV for the past few days, and have read through the various discussion forums but I still cannot solve the problem. The full error is "Could not connect to AIM: The connection to the host was unexpectedly lost."
    I have tried to change the firewall settings on the Netgear router, I have tried to connect directly using the Motorola modem, still nothing.
    I also have my laptop with ichat installed which worked a couple of weeks back...this also fails, so this leads me to believe that it may be a network configuration problem that I have. The ISP assures me that this is not the case, and the Apple helpdesk are also stumped. Any ideas?
    imac   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  
    imac   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  
    imac   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Apparently there has been a problem with .mac accounts and the link to the AIM Servers. This has caused some people problems with logging on to the AIM network.
    One though occures to me at this stage. Does the password for your .mac account have more than 16 characters ?
    If it does reduce to it to at the most 16. .mac can have over 20 characters to the password but AIM only allows 16 Max.
    If this is not the problem go here http://www.apple.com/support/dotmac/ and report the problem.

  • Could not connect to AIM. Change port doesn't help !

    I have been using ichat for about three months without any problems.
    It is tonight (22/10/06) that I cannot login while I was able to connect to the server in this morning. Nothing has changed in my router configuration.
    The error message is "Could not connect to AIM. The specified host cannot be located.
    I did search the forum here. The suggested solution is to change ichat port to 443 or 5191. It does not work for me.
    At first I thought the server was busy. But I changed my mind since my friend can login.
    My internet connection works normally. Nothing seems broken.
    Oh another thing is both my username before @mac and passwords is 9 characters.
    Please help.
    Macbook   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Hi Omegaxxx,
    At this stage I would try this.
    Down load IPNetMonmitorX
    It is free as a trail for a number of days.
    Get it to do Port Scans on the UDP ports that iChat uses.
    Do these one at a time for Ports 5060, 5190 and 5678 and then repeat for the group of twenty (16384-16403)
    Now test it for TCP port Scans. (just port 5190 for AIM/@mac)
    This will be the one to tell if the Login is working or not.
    Repeat for any other port you have tried iChat to login with. (The AIM servers will allow login on almost any port: 443 is regarded as more secure as it is used for some Mail apps)
    You will need to test to a specific IP address.
    Use the ones listed by Ryan above.
    If you are on a University or other large campus like a large business it may be that they have blocked the ports at a fairly local level.
    If you opened the ports in your connection device with Port Forwarding and it is also using DHCP then check your computer is at the same IP that the Port Forwarding is pointing to.
    9:23 PM Friday; September 22, 2006

  • IChat cannot connect ot AIM

    trying to set up iChat on an (old?) PowerBook G4 (Mac OS X 10.4.11), iChat v3.1.9 every time iChat starts up and tries to connect a window opens telling me that the AIM login failed (wrong Pseudonym {screenname} or Password).
    During setup I have choosen *.Mac account* and entered the MobileMe ID (ending on @me.com). In the window I see that this has changed to @mac.com.
    On the same PowerBook there is another user installed and that one worked perfect: connection through .Mac and having the same @mac.com endings. This account is about three years old (no MobileMe then). The newly created account is a family account and was created with @me.com
    I have also created an AIM account right now and adding that account to iChat allows me to connect to AIM without a problem. Therefor I assume that my software on the PowerBook is ok but there must be something wrong with the handover from iChats MobileMe data to AIM.
    Unfortunately I have no idea what I have to change, can anyone help? Thank you.

    As you know the .Mac service when it ran did much the same as MobileMe does now.
    For iChat though there was one difference in that trial or even a lapsed Paid For account could continue to be be used in iChat.
    In Leopard when MobileMe came out an Update ran that changed all the .Mac references to MobileMe and added the option to many apps including iChat.
    Trial MobileMe accounts do not work after the 60 day trial. (The trials need a active Credit card registered and also Active Cancellation).
    In Tiger there was no MobileMe update hence the work around for adding @me.name as AIM names.
    The Get an iChat Account Button used to lead to @Mac.com for a registration as a trial when Adding an Account/Screen name to the iChat > Prefs > Accounts
    In Leopard this button, more recently, this has led here
    So now @mac.com names are being used as iChat Screen Names.
    The downside is that you get stuck with the password you first set up.
    10:44 PM Monday; August 3, 2009
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  • Video chat between iChat Mac user and AIM pc user?

    Me and my friend are attempting to video chat with each other via iChat for him and AIM for me. He is using iChat version 4.0.2 and I am using AIM version When we send an video chat invitation it says that it timed out, could not connect. It sometimes kicks him off iChat, according to him. Can anyone help us solve this issue? Ty!

    AIM said this about AIM 6.5 http://www.aim.com/helpfaq/starting_out/getstarted.adp#608
    There is no information that they have posted that says AIM 6.8 is any better.
    Some say it will work (AIM in General that is)
    This is certainly needed http://www.ralphjohns.co.uk/page12.html#_Service to allow the app through the Windows Firewall.
    In the AIM Preferences you will also have to select the camera in the Enhanced IM tab
    The Mic should be selected in the control Panels as a System wide thing.
    AIM since before AIM 5.9 has used port 1024-5000 as well as the Login on port 5190 and there is no reason to suspect it is any different now.
    These ports will need to be allowed or open in your routing device.
    9:18 PM Monday; July 21, 2008

  • My ichat not working

    since this afternoon, my ichat not working in my macbook pro, the error massage is as below, yet the ichat on my iphone also not working

    If you are using Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8.x) then you will have Messages and not iChat.
    Messages can do everything that iChat can do and more.
    The More is the iMessages bit.
    This uses the "registration" of an Apple ID with the iMessages servers
    You can use the same ID on your iPhone or iPad in the iOS version of Messages.
    iMessages are then displayed across all devices.  (Generally refered to as "Syncing" but it is display  only)
    However Messages does come with a large interface window that also doubles as a tabbed Chat window.
    In Messages Menu > Preferences > Accounts you should have your AIM, AIM Valid and Jabber IDs set up if you migrated from Lion.
    This will give you a Keystroke in the Window Menu of CMD + 1 for the "Buddies" option.
    This is a combined Buddy list.
    You can unlink them in the General Section of the Messages preferences.
    10:12 PM      Tuesday; October 30, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Ichat not connecting to jabber account

    Hi - I'm relatively new to Macs in general and especially new to ichat. I'm using my gmail account to connect to ichat, but it won't connect. I've checked the user name and password, I've checked the server and the port. I also have connectivity to the internet and I'm the admin on the computer so I know it's not a parental controls issue. I'm also not logged into gmail and ichat at the same time
    Why is ichat telling me "iChat can't communicate with the Jabber account [email protected] Could not connect to host talk.google.com."
    This is so frustrating! Any help is appreciated.

    ||iChat Ports||TCP||UDP||
    |A/V|none|5678, 16393-16402|
    |Bonjour|5298|5297, 5298, 5353|
    |Jabber|5220,5222, 5223|none|
    Note this is the iChat 4 and 5 Range
    Add port 5060 UDP for iChat 2 and 3 and extend the group of 10 to 16384-16403 (20 ports)
    iChat 4 and 5 also uses an undeclared Random port to do the Screen Sharing part and works if you can and do use UPnP (Or Port Mapping Protocol) to open ports in your routing device.
    This Info is from http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1507?viewlocale=en_US for iChat 3 ports which lists the Bonjour and Jabber ports as well.
    This one http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2282?viewlocale=en_US lists the changes (reduction in the A/V Group mainly) but does not refer to the first for Bonjour and Jabber.
    Then there is this
    This does also list port 7777 for Federation (things to do with linking with other Jabber servers)
    It lists 1080 for File Transfers using a Proxy (Not sure if this is Jabber or not)
    It also lists "5269 TCP This port is used for encrypted TLS server-to-server connections, as well as nonencrypted connections". I have not come across this on the Client side (but it does say Server to Sever)
    As the Clients may still be using iChat 3 (or in fact earlier) port 5060 is still listed and the A/V group is wider as a consequence as they will need them.
    The biggest issue will be the Random Port for Screen Sharing.
    As far as I can tell this an Audio Chat alongside a VNC part for the Screen Pics.
    Both need to work for iChat Screen Sharing to work.
    I hope this helps.
    10:09 PM Monday; April 11, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

  • Can't not connect to AIM. "Auth:DbSendError"

    I've been using Audium for a few weeks, but need to switch back to iChat for a video chat. I disconnected from Adium and launched iChat, however, when I try to connect, I get the error message, "Could not connect to AIM. Try again. The server message was Auth:DbSendError". I've restarted and still get the same error. I've tried connecting through Adium, but it keeps requesting my password. I've also tried connecting to AIM through iChat using a different account and am successful.

    i use adium, but never had this problem. since 3 hours i have this prob.
    "Could not connect to AIM. Try again. The server message was Auth:DbSendError"
    pretty sure the apple service is down

  • IChat lost connection to AIM!?!?!?!

    Everytime I try to go on to iChat this message pops up "iChat lost connection to AIM. The connection to the host was unexpectedly lost." Any help?!?!

    Help! I've got the same problem and I've tried - port 443, 1080, 5091 and neither works. I can ping the aol server, use msn, but I cannot connect to AIM with ichat or with the standalone version AIM 4.7 for the mac. The web version doesn't seem to work either. I started a new account and i got the same error message at login - could not connect to aim - the connection tot he host was unexpedtedly lost. I am at a school, but the network guys have said that the application isn't being blocked and the ports should be open. I have a wireless macbook with os x tiger and a wired imac intel with os x tiger and neither work. any suggestions?

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