InDesign CS5.5 - GIANT file size?

Hi there,
I am working on a book interior in InDesign CS5.5 and saving different versions when I make corrections. The problem is that the file started off close to 10mb then randomly jumped up to 1.67gb, the file contains no images and shouldn't be more than 40mb.
I have tried using the "Save As" feature (after doing some research) and the file size dropped to 850mb...this is still an abominably large file size for just text.
Does anyone have any solutions/advice?
Thanks in advance,

Hey Bob,
Thanks for the speedy response!
I exported to an IDML, opened it up and used the Save As my file is back to 6mb!
Not sure what the problem was...but thanks for that solution!

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    Is this document located on your computer, you're not working on it across a server where someone else might legitimately have it open? If that's the case, look in the folder where this document is located, see if there's a file name in that folder that starts with a tilde and ends with ".idlk". That's the lock file that keeps multiple users from opening the same document in a shared environment. If it's only you working on this, it should be safe to delete it, and you should then be able to open the file.

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    I think I may have responded to this in the community help section, but I'll repeat what I said there. InDesign has some impressive Flash capabilities but using it to create an entire, not a good idea at all.
    The size of the SWF files is a major issue and they are quite simply not suitable for this purpose. Additionally, an entire website in Flash is an SEO nightmare so it won't matter how long it takes to load since nobody is likely to find it.
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    rayzha wrote:
    So I need to d/l adobe acrobat?
    OK, so this sounds like you don't have a Creative Suite package, or perhaps you are using Creative Cloud and didn't install Acrobat Pro.
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    Hi John
    Wounder what kind of project You started ? (HD ?)
    Mac OS ?, iMovie 5.0.2 ?? and QT ???
    I would:
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    - start a normal DV project in iMovie (NTSC if You like)
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    This is only applicable to DPS. The DPS forum is here:
    You can download Bob Bringhurst's excellent DPS tips app here:

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    My guess: flash.
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    Yes, going to EPUB and then Kindle seems to be the best route.
    A few suggestions.
    1.       Upgrade to CS6. EPUB capabilities have been dramatically improved.
    2.       Buy some good books EPUB. I suggest these two Liz Castro’s books for a start: and
    3.       Visit Liz’s blog:
    4.       Check out Ann Marie Concepcion’s excellent titles. This link will get you a one week trial:
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    Thank you,
    --------------------------------------------- EDIT ---------------------------------------------
    For all who have this error, restart your machine and it works fine!

    Since you've shown us the folder contents it's a good bet it isn't in use (no lock file). And it doesn't look like the file is mis-named as there doesn't seem to be anything else there that would be the .indd file (but just in case, open it in TextEdit and paste the first few lines here so we can see what the file header says), so the most likely case is the file is damaged. Is that on a removable device of some sort?
    You can try the tool at Repair corrupt InDesign Adobe files on Mac OS X  or send me a link to the file by private message and I'll try the recovery tool I have for Windows.

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    Peter Spier wrote:
    Hi Robert, we haven't seen you here for a while. Welcome back.
    I know Jongware complains bitterly that Word import can be really flakey. Did you try daving as plain .doc, too? Seems like MathType equations are also the subject of a fair number of posts, too, but I'm not sure they are really a similar problem. I don't suppose there's any way for you to convert the eqations to .ai or PDF and still use them as links in Word, or to embed rather than link?
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    The problem is - I've done reImport step in Word2000 - as 2nd macro - and it works perfectly fine for DOC files saved from Word2000.
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    Thanks! That did the trick. Instead of Exporting, they were Saving As an idml file.

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