Import Translation Issues

Usually when I want to import a CD, its in English. If in a foreign language like Japanese, it will give me the little window option with at least 3 versions, one including an English translation and 2 of Chinese and so on of which English is the one I always choose. Usually when I choose the English version, all the songs/artisit/album names are translated into English format, making it easier for me to comprehend. Now when I try to do this process, it just downloads Japanese, skipping the album options window. I've attempted to search for the windows, but so far I've seen nothing to help, even when clicking on the link for "get track names" in the advanced. It acts like its searching then a milsecond later, stops its search. I put in the second CD to the named album, and it gave me the options window- which makes no sense to me! I thought maybe it was the album seeing as the scratches were noticeable, so I bought a new album and the same result occured. Much help is required and appreciated.

Rather than Import and change the info, BEFORE importing, select the CD, right click - get info and edit the fields so they are correct (exactly as shown on the CD cover).
Then iTunes menu Advanced > Submit CD track names.
Then Import the CD.
It will have the info as you edited it.
Gracenote should update within a few days and if you insert that CD in any other computer, is should get the updated info. Or it should display the original that was there plus the updated info and give you a choice.

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    Hey Ani_,
    I've been working with Adobe products for a long time and typically when you come across an error that has anything to do with a XML file export problem its due to things such as effects you may have added in, color corrections, cross fades or any type of video transitions between clips. Remember your work flow should be
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    Action links are not getting translated. I faced a similar problem in OBIEE version.
    What you can do is replace that action link with a 'link or image' option in dashboard objects.
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    hope this helps.

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    Thanks for reporting this. I'll have a bug filed on this and this will have to be fixed in APEX 4.2.
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    are you using merged clips? premiere merged clip XML issue
    if the sound engineer will take another format, premiere can export OMF or if you have audition you can open the OMF in audition and export it as a fcp xml.

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    Hi Kirk,
    1. Do I understand correctly, you cannot export the application from the server you originally developed it on?
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    2. What OS are you on?
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    In test : Linux RedHat
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    My 2 cents anyway,

    Hi everyone.
    Is there any update and support in Adobe Captivate 8 of  XLIFF 2.0 ?
    I have to write an interactive tutorial that I want to be able to offer for localization while updating the software itself.
    That means I am looking for language updates. To volunteer translators I don't want to offer full re-writes of PO or XML files.
    Please advice.

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    Hi Ajay,
    If you do not want any condition to be loaded to Material account than make an account key and like FR1 and assign one GL for that account in OBYC. This account key you need to define in your pricing Procedure.
    Just exploer above suggestion.

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    If its a fresh imploementation then its fine.
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    How do you handle this scenario.
    Please let us know the process that you are following

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    Verifique a SAP Note 1532509.
    Please run the below query and if it returns results please Go to the PEQ page mentioned below or log a support message via SAP Service
    Marketplace, and attach the results of the query.
    select * from CDPM where ObjectType = 232 and ObjectKey not in (select doccode from rdoc) order by permid
    Select * from USR3 where PermId
    not in (Select distinct Absid from OUPT union Select distinct cast(PermId as nvarchar(50) )from CDPM)
    the solution to this note can be found at:
    By using

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    Reporting (Project Sync) is executed:
    Reporting Wss list sync failed:
    ReportingWssSyncListFailed (24018) - 1100. Details: id='24018' name='ReportingWssSyncListFailed' uid='4feafda7-f147-e411-940d-005056957f05' SPListType='a1efd9a9-bd03-4604-91f3-31a2cc5693ff' Error='1100'.
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    ReportingWssSyncListFailed (24018) - 1100. Details: id='24018' name='ReportingWssSyncListFailed' uid='69eafda7-f147-e411-940d-005056957f05' SPListType='a1efd9a9-bd03-4604-91f3-31a2cc5693ff' Error='1100'.
    ReportingWssSyncListFailed (24018) - 1100. Details: id='24018' name='ReportingWssSyncListFailed' uid='75eafda7-f147-e411-940d-005056957f05' SPListType='a1efd9a9-bd03-4604-91f3-31a2cc5693ff' Error='1100'.
    ReportingWssSyncListFailed (24018) - 1100. Details: id='24018' name='ReportingWssSyncListFailed' uid='81eafda7-f147-e411-940d-005056957f05' SPListType='a1efd9a9-bd03-4604-91f3-31a2cc5693ff' Error='1100'.
    ReportingWssSyncListFailed (24018) - 1100. Details: id='24018' name='ReportingWssSyncListFailed' uid='8deafda7-f147-e411-940d-005056957f05' SPListType='a1efd9a9-bd03-4604-91f3-31a2cc5693ff' Error='1100'.
    Reporting message processor failed:
    ReportingWSSSyncMessageFailed (24016) - RDS failed while trying to sync one or more SP lists. The RDS queue message will be retried.. Details: id='24016' name='ReportingWSSSyncMessageFailed' uid='5beafda7-f147-e411-940d-005056957f05' QueueMessageBody='ProjectUID='a1efd9a9-bd03-4604-91f3-31a2cc5693ff'.
    ForceFullSync='False'. SynchronizationType='Issues'' Error='RDS failed while trying to sync one or more SP lists. The RDS queue message will be retried.'.
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    ForceFullSync='False'. SynchronizationType='Issues'' Error='RDS failed while trying to sync one or more SP lists. The RDS queue message will be retried.'.
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    ForceFullSync='False'. SynchronizationType='Issues'' Error='RDS failed while trying to sync one or more SP lists. The RDS queue message will be retried.'.
    ReportingWSSSyncMessageFailed (24016) - RDS failed while trying to sync one or more SP lists. The RDS queue message will be retried.. Details: id='24016' name='ReportingWSSSyncMessageFailed' uid='7feafda7-f147-e411-940d-005056957f05' QueueMessageBody='ProjectUID='a1efd9a9-bd03-4604-91f3-31a2cc5693ff'.
    ForceFullSync='False'. SynchronizationType='Issues'' Error='RDS failed while trying to sync one or more SP lists. The RDS queue message will be retried.'.
    ReportingWSSSyncMessageFailed (24016) - RDS failed while trying to sync one or more SP lists. The RDS queue message will be retried.. Details: id='24016' name='ReportingWSSSyncMessageFailed' uid='8beafda7-f147-e411-940d-005056957f05' QueueMessageBody='ProjectUID='a1efd9a9-bd03-4604-91f3-31a2cc5693ff'.
    ForceFullSync='False'. SynchronizationType='Issues'' Error='RDS failed while trying to sync one or more SP lists. The RDS queue message will be retried.'.
    ReportingWSSSyncMessageFailed (24016) - RDS failed while trying to sync one or more SP lists. The RDS queue message will be retried.. Details: id='24016' name='ReportingWSSSyncMessageFailed' uid='97eafda7-f147-e411-940d-005056957f05' QueueMessageBody='ProjectUID='a1efd9a9-bd03-4604-91f3-31a2cc5693ff'.
    ForceFullSync='False'. SynchronizationType='Issues'' Error='RDS failed while trying to sync one or more SP lists. The RDS queue message will be retried.'.
    GeneralQueueJobFailed (26000) - ReportingWSSSync.WSSSyncMessageEx. Details: id='26000' name='GeneralQueueJobFailed' uid='98eafda7-f147-e411-940d-005056957f05' JobUID='9e937da7-f147-e411-940e-005056957f0d' ComputerName='b579360a-53ab-4fe0-bf9b-c62f5e8d3529'
    GroupType='ReportingWSSSync' MessageType='WSSSyncMessageEx' MessageId='1' Stage='' CorrelationUID='0945bd9c-0d6a-a0f1-47b0-68cdfcfbff9a'. For more details, check the ULS logs on machine
    b579360a-53ab-4fe0-bf9b-c62f5e8d3529 for entries with JobUID
    What I'm trying to do is to create a new Project from the scratch, update the Issues List, not deleting or modifying columns, just creating new columns in order to match the names he (the Project Manager) put in his Issues List, then Export the list to Excel,
    and then create a datasheet view matching the Exported list, but here I don't know how to import the list (copy / paste or whatsoever it can be done...)
    Do you know how to do it, or do you know another/any method to solve this problem?
    Thank you in advance,
    José Espases

    Hi José,
    2 considerations: 
    The first one is that (as you experienced) one should not delete or rename any of the predefined columns in the risk/issue list. What you did is the right way, meaning keeping the native column as is and creating new ones based on the business needs. Finally
    you just need to create view with the appropriate fields.
    Then for importing risks from an Excel list, I can't test it right now, but you should have a datagrid view (MS Access type) allowing you pasting data from Excel.
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MCP, MCTS |

  • Imported archive : issues in loading referenced XSDs

    hello experts,
    I am validating XML messages in XI using a Java mapping and by loading the XSDs at runtime.
    I am facing a typical problem when my XSDs import / include other XSDs and below is the situation.
    I have a Java mapping class say Validator in a package
    I have XSDs in a folder inside this package which is
    Within the Validator class, I load the XSDs using the statement,
    InputStream schemaInputStream =
    There is no issue if the primary.xsd has everything inside it but in my case, the third party has provided the xsds to us and the primary.xsd has a reference (import) to secondary.xsd.
    whichever location in the package structure I put the secondary.xsd, XI does not recognize it and errors out saying unable to find secondary.
    The workaround I had used was I copied the secondary.xsd to the location pointed by the environment variable user.dir and XI could find it at runtime but I want to know what is the correct way.
    Edited by: Amol Joshi on May 28, 2008 10:53 AM

    Hi Amol,
    May be you could try the following lead to resolve the problem:
    Lets assume your primary.xsd in the package com.myclient.xiutils.xsds has the following line within it
    <xsd:import namespace="..." schemaLocation=
    In such a case I assume, the following would happen: Your java runtime would look for the secondary XSD under the following path
    The underlined path is the path for the primary.xsd, followed by the path of secondary.xsd. If this guess is right, then simply changing the schemaLocation to "secondary.xsd" would help.
    Keerti Nayak

  • Currency translation issue on SP08 when I use Force close option

    I am using three RATETYPES (AVG,END, HIST) in account dimension,
    Income and expenes accounts   - AVG
    BS accounts (except equity accounts) - END
    Equity account - HIST
    Business Rule Configuration
    1) For AVG:
    AVG Rate ( In Formula)
    2) For END
    Source FLow               DesitinationFlow    DestinationAcct             Formula
    F00 (OpenBal)                                                                                OPEEND
    F00 (OpenBal )                  F80( CTA)                                             [END]-[OPEEND]
    F15 (periodic activity)                                                                     [AVG]
    F15 (periodic activity)        F80 (CTA)                                            [END]-[AVG]
    F99 (Closing Balance)                                                                    [END]
    3)  FOR HIST
    Source FLow               DesitinationFlow    DestinationAcct             Formula                             Forceclose
    F00 (OpenBal)                                                                                AS_IS                               True
    F00 (OpenBal )                  F80( CTA)                                             [END]-[OPEEND]                     True
    F15 (periodic activity)                                                                     [AVG]                                     True
    F15 (periodic activity)        F80 (CTA)                                            [END]-[AVG]                            True
    And in my master data in the Flow dimension for member F99 (closing balance )for property FLOW_TYPE is equal to "CLOSING" and F00 (Opening balance) is "OPENING"
    1) Loaded  LC YTD Trial balance for 2011.NOV
    2) Run Fx Translations (it worked well as expected)
    3) Run Carry forward to 2011.DEC with LC and USD
    4) Loaded LC YTD Trial Balance for 2011.NOV
    5) Run Validation report with local currency (my balance sheet looks good for openingbalance, current period activities and closing balance)
    6) Run Validation report in USD for Opening balance, Still it balances for opening balance as its carry forwarded from previous period.
    7) Run Fx translation package for DEC.2011
    8) after FX translation my balance sheet is out of balance.
    My Balancesheet is out of balance after running Currency translations when we have opening balances. it is out of balance with the amount for the same for the opening balance. I mean before running currency translation for opening balance total for balancesheet items is zero but after running currency translations the opening balance is out of balance and CLosing balance sheet is also out with same dollar number.
    I am assuming the force close option is not working correctly. When we are on SP05 I remember it was working without any issue.
    I appreciate if any comments on this issue.

    Hi. On #1, try force translating these entities on their own. If that works, then I would call support about the all entities process not working. On #2, most people don't bother clearing the data after translating - just update it as needed. If you really want to clear it, you'll need an if/then in your calculate subroutine that runs the clear when at the reporting currency.

  • Import Server issues with SP4 maps

    While using the Import Server, I have a newly created map using Import Mgr 5.5 SP4. (I used a schema created by XI v.7 SP9). When it runs, it throw and exception with the following error message:
    <b>"Encountered a pre-SP4 map. The map needs to be upgraded to SP4.
    Solution: Please, Launch the Import Manager GUI using the same source file and simply save the map"</b>
    It appears to not like new entries on the Partners table and balks at auto-mapping values for the compound field for the qualified lookup table at the Customer main level. The input record is outlined below. I have set the CONFIGURATIONS to "Replace/Replace/None" and "Automap values in batch" and in the map they are set to "Create/Update (ALL MAPPED)/Update (ALL MAPPED)".
    Thanks in advance. Don
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <ns1:CustomerCreateResponseTest xmlns:ns1="urn:bp:xi:up:re:cust_mdm:cmdm:pr5:100">
    - <CUSTOMER>
      - <item>
       - <RETURN>
       - <PT_CONTPART_RETURN>                    qualified lookup table
        - <item>
            <MDM_CONTACT>0000000002</MDM_CONTACT>           non-qualifier
            <CONTACT>0002111119</CONTACT>                qualifier
       - <PARTNERS>                              qualified lookup table
        - <item>
           <CUSTOMERNO>0099999989</CUSTOMERNO>           non-qualifer
           <PARTNER_FUNCTION>RE</PARTNER_FUNCTION>          non-qualifer 
           <PARTNER_NUMBER>0090098989</PARTNER_NUMBER>      non-qualifer
           <DEFAULT_PARTNER>X</DEFAULT_PARTNER>           qualifier

    For all watching this thread:
    We were running MDM 5.5 SP4. We applied Patch 2 (not patch 3) to our 32-bit system and we no longer get this error. We now get an error that the "Source File does not conform to the XML Schema", an entirely new issue. I will open a new question regarding that.
    Thank you. Don

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