If bootcamp is installed, is if possible to migrate my wife's PC

If i install bootcamp on her 2.4 ghz powermac pro, is there any way to transfer all of her "stuff" from her work pc laptop?

For applications you won't be able to transfer. You can, however, transfer all her documents and pictures over to the Mac by simply burning those on a CD and then copying on the boot camp partition (Windows). You will still need to install all the applications to view/edit those documents.
Axel F.

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    best regards

    The only place to get the Windows Support software is from within Bootcamp Assistant. Keep trying. Also, you should visit the Boot Camp forum. https://discussions.apple.com/community/windows_software/boot_camp

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    you can't add a partition in between - you put Windows to a new partition number.
    GPT (GUID)
    Mac HFS
    Lion Recovery
    And now you have two HFS
    One partition and one Windows (plus Lion Recovery).
    If you were to have more, it can't be before Windows for one thing.

  • Using bootcamp to install XP followed by Photoshop and other Adobe products

    I just got MacBook Pro and am about to use Bootcamp to install Windows XP so that I can use Photoshop and other such Adobe programs. Anybody, who has done this, what can you tell me about it? Does it work well? How much of a partition do you recommend? Have you encountered any problems during this process? Are there any major dangers involved with installing XP on my mac?

    I have done all of the above with No Issues thus far:
    1) Boot Camp/Windows partition I use is 50MB for XP SP2
    2) I have Adobe Photoshop 7.0 installed
    3) No problems on my side
    I printed out the Boot Camp/Windows instructions and followed them exactly.
    Axel F.

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    Have a read here http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1722 for solution.

  • Enable Bootcamp to install from usb for OSX 10.9**WORKS**

    So basically, I have trying to install windows on my mbp using a usb drive. However bootcamp wont allow me to do so since I have a optical drive on the laptop. I have been searching for a long time and eventually came across this solution and I would like to share this so u guys dont have to google all over the place again .
    The solutions given before by changing info.plist is correct except that now Bootcamp crashes everytime you change it in OSX 10.9.
    Full solution:
    1. Add your Boot Rom Version(from system info) under DARequiredROMVersions.
    2. Add Model Identifier(from system info) under PreUSBBootSupportedModels
    3. Delete "Pre" from "PreUSBBootSupportedModels", so you have "USBBootSupportedModels"
    The first 3 steps are same as before and if its not clear you can easily google solutions with screenshots.
    The next step is only for OSX 10.9, as it employs some kind of code signature to prevent you from changing info.plist and cause bootcamp to crash.
    4. Open your terminal, use the following command
    sudo codesign -fs - /Applications/Utilities/Boot\ Camp\ Assistant.app
    Sudo means using administrator privilege and u need to enter your mac password. And the command resigns the bootcamp application so that it runs with the new info.plist file and not crash.
    5. Continue on with your installation....
    P.S. back up info.plist before u change anything.

    do you have multiple partitions on your USB stick? And what partition table does it use?
    I have two windows installers. One is on a 4GB single partition fat32 formatted stick, and one is on a 5GB partitions of a 500GB USB HDD. On the USB HDD I have windows as second partition. First is OSX installer. I noticed that I can boot in BIOS mode with the 4GB USB stick, but not with the 500GB USB HDD.
    So try a windows formatted USB stick with a single partition. See if that works.
    Be carefull with google.. In the last few days I have been researching some bootcamp related things and there is waaaay more wrong information of people that tell others what they 'heard' than that there is right information of those who know how stuff works.
    I am of the 2nd category btw. I only tell you what I know for sure. If an '06 macbook with ODD can boot of of USB into BIOS mode, then so should you.
    Edit: The reason the Windows EFI installers says it found an MBR partition only is because by default the disk is in GPT mode with a 'protected' mbr so that non-gpt aware programs wont look and scream "free space! ".
    In order for Bootcamp to install in legacy BIOS mode it converts this 'protective' MBR into a "hybrid" MBR. If you download the open source app "Gdisk", install it, and type "sudo gdisk /dev/disk0" in terminal you will see there is either a protective or hybrid MBR on the disk.
    Formatting a disk to fat32 with any OSX tool (BC Utility or disk utility) will convert the protective MBR to Hybrid MBR.
    Gdisk allows you to reset this to a protective MBR as described here: http://superuser.com/questions/508026/windows-detects-gpt-disk-as-mbr-in-efi-boo t
    Hybrid MBR: Full Bootcamp compatibility. OSX knows whats up and decides everything. Windows installs in legacy BIOS mode on an MBR type disk.
    Protective MBR: Bootcamp utility and OSX are not used since they would convert the disk to a hybrid MBR. This mode is compatible with booting in EFI mode. EFI compatible Windows versions (7 partially, 8 completely) will live alongside OS X, for the most without problems. And will install on a GPT type disk.
    Hope to have helped you with this. Took me three full days of non-stop reading to figure this out.
    Message was edited by: Jognt
    Edit 2: Make damned sure you have a backup of your system. Messing around with partition types and tables shouldnt hurt when you know what you're doing. But since I know this for three days, and you apparently havent found this yet, I think it's safe to say both of us aren't yet 100% sure of what we're doing .
    Message was edited by: Jognt

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    Using vitual machine programs (VirtualBox, Parallels, VMWare Fusion) you can run both at the same time.
    Load Windows under BootCamp.  Then load the VM software and select the existing BootCamp partition as the "virtualized space".
    But ... BootCamp first, following Csound1's advice about backups.  And you will wantto boost RAM most likely because you need to allocate certain amount of system RAM to each "virtual machine", as well as leaving some for OSX.
    But ... BootCamp first.

  • Bootcamp Not Install Xp. Restarts and Ejects disk???

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    Any ideas? It's the same cd i used for the first bootcamp partition i had, i've also tried my win7 cd that i used in parallels file and the same thing happens?
    Thanks in advance,

    I got mine to work
    I'll tell you what i did in case it helps fix yours as well but i don't know if this is an actual solution or just worked for me but here goes.
    I finally decided to create another version of the dvd i had which was an orginal win7 downloaded from my school's MSDN account.
    I popped in the dvd which mac os x mounted fine and opened it up - bunch of files and folders as it's supposed to have.
    I opened Disk Utilities, highlighted the dvd in the left side and hit create new image. When that was done my new image file name appeared on the left also, I clicked it then hit burn, put in a new blank cd and let it go. When that was done i ran the Bootcamp Assistant an hit start installation. It restarted and loaded up the WIN7 boot cd.
    So i reckon i just needed to stroke my mac's ego a little. Yes, mac you did all the work, you even created the cd, good boy, now load it, yes well done
    I hope that helps someone else, if not good luck on finding a solution that works for you to
    Message was edited by: tbdesigns

  • Stuck in Bootcamp Windows install and can't get out

    late 2009 iMac with Mavericks with homemade fusion drive with super drive removed.
    Was working fine until i tried to use bootcamp to install Windows 7. Now I'm stuck in the Windows partition, windows won't install and can't get out of the loop.  Machine boots white screen with no apple logo and chimes. Eventually has black screen with No bootabe device -- insert boot disk and press any key. I have a USB drive. I've tried everything. Doesn't seem to be recognizing bluetooth keyboard. No sort of button combination on startup works. Tried holding X, command-alt PR, shift, command-R, option. Tried everything. Light doesn't come on on keyboard in startup which means it's probably not recognized. Tried disconnecting internal drives and booting from USB. Tried booting from Time Machine USB drive. Nothings works. Think a USB keyboard would solves this?

    I have gotten in this loop.  When doing this kind of thing, a usb keyboard would be good to have around, and that is probably the problem, because when I would boot, the first time set the windows partition to the default drive.  Hold the key combo and boot into OSX, and go into Settings/Startup Disk/ and change it to The osx hd.

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    See here the solution:

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    System requirements for OS X Lion
    OS X Lion (10.7) - Apple Store

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  • Is it possible to migrate BCM 2003 data to BCM 2010 w/o first installing and migrating it to BCM 2007?

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    BCM Backup.  I am now without access to my BCM database information and seriously compromised in my business.  Therefore the question: Is it possible to migrate BCM 2003 data to BCM 2010 w/o first installing and migrating it to Outlook
    2007 w/BCM?
    Thanks Den

    The reason I want to use the Back up and Restore process is I really want to retain my original Create Date on my Business Contacts
    I will try to answer your questions below:
    Question: Is there a URL to download BCM 2007 … I haven’t been able to find one anymore – I saw one a couple years ago but can’t find it now.
    As info, I am running this on a Test System so I know exactly how to get BCM 2003 to BCM 2010 with the Create Date intact.
    Yes, I have admin status.
    BCM seems to work fine after I installed it.  I didn’t go through an extensive test though.
    What do you suggest I do to confirm BCM is working since I don’t have any data in it?
    After I submitted my question to this forum, I tested the Export / Import method of getting my data to BCM 2010. 
    I confirmed the Create Date is the Import date.  Drat!
    Then I restored the OS System to the point where I had installed Office 2010 w/ BCM.
    Then I Ran the install of the newer version of BCM.  It “discovered” there was a BCM version already there and asked me if I wanted to delete it.  
    I deleted it or the install deleted it … I can’t quite remember.
    Ran the install.
    OK, here’s some weirdness I noticed:
    The Download of the “newest” version of BCM I just downloaded is: V-4.00.12006.00  
    (KB 2793723.)
    When I looked at the version number – File > BCM It stated I had BCM V-4.00.12006.00  
    This confirms the installation worked.
    I ran the Restore from the backup of BCM 2003 and it states it has to convert from 2.03606.0 to 4.0.9812.0.  
    I knew it would have to do a conversion.
    BUT, it states it’s going to convert to version 4.0.9812.0 NOT version 4.00.12006.00!!!!
    How did Version 4.00.12006.00  
    get there?
    Which one is the newest one?
    Any thoughts??
    I clicked “OK” to start the migration.
    After a while I got the “Database Migration Unsuccessful” message.
    Below are some errors I found in the Event Viewer > Application.
    The date on them is about a week before the latest attempt to go from BCM 2003 to BCM 2010.
    They are not from the restore I just described because they don’t have the date I ran the latest restore.
    Any thoughts??
    Event Viewer > Application log:
    1st Event Error:
    Event Type:     
    Event Source:  
    Event Category:           
    Event ID:         
    6:51:22 PM
    Cannot find the object 'fulltext_stopwords', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
    For more information, see Help and <place w:st="on"><placename w:st="on">Support</placename> <placetype w:st="on">Center</placetype></place> at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
    0000: 2f 3b 00 00 10 00 00 00  
    0008: 14 00 00 00 54 00 45 00  
    0010: 53 00 54 00 2d 00 50 00  
    0018: 43 00 2d 00 30 00 31 00  
    0020: 5c 00 4d 00 53 00 53 00  
    0028: 4d 00 4c 00 42 00 49 00  
    0030: 5a 00 00 00 05 00 00 00  
    0038: 6d 00 73 00 64 00 62 00  
    0040: 00 00                    
    Event Error somewhere in the Middle of the list of errors.
    Event Type:     
    Event Source:  
    Event Category:           
    Event ID:         
    6:51:22 PM
    Cannot find the object 'system_columns', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
    For more information, see Help and <place w:st="on"><placename w:st="on">Support</placename> <placetype w:st="on">Center</placetype></place> at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
    0000: 2f 3b 00 00 10 00 00 00  
    0008: 14 00 00 00 54 00 45 00  
    0010: 53 00 54 00 2d 00 50 00  
    0018: 43 00 2d 00 30 00 31 00  
    0020: 5c 00 4d 00 53 00 53 00  
    0028: 4d 00 4c 00 42 00 49 00  
    0030: 5a 00 00 00 05 00 00 00  
    0038: 6d 00 73 00 64 00 62 00  
    0040: 00 00                    
    Last Event Error
    Event Type:     
    Event Source:  
    Event Category:           
    Event ID:         
    6:51:22 PM
    Cannot find the object 'all_objects', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.
    For more information, see Help and <place w:st="on"><placename w:st="on">Support</placename> <placetype w:st="on">Center</placetype></place> at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
    0000: 2f 3b 00 00 10 00 00 00  
    0008: 14 00 00 00 54 00 45 00  
    0010: 53 00 54 00 2d 00 50 00  
    0018: 43 00 2d 00 30 00 31 00  
    0020: 5c 00 4d 00 53 00 53 00  
    0028: 4d 00 4c 00 42 00 49 00  
    0030: 5a 00 00 00 05 00 00 00  
    0038: 6d 00 73 00 64 00 62 00  
    0040: 00 00                    

  • Bootcamp lion installed win7 not loading

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    If you want to remove Windows 7 completly you can start up from the OS X recovery partition using cmd+r at boot up. You can then access disk utility and delete the partition for windows.

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