Info packages

Hi all,
When am grouping the infopackages am getting the following message
Possible overlapping selection conditions; please check
can i proceed with this while batch processing in process chains.
Edited by: ashwin kumar on Feb 13, 2008 7:49 PM

Hi Ashwin,
The checks performed when building process chains can sometimes give you warnings that can be ignored.
You have a chian in which you drop indexes A, load cube A, create indexes A, drop indexes B, Load cube B, create indexes B.
A warning that you should not have a load cube preceeded by a create index will appaer.
There is no check WHICH indexes are created, only that some indexes are created.
So for a lot of warnings you will have to check yourself if this is correct or not.
Hope this helps.

Similar Messages

  • Info package ABAP Routine to populate date from and To filed

    Hello Experts,
    I have requirement to populate the From and To dates with the: T-1 to T (Current Date u2013 1 to Current Run Date aka Sy-Datum) at info package level.I have written a code for this but see that From filed is not getting populated but TO filed is filled with current date.Can someone please tell me wats wrongwith my code?It is a delta info pacakage.
    data: l_idx like sy-tabix.
    read table l_t_range with key
         fieldname = 'CPUDT'.
    l_idx = sy-tabix.
      l_t_range-sign = 'I'.
      l_t_range-option = 'BT'.
      l_t_range-low = sy-datum - 1.
      l_t_range-High = sy-datum.
    modify l_t_range index l_idx.
    p_subrc = 0.

    Was able to tackle this using the following code.
    data: l_idx like sy-tabix.
    data: V_date type sy-datum.
    v_date = sy-datum - 1.
    read table l_t_range with key
         fieldname = 'CPUDT'.
    l_idx = sy-tabix.
      l_t_range-sign = 'I'.
      l_t_range-option = 'BT'.
      l_t_range-low = v_date.
       l_t_range-High = sy-datum.
    modify l_t_range index l_idx.
    p_subrc = 0.
    I am closing this thread

  • Info Package ABAP Routine

    For FIGL_4 there is both open items and closed items. i want to filter only Open Items Accounting doc no's records for Customers,Vendors,GL account at info package level.
    There are 3 ODS's in BW side for Open items Customers,Vendors,GL accounts. i want to filter open items based on these 3 ODS's Active data table.But i am getting error when i execute the request in Info Package.
    *Error Message "For sel. field 'BELNR ', no selection with SIGN = ' '; OPTION ' ' allowed     RSM1     607     *
    Below is the Info package Routine code
    program conversion_routine.
    Type pools used by conversion program
    type-pools: rsarc, rsarr, rssm.
    tables: rssdlrange.
    Global code used by conversion rules
    $$ begin of global - insert your declaration only below this line  -
    TABLES: ...
    DATA:   ...
            END OF TY_ZOCFBSID.
            END OF TY_ZOCFBSIS.
            END OF TY_ZOCFBSIK.
           FLAG TYPE I.
    $$ end of global - insert your declaration only before this line   -
        InfoObject      = ZMCFADCNO
        Fieldname       = BELNR
        data type       = CHAR
        length          = 000010
        convexit        = ALPHA
    form compute_BELNR
      tables   l_t_range      structure rssdlrange
      using    p_infopackage  type rslogdpid
               p_fieldname    type rsfnm
      changing p_subrc        like sy-subrc.
          Insert source code to current selection field
    $$ begin of routine - insert your code only below this line        -
    data: l_idx like sy-tabix.
              read table l_t_range with key
                   fieldname = 'BELNR'.
              l_idx = sy-tabix.
           FROM /BIC/AZOCFBSID00
            FROM /BIC/AZOCFBSIK00
            FROM /BIC/AZOCFBSIS00
           l_t_range-sign = 'I'.
           l_t_range-option = 'EQ'.
           l_t_range-low = WA_ZOCFBSID-/BIC/ZMCFADCNO.
           Append l_t_range.
           CLEAR l_t_range.
           l_t_range-sign = 'I'.
           l_t_range-option = 'EQ'.
           l_t_range-low = WA_ZOCFBSIK-/BIC/ZMCFADCNO.
           Append l_t_range.
           CLEAR l_t_range.
           l_t_range-sign = 'I'.
           l_t_range-option = 'EQ'.
           l_t_range-low = WA_ZOCFBSIS-/BIC/ZMCFADCNO.
           Append l_t_range.
           CLEAR l_t_range.
              modify l_t_range index l_idx.
              p_subrc = 0.
    $$ end of routine - insert your code only before this line         -
    Edited by: AtulMohan Mishra on Dec 27, 2010 1:11 PM

    Now i am facing an error during data extraction from Source system
    error message in BW system "Error occurred in the data selection " Data Package 1 : arrived in BW ; Processing : 2nd processing step not yet finished
    when i checked in  SM37 (R3 system) i found the job has been cancelled and Log of this job says
    "Asynchronous sending of InfoIDOCs 2 in task 0001 (0 parallel tasks) DATASOURCE = 0FI_GL_4 
    ABAP/4 processor: SAPSQL_WHERE_CANT_SCAN                                   
    Job cancelled      "   
    it seems to me the Problem in Routine at Info Package level.
    My Requirement is to fetch only those Accounting Doc. No. RECORDS from 0FI_GL_4 data source which are present in Active data table of BSID,BSIK,BSIS ODS's.
    So i want to put logic at Info Package routine .
    1) fetch all Accounting Doc. No.  from Active data table of BSID,BSIK,BSIS Ods's and Match those Accounting Doc. No.'s with the 0FI_GL_4 data source Accounting Doc. No's.if a Accounting Doc. No. match with 0FI_GL_4 data source Accounting Doc no then that corresponding record from 0FI_GL_4 will go to the ODS

  • Process Chain and Info Package Transportation?

    Hello All
    Case 1
    How to transport a Process chain and a Info Package Individually?(<b>first time from DEV to QA</b>)
    Case 2
    I have 9(<b>IP1 to IP9</b>)infopackages and 3(<b>P1 to P3</b>) Process chains and in each Process chain I have 3 Info packages like IP1,IP2,IP3 in P1 and so on.,
    Now is it necessary to transport Infopackages and Process chains individually or is it enough to transport Process chains only(If v transport Process chains will the Infopackages will also transport)then how to assign a request to each one?
    What I mean is,all <b>Infopackages are in $TMP(Package</b>),and Process chain is also <b>$TMP</b>,Now is it necessary to change the package for Infopackages as well as Process chain and Tranport only PC,Iam confused here,can anyone help me out?
    Many thanks

    Hi Balaji,
    If you have created new infopackages then you have to transport them. It is not necssary to transport the info-packages if you have them in the process chain but have not changed them.
    Also you cannot transport any BW object with $ tmp package. Assign a package and then transport the objects.
    The best way to transport the process chain is from the RSPC screen. Click the transport button there and collect all the objects and transport them.

  • Info Package in Process Chain taking long time

    Dear All,
    Info Package in Process Chain having 0 records is taking 1 hr 5 mins to complete. Time out time is set to 10 mins.
    Does any one of you know the reason why it is happening like this?

    When the info package status turns to green : final message is :
    No data available
    The data request was a full update.
    In this case, the corresponding table in the source system does not
    contain any data.
    System Response
    Info IDoc received with status 8.
    Check the data basis in the source system.
         The data request was a full update.
         o   In this case, the corresponding tab
                 contain any data.
         o   System Response
                 Info IDoc received with status
    Check the data basis in the source system.
    No data available in the source system for this selection
    No further action necessary
    When the status was red, I checked BD87 and SM58 and there were no entries.
    The corresponding job in sm37 took 869 seconds to complete. Below was the job Log.
    Job started
    Call customer enhancement BW_BTE_CALL_BW204010_E (BTE) with 0 records
    Result of customer enhancement: 0 records
    Call customer enhancement EXIT_SAPLRSAP_001 (CMOD) with 0 records
    Result of customer enhancement: 0 records
    IDOC: Info IDoc 2, IDoc No. 1345319, Duration 00:00:00
    IDoc: Start = 24.10.2011 18:29:54, End = 24.10.2011 18:29:54
    Synchronized transmission of info IDoc 3 (0 parallel tasks)
    IDOC: Info IDoc 3, IDoc No. 1345330, Duration 00:00:00
    IDoc: Start = 24.10.2011 18:44:18, End = 24.10.2011 18:44:18
    Job finished.
    PLease help.

  • Short dump while executing info package in 3.5 data flow?

    i am getting short dump while executing info package while executing info package. it was working perfectly 2 days back suddenly it is giving this problem. it is a full load for info object text data and i have only 600 records. when i tried with " only info package" it is working perfectly n bringing the data into PSA. But when i use "PSA and the into data target" it is giving short dump.
    i replicated Data source and also i activated transfer rules, update rules still it is not working. When i check with another info objects it is working perfectly fine. i dont know what is wrong with only particular info object.
    Please find attached short dump.

    When you load transaction data I think there is a deadlock.
    Check in the process overview (transaction SM50) the waiting processes are in program SAPLSENA .
    The program SAPLSENA is the lock handler tool.
    Also check if  ACR is running on this target while your load is happening.
    Check in SM12 if there are any lock entries for the Infoobject to which you are loading data and on RSICCONT table .
    Try reloading after deleting the locks manually.

  • Version error while creating info package of data source 0fi_gl_10

    Dear Friends,
    I have replicated the data source 0fi_gl_10 into sap bw but while creating info package i am getting error " The DataSource 0FI_GL_10(E01CLNT200) does not exist in object version A". IS the manual activation always should be done for that ?

    Please check if the veriosn of DataSource is A or not. Sometimes it shows as active but if you open the datasource then it might be in modified version only. Do activate it manually, it will serve your purpose to create a infopackge.

  • Error while creating Info Package

    I am new to SAP-BW .Could anyone help me in fixing the following error .
    I have created an Info source for characteristic data and then trying to create a Infopackage to load master data , I have used the characteristic Material Number(IO-MAT) in this case .
    When creating the Info Package I got two data sources in the pop up , Material number (Master data)IO_MAT_ATTR and Material number (Texts) IO_MAT_TEXT .
    I was able to load data from a flat file into Data Source Material Number (Master data) But when I was trying to follow the same procedure and load the data for 'Material number(Texts) IO_MAT_TEXT' it gives me the following error .
    Select the Language field in the  source system -> Long Text
    I am not able to figure out and proceed further. Pls help me out.

    I have another question..I was able to fix the error regarding info package but unable to load the data..(data load is being failed)
    In the DataSource/Transfer Structure I have LANGU , /BIC/ZB4_MAT (Material Number infoobject which i created) and TXTSH Fields ..
    the flat file which i used has Language, MaterialNumber,description pattern alone..
    (eg . E , M001,cookie ) and when i try to load this data..and  check in the Monitor - Administration shows as unsuccessful..
    The following error msg :
    Error message when processing in the Business Warehouse
    An error occurred in the SAP BW when processing the data. The error is documented in an error message.
    System response
    A caller 01, 02 or equal to or greater than 20 contains an error meesage.
    I could'nt see the long text of Help information...
    could you help me out in figuring out this..
    Points assigned for previous answer..

  • Dump error while creating or double click the info package

    Hello experts,
    I have actived infocube 0FIAR_C03 in BI content. Ago, The creation infopackage have been deleted in the past , today, I  created a infopackage, while I update mode selected u2018initialize delta processu2019, then click save button , the system prompt u2018Deltas already loaded for request  REQU_D64R47LDUSZHY9CBIB86WMLFJ init.selection; no 2. initu2019, I canoti save it for my setting. Why is this?
    Then I have search cause in SDN,  and I have reference OSS Note 852443 to do .
    I have to delete that request of record using se16 in these tables: RSSELDONE、RSSDLINIT、RSSDLINITSEL.
    in my BI 7.0 system,   ROOSPRMSC、ROOSPRMSF is no any data.
    I was no found delta queue in RSA7.
    Now . Dump error while creating or double click the info package,  how can I change this?
    Please let me know the solution.
    Thanks for your help.
    Best Regards

    Here are some links  which deals with same issue.
    Re: Dump In Infopackage
    Re: Getting into Short dump at the time of selecting InfoPackage to execute for
    Short dump while performing init in infopackage
    Re: Infopackage going into short dump

  • Error while transporting PCs and Info packages frm dev to qa

    Hello Guyz
    First of all, I am new to this forum. Heard a lot about it, and I hope I can learn a lot by the exchange of information in this forum. I ve already gone through so many threads, and have gained a lot of insight in BW.
    I have an issue, where I am transporting process chains and info packages from dev to qa. But the transports have thrown errors, saying that the 'Source System XXXCLNTXXX does not exist and info package has been deleted'.
    My question: How can I transport these objects in such a way that the loads which were going from ECCDEV to BWDEV, now go from ECCQA to BWQA? Are there any settings in SE09 or SE10 or somewhere in BW where I can do this?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Atul........
    There is no such settings........check this.......
    How to transport BW object
    Anyways.....I think there is some problem in the Client name.......Just check the Source system name in RSA1...........if it has been changed somehow........then run transaction BDLS and change the source system assignment........

  • Dump Error while Creating the Info Package

    I have created Customized ODS and used Generic data sources.I have loaded full Upload to ODS. Created Info Packages for Init delta and Delta for delta loading. I have ran Full Upload and while I am trying to run Init, I am getting the error.
    While I am trying to open the Info Package, I am getting Dump error message.
    Dump error Message :
    What happened?
        The current application program detected a situation which really
        should not occur. Therefore, a termination with a short dump was
        triggered on purpose by the key word MESSAGE (type X).
    While i am trying to Create New Info Package, the systems gives the Dump on the System
    Please help on this issue.

    Actually, when we want to have delta loads in future, then we can just have one infopackage with init delta infopackage, so that when it runs for the first time, it pulls all the records and from next time onwards it will pull the delta records only.
    But as you have done the full load with infopackage, now just create a delta infopackage, no need of init delta infopackage, this is the reason, its giving dump.
    Hope it has given some insight.

  • ******Creation of a loading selection for cube in info package level

    when we are  scheduling the info package(Infp package name is like XYZ),we want to load past 6 months data from the current date(INFO OBJECT(0CREATEDON) BETWEEN (Sy-Datum - 6 months TO  Sy-Datum),in the selection tab in schedule i want to write the abap routine (type 6).please can any one have this type of code please sedn to me asap.
    this is very is tomorrow.

    hi Lekha,
    data: l_idx like sy-tabix,
    l_month(6) type c,
    l_dtlast6month like sy-datum.
    read table l_t_range with key
    iobjnm = '0CREATEDON'.
    l_idx = sy-tabix.
    DELETE l_t_range
    WHERE iobjnm = '0CREATEDON'.
    L_t_RANGE-SIGN = 'I'.
    L_t_RANGE-OPTION = 'EQ'.
    if not work, try
    L_t_RANGE-OPTION = 'BT'.
    BT = between
    current month
    concatenate sy-datum3(2) sy-datum0(4) into l_month.
    L_t_RANGE-HIGH = l_month.
    last 6 month
    clear l_month.
    l_dtlast6month = sy-datum - 180.
    concatenate l_dtlast6month4(2) l_dtlast6month0(4) into l_month.
    L_t_RANGE-LOW = l_month.
    append l_t_range.
    modify l_t_range index l_idx.
    p_subrc = 0.
    $$ end of routine - insert your code only before this line -
    Re: routine as selection in infopackage
    Re: routine as a selection in infopackage 2. Paolo Siniscalco and A.H.P
    Re: abap routine

  • Error in Scheduling INIT Info package

    Hi All,
    We have a standard extractor in CRM which we have replicated to our BW system. We also had transfer rules ready as a part of the BI content, but were present as 3.x data flows. So, we migrated the 3.x data flow to 7 successfully and finally created an INIT info package since the data source was meant for delta extraction. Now, when i schedule my INIT info package, i get an error saying that "Job was terminated in the source system". I also traced this issue in the source system and i found that there was a run time error which says
    "An exception occurred that is explained in detail below. The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_REF_IS_INITIAL', was not  caught in procedure "CRM_BW_CMG_LINKS_INIT" "(FUNCTION)", nor was it propagated by a  RAISING clause.
    Either the reference was never set or it was set to 'NULL' using the CLEAR statement."
    Can anybody help me out with this? What shud i do now?

    Hi Sandeep,
    Thanks for the useful pointer. Can u throw some more light on this? What exactly does it mean when you say, "Replication of the connection object"? Does it refer to the replication of the Data source or is it something else?

  • ABAP Routine in selection of Info package in 3x

    Hello Experts
    We need to load distinct PO data in 3x server.
    I have added this distinct po values in range table of info package abap routine.
    However its not loading for range table values more than two selections/pos.
    If I try to append more than 2 values,only last one is uploaded.
    However after load, in monitor tab-header , selection paramenters I can see all PO values in selection.
    Some how it works only for two inputs (rows) in range table of ABAP routine in infopackage.
    Anybody has faced such issue? any help is appreciated!
    Edited by: Kanchan Angalwar on Jan 30, 2010 9:59 AM

    Please post your ABAP code here

  • Steps to create Info Packages in BI 7.0

    Please Give Steps top create new Info packages in BI7.0

    Steps to create Generic data source:
    If you want to extract the data from MM table in BI Please follow the below steps.
    1) Create a view on that table By going in to se11( Do this for future purpose, no need of joining conditon as of now why because view is containing only one table at this juncture)
    2) Go to RSO2, create generic data source based on view and designate this datasource under mm application component, it helps to replicate easily from the source system in BI side.
    3) While Creating datasource make sure that field selections and selection criteria for fields.
    4)Assign it to a package(specified by the team) for transportation purpose. Make sure the dependencies also will be going through request other wise the request may fail.
    5) Replicate the generic datasource in BI System(by going in to the mm appln comp under r/3 source system)
    6) After replication do create info package, transformations and dtp also.
    7) Trigger the Info package and then DTP.
    now data will be there in your data target in BI system
    Steps to create standard data source
    1> Go to RSA5 ,Select what data source u want , CLICK Transferstructure.
    2> After dooing this u can see the structure in RSA6 , if u want to do any customozation by adding extra fields u can do it her , if not no need.
    3> go to RSA3 and check if the structure is pulling data or not .
    4> Select Source system ->Replicate data source
    5> create Transfer rules , update rules and cube and u are done
    6> u can create a infopackage and schedule ur data load into the cube or ods.
    Hope this helps you

  • Data selection options in info package

    I am using filter for current month while loading data into info provider (let us say 0calmonth). I am using below code in info-package after selecting type '6'  (ABAP editor),
    data: l_s_range type rssdlrange,
    l_date type d.
    l_date = sy-datum.
    l_year = l_date+0(4).
    l_mth = l_date+4(2).
    concatenate l_year l_mth into l_month_high.
    concatenate l_year '01' into l_month_low.
    loop at l_t_range into l_s_range where fieldname = 'CALMONTH'.
    if dy-subrc = 0.
    l_s_range-low = l_month_low.
    l_s_range-low = l_month_high.
    modify l_t_range from l_s_range.
    But now I would like to use created date as filter instead of calmonth/year (yyyymm). please note that calmonth has only one value but calendar day will have both from and to values. Please give me code to use created date (mm/dd/yyyy).
    please help me with your code.

    I have got the solution by myself (trial and error method). Solutions: there is a SAP delivered variable to calculate current month (Variable name is 0CMONTH).
    Is there any variable to calculate both previous month and current month as filter value? pls reply.

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