Informix Driver :  Message -23197 not found.

hello, do you know this error?
weblogic.common.ResourceException: Could not create pool connection. The DBMS driver exception was: [BEA][Informix JDBC Driver][Informix](Internal Error) Message -23197 not found.
It appears when I configure a driver for an informix database. The driver is weblogic.jdbc.informix.InformixDriver. I think the driver is ok but I don´t find any information about this error.
Thank you.

Yes, it has a DSN. It is:
DSN Test Homer
User Name ******
The connection string is:
Provider=MSDASQL.1;Password=*******;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=******;Extended Properties="DSN=Test Homer;UID=******;PWD=******;;"
with the appropriate user name and password filled in.

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    thank you for this incredibly helpful advice.
    The vanished folders are back in place. :-D
    Am 16.05.2014 um 23:31 schrieb blokfluitist <[email protected]>:
    import user drive (Mac HD) not found / not available as import source
    created by blokfluitist in Photoshop Lightroom - View the full discussion
    I just had the exact same problem !  And am delighted to say that it's fixed thanks to a friend who pointed me here...
    I followed the instructions and my user drive has now been restored to the image source list... phew !!
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  • Hp 5535 will not scan, error message printer not found

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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hi @prazdancr,
    Welcome to the HP Forums!
    I am sorry that you cannot scan with your HP Envy 5535, but I am happy to help!
    For further assistance I will need to know:
    If you are using a Windows or Mac Operating System, and the version number. To find the exact version, visit this link. Whatsmyos.
    If the printer is connected, Wireless, or USB.
    If the printer is able to make copies by itself.
    If the power cable is plugged into a surge protector, or directly to the wall outlet. Issues when Connected to an Uninterruptible Power Supply/Power Strip/Surge Protector. This applies to Inkjet printers as well.
    In the meantime, please try going through this scanning guide. A 'The computer is not responding' Error Message Displays During Scanning.
    Hope to hear from you soon, and have a nice day!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    I am a PC Tech and had a customer with this issue. Ran across this post in my search and ended up finding the solution on my own. The problem isn't with the iTunes software but the installer for the GEARAspi drivers. Really the issues is with the file type asssociations in the windows registry. On the system I was working on the HKCR key for .exe should point to the exefile key but pointed to nothing. To fix it create a new txt document and paste the following in (only paste what is in between the [code][/code] tags):
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    "Content Type"="application/x-msdownload"
    Now change the extension from .txt to .reg. Then right click and select merge. iTunes should now install properly.

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    - Where can I get the missing files, or is there any other way to get around this?
    - any ohter suggestions?
    Thanks in advance. Any help will be appreciated,
    Message was edited by:
    Fixed a typo.
    Message was edited by:

    The problem is that my SQL Loader is not working under WIN NT. This is a known issue, one of the suggestions I found on metalink is to manually copy the message files that should be in ORACLE_HOME\DBMS\Mseg from another Oracle installation.
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    A possible cause is security software (firewall) that blocks or restricts Firefox or the plugin-container process without informing you, possibly after detecting changes (update) to the Firefox program.
    Remove all rules for Firefox from the permissions list in the firewall and let your firewall ask again for permission to get full unrestricted access to internet for Firefox and the plugin-container process and the updater process.
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    Try these basic troubleshooting steps one at a time.
    The Five Rs.

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    Help, anyone? I have an assignment due in tomorrow.
    Many thanks...

    What formats are your sources and sequence?  Have you tried resetting your fcp preferences?
    And here are some other troubleshooting steps
    We're here to help, but unless we approach this in a systematic manner, obvious things can slip thru the cracks. So go thru these things and just let us know if there's anything amiss.
    I'm in NYC also, so if you are up against the wall, and feel like bringing your trusty macbook pro by my cutting room, I could probably take a quick look at it and see if there's anything obvious.

  • Error message: 'Codec not found. You may be using a compression type without the corresponding hardware card' - then - 'Error. Out of memory'

    Hi all. This is a new error I've never seen before.
    It's stopping me doing anything at all really.
    As soon as I start up FCP and click on a sequence I get this message: 'Codec not found. You may be using a compression type without the corresponding hardware card.'
    Then I click on OK and it says 'Error - Out of memory.'
    I've heard rumours that it could be the fact I'm using a strange type of JPEG, but it still happens with PNGs.
    I've made sure my scratch disks are all going to the right place. I also have 100gb of free space.
    The version of FCP I'm using is 6.0.5. I'm using an iMac with OSX 10.4.11 (yes, I know it's old!) and I've downloaded the latest version of Quicktime.
    Help, anyone? I have an assignment due in tomorrow.
    Many thanks...

    p.s. having looked at other posts, perhaps I am missing some (or all) of the relevant codecs?
    In the folder Macintosh HD > Library > Quicktime
    there is basically nothing. Do you think this is the problem?
    If so, where do I download FCP codecs from?
    Many thanks..

  • URGENT: ORA-12514: Message 12514 not found;

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    I have a PC (PC1) with an Oracle database.
    I have other PC (client=PC2) with Oracle forms and reports runtime installed.
    I try to execute my .fmx from PC2 and everything was ok.
    After that, I installed again in another server (PC3) the Oracle database, and when I tried to connect from my client (PC2) to the new database, it appears the error:
    ORA-12514: Message 12514 not found; Product=RDBMS80; Facility=ORA
    Why is giving this error? May be the PC3 needs an ORACLE_HOME environment variable or similar?
    I've seen the following in relation with oracle_home:
    In the PC server (PC3) the ora_home variable in regedit (it doesn't exists as windows environment variable) is e:\oracle\ora92
    It's different from oracle_home in PC2 (Pc client) , in which is: c:\orant
    Is it important?
    Is this error possible because of the TNSNAMES configuration?
    Please help me, is very urgent for me.
    Thanks a lot

    Hi guys,
    I've solved the problem: It was in the TNSNAMES. The service_name was incorrect. I changed it and it worked.

  • Error when sending message: 404 not found

    New to XI, practicing file to jdbc scenario. File is pickedup from the source folder but nothing appearing on the receiver end ms access database.
    In the Component Monitoring, tried sending message manually with all the right info in Integration engine, getting an error message saying:
    "Error when sending message : 404 not found"
    Also tried in Adapter Engine and the result same.
    Before doing this scenario, I tried file - file scenario then also the sender file pickedup from source folder but nothing happend at the receiver end.
    Any idea's?? what might be the issue????

    Hi Venu,
    "404 is a not found error", plz make a check of  your URL you're using is correct? do you use the right port? Normally the port is 80<SystemNo>, so rather 8001 than 7001.
    Also check in transaction SICF, if the node /sap/xi/adapter_plain has been activated, if not, activate it and try again.
    If you are testing sending the message to the Adapter Engine, then the Send Message URL should be like this:
    For your error, refer to the following threads:
    Unable to find an associated SLD element
    Unable to refresh cache contents in XI.
    Unable to find an associated SLD element
    Also check that the Adapter Engine is successfully registered in the SLD. To do this, call the Content Maintenance function in the SLD as follows:
    http://<sld-host>:<sld-j2ee-port>/sld u2192 Administration u2192 Content Maintenance.
    Select XI Adapter Framework.
    Thirteen associations have to be registered.
    If you can't find all the associations, then you will have to create the associations manually.
    This is a very good blog which answers ur question:
    check this weblog [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken]

  • ./lsnrctl start effort- Message 1070 not found;

    Message 1070 not found; No message file for product=network, facility=TNSTNS-125 error when trying to start the DB listiner?
    oracle@linuxsrv:/u01/app/oracle/OraHome/bin> ./lsnrctl start
    LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 16-JUN-2009 17:16:15
    Copyright (c) 1991, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Message 1070 not found; No message file for product=network, facility=TNSTNS-125 45: Message 12545 not found; No message file for product=network, facility=TNS
    TNS-12560: Message 12560 not found; No message file for product=network, facili ty=TNS
    TNS-00515: Message 515 not found; No message file for product=network, facilit y=TNS
    Linux Error: 2: No such file or directory
    OAS environment settings
    LESS=-M -I
    XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/share:/etc/opt/kde3/share:/opt/kde3/share %s
    ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/as10gHome/lib:/u01/app/oracle/bin:/u01/app/oracle:/u01/app/midtier:/u01/app/midtier/bin:/u01/app/midtier/as10gHome/opmm/lib:/OraHome/lib:/OraHome/opmn/lib %s %s
    oracle@linuxsrv:/u01/app/oracle/OraHome/bin> vi /home/oracle/.bash_profile
    Any suggestion in resolving?

    exit and log back..
    oracle@linuxsrv:~> env
    MINICOM=-c on
    LS_OPTIONS=-N --color=tty -T 0
    LESS=-M -I
    XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/share:/etc/opt/kde3/share:/opt/kde3/share %s
    ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/as10gHome %s %s

  • Message 3513 not found;  product=NETWORK; facility=TNS

    I have installed 11g instant client on windows machine and when I do a tnsping from cmd I get
    Message 3513 not found; product=NETWORK; facility=TNS
    I have already copied all the files over from mesg folder. Also when I do tnsping on something which is not in tnsnames.ora file I get
    C:\Users\xxx>tnsping abc
    TNS Ping Utility for 64-bit Window
    012 10:49:12
    Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle.
    Used parameter files:
    TNS-03505: Failed to resolve name
    What else can I do to resolve this?

    868806 wrote:
    I have installed 11g instant client on windows machine and when I do a tnsping from cmd I get
    Message 3513 not found; product=NETWORK; facility=TNS
    I have already copied all the files over from mesg folder. Also when I do tnsping on something which is not in tnsnames.ora file I get
    Copied from where to where, and why? there should be no reason to be copying these files at all.
    C:\Users\xxx>tnsping abc
    And to add to the confusion, as has already pointed up, instant client doesn't come with tnsping, so your use of tnsping contradicts your statement that you are working with instant client.
    TNS Ping Utility for 64-bit Window
    012 10:49:12
    Copyright (c) 1997, 2010, Oracle.
    Used parameter files:
    TNS-03505: Failed to resolve name
    What else can I do to resolve this?First, answer the questions to clarify the instant client/tnsping disconnect ...

Maybe you are looking for

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