Incorrect download file for Oracle for Windows server 2003

I am trying to get hold of the Oracle client software for Windows server 2003 from <> the link is in the section "Oracle9i Release 2 (", titled "Oracle9i Database Release 2 Enterprise/Standard/Personal/Client Edition for Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)"
I follow the links through and download the OUI and "" software, however after downloading and unzipping the package it seems that the download was actually the patch that cannot be installed without installed first. I tried this on Friday and today with the same results.
Could you tell me how I get hold of the client software for Windows Server 2003 please?
Mark Williams

As Windows 2003 is officially released this week, I believe Oracle will shortly announce which versions of the database will be supported on Windows 2003. Stay tuned.

Similar Messages

  • INS-20802 Oracle net configuration assistant failed on windows server 2003 R2

    Hi all,
                I have windows server 2003 r2 installed on VM and tried installing oracle database 11g r2.
    But got Oracle net configuration assistant failed. Below is the log
    INFO: This variable JRE_HOME is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable ISQLPLUS_PROTOCOL is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable ISQLPLUS_PORT is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable HOST_SID_OFFSET_ENABLED is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable HOSTNAME is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable EM_UPLOAD_DISABLE is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable EM_UIX_DEBUG_FLAG is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable EMPRODVER is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable CONSOLE_MODE is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable CONSOLE_CFG is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable sl_oraclehomes is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_oc4jDir is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_oc4jAppsDir is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_jreHome is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_configcommand is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable b_isRAC is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable b_UNIX is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable OJSP_JAR_LOC is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable OJSPUTIL_JAR_LOC is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable LDAP_JAR_LOC is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable JAVA_HOME is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable ISQLPLUS_HOST is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable EM_UIX_LOCATION is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable EM_REPOS_HOST is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable EM_PING_COMMAND is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable EM_OC4J_HOME is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable EM_EAR_LOC is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable EMDROOT is not added to the global context map
    INFO: Adding the variable s_oc4jAdmPasswd to the aggregate oracle.sysman.console.db
    INFO: Adding the variable s_oc4jAdmPasswd to the global context map for the aggregate oracle.sysman.console.db
    INFO: This variable s_launchBrowserClasspath is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_javapOracleHome is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable PROD_HOME is not added to the global context map
    INFO: {Parameter:TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT in {Aggregate:OuiConfigVariables:}}: Parameter data type is not compatible with the provided String Array.
    INFO: passing params to cf done
    INFO: done saving info by cf
    INFO: This is a shared oracle home or remote nodes are null. No copy required.
    INFO: Checkpoint:Failed Checkpoint found returning it for getAllFailedCheckPoints.
    INFO: Checkpoint:Failed Checkpoint found returning null for getLastFailedCheckPoint.
    INFO: Checkpoint:Index file written and updated
    INFO: Checkpoint:Transfer of file done from remote node
    INFO: Updating the global context
    INFO: Path To 'globalcontext.xml' = C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\install\chainedInstall\globalcontext
    INFO: Since operation was successful, move the current OiicAPISessionDetails to installed list
    INFO: Number of root scripts to be executed = 0
    INFO: isSuccessfullInstallation: true
    INFO: isSuccessfullRemoteInstallation: true
    INFO: Adding ExitStatus SUCCESS to the exit status set
    INFO: Completed setting up InstallDB
    INFO: Performing Configuration
    INFO: Entering ConfigClient.init method
    INFO: ConfigClient.init sOracleHomeLoc=C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1, sTopAggId=oracle.server
    INFO: Entering ConfigClient.initClientAndSession method
    INFO: ConfigClient.initClientAndSession status : connected to the config framework
    INFO: ConfigClient.initClientAndSession session begun oracle.sysman.emCfg.client.CfwSession@c0d228
    INFO: ConfigClient.initClientAndSession m_oAggregate=[Loracle.sysman.emCfg.common.IAggregate;@1257f0e
    INFO: Configuration log directory - C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs
    INFO: Exiting ConfigClient.init method
    INFO: Calling event ConfigSessionInitialized
    INFO: ConfigClient.registerOutErrStream method called
    INFO: Entering ConfigClient.getToolsList method
    INFO: Created config job for Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
    INFO: Created config job for Oracle Database Configuration Assistant
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters in the Aggregates
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters for oracle.server
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters for oracle.assistants.netca.client
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters for oracle.assistants.server
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_dbcaArgs
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable S_SYSMANPASSWORD
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_systemPasswordFlag
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_sysmanPasswordFlag
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable S_HOSTUSERPASSWORD
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_dbcaArgsOverride
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable windows_commandline_prefix
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_sysPasswordFlag
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable S_SYSPASSWORD
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_asmsnmpPasswordFlag
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable S_DBSNMPPASSWORD
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_dbsnmpPasswordFlag
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable S_ASMSNMPPASSWORD
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable S_SYSTEMPASSWORD
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_hostUserPasswordFlag
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters for OuiConfigVariables
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters for oracle.sysman.ccr
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters for oracle.sysman.console.db
    INFO: Successfully updated Transient Parameters in the Aggregates
    INFO: Configuration log directory - C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs
    The Runconfig command constructed is C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oui\bin\runConfig.bat ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1 MODE=perform ACTION=configure RERUN=true $*
    INFO: Created a new file C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolAllCommands
    INFO: Since the option is to overwrite the existing C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolAllCommands file, backing it up
    INFO: The backed up file name is C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolAllCommands.bak
    INFO: Entering ConfigClient.executeToolsInAggregate method
    INFO: ConfigClient.executeToolsInAggregate oAggregate=oracle.server:oracle.server:
    INFO: Entering ConfigClient.assignAction method
    INFO: ConfigClient.assignAction actionref=[Loracle.sysman.emCfg.common.IActionReference;@1ae9cec
    INFO: ConfigClient.assignAction action is of type :configuration
    INFO: Exiting ConfigClient.assignAction method
    INFO: ConfigClient.executeToolsInAggregate action assigned
    INFO: Started Plugin named: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
    INFO: Found associated job
    INFO: Starting 'Oracle Net Configuration Assistant'
    INFO: Starting 'Oracle Net Configuration Assistant'
    INFO: UnsatisfiedLinkError exception loading native library: oranjni11
    INFO: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN\oranjni11.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
    WARNING: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: jniGetOracleHome
    WARNING: at Method)
    WARNING: at Source)
    WARNING: at
    WARNING: at
    WARNING: at
    WARNING: at
    INFO: Error: jniGetOracleHome
    INFO: Oracle Net Services configuration failed.  The exit code is 1
    INFO: Completed Plugin named: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
    INFO: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant failed.
    INFO: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant failed.
    INFO: ConfigClient.executeToolsInAggregate action performed
    INFO: Exiting ConfigClient.executeToolsInAggregate method
    INFO: Calling event ConfigToolsExecuted
    The Runconfig command constructed is C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oui\bin\runConfig.bat ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1 MODE=perform ACTION=configure RERUN=false $*
    INFO: Created a new file C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands
    INFO: Since the option is to overwrite the existing C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands file, backing it up
    INFO: The backed up file name is C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands.bak
    WARNING: readme.txt file doesn't exits
    INFO: ConfigClient.saveSession method called
    INFO: Calling event ConfigSessionEnding
    INFO: ConfigClient.endSession method called
    INFO: Completed Configuration
    INFO: Shutting down OUISetupDriver.JobExecutorThread
    INFO: Cleaning up, please wait...
    INFO: Dispose the install area control object
    INFO: Update the state machine to STATE_CLEAN
    INFO: All forked task are completed at state setup
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <setup>
    INFO: Performing Configuration
    INFO: Entering ConfigClient.init method
    INFO: ConfigClient.init sOracleHomeLoc=C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1, sTopAggId=oracle.server
    INFO: Entering ConfigClient.initClientAndSession method
    INFO: ConfigClient.initClientAndSession status : connected to the config framework
    INFO: ConfigClient.initClientAndSession session begun oracle.sysman.emCfg.client.CfwSession@140de18
    INFO: ConfigClient.initClientAndSession m_oAggregate=[Loracle.sysman.emCfg.common.IAggregate;@1b52041
    INFO: Configuration log directory - C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs
    INFO: Exiting ConfigClient.init method
    INFO: Calling event ConfigSessionInitialized
    INFO: ConfigClient.registerOutErrStream method called
    INFO: Entering ConfigClient.getToolsList method
    INFO: Selecting job named 'Oracle Net Configuration Assistant' for retry
    INFO: Selecting job named 'Oracle Database Configuration Assistant' for retry
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters in the Aggregates
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters for oracle.server
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters for oracle.assistants.netca.client
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters for oracle.assistants.server
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_dbcaArgs
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable S_SYSMANPASSWORD
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_systemPasswordFlag
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_sysmanPasswordFlag
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable S_HOSTUSERPASSWORD
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_dbcaArgsOverride
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable windows_commandline_prefix
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_sysPasswordFlag
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable S_SYSPASSWORD
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_asmsnmpPasswordFlag
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable S_DBSNMPPASSWORD
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_dbsnmpPasswordFlag
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable S_ASMSNMPPASSWORD
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable S_SYSTEMPASSWORD
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_hostUserPasswordFlag
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters for OuiConfigVariables
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters for oracle.sysman.ccr
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters for oracle.sysman.console.db
    INFO: Successfully updated Transient Parameters in the Aggregates
    INFO: Configuration log directory - C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs
    The Runconfig command constructed is C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oui\bin\runConfig.bat ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1 MODE=perform ACTION=configure RERUN=true $*
    INFO: Since the option is to overwrite the existing C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolAllCommands file, backing it up
    INFO: The backed up file name is C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolAllCommands.bak.1
    INFO: Entering ConfigClient.executeSelectedToolsInAggregate method
    INFO: ConfigClient.executeSelectedToolsInAggregate oAggregate=oracle.server:oracle.server:
    INFO: Entering ConfigClient.assignAction method
    INFO: ConfigClient.assignAction actionref=[Loracle.sysman.emCfg.common.IActionReference;@b970f5
    INFO: ConfigClient.assignAction action is of type :configuration
    INFO: Exiting ConfigClient.assignAction method
    INFO: ConfigClient.executeSelectedToolsInAggregate action assigned
    INFO: Started Plugin named: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
    INFO: Found associated job
    INFO: Starting 'Oracle Net Configuration Assistant'
    INFO: Starting 'Oracle Net Configuration Assistant'
    INFO: UnsatisfiedLinkError exception loading native library: oranjni11
    INFO: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN\oranjni11.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
    WARNING: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: jniGetOracleHome
    WARNING: at Method)
    WARNING: at Source)
    WARNING: at
    WARNING: at
    WARNING: at
    WARNING: at
    INFO: Error: jniGetOracleHome
    INFO: Oracle Net Services configuration failed.  The exit code is 1
    INFO: Completed Plugin named: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
    INFO: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant failed.
    INFO: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant failed.
    INFO: ConfigClient.executeSelectedToolsInAggregate action performed
    INFO: Exiting ConfigClient.executeSelectedToolsInAggregate method
    The Runconfig command constructed is C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oui\bin\runConfig.bat ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1 MODE=perform ACTION=configure RERUN=false $*
    INFO: Since the option is to overwrite the existing C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands file, backing it up
    INFO: The backed up file name is C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands.bak.1
    WARNING: readme.txt file doesn't exits
    INFO: ConfigClient.saveSession method called
    INFO: Calling event ConfigSessionEnding
    INFO: ConfigClient.endSession method called
    INFO: Completed Configuration
    INFO: Performing Configuration
    INFO: Entering ConfigClient.init method
    INFO: ConfigClient.init sOracleHomeLoc=C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1, sTopAggId=oracle.server
    INFO: Entering ConfigClient.initClientAndSession method
    INFO: ConfigClient.initClientAndSession status : connected to the config framework
    INFO: ConfigClient.initClientAndSession session begun oracle.sysman.emCfg.client.CfwSession@969e08
    INFO: ConfigClient.initClientAndSession m_oAggregate=[Loracle.sysman.emCfg.common.IAggregate;@6155e3
    INFO: Configuration log directory - C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs
    INFO: Exiting ConfigClient.init method
    INFO: Calling event ConfigSessionInitialized
    INFO: ConfigClient.registerOutErrStream method called
    INFO: Entering ConfigClient.getToolsList method
    INFO: Selecting job named 'Oracle Net Configuration Assistant' for retry
    INFO: Selecting job named 'Oracle Database Configuration Assistant' for retry
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters in the Aggregates
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters for oracle.server
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters for oracle.assistants.netca.client
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters for oracle.assistants.server
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_dbcaArgs
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable S_SYSMANPASSWORD
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_systemPasswordFlag
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_sysmanPasswordFlag
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable S_HOSTUSERPASSWORD
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_dbcaArgsOverride
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable windows_commandline_prefix
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_sysPasswordFlag
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable S_SYSPASSWORD
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_asmsnmpPasswordFlag
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable S_DBSNMPPASSWORD
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_dbsnmpPasswordFlag
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable S_ASMSNMPPASSWORD
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable S_SYSTEMPASSWORD
    INFO: Setting value to transient variable s_hostUserPasswordFlag
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters for OuiConfigVariables
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters for oracle.sysman.ccr
    INFO: Updating Transient Parameters for oracle.sysman.console.db
    INFO: Successfully updated Transient Parameters in the Aggregates
    INFO: Configuration log directory - C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs
    The Runconfig command constructed is C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oui\bin\runConfig.bat ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1 MODE=perform ACTION=configure RERUN=true $*
    INFO: Since the option is to overwrite the existing C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolAllCommands file, backing it up
    INFO: The backed up file name is C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolAllCommands.bak.2
    INFO: Entering ConfigClient.executeSelectedToolsInAggregate method
    INFO: ConfigClient.executeSelectedToolsInAggregate oAggregate=oracle.server:oracle.server:
    INFO: Entering ConfigClient.assignAction method
    INFO: ConfigClient.assignAction actionref=[Loracle.sysman.emCfg.common.IActionReference;@1e976fd
    INFO: ConfigClient.assignAction action is of type :configuration
    INFO: Exiting ConfigClient.assignAction method
    INFO: ConfigClient.executeSelectedToolsInAggregate action assigned
    INFO: Started Plugin named: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
    INFO: Found associated job
    INFO: Starting 'Oracle Net Configuration Assistant'
    INFO: Starting 'Oracle Net Configuration Assistant'
    INFO: UnsatisfiedLinkError exception loading native library: oranjni11
    INFO: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\BIN\oranjni11.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
    WARNING: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: jniGetOracleHome
    WARNING: at Method)
    WARNING: at Source)
    WARNING: at
    WARNING: at
    WARNING: at
    WARNING: at
    INFO: Error: jniGetOracleHome
    INFO: Oracle Net Services configuration failed.  The exit code is 1
    INFO: Completed Plugin named: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant
    INFO: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant failed.
    INFO: Oracle Net Configuration Assistant failed.
    INFO: ConfigClient.executeSelectedToolsInAggregate action performed
    INFO: Exiting ConfigClient.executeSelectedToolsInAggregate method
    The Runconfig command constructed is C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oui\bin\runConfig.bat ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1 MODE=perform ACTION=configure RERUN=false $*
    INFO: Since the option is to overwrite the existing C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands file, backing it up
    INFO: The backed up file name is C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\cfgtoollogs\configToolFailedCommands.bak.2
    WARNING: readme.txt file doesn't exits
    INFO: ConfigClient.saveSession method called
    INFO: Calling event ConfigSessionEnding
    INFO: ConfigClient.endSession method called
    INFO: Completed Configuration

    Hi Srini,
           The issue is resolved. Thanks for your response.
        The issue is, windows 2003 server is 32 bit and I am trying to install 64 bit 11g database. I tried installing 32 bit 11g database. Before that I have cleared the traces of virtual box in my host system and reinstalled it and tried. It worked out.

  • Oracle Applications 11.5.9 on Windows Server 2003

    I see that there are many topics here about installing Oracle Applications on Windows Platform.
    I reasently installed 11.5.9 on Windows Server 2003 at the customer site and I had a LOT of problems there but finished successfully after great help through TAR on Metalink.
    But now I am doing the same install here at my office to have test environment and then I get problems with winzip. I am using the same staging area(have created that from scratch couple of times) but no luck.
    What I get is "Unzip failed, Check log for details" and then I check the log but it does not tell me anything except that WinZip fails.
    Has anyone run into this problem?

    My problem on the first install was that I installed wrong version of JDK. But after I installed the right version, changes the config and XML file, everything worked.
    But now the staging area is not working for another install and I was wondering if someone have run unto same problem with unzip.

  • How to Stage directory for Oracle EBS R12.1.1 on Window Server 2008 ?

    Hi Every Body,
    1- How to Stage directory for Oracle EBS R12.1.1 downloaded from on Window Server 2008.?
    -- I have download all files from e-delivery and check the md5 and all files are OK.
    I extracted the entire files with winrar program to the same directory and during the unzipping I was notified to replace these files (dvd.label and component.label) and I agreed each time. So >>
    2- Was that a problem ?
    -- I have setup vc++ from VS6 , the sp6, cygwin , ... and set up the active directory and the domain.. and all other requirements.
    BUT when i started the ebs set up it raise the "*Os User and Group Check*" error.
    even if I am the only user and sure I am the Administrator. and also I run this Command to be sure
    C:\>net localgroup administrators and it said that the administrator is one of the administrators group.
    3- Somebody said that I have to change the temp and tmp folder to be on c:\ drive >> might this solve the problem?
    thanks in advance.

    Most of the instructions you have mentioned , already was configured.
    except for the tmp and temp directories.
    And even I changed them from System Properties >> Advanced >>  Environment Variable under User variable for Administrator and System variables , the problem still exist Os User and Group Check .
    I attach the conf_VIS.txt file because I thought it may help.
    Actually I am not sure about the rapid install patch version but I have download the EBS R12 from the following link and I think it contains the recent installer version
    Link >> Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.1 Media Pack for Microsoft Windows (32-bit)
    Note If you still can not open the link just suggest a suitable file hosting and I will upload to you. here I used 4shared and hoped it suits you.

  • How to Install Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) on Windows Server 2003?

    I recently installed "32-bit Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) with Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio" on my computer (Windows 7, 64bit). Everything seems fine and I can develop and run my application in Visual Studio 2010 and IIS 7.
    Now, when I deploy my application to the Server, it raises error:
    Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCommand' threw an exception. ---> Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException: The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client
    Obviously I need to install ODAC on the server, too. My server is:
    - Windows 2003 32 bit R2 (I know, I know!)
    - IIS 6
    So. I downloaded the same installation from Oracle website (ODAC 11.2 Release 5 and Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio []) and installed it on the server. But still getting the same error.
    PS: When I was installing, I chose Oracle Data Access Component for Oracle Client in Oracle Universal Installer. hmmmm. Should I choose "Oracle Server" instead? Screenshot
    Edited by: 1000434 on Apr 17, 2013 6:35 AM
    Edited by: 1000434 on Apr 17, 2013 6:36 AM

    ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver uses unmanaged dependencies in the Oracle Client. The error you see means you have another Oracle Client installed on the Win2003 machine and ODP.NET is attempting to load the incorrect Oracle Client version, rather than the version you installed ODP.NET with.
    What you need to do is direct ODP.NET where to find the correct version of its unamanaged Oracle Client dependencies. This will be generally the bin directory of your Oracle Client home that was installed with ODP.NET.
    You can learn more about DllPath here:
    If you're not familiar with how to set ODP.NET settings in the Registry or .NET config files, you can read how to do that here:

  • 10g R2 64-bit Oracle Database for MS Windows server 2003

    we are upgrading our 10.2.03 32 bit Oracle Enterprise DB on 32 bit MS windows server 2003 to 64 bit Oracle Enterprise DB 64 bit MS windows server 2003
    I got this Metalink ID
    Doc ID: 403522.1 How to Migrate Oracle 10.2 32bit to 10.2 64bit on Microsoft Windows
    I have searched for 10g R2 64 bit Oracle databases versions on MS windows server 2003 but din't gent any
    I am not sure whether this database works for 64 bit MS windows server 2003
    please let me know from where I can download 64-Bit 10g R2 Oracle Enterprise DB for 64-bit MS windows server 2003
    Have posted in       
    English » Technology Network Community » Downloads section haven't seen any replies
    thought of posting here
    Thanks in Advance

    If you are running the x64 version of Windows 2003 and not the Itanium version, you will find here:
    You may then patch it to by downloading the patch from Metalink.
    Charles Hooper
    IT Manager/Oracle DBA
    K&M Machine-Fabricating, Inc.

  • How to install Oracle 9i ( in Windows Server 2003 x64 - Intel Xeon

    I have tried to install Oracle 9i ( in Windows Server 2003 x64 Enterprise Edition with Intel Xeon (EM64T) processors.
    When I run setup.exe I get an error: "The image file C:\Documents and settings\administrator.SERVERNAME\my documents\92021 win64_disk1\setup.exe is valid, but is for a machine type other than the current machine".
    I have to install Oracle 9i in that server but I can't run the installation. Is there a way to solve this problem, is there a patch that can solve this? Anyone know something about this problem?
    Thanks a lot!!!
    I'm desperated!!

    reply to my own question:
    In the docs provided with the downloads for Oracle Database Server 9i x64, I found that this version requires either
    - Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition for 64-Bit Itanium 2 Systems
    - Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition for 64-Bit Itanium 2 Systems
    So I guess, the only X64 platform being supported under Windows Server 2003 (both Datacenter / Enterprise Editions) is Itanium CPUs ...
    ... though this is not (!!!) clearly stated in the download link (other/newer versions are listed more precisely - I guess it's a matter of an old link: no Intel Xeon / AMD Opterons were available (???) when Oracle 9i database server was published).
    So I'll give it a try with 10g database server ;-)))
    Thomas Heß

  • MS14-044 for SQL Server 2008 Standard on Windows Server 2003?

    MS14-044 was recently released and states that it applied to MS SQL Server 2008 SP3, yet the patches available for this security bulletin do not list Windows Server 2003 in the supported operating systems. Does MS14-044 not apply to SQL Server running
    on Windows Server 2003? If it does apply, why isn't there an update available to run on Windows Server 2003?

    Hi Chasg76,
    According to your description, the patches available for MS14-044 do not list Windows Server 2003 in the supported operating systems and you want to know whether MS14-044 applies to SQL Server running on Windows Server
    Based on my test, KB2977321 applies to SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 3 product and it does apply to SQL Server 2008 SP3 running on Windows Server 2003.
    I installed SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 3 in Windows Server 2003 SP2 x86. After the service pack 3 installation completed, KB2977321 was offered in the Automatic Update.
    Besides, you can manually install the update by downloading the update form the Download Center web site as well.
    I also tried the manually installation and I downloaded the Security Update for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 3 (KB2977321) from this web: Security Update for SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 3 (KB2977321) (,
    it was installed successfully.
    After installed security upgrade, I checked the file attributes and compared to this article: MS14-044: Description of the security update for SQL Server 2008 SP3 (GDR): August 12, 2014(
    The result is the same.
    According to my test, MS14-044 applies to SQL Server running on Windows Server 2003 even though Windows Server 2003 is not listed in the supported operating systems.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu

  • Oracle for Windows Server 2003 - Download file

    I download Oracle9i Database Release 2 Enterprise/Standard/Personal/Client Edition for Windows Server 2003 (32-bit) from OTN(file, but it doesn't have any setup file on the extracted files.
    I think that file is not complete or is not the appropriate one.
    Can anybody please help me ?
    Thanks !
    Mauro Moreira
    Cuiabá - MT - Brasil

    I am actuallt trying to do the same. What I fond out at one time, was that installing 9i on Windows 2003 is a multiple step process. First, you install the reqular three CD (or DISKS if you download the installation) and then you install the patches. I think what you have downloaded is only the patch. Read the README that comes with the zip file. I am looking for the document that described installing 9i on 2003. If I find id, I will pass it on.
    [email protected]

  • How to download oracle forms 6i for windows server 2003 or linux

    hi all,
    In my company there is a forms 6i server, now we want to move it to a new server for upgrade operations. for now we want to install forms 6i version on windows server 2003. on quick search I found it for xp but none for windows server 2003. if I try to install xp version I got "javai.dll is not valid" error.
    how can I download it ? Company has license information also. what should I do ? for ex should I open a SR on metalink or something like that ?
    thanks a lot.
    Edited by: elcaro on Jan 18, 2013 7:43 AM

    elcaro wrote:
    hi all,
    In my company there is a forms 6i server, now we want to move it to a new server for upgrade operations. for now we want to install forms 6i version on windows server 2003. on quick search I found it for xp but none for windows server 2003. if I try to install xp version I got "javai.dll is not valid" error.What is the complete error message?
    how can I download it ? Company has license information also. what should I do ? for ex should I open a SR on metalink or something like that ?Did you try this file? --
    You may log a SR if this does not work.

  • Unzipping downloaded files from Oracle

    Which program must be used to unzip the downloaded files from Oracle??
    I've run the batch file which creates the zip files, but Winzip doesn't recognize them.
    Help Please!!

    Just as a note, (I don't know if it will help you) After executing the batch file (especially for disks 1 & 2) it takes several minutes to complete the creation of the "single disk" zip file. And if you don't let it complete, winzip will not recognize it. The batch file will echo each steps completion, however the first echo takes a while to display, so it's easy to think that nothing is happening. I know I fell for it. So, try executing and then going for some coffee or something.

  • Symantec antivirus Best practice for oracle database on windows server 2003

    Hi all,
    I have an oracle database server on windows server 2003 platform of version what would be best practice of running symantec antivirus on that server as well as database file exclusions from scanning them.
    My server had rebooted unexpectedly for many times. in event log i have id as 6008. what may be cause of it..?

    Normally, you don't run a virus scanner on a database server because your database server isn't vulnerable to viruses. It's behind firewalls, people aren't reading mail on it, people aren't plugging thumb drives into it, etc. If you do decide that you need to run a virus scanner on a database server, at least exclude the Oracle data files from the scan. Oracle gets very unhappy if someone else tries to open its data files (or, worse, if someone opens a data file before it gets the chance to acquire exclusive access).

  • Help:where can i download jdk1.4 amd64-bit for windows server 2003 version?

    where can i download jdk1.4 amd64-bit for windows server 2003 version?

    Thanks all for your replys.
    As I know there is no Crystal Reports 2008 runtimes for 64 bit machines, there are only 32 bit runtimes for that product.So,I need to know when will be the 64 bit runtimes will be released or will be available.
    Also,for the CR bundled with VS 2008 (10.5), there are 64 bit runtimes which you could find on your development machine under -
    ' C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Bootstrapper\Packages\CrystalReports10_5\CRRedist2008_x64.msi '
    When will be 64 bit runtimes for CR 08 will be available?

  • Incorrect link for "Oracle9i Release 2 for Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)

    Hi. Go to here
    Then, under "Oracle9i Release 2 (", try to download "Oracle9i Database Release 2 Enterprise/Standard/Personal/Client Edition for Windows Server 2003 (32-bit). It just gives you a patch. It's not the correct link. Where is the full CD images!
    Compare this to the 64-bit version under "Oracle9i Release 2 ( This does have 2 big CD images.
    Can you fix the link? I need the software for Windows Server 2003 (32-bit). Thanks.

    Yes, it's a little confusing but it's all in the release notes on that page. Basically, you need to install for WinNT/2000 first and then apply the patch to bring it up to v9.2.0.3 for Windows 2003.

  • Which oracle software is suitable for Microsoft windows server 2003

    I'm suppose to install oracle 9i,10g on the system which i mentioned below.
    Which oracle software is suitable for the system?
    Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2
    Standard x64 Edition
    Service Pack 2
    Intel(R) Xenon CPU
    E5335 @ 2.00Ghz
    2.00Ghz, 2.00Gb of RAM
    Waiting for your suggestion.
    Thanks, Muhammed.

    Thanks for your quick response.
    As you said v11 can be installed and
    Could you please say about the bit (32 or 64bit)? which oracle binaries i can download
    because my system configuration is server 2003 - 64 is bit xeon process.
    Many Thanks,

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