Invalid password file

How can I fix this?
SQL> startup;
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 521634152 bytes
Fixed Size 729448 bytes
Variable Size 436207616 bytes
Database Buffers 83886080 bytes
Redo Buffers 811008 bytes
ORA-01991: invalid password file '/u1/ora902/dbs/orapw'

The possibility is that probably the password file in use is some how tried to be opened up and have got corrupted or may be due to some other error over h/w or some thing like that ,its corrupted. The best option would be
0) Shut abort the current instance.
1) Go to the location,*'/u1/ora902/dbs* and delete the password file.
2) Use ORAPWD and create a new one. You may use this command syntax,
orapwd file='/u1/ora902/dbs/pwd<sidofyours>.ora' password=password enteries=some_number 3)Issue startup again.
Hope this would resolve it.

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    Dear Amy!
    When trying to open (or mount) a database the following error is generated:
    ORA-01991: invalid password file '...PWDOrcl.ora'Where ‘Orcl’ is the SID of the database instance.
    Typically some corruption of the password file, or possibly the password file is for another database instance?
    Possible Remedies:
    If encountered when creating the database then it is because Oracle expects to create the password file but it already exists. In this instance database creation will have failed. Delete the password file and try again.
    If it is suspected that the password file is corrupt then try deleting it and recreating it:
    1. Delete the existing password file.
    2.Create a new/replacement password file:
    orapwd file=<path>\PWD<sid>.ora password=oracleUse the same path as given in the Oracle error. The password specified will be the new internal password.
    Yours sincerely
    Florian W.

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    by default password file lcoations are
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    SQL> startup;
    ORACLE instance started.
    Total System Global Area 337204540 bytes
    Fixed Size 455996 bytes
    Variable Size 268435456 bytes
    Database Buffers 67108864 bytes
    Redo Buffers 1204224 bytes
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    Do you think the password is the sys password?Time to go through the doc :

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    Run the orapwd program.

  • Password file usage

    hpux 11.23
    I have a question about the password file. I've been doing a lot of searching, but haven't really found my answer.
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    You dont need to do anything ..
    If you change the password through SQL command your pasword file gets update automatically....
    The reason for your issue could be the STANDBY sys password might have been changed..
    Both the SYS password has to be same

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    I've recently deployed an application in Websphere and HTTPServer and have Oracle on the DB back-end. Tim, apparently your login problem happens inside the Websphere. You will have a better chance to ask this question in IBM's forums.

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    Try the following:
    delete the iWeb preference files, and, that resides in your Home() /Library/Preferences folder.
    go to your Home()/Library/Caches/ folder and delete its contents.
    Click to view full size
    launch iWeb and try again.
    If that doesn't help continue with:
    move the domain file from your Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder to the Desktop.
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    launch iWeb and try again.

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    The fix to this is fairly straightforward.
    You have input an incorrect path for the -infile parameter when calling cryptotools.
    You entered , -infile OracleBIData_HOME/web/config/credentialstore.xml
    when it should be, -infile C:\OracleBI\web\config\credentialstore.xml , depending on the absolute physical path to the credentialstore.xml file.
    It looks like you were attempting to use either a Nix (unix/linux) path with the forward slashes or you where trying to use a environment variable for "OracleBIData_Home".  I can see from the c:\ that you are on a Windows machine so the Nix path won't work. Also if you are attempting to use an environment variable that you have confirmed is indeed set, then you need to use %OracleBIData_HOME% in the command prompt which would look like %OracleBIData_HOME%\web\config\credentialstore.xml
    So to answer your question your command should appear as below if I have accessed your path to the OracleBIData home correctly, you may need to change it based on your installation,
    C:\OracleBI\web\bin>cryptotools credstore -add -infile C:\OracleBIData\web\config\credentialstore.xml
    Just be mindful of your paths and your backslashes vs. forward slashes.
    Please mark this as the correct answer to award points if it is or if you read it and it helped you.

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    thanks !!

    I am trying to login to one of our clones and i am getting invalid password error.What is the application release?
    Please post the complete error message -- Also, check Apache log files for details (error_log* and access_log*).
    I ran fndcpass and change my username's password which got changed successfullyWhat username password have you changed?
    But still when i login to application using my username i am getting invalid password error
    I am getting the same error if i login as sysadminDoes this happen when login as any application user?
    Please verify that none of those users are end-dated.

  • ERROR: invalid backup file version. Exception: Error while unzipping invalid wcs 7.x export file

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    So we think that the appliance is seeing the backup file from NCS as a WCS backup.
    We need to find rapidly a solution. Here is our configuration:
    We formerly had WCS hosted on Microsoft Windows Server 2003  SP2 with the above caracteristics: 
    Intel(R)Xeon(R) CPU  5120 @ 1.86Ghz 1.87Ghz 16GB of RAM.
    We now have NCS  Version running under Cisco Application Deployment  Engine
    OS Release:  2.0
    ADE-OS Build Version:
    ADE-OS System Architecture:  x86_64

    I was getting this error too. TL;DR: When you transfer the file to your FTP server, make sure you are using BINARY mode... which is often NOT the default FTP mode.
    Long Version:
    TO GET THIS ERROR, what I had done was use the Windows CLI FTP command to transfer my "" to the NCS FTP server.
    -----BEGIN WRONG STEPS-----
    ftp> open x.x.x.x
    Connected to x.x.x.x.
    220 Service ready for new user
    User (x.x.x.x:(none)): ftp-user
    331 User name okay, need password for ftp-user
    230 User logged in, proceed
    ftp> put
    200 Command PORT okay
    150 File status okay; about to open data connection
    226 Closing data connection
    ftp: 526768949 bytes sent blah blah etc
    -----END WRONG STEPS-----
    I would then run "ncs stop" and "ncs migrate" and get the "ERROR: invalid backup file version. Exception: Error while unzipping invalid wcs 7.x export file".
    I remembered something from my misspent youth: Windows, for no good reason, likes to transfer files in ASCII mode. UNIX (which LINUX comes from) prefers BINARY, and the two do not like to negotiate.
    TO FIX THIS, I had to just FTP in Binary mode.
    -----BEGIN RIGHT STEPS-----
    ftp> open x.x.x.x
    Connected to x.x.x.x.
    220 Service ready for new user
    User (x.x.x.x:(none)): ftp-user
    331 User name okay, need password for ftp-user
    230 User logged in, proceed
    ftp> binary
    200 Command TYPE okay
    ftp> put
    200 Command PORT okay
    150 File status okay; about to open data connection
    226 Closing data connection
    ftp: 526768949 bytes sent blah blah etc
    -----END RIGHT STEPS-----
    NOW when I enter "ncs stop" (actually... had to restart them... then stop them... x.x) and then the proper "ncs migrate" commands, I get a happy output and don't have to go home late troubleshooting this.
    "  Stage 1 of 5: Decompressing backup ...
      -- complete.
      Stage 2 of 5: Restoring Support Files ...
                  : Restoring the Domain Maps ...
                  :  -- complete.
                  : Restoring the License files ...
                  :  -- complete.
      -- complete.
      Stage 3 of 5: Restoring Data ...
    I hope this helps anyone banging their head against the WCS->PI1.3 install wall.
    (Note, WCS needs to be migrated to NCS (NOT NCS 1.1.3!!!!!) before you can migrate to Prime Infrastructure 1.2 or 1.3, because for no readily apparent reason the "ncs migrate" command was removed from PI 1.2 and up. Also note, there is no "Prime Infrastructure 1.1;" they just renamed NCS to Prime Infrastructure after NCS 1.1 because. Yes, the sentence ends there. Great products, all 3, just... agonizing to migrate.)

  • Command line tool ldifwrite - INVALID PASSWORD

    I've the following issue:
    I've an oracle internet directory and I want export several users from an LDAP branch to another, using the ldifrite for exporting into a ldif file.
    But when i execute the command I get the message invalid password.
    What user password I must insert in this tool?
    and How can I retrieve the original password to use for run this tools
    It's very urgent.
    Thanks a lot.

    the password is the one you gave to ias_admin during installation. (assuming this is an OID you are using as part of an Oracle AS installation) The same password is being used for orcladmin as well.
    if you need to reset the password see "oidpasswd"

  • ORA-01017 error and re-create password file? seek advices.

    I used TOAD 9.5 to log in one Oracle 10g database with sys/password as sysdba. It worked fine always. However, today I tried to log in again and come across the ORA-01017 error. Invalid username/password. Then I went to windows server command line to log in as conn / as sysdba and also log in conn sys/password@sid as sysdba, I all logged in successfully. I checked the password file is in $oracle_home\database\. I logged in as normal user successfully.
    My question is: what caused this ORA-error? how to fix it? Is it necessary for me to re-create password file to fix this? Or there is other options? Thanks.

    First though is double check make sure you have no typo when inputting username/password,
    ORA-01017 is very specific error about wrong password, if you have problem with passwordfile you would likely to get ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
    You can change your sys password using alter user statement, Oracle will sync the password file.

  • SSO authtication doesnt show "invalid password" message

    We have 2 SSO servers
    In once, if the user enters invalid password, then same page comes up with message "invalid username/password"
    This is the expected behaviour
    In other, same page comes up, but without any message
    This is misleading and the user keeps thinking why he is not able to proceed without realizing that the password was incorrect
    I am sure this is related to some settings
    But dont know what needs to be changed
    Or what shall I compare bteween the server where its working fine as against the server, where it doesnt show up the right message
    Please suggest

    So, I assume then that your login page is ok. You tried it and it was there, but you are not being redirected to this page. Can you try re-registering your site using the SSO registration tool. For example:
    e.g. for unix:
    $ORACLE_HOME/sso/bin/ \
    -site_name \
    -host -port 1521 -sid iasdb \
    -success_url \
    -cancel_url \
    -logout_url \
    -home_url \
    -config_mod_osso TRUE \
    -oracle_home_path $ORACLE_HOME \
    -u root \
    -sso_server_version v1.2 \
    -verbose TRUE
    e.g. for Windows (with no line breaks):
    -host -port 1521 -sid iasdb
    -config_mod_osso TRUE
    -oracle_home_path %ORACLE_HOME%
    -u system
    -sso_server_version v1.2
    -verbose TRUE
    2. If this OHS should protect any URLs in addition to /oiddas edit the mod_osso.conf file at this point.
    3. Then update the DCM repository for the appropriate Apache server:
    $ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl updateconfig -ct OHS -v
    %ORACLE_HOME%\dcm\bin\dcmctl updateconfig -ct OHS -v
    4. Now restart the instance:
    $ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl stop -v
    $ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl start -v
    %ORACLE_HOME%\dcm\bin\dcmctl stop -v
    %ORACLE_HOME%\dcm\bin\dcmctl start -v
    If you have metalink access, this is covered in Note:249408.1

  • Invalid Password error on Instance Deletion

    OS: Windows 2000
    Oracle Version:
    Whenever I try to delete an instance through Database Configuration Assistant, I confirm that I'm sure I want to delete it and I then receieve a DBCA-00012 Invalid Password error. I haven't even entered a password and I wasn't asked to submit one during database install.
    Anybody got any ideas how I might be able cleanly delete the instances? Is there a password file somewhere that I could delete to allow me to continure without the error?

    What password are you referring to?  There is a password for the Base Station that is used to configure the Time Capsule and then there is the Wireless password itself that is used to connect other devices to your Time Capsule.  You can see all of these passwords by running Airport Utility, selecting your Time Capsule, clicking edit, then at the very top menu bar you will see drop down boxes for File, Edit, Base Station, etc.  Click on Base Station and then click Show Passwords.  You will see the WPA or WEP Password that you can use to connect to the Time Capsule wirelessly.
    To change the wireless password you just click on the Wireless tab in AirPort Utility and enter a new password in both of the password fields.

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