Impact Analyzer stops in middle of a mapping

I've had a hard time to trust the impact analyzer as I migrated objects from v.9.0.2 to v.9.2 in a DWH that I was meeting for the first time.
I now just figured a mapping where Impact Analyzer at column level just stop tracking in the middle of a flow (on aggregate operator, after a split, and before a join)
I took care to refresh dependencies index but still won't the tracker give me any objects and transform down the flow.
Has anyone already had this problem ? (haven't found any on this forum)

I managed to isolate a disturbing behavior in a very small mapping:
A date attribute from a table goes through a filter, participates in the where clause then the result of a calculation goes in the fact of a cube.
Mapping validates, generates, deploys fine (and actually has been working in production for months)
Dependencies index have been refreshed
Nevertheless, while tracking impact from that date attribute, impact analysis diagram stalls on this filter instead of leading up to the cube.
Is this a feature ? (because I'd typically would like to know what happens to which objects if I plan to modify/suppress the date attribute)

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    With those symptoms, I'd try the following document:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
    (If there's a SpeedBit LSP showing up in Autoruns, it's usually best to just uninstall your SpeedBit Video Accelerator.)

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    Please follow the below steps:
    Step 1:  At the step where the process chain is stuck
    Go to display messages -chain- copy variant, instance & start date
    Step 2:  Go to se16, table rspcprocesslog  execute
    Copy as below,
    Variant--  variante
    Instance   instance
    Batch datestart date
    This will give a single entry in the table rspcprocesslog.
    Step 3:  Go to se37, input FM RSPC_PROCESS_FINISH and execute
    Rspcprocesslog u2013 instance -
    Rspcprocesslog u2013variante -
    Rspcprocesslog u2013 logid----I_LOGID
    Rspcprocesslog u2013 type ---I_TYPE
    Enter u2018Gu2019 for parameter I_STATE and press execute (F8).
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    Hello Maxayla,
    It sounds like you are getting error code 1 when you were attempting a restore. I would use these troubleshooting steps from the following article which mentions that error code:
    Resolve specific iTunes update and restore errors
    Check for hardware issues
    Related errors: 1, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 1000, 1002, 1004, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1667, or 1669.
    Try to restore your iOS device two more times while connected with a cable, computer, and network you know are good. Also, confirm your security software and settings are allowing communication between your device and update servers. If you still see the error message when you update or restore, contact Apple support.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

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    Best Regards,

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    Okay, great, and what about the last line? What is that for?
    Do i put my keylistener info after that line?
    I'm still a little puzzled about where to put the script that
    you just offered me.
    But before I get to that, let me ask you a question about my
    current code. Below I've pasted the beginning of the code that I
    have for Key Down. My question is: Is this code going to execute
    over and over again? Is this code a "key listener"?
    _root.onKeyDown = function() {
    whichKey = Key.getAscii();
    if ((whichkey == _root.jumpkey) or (whichkey ==
    _root.jumpkeycaps)) {
    if ( == "walkleft") { = "jumpleft";
    _root.vertspeed = 24;
    if ( == "walkright") { = "jumpright";
    _root.vertspeed = 24;
    if (mov.toLowerCase().indexOf("stop") != -1) { = "jumpup";
    _root.vertspeed = 24;

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    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Unsync all music and resync
    - Reset all settings
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    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    -  Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar          

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    Hi Beverly
    I have again created a disk image and the audio does not play half way through. I have since reloaded the audio on the corrupted half and am now creating another disk image and am burning at 4x as you suggested. If this does not work, do you think I should try reloading iMovie and iDVD again? I am using a Panasonic DVD player to play back the DVD, which I must admit does give me problems every now and then but I also have a cheapie Conia which believe me, plays everything and I have also tried play back on this, but still no go. Will keep you all posted, hopefully in a few hours. Thanks for your feedback.
    Message was edited by: itzi

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    Delete the current album. Then go to iTunes Store > Purchased
    And you should see it there, just click on it and select redownload.
    If it works, mark this comment correct so other users know it's been solved.

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    This is INCREDIBLY frustrating, and I already had to replace the disc drive before once already for cd-burning problems. Any recommendations?

    Please provide us the website link so that we can take a look at our end.
    Prabhakar Kumar

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