Industry sector

dear all,
is it possible that MM01 when i am creating material i selected a industry sector and i can attach specific material types. i mean i selected industry sector abcd then it should pick up only roh, verp, and fert only.
qsm sap

In that case you have use special transactions for material creation;
MMB1                 Create Semifinished Product &
MMD1                 Create MRP Profile
MMF1                 Create Finished Product &
MMG1                 Create Returnable Packaging &
MMH1                 Create Trading Goods &
MMI1                 Create Operating Supplies &
MMK1                 Create Configurable Material &
MML1                 Create Empties &
MMM1                 Create Message: Material Master
MMN1                 Create Non-Stock Material &
MMP1                 Create Maintenance Assembly &
MMR1                 Create Raw Material &
MMS1                 Create Service &
MMU1                 Create Non-Valuated Material &
MMV1                 Create Packaging &
MMW1                 Create Competitor Product &

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    Hello Gurus,
    Am trying to create a dropdown for Indusry field. 3 dropdown should come up for Industry sector field namely primary,secondary and tertiary.Corresponding to the value selected in primary,data should come up in Secondary and corresponding to value selected in secondary ,data should up in tertiary.Am only able to fetch the value at first instance but corresponding values are not coming up secondary and tertiary.I have followed the procedure that had to be followed in order to make a field as dropdown.Can anyone Please help.
    In get_v , i have added this code.
    DATA:  lt_ddlb  TYPE          bsp_wd_dropdown_table,
               wa_ddlb  LIKE LINE OF  lt_ddlb.
              lr_entity1         TYPE REF TO if_bol_bo_property_access,
              lv_index           TYPE sytabix,
              lr_collection      TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_wd_collection_wrapper,
              lv_high_ind_sector TYPE string,
              lv_istype          TYPE string.
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        lr_collection = me->GET_COLLECTION_WRAPPER( ).
       lv_index =   lr_collection->get_current_index( ).
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    lr_entity1 ?=  lr_collection->find( iv_index = lv_index ).
            lv_high_ind_sector = lr_entity1->get_property_as_string( iv_attr_name = 'INDUSTRYSECTOR' ).
          lv_istype = lr_entity1->get_property_as_string( iv_attr_name = 'INDUSTRYSECTORKEYSYSTEM ' ).
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          lv_index = lv_index - 1.
          lr_entity1 ?=  lr_collection->find( iv_index = lv_index ).
          lv_high_ind_sector = lr_entity1->get_property_as_string( iv_attr_name = 'INDUSTRYSECTOR' ).
          lv_istype = lr_entity1->get_property_as_string( iv_attr_name = 'INDUSTRYSECTORKEYSYSTEM ' ).
        SELECT aspras aind_sector atext INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE GT_IND_SECTOR FROM tb038b AS a INNER JOIN tb038a AS b ON  bistype = a~istype
    AND bind_sector = aind_sector
    AND b~istype = lv_istype*
    AND b~father_sec = lv_high_ind_sector.
      Loop at GT_IND_SECTOR into wa_ind_sector.
          wa_ddlb-key   =  wa_ind_sector-ind_sector.
          wa_ddlb-value =  wa_ind_sector-text.
          Append wa_ddlb to lt_ddlb.
        IF lt_ddlb IS NOT INITIAL.
              iv_source_type = 'T'.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
            GR_DDLB_INDUSTRY_SEC->set_selection_table( it_selection_table = lt_ddlb ).
    rv_valuehelp_descriptor =  GR_DDLB_INDUSTRY_SEC.

    Not sure I understood your requirement 100%, but kindly check the following thread where a question on How-to make dropdown list values dependent has already been answered:
    How to link the first Drop down values witht the second Drop down Values
    Nicolas Busson.
    PS: also it would be good to know your CRM version... because I thought this thread was posted in the WebClient forum, but it's not.

  • Relationship between material type and industry sector

    Hi experts
    when using t-code mm01,there are two fields material type and industry setor in screen.Is there any relationship between material type and industry sector? I want to know if user be able to see the material type related to particular industry sector?
    thanks in advance!

    There is no direct relationship between the material type and the industry sector.
    The industry sector is used only for field sttus maintenance (fields in display/optional/requierd entry) in transactions.
    We will assign seperate field reference groups to industry sectors and deopending on how we configure the field references, the fields will appear for the materials created for that industry sector.

  • Industry sector field for display only.

    Dear All,
    Does anybody know the setting to make Industry sector for display only, so that the enduser cannot change industry sector while creating material.
    I know to hide industry sector from DEFAULTS menu, but i need to freeze that field for display only.

    Hello Ranganath,
    You can use transaction exit. for more information check this thread.
    Industry sector (MBRSH) field in display mode.
    Hope this helps.
    Arif Mansuri

  • How to change material type and industrial sector of the exsisting material

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    IF not ,how can we delete that material from material master so that another material with same number and required material type and industrial sector  can be created.
    Points will be definitely rewarded.

    Hi Rohit,
    You can change the material type in MMAM trxn code if the material dosenot conatain any open purchase requisitions, open reservations & open purchase orders. Also material stock should be zero.
    Remember the new material type should have same attributes same as old material type.
    OLD Material New Material
    1) Standard Price 1) Standard Price
    2) Manufacture part 2) Manufacture part
    profile actvated profile actvated
    3) Quantity & Value 3) Quantity & Value
    Updation in all areas Updation in all areas
    4) should have same GL 4) Should have same GL acs
    It is not possible to change Industry sector once created.
    If you want to delete the Material, you can flag it in MM06 trxn code.
    Dont forget to Assign points if useful.

  • Ignificance of the Industry Sector selection in the Material Master

    hi all,
    We need information on the significance of the Industry Sector selection in the Material Master field. I understand that it can influence field selection and the screen sequence of the material master record.  We are particularly interested to know the influence of the industry sector u201CPharmaceutical Industryu201D .
    Any inputs would be greatly appreciated.

    Please check follwoing links
    [MM01- Industry  Sector;
    1. Define Industry Sectors and Industry-Sector-Specific Field Selection (transaction OMS3) -> assign a field reference to field selection
    2. Maintain Field Selection for Data Screens (transaction OMS9) -> define a specific field selection for a field selection group (for example, depending on industry sector (the field reference appears on the lower table control).
    Like the material type, the industry sector also has a control function. When you create a material master record, the industry sector determines:
    Which screens appear and in which order
    Which industry-specific fields appear on each screen
    The industry sector you assign to a material cannot subsequently be changed. In Customizing, you can define new industry sectors and maintain the field reference for field selection control according to your enterprise-specific requirements.
    Most data in the material master record can be maintained directly by the user. But some information is automatically updated by the system. When you enter goods movements, for example, the system updates the stock and consumption data. Statistical information, such as the date of original creation and that of the last change, can be invoked with , with the quick-info text Information on material.
    Some data in the material master is used for information purposes only, for example, description, size, and dimensions. Other material data has a controlling function in an application. For example, the MRP type controls the MRP procedure and the price control indicator determines which material valuation procedure is used
    Kailas ugale

  • Number of entries in the list industry sector varies (Transaction MM01)

    Hell friends
    I have 2 different ECC servers. When I try to create a material using transaction MM01, I see different lists on them.
    Both of them were installed recently and so everything available there are standard SAP created data.
    When I enter transaction code MM01 and select the list Industry Sector on the first server, I see a huge list starting with AgriculturalServices, AutoRepairServicesParking, BldgMaterialsHWGardenSupp etc. (More than 25 in number).
    However, I try the same thing on the second server I see only 5 of them. I am looking for Finished product on this second server and I don't see that, which is a standard industry sector according to what I have read.
    Could some one please let me know why this difference and also how to see all the entries in the list?
    Your response will be highly appreciated.

    Check table V137 in both servers and also
    check ENHANCEMENT patch level of both the servers

  • Industry Sector and Material Type list of values in cFolders

      How to transfer the List of Values for Industry Sector & Material Type from R/3 to cFolders system?
    We have R/3 Production system running for the past 3 years. We are implementing cFolders now. While Material creation in cFolders, the List of Values listed for above mentioned fields are not as per R/3 values. Hence we need to change the same LOV in cFolders as per R/3. How to do it?

    The parameters material type and industry sector are used
    to classify a material. They define its possible uses.
    For example if you selct indutsry type as retail or mechanical it will classssify the material accordingly. again material type is semifinished then this you can also use as a raw material. In mm02 or MM03 u cant see it.
    If you want to see these you can go to SE16 and put table name MARA and can see it.
    Hope this will help.
    Reward point if helpful.

  • Change   the  Industry Sector

            After the material master data have been created,can we make a change of  the  Industry Sector ?  If do, how to realize it?
           Thanks in advance !

    HI,Stephen  and Yogesh:
    Thanks for your replies!
    The reason I want to change the industry sector is that:
    We filled the industry sectors of all materials with different labels (e.g., A and B).
    Now we want unify them to the same label.
    It seems this change is impossible according to your information.

  • Industry sector in material master

    Dear all,
    May I know what are the guide lines to select Industry sector to configure material master.
    What are all the SAP standard Industry sector available?
    Can we use any indutry sector for any type of business. How to choose this.
    please advise.

    Hello Udaya,
    Branch of industry.
    The industry sector groups together companies according to their activities (for example, plant engineering and construction, mechanical engineering, the chemical industry, and the pharmaceutical industry).
    Table-driven program support is provided according to industry sector; for example, for the selection of data fields on-screen, for the sequence of the screens, and for the allocation of a material to a material type.
    Industry Sector :
    Key that specifies the branch of industry to which the material is assigned.
    When you create a material master record, the industry sector you specify determines
    which screens appear and in what order
    which industry-specific fields appear on the individual screens.

  • Industry sector of the Material

    Hi there!
    Do we have any way out to find out the 'Industry Sector' for the material (irrespective of any material type) which is already created and available in the system.
    Ex: Material - XYZ - Is created in the system a year back.
    I want to know the which industry sector does it belong to?
    Is there any way out? If Yes, What are the ways to find out this.

    Use MARA table.
    Enter SE16 t-code.
    Here enter table MARA and press enter.
    Then enter your material codes and click on execute.
    You will get material wise industry list
    Mahesh Wagh

  • Restiction of material types based on the industry sector?

    I have developed  specific industry sector for my client and also developed specific material types (Z*) for them.         
    But then i cannot prevent my user from creating the material master with the incorrect industry sector and also they are able to create material types choosing the incorrect material type?
    Can somebody please advise how to restric this.

    In the MM01 trxn ..
    Enter Industry sector & Material Type.
    then Click > Defaults > Industry Sector > Put tick to Industry sector ..
    So, that the Z* Industry sector will become Default..
    As user will not see Industry sector , there is no Question of changing..
    Pls do it for All Users..

  • FM to fetch Industry sector of Business partner

    Hi Gurus,
    Can you tell me the  Function Module to fetch Industry sector for a given Business partner. I have already tried using the FMs
    Any pointers on the same will be helpful.

    Use this FM   :
    In the export structure ES_DATA , you will get industry sector in INDUSTRY field.

  • Hide Industry Sector Field after giving it a defalut value

    I want to hide industry secor field in material master initial screen . Also as industry sector is a mandatory field i want the system to take a default value all the time without ever displaying it .
    Pls tell me the settings .
    Regards ,

    You can do the same by following setting :
    Go to MM02-> Defaults ( Menu) -> INdustry Sector--> Select Required Industry sector and then tick the Check box HIde Industry sector on initial screen and then continue.So always this industry sector by default will be selected and also will be stayed hidden.
    Hope this helps.
    Revert if any doubt.

  • How to modify  industry sector of material master data

    dear all:
    i have already created a material master data using a wrong industry sector through tcode MM01.
    and i have created BOM&ROUTTING for this material.
    now ,i want to modify the  industry sector of  this  material.
    what should i do for this case?
    thank you!
    best regards!

    Industry sector is at client level & once you create the material you can't change the industry sector.
    However, if you have debug rights then you can change it directly in the table MARA with field MBRSH.
    Hope your query get resolved.

  • Is business area and industry sector are same.

    Hi All,
       is company code  is related to industry sector in any way??? 
    is industry sector related thro business area then, or  is business area and industry sector are one and the same.

    Dear Satish,
    Business Area - Organizational unit of external accounting that corresponds to a specific business segment or area of responsibility in a company. Movements in value entered in Financial Accounting are assigned to business areas.
    Financial statements can be created for business areas for internal purposes.
    The definition of the business area organizational unit is optional.
    Business areas are used in external segment reporting (over and above company codes), based on the significant areas of operation of a company (for example, product lines, branches).
    To define business areas, choose the following in Customizing for the Enterprise Structure: Definition -> Financial Accounting -> Define Business Area.
    If you have defined business areas, the transaction figures for the G/L accounts are managed separately for internal evaluation purposes. You can therefore create internal financial statements for business areas.
    If you want to create financial statements for business areas, you must make sure that the Business area field is ready for input in all the line items. To do this, proceed as follows in Customizing for Financial Accounting: Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Business Area -> Enable Business Area Balance Sheet.
    To post items in a business area, enter the business area when you enter the business transaction. However, the business area can also be derived from other account assignments, such as the cost center. To enable the system to do this, you must define the business area in the cost center master record.
    If you enter a cross-company code document, you can post to different business areas across all company codes in one document. As a result, any number of combinations of company code and business area are possible.
    Industry Sector - When you create a material master record, you are required to classify the material according to industry sector and material type.
    The standard system contains the following industry sectors. The ID used to identify the industry sector internally appears in parentheses.
    ·        Plant engineering and construction (A)
    ·        Chemical industry (C)
    ·        Mechanical engineering (M)
    ·        Pharmaceuticals (P)
    The other sectors are for retail.

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