Installing cc glass effect

how can i install that effect?

By inserting your install disc and finding the Cycore FX folder. If it isn't there, then you have a version of AE that does not include them like older Standard versions.

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    Stained Glass is a pixel effect, so what's the point of using AI? And even if it wasn't, if there was gradation of some sort your supplier would have to use a printing process based on creating discrete halftones to capture all tones, not sharp contours. Really doesn't make much sense. Either way, make the object with the effect larger and constrain it with a clipping mask. The same would apply for importing a pre-made texture from PS. What you see are simply the edges of the object as AI processes them with all their appearance attributes and then you get all sorts of issues with overprint and such stuff, which is one more reason why using raster effects in AI not necessarily makes sense....

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    Composite oc = g2d.getComposite();
    g2d.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
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    Start with a transparent background in photoshop. Compose your title document (yopu can put a reference layer at bottom of the stack to see how title will appears on your image clip- if so, pay attention to make this backgroud inactive upon exporting) and save in PNG format (this format save the alpha channel-transparency- with your graphic elements).
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    You can also use Boris title or livetype to achieve the same result.
    Michel Boissonneault

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    "Would FCP effects be installed with Motion?"
    Kaleidoscope and Membrane are FXPlug Plugins installed with Motion.
    FCP 5.1.2-5.1.4 has access to Motion's FXPlug Plugins.
    If you didn't install Motion, you will be missing the Kaleidoscope FX plugin (which is found in the FCP Effects "Tiling" folder) and Membrane FX plugin (which is found in the FCP Effects "Render" folder) as well as the following FXPlug Plugins:
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    HSV Adjust
    Matte Magic
    Color Emboss
    Lens Flare
    Line Art
    Noise Dissolve
    Slit Scan
    Slit Tunnel
    Vectorize Color
    Random Tile
    Time Scrub
    Time Strobe
    Time Trails
    Color Solid
    But you say you can't install motion:
    "which I can't do on my computer because of the video card"
    Then you are out of luck, sorry.
    But if you did have an approved card and you wish to install Motion now to get these effects, you need to follow these instructions from Apple.
    "If you install Motion 2.1 after installing the Final Cut Pro 5.1.2 update, Final Cut Pro may subsequently fail to open."
    G5 1.8 DP (PCI-X)   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   ATI X800 XT, 4GB RAM, 20" & 23" ACDs, M-Audio Revolution 5.1, Fostex D15 DAT

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    and it says
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    size                          32KBytes                             x2
    discriptor                   8-way set associative , 64 bite line size
    L1 I-Cache
    size                          32KBytes                             x2
    discriptor                   8-way set associative , 64 bite line size
    L2 Cache
    size                          1024 KBytes
    discriptor                   4-way set associative , 64 bite line size

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    Note : Please write as details as Possible because I am new to vb.

    Another possibility extending the Aero Glass effect.
    ToolStrip backcolor has to be transparent.
    Option Strict On
    Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
    Public Class Form1
    <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
    Public Structure MARGINS
    Public cxLeftWidth As Integer
    ' width of left border that retains its size
    Public cxRightWidth As Integer
    ' width of right border that retains its size
    Public cyTopHeight As Integer
    ' height of top border that retains its size
    Public cyBottomHeight As Integer
    ' height of bottom border that retains its size
    End Structure
    <DllImport("DwmApi.dll")> _
    Public Shared Function DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(hwnd As IntPtr, ByRef pMarInset As MARGINS) As Integer
    End Function
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    Me.Location = New Point(CInt((Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width / 2) - (Me.Width / 2)), CInt((Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height / 2) - (Me.Height / 2)))
    Me.TransparencyKey = Color.Silver
    Me.BackColor = Color.Silver
    Dim BordersWidth As Integer = CInt((Me.Width - Me.ClientRectangle.Width) / 2)
    ToolStrip1.BackColor = Color.Transparent
    Dim margins As New MARGINS()
    margins.cxLeftWidth = BordersWidth
    margins.cxRightWidth = BordersWidth
    margins.cyTopHeight = ToolStrip1.Height
    margins.cyBottomHeight = BordersWidth
    DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(Me.Handle, margins)
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_Resize(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Resize
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form1_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles Me.Paint
    Using Brush1 As New SolidBrush(SystemColors.Control)
    e.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brush1, Me.ClientRectangle.Left, Me.ClientRectangle.Top + ToolStrip1.Height, Me.ClientRectangle.Width, Me.ClientRectangle.Height)
    End Using
    End Sub
    End Class
    La vida loca

  • Best settings in Raytrace for glass effect?

    I was wondering what are the best possible settings for the materials in a 3D text layer to make the letters look like glass, under the Raytrace renderer. I managed to achieve a rather decent metallic look with the aid of 3 lights, but the glass effect seems more difficult. For starters, I would like the letters to look like glass but not show so much detail of the other side of the letters, which depending on the angle makes it look like a double layer instead of extruded text. Turning down the Transparency percentage helps with this, but it makes the text look more like metal than glass.
    I've been trying different things all day and I got a bit closer, but nowhere near something that looks real. Here are the settings I'm using:
    Bevel Depth: 3 (the larger the number, the more the text gets fat. It doesn't work like the bevel style in Photoshop.
    Hole Bevel depth: 50
    Extrusion depth: 30 (text size is 300px)
    Casts shadows: On
    Light transmission: 0%
    Accepts shadows: On
    Accepts lights: On
    Ambient: 100%
    Diffuse: 50%
    Specular intensity: 50%
    Specular shininess: 5%
    Metal: 0%
    Reflection intensity: 80%
    Reflection sharpness: 50%
    Reflection rolloff: 0%
    Transparency rolloff: 0%
    Index of refraction: 1.00
    Any suggestions?

    Todd_Kopriva wrote:
    Start with the glass material in John Dickinson's project here: oject-and-tutorials-for-after-effects-cs6.html
    I finally got a chance to take a look at that project, and it looks amazing, but the glass comps still look too much like a 3D graphic than real glass. Is there a way to make it look more real? For example, I noticed that most effects do not work when the text layer is made 3D. Is there a way to apply a texture to a text layer? I imagine that would help. And another thing that I don't know if it's possible, but I can't seem to find: if the transparency is set to 100% or close, is there a way to blur or diffuse the back of the layer so that it doesn't show lines that are not as perfect as those on the foreground? Text can be confusing to read because the back of the letter is showing through (when text is extruded) and some lines can look double depending on the camera positioning. Think for example of an ice sculpture, where you see a shape that almost looks like glass but you can't see through as if it were glass. Is there a way to achieve that without a 3rd party plugin?

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    I did figure out a work around to both problems.
    I still use a timer but now I set the constructor to fire every 1 frame. While I have not been able to attach a listener directly to the child movieclips that tells me when the MovieClip reaches the last frame, I did find that I'm able to test for this state without the listener. Each time my Timer calls the listener, I have it check to see if the child in question has reached the last frame or not. If so, I stop the MovieClip. Works great now.
    private var btnMovieClip:MovieClip;
    btnMovieClip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnMovieClipListener);
    private var btnClicked:String = "";
    public function btnMovieClipListener(event:Event):void {
    if( == "myInstance") {
    btnClicked =;
    var timer:Timer = new Timer(1);
    timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, checkFrames);
    private function checkFrames(event:TimerEvent):void {
    if(btnClicked == "myInstance") {
    if(btnMovieClip.currentFrame == btnMovieClip.totalFrames) {
    btnMovieClip.gotoAndStop(0);;, checkFrames);

  • Magnifying Glass Effect

    Hey guys,
    In order to highlight text on a specific image, I'm trying to give it "magnifying glass" effect in which I plan to have a "bubble" over the main text in order to make it larger.  If you have any suggestions on how to do this please let me know.

    Okay, I tried doing that, however it samples the whole layer.  I copied the part of the image that I want to zoom in on into a new layer but the sphere still acts over the whole layer. How do I center the sphere on just the part of the image I want to be spherized?

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    i wish to creat a mobile phone on screen and wish to know if it is possible to produce a glass screen?
    any help would be great

    Create an image which shows a glass effect. Then use this image as a transparent texture on a plane which is your glass.

  • Glass effect doesn't work on iphone 4s

    Hi all,
    I've just updated my IPhone 4s to IOS7.0.2
    Instead of the glass effect on folders and dock panel, I just have a plain grey background... Is there any setup or thing to do to get the folders transparency working?

    Howdy BrunoX208,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    From what you are describing, it sounds like the Increase Contrast option is turned on. Check in the setting to see if it is turned On. If so, then turn it Off. If not, try turning it off, then back on.
    Increase text contrast on difficult backgrounds when possible. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility and turn on Increase Contrast.
    From: iPhone User Guide
    Take care,

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