IMac CS3 Photoshop Magenta/Cyan Color Cast w/Epson - Help!

I've been reading past posts and other websites on this problem and cannot seem to resolve it. I have an Epson 2200 and have been working in CS3 for at least a year with great results. Suddenly, my prints are whacked out with color cast. I reinstalled CS3, I re-set profile to sRGB space & "no color management" in the Epson settings. I've tried Adobe manage color & Printer manages color. I'm still not able to print my work. Any other suggestions before I pull my hair out?
Thank you!

Try doing all you did and reinstalling your printer drivers first remove the printer from the printer list then check to see if there are any cache files and preferences associated with the printer and trash those as well.
See if this gets you back to where you were.
BTW did you install any software lately or updated any of the applications you have on your system?

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    Go to develop and the callibration tab and change it in the pull down menu to a canon default like 'Neutral' and not the adobe one which is made by somebody totally colour blind or obviously a Nikon fan.
    Although this is weird as the problem for me has always been canon JPG's with the cast and not the RAW.
    Also check your white balance cause Lightroom seems to change it whatever..  'AS SHOT' is a big fat Adobe lie so use a preset from your camera in the drop down box.. Why?  I shoot with Canon's flash WB setting which i know to be 5500k with the tint at zero.  On import, Lightroom changes it to 6150 and adds an amazing +7 on the magenta tint, if i chose 'FLASH' things suddenly turn to what i see on the camera LCD..  I'm sure that is where the big fat tint has come from since day one.

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    It's likely the Video card, or possibly heat.
    At the Apple Icon at top left>About this Mac.
    Then click on More Info>Hardware and report this upto *but not including the Serial#*...
    Hardware Overview:
    Machine Name: Power Mac G5 Quad
    Machine Model: PowerMac11,2
    CPU Type: PowerPC G5 (1.1)
    Number Of CPUs: 4
    CPU Speed: 2.5 GHz
    L2 Cache (per CPU): 1 MB
    Memory: 10 GB
    Bus Speed: 1.25 GHz
    Boot ROM Version: 5.2.7f1
    Get Temperature Monitor to see if it's heat related...
    iStat Menus...
    And/or iStat Pro...
    If you have any temps in the 70°C/160°F range, that's likely it.

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    Thank you kindly for your insightful response.  As it turns out, the answer is half correct.  I've found others who'll say the same thing, that double color management will lead to a very magenta result.  I believe this was certainly the case when I first started playing with the settings,  Where I went wrong, is that after I corrected my settings by turning off printer manages color and letting Lightroom do the color management, is that the Epson Print Preview was still showing magenta with certain profiles.  Not wanting to waste more money on paper and ink, I used the preview to gauge whether I was going to get a normal print or not.  Then one day I ignored the print preview's magenta cast as a 'warning' and I went ahead printed the photo anyways.  Because I used a profile that I created with ColorMunki Photo, the picture came out perfect (i.e. a very good match to what I was seeing in Lightoom on my monitor).  The lesson learned is that for judging the final color correctness, the Epson Print Preview can be way off target and your best bet is to ignore it.

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    Well, I think what you need to do is get a better grasp on the fundimentals of color management-which is a bit beyond the scope of what the forums can offer you.
    The bottom line is that Lightroom & Photoshop CSx (meaning past CS or actually even back to 7) can and does make use of display profiles (you can't turn it off even if Photoshop has a setting that makes you think you can). An image in Lightroom and Photoshop is always color managed...outside of an app that is color management, all bets are off.
    Save, assigning and converting to profiles are all very different. Photoshop CS3's color settings are absolutely critical because that's how you deal with managed and unmanaged color.
    Until you learn different, I would suggest that you set your CS3 color settings to North American PrePress 2....if you want images for the web, Convert To sRGB or use the new Save For Web (which can now do the sRGB conversion-finally).
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    Which says it is a known problem with Snow Leopard and Adobe is working on it.  Does anyone know if this has been resolved?

    Was DYP wrote:
    There are a bunch of different ways to attack this problem. Here was a good thread.
    I would add two things to your list.
    a. Snow Leopard seems to use sRGB as the default profile so I would use that as the assigning profile.
    b. You should convert to Edit - Convert to Profile choosing your Printer/Paper profile (for printing color managed output) in PS before you do #1.
    that thread is rather busy... its hard to pick out the good information.  It seems mostly concerned with CS4.  Do you know what issues apply to CS4 only and which issues apply to CS3/Snow Leopard?
    I am not sure what you are saying in point a.  If I have a custom profile for a particular ink/paper combination I need to assign that profile, right?  Using sRGB is only useful if I want no color control at all I believe.
    b. Seems to permanently convert the image to that profile, which I would think  you would not want to do in general since you generally want to keep the image in its original format.

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    Astrowheat wrote:
    i also face this problem...
    It appears the magenta shdow area in the above shot is confined to the bottom edge of the image.  I just discussed this on a similar post concering a Canon 5D MKII with the same issue in the bottom corners of the image. I suspect it may be due to light entering the viewfinder and leaking into the mirror box:
    It's simple enough to try similar shots with the viewfinder blocked. When I shoot images on a tripod I always make it a point to block the viewfinder with the Canon strap mounted blind, a hat, or even my hand to keep direct light from entering the viewfinder. The only thing between your viewfinder and the image sensor is the foam seal that the mirror rests on in the up shooting position. At high ISO even the tiniest light leak could cause fogging of the image, and it will be most visible in the image bottom edge or corners (i.e. image is upside down on the sensor).

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    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.3)  

    Good luck! The white point tool is pretty much broken.

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    I just ran into a strange problem helping a friend install PS CS4. Everything seemed to go fine, but now all of a sudden his images are displayed with a strong yellow tint. I don't mean a slight color cast, I mean a STRONG yellow tint. The images appear the same in Photoshop, the Bridge, and even ACR. I re-calibrated the monitor (Gretag McBeth) and generated a new profile just be sure, but that wasn't it. The same images viewed in other applications (Picassa, opened in a browser, etc.) on the same computer display normally. This appears to be only Photoshop related. What's also interesting is that CS3 now exhibits the same problem after the CS4 install.
    I reviewed all the color settings and workflow, and nothing is out of the ordinary. The Nikon raw images were imported via ACR, and opened in Photoshop with ACR workflow options set for 16 bit/Adobe RGB. Photoshop working space is Adobe RGB. I also installed the 11.0.1 update. But here are what may be a couple of clues. First, it's not just the image files that look bad. The colors are awful in the color picker in the toolbox. The entire color picker slider is almost all yellow and orange. And here's another good one. We tried importing some new raw images via the photo downloader in Bridge. With the downloader in Advanced mode, the image previews before download show the same yellow cast. But after I click the Get Photos button, the image colors appear correct as they flash on for a couple of seconds while being downloaded. This has got to be a big clue for someone. What's different about how the image is displayed during that two second preview during the actual download?
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    Has anyone else seen a problem like this before?? Any ideas? Thanks!

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    i tried the color passport check but and create a dng profile , but it doesn't eliminate the color cast
    is there a way to remove this magenta color cast?
    a tutorial , some advises
    photoshop cs6 64bit windows 7

    Color Balance is a simple way, not automatic though.

  • Color cast when printing from Lightroom with Epson 3880 printer

    Just got an epson 3880 printer. Printing on epson paper is fine. But printing on Ilford or Moab or other papers from lightroom and photoshop have a terrible magenta color cast.
    WHen I print the same image from Preview, with the same print driver settings, it looks fine. So somehow the adobe apps (or my settings) are messing up the color sync.
    I used to have an espon 2400 which worked just fine.
    I have Mac OSX-10.9.1. Monitor is calibrated. (Prints to epson paper with their profiles look's just other profiles that are really bad).
    I need help!

    Are you using moab icc profiles or are you using one of the epson profiles?
    I always use the moab profiles which you can download from their Web site. This way you are matching the specific epson printer with the specific moab paper.
    At that point you change the printer manages color to Lightroom manages color and select the specific profile. Very easy to do - they even have instructions on the Moab site for installing the profiles if you haven't done that.
    Once installed you can also use them through the system print dialogs in PS but it is really much much easier to use in LR - Since coming on board with LR last summer, I have switched to doing ALL printing from LR. Since you mentioned that you are having the same problem with LR and PS, I'm betting you are using epson profiles and this will solve your problem.
    Hope so

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