Installing New DVD Writer

Total Newbie here...
Just purchased a LITEON lightscribe external Slim DVD writer, and am having a hard time on the install. Plug it in via USB and nothing happens. The software that it came with NERO7 wont execute when I slip the disk in my MAC. Any thoughts? I downloaded the lightscribe software from, but still am having no luck. Why wont the MAC recognize the new drive?

Nero is software that only works on Windows, I believe.
You should look at the documentation or website to see if Mac OS X is supported. If it uses some special driver, there may not be a Mac OS X version.
Also, it is very possible that it will +just work+ with no special drivers needed. Try connecting it and putting in any disc, such as a DVD movie or music CD. Does it show up on the Desktop?
If so, it is possible that you will be able to use Finder's Burn Folder or Disk Utility (burn from disc image) or the various applications (iTunes, iDVD, etc.) without any of the included software (which may be for Windows only).

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    After six days this is the only help I can get on this forum: "...this optical disc drive is compatible with your notebook model?".
    The ATA communication bus is a standard.
    The exsistence of a compatibility list does not means that ONLY those drives present in the list can work with the relative notebook.
    Those drives are the ones tested and the ones that Toshiba says: "this drive surelly work" but not says "this is the only drive that work".
    In fact I have RESOLVED the question with a little software I have found on another forum and now my drive works perfectly and I have a newer and more featured drive than those in the list.
    Thank you Mike

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    Thank you
    Nelson Rego

    If you don't have Tiger, or iDVD 6 or higher, you will need PatchBurn

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    ab (default)             reg_sz        dvd/cd-rom drives
    ab class                      reg_sz        cdrom
    ab classDesc           reg_sz        @%systemroot%\system32\storprop.dll,-17001
    ab enumproppages32      reg_sz    storprop.dll,dvdproppageprovider
    ab iconpath         reg_multi_sz     @systemroot%\system32\imageres.dll,-30
    ab installer32     reg_sz                   storprop.dll,dvdclassinstaller
    ab lower filters   reg_multi_sz                    anydvd
    ab noinstallclass                reg_sz                   1
    ab silentinstall                   reg_sz                   1
    According to that, you don't seem to have added in an UpperFilters entry for GEARAspiWDM.
    Did you not do that (as per the instructions in the document on what to do if the UpperFilters entry is missing)?
    Or did you revert the key after attempting a filter edit and still getting the error message?

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    any and all help is requested...

    hard to fully understand
    Where is Windows 7?
    Do you have Paragon latest? never had trouble.
    3TB drives with GPT and used as data for Windows? The term "boot camp" means little or too many different things. Drivers, Windows on Mac, but not much else.
    I would never repair NTFS with Disk Utility unless Paragon  endorses such action.
    3TB Greens do seem to give a number of Mac Pro owners grief. Shouldn't but then who knows except WD and Apple may or may not be talking and sharing.
    I'd format the drive in Windows, or format the NTFS part. I do use GPT and NTFS for Windows data drives w/ no problem.
    WD makes a 640GB SSD? news to me. Can't be. Would check Saturday though. And Apple over-states size/capacity especially when it comes to SSDs. So Apple OEM'd SSD with WDC lable, right? or wrong?
    SSDs are an issue unto themselves lately with SATA3 models / firimware.
    Boot from Windows.
    Pull drives and leave just the one(s) for Windows; or, the one(s) used by OS X - would be a start.
    I would only use WD Lifeguard on the drive... whether on your Mac or the Dell.
    That is the best this late.

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    John B

    couldn't calibrate laser power for this device.
    That message is code for, "you are using the wrong discs for this drive". There appear to be several series that use different speeds, and they are NOT compatible. I expect you are using discs that are too "modern" for your older burner, such as 8x discs in a 2.5x burner.
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    I searched my list in the sticky optical device post but except ND-3540A, I could not find the other options in the list. I guess the post is a little bit older.
    Is there anybody who has experience with the DVD writers in my list?

    Quote from: ehassoy on 12-October-05, 02:35:01
    I will buy a new DVD writer for my mega. My short list is; NEC ND-3520A, Samsung TS-H552U/BEBN, LITE-ON SOHW-1693S, NEC ND-3540A.
    I searched my list in the sticky optical device post but except ND-3540A, I could not find the other options in the list. I guess the post is a little bit older.
    Is there anybody who has experience with the DVD writers in my list?
    Well I'm using a NEC 3520 and it's working perfectly. No troubles with eject-buttons or whatsoever. Works fine in Hifi-mode too. Except, in Hifi-mode when playing a cd with no gaps between songs (i.e. a live-cd) you loose sound for about half a second before it comes up again. But, I don't think that's a problem of the NEC, but with the Mega itself because I have seen posts about the same issue with different drives.

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    Hi there,
    I would recommend taking a look at the troubleshooting steps found in the article below.
    iTunes for Windows: Optical drive is no longer recognized, or "Disc burner or software not found" alert after install
    -Griff W

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    Download AA 9 Pro from Make a new backup for your archive. You might also take the DVD to your library to see if it is a drive problem. You might also carefully clean the DVD with water and soap (do not use anything that would scratch the surface or you have destroyed it for sure) and see if that solves the problem. This is particularly an issue if you have finger prints or other crud on the DVD. However, it could also be a bad drive as I mentioned. Hopefully the download solves your problem in any case (I would backup the download to CD and/or backup HD).

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    Could be the DVD is for a Windows system and not Mac OS X. Try any music CD in the drive. I personally have never had any problem with any brand external DVD drive that connect by USB port on my Mac. I have even used a Desktop style/size DVD drive that is supposed to be installed inside a desktop case and as long as I supply the proper power to it and connect it to my Mac with a SATA/IDE to USB adapter the drive works just fine.

  • How to install software for samsung portable dvd writer

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    No you don't and that disc probably has only Windows files on it. All you have to do is connect it to a USB port and it is ready to use. To see if the drive is actually seen by your Mac open Disk Utility, It is in the Utilities folder in your Applications folder, and the drive should be listed on the left hand side.
    If you want an icon on the desktop when you insert a CD or DVD disc you make that change in the Finders Preferences on the General Tab.
    And for it to show in the Sidebar of a Finder window check this option.
    Mrs. Lane wrote:
    Do I need to download software to use my new Samsung SE- 218CB Portable DVD Writer?  I put the disc in that came with it and nothing happened. Now I can't get it to eject to try a cd or dvd to see if it even works.  It says it is compatible with Mac, but now that I'm looking at the box, the disk only contains software download for Windows.  Any suggestions?

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    I'm experiencing a driver problem while trying to get my new LG DVD writer to work. I have XP (sp3) which uses a Radeon  8500 video card. Nothing I do enables the DVD writer to work. suggestions?

    Just because you bought a dvd player/r/r. does not mean it will burn dvd`s. You have to have the driver/software to accomplish this.
    Example: I bought a new Memorex cdrom/dvd/writer/rewriter when my old cd rom went out. but it did not come with the software/drivers to actually play or burn /write dvds.
    Hope this helps

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