Iphone AOL Instant messanger issue

Hello all,
I'm having a problem logging into AIM on the iphone. Seems to have started with the 2.2 update. Every time I try to log on I get the following message: "your account is temporarily rate limited due to excessive number of sign ins. Please wait 5 minutes then try again." I have tried deleting the application and re-installing but that did not work.
Please help.

You may need to contact AOL technical support since the AIM app for the iPhone is provided by AOL.

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    I'll recommend you Adium. It's all in one.

  • I need help with resetting my ichat. When i try to login now it wont let me... it says "AOL Instant Messenger password" and then "iChat can't log in to ... because your login ID or password is incorrect. How do I reset this if I cant log in?

    I need help with resetting my ichat. When i try to login now it wont let me... it says "AOL Instant Messenger password" and then "iChat can't log in to ... because your login ID or password is incorrect. How do I reset this if I cant log in? When I try to press online the same thing pops up and I have no way of logging in or asking for help.

    iChat (it would help to know which version) can accept Apple IDs as valid AIM Screen Names.
    However if you have iChat 5 or earlier you cannot use ones ending in @me.com or @icloud.com issued by iCloud. (they can be used in iChat 6 or Messages as these versions make a double login to AIM and Apple to allow the use of the password).
    In addition if you are using an Apple ID for an AIM Screen Name the password still needs to keep to the 16 character limit that AIM has.
    AN @mac.com name can be used on any version of iChat  (Until the 30th June 2014)
    As it does not need a double check with Apple you can use it to log in to the AIM Web pages
    Login here with an AIM Name registered at AIM or and @mac.com name and see if you get any suspended account messages.
    Sometimes account can be suspended. Usually because something has triggered the "Unusual Activity" item.
    About a year ago many @mac.com users that travelled out of their own country found themselves suspended when they got home.
    If the Name checks out of if an Apple ID the password in known to be 16 characters or Less then do this:-
    In Lion upwards open a Finder Window and use the Go Menu whilst holding down the ALT key.
    Select the Library that appears in the menu list.
    Navigate to Preferences.
    (If you have version earlier than Lion the just navigate to ~/Library/Preferences (that's the Library in you Home - Little House icon - folder)
    Fnd com.apple.ichat.aim.plist (even if you are using Messages)
    Drag the file to the Trash and Restart the app.
    7:39 pm      Thursday; May 29, 2014
    ​  iMac 2.5Ghz i5 2011 (Mavericks 10.9)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad

  • Ichat & AOL instant messenger won't accept my ID or password

    When attempting to use ichat, I can't get past the AOL instant messenger login. It says I have the wrong ID or password. But I'm using the correct ones. Does anyone know what to do? Thanks!

    Two possibles.
    1) You are using iChat 5 or Earlier with an iCloud Issued ID from Apple (@me.com or @iCloud.com)
    Apple now have the iChat 6 and Messages app log in to me.com as well as AIM and this then Allows AIM to "read" the Password.
    Earlier versions of iChat do not do this so you cannot then Login despite the name actually being Valid.
    2) AIM servers have a 16 character Limit on Passwords.
    You may need to shorten your password.  Applies to any version of iChat or Messages.
    10:16 PM      Wednesday; December 5, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • AOL iTunes Login Issue AGAIN?!

    As with many other people, I have experienced a problem over the years (since 2006ish) where iTunes won't recognize my AOL login information -- and yes, my screen name and password are both absolutely correct. I can even log in to AOL directly to get my e-mail and use AOL IM. When I punch in my AOL login info, iTunes keeps insisting that my AOL password is incorrect and advises in the error prompt to call AOL at some 800-number to change my password. I wish that this problem were fixable by changing one's password and/or calling AOL -- many of us have tried in the past, and it's a futile attempt.
    Over the years, it has been established that it's definitely an issue from Apple's end, not AOL's.
    As of last night, I'm having this same problem again. In the past two days, the problem seems to happen sporadically -- sometimes I can login briefly, but I can't login most of the time. This afternoon, I checked the forums to see if anyone else was experiencing this issue again, but I didn't see any recent complaints. However, I did look back in the forums at posts from previous years, and I've tried many of the old fixes that previously solved my issue -- making sure my iTunes is updated, trying to completely sign out, shutting down my computer, etc. I recall some kind of solution that involved updating one's credit card info of sorts -- but I couldn't find the precise instructions for that in the forums (if anyone has this info, please post below so I can try it). I'm really, REALLY frustrated to see this issue occurring again with iTunes, and I can't fathom why on earth logging into iTunes through my AOL account continues to be an issue after so many years.
    Is anyone else having this problem right now (or recently)? If so, any ideas for a fix this time around? I have not e-mailed Apple yet, but I'm hoping maybe someone else here has done so already since it often takes a very long time to hear back from them. If you have heard from Apple, what have they advised?
    Also, if you could post a direct Apple e-mail address for me to "complain" to and get tech help for this sort of issue, that would be really helpful since I could not find it.
    I use iTunes for both work and play, and I really have things that I need to access and/or download. Sigh, not fair to paying customers to have this problem happen so many times over the years. There should be a compensation clause in the TOS that makes Apple give something like $50 or more (either cash/credit, fee based upon amount of pain/suffering, missed work deadlines, missing relaxation time, etc.) for each day one's account is not working due to issues caused by Apple -- I can dream, can't I, lol?!?!
    Let's hope this issue resolves itself ASAP!! Thanks to all who post/reply below in advance -- I really appreciate your help/comments!
    P.S. If need be, I would be happy to attach my iTunes screenshots that show the problem . . . but anyone who has used AOL to sign into iTunes will likely know exactly what I'm talking about without seeing screenshots!

    I'm sorry to hear you're having the same problem, Dolphin -- but at least I'm not crazy!
    The last few times this happened from 2006-2010, there were dozens of posts here in the forums with other AOL users trying to help each other come to a solution -- and unfortunately, there was never one solid fix. Since nobody posted with complaints about this problem recently, I went digging through the old suggested fixes (some of which cleared up the issue in the past), but they have not worked. I thought maybe the problem may be with my iTunes on my laptop, so today I tried to login using my iPad and iPhone . . . same issue. It's definitely my iTunes account. I can still get into my AOL e-mail account without a problem. I'm SO frustrated.
    I'm not sure what purpose you use iTunes for, but you're amazing if you're able to patiently wait for the problem to resolve itself -- apparently I'm not as patient as I thought, lol!!! To name a few examples, I use iTunes various services (including podcasts, apps, iTunes U, music, TV documentaries, etc.) for personal recreation, professional development, and for medical information, etc. If it were just for myself, I'd try to wait a bit longer . . . but when it's for professional endeavors, waiting isn't a feasible option!
    Dolphin, if you happen to find a resolution, please post here again -- I'd really appreciate it! Do you happen to have a direct e-mail address to get technical support from Apple for this type of problem? I was looking on their support website, but I could not find an e-mail address other than one for questions about purchases. They rarely look at this community support website, so it's unlikely that they'll see this thread I made. However, if I can get an e-mail address, then I'd be able to send them the link to this thread I created that describes the issue. If you e-mail Apple, you can also send them the link to this page if it will be helpful to you since I described the nature of the problem.
    Thanks SO much for posting!
    What really upsets me the most, aside from not being able to get work done as I described above, is all of the deals and promotions I have missed out on (and will still miss until this problem gets resolved) in the time I haven't been able to use iTunes. Not to sound like a sob story, but I think Apple needs to understand how their repeated technical issues with this AOL login thing happening so many times since 2006 impacts people's lives. I have a permanent disability and medical issues from an accident I had back in 2003. I have no income (I got hand-me-down iDevices from great friends when they upgraded), and I can't easily get out of my home to have a good time -- so I truly rely on finding freebies and deals on iTunes to sustain my recreational fun (I even use some apps as part of my physical/cognitive therapy regimen!), and I'm very thankful when Apple and others make special offers so I can have my fun! I missed out on getting a whole bunch of apps I wanted while they were free -- there was, perhaps, $30-$35 worth of apps that I could have had through FreeAppADay.com, free promotions from individual developers, and through other free app promoters like OpenFeint, etc. Plus, I also missed other free promotions for songs, music videos, TV shows, etc. that Apple, musicians, music festivals (ie: Lollapalooza, etc.), and companies offer by giving redemption codes and/or can be downloaded without a code (if featured by Apple directly) -- I also estimate maybe $40 bucks worth of stuff I missed out on because the offers have already expired. So I've already lost out on roughly $75 worth of stuff, plus more for every other deal I'll miss until Apple can fix this problem. I never ask for anything, but it would be a really nice gesture and appropriate if Apple gave me a gift card to cover the cost of the $75 I've missed (plus a bit more $ for each additional day until they resolve my issue) . . . but alas, I'm dreaming cause I doubt they could do this in reality.
    So please, Apple, come to my rescue! I need to access my downloaded stuff on my laptop, and I need to download a heap of media from iTunes on a daily basis for my volunteer work, personal education, for fun, for my medical condition -- and SO much more! I do make purchases on iTunes and from the Apple Store when I get money gifts from friends for birthdays and such, so I am a paying customer like any other person. Please Apple, help me . . . and anyone else with this problem. Find a fix ASAP . . . but please work on a permanent solution so this problem never happens to anyone else using an AOL login. It's aggravating, inconvenient, and you'll lose customers this way. I love iTunes and my iDevices, and I want to be able to use and enjoy them.
    I'm sorry if I'm ranting a bit, but I'm upset/frustrated and want you to understand how this can affect me and others experiencing this problem.
    Please contact me at my AOL e-mail address if I can give you any information that will help you help me, and thanks for your help in this matter!

  • I can't get onto AOL Instant Messenger because I don't know my @mac password

    I can't get into my AOL Instant Messenger because I don't know my @mac.com password

    Well first off your time and date were possibly off, if you came here first that could have been resolved and you didn't need to wipe and install OS X.
    WiFi, Internet problems, possible solutions
    The computer stores the time and date in like a EPROM (electronic programamble read only memory) when it first boots the machine it has this (and other data) to connect online.
    To reset this you head to System Preferences, however you wiped OS X so you can't set it and the EPROM setting is broken so it won't work over WiFi which gives a DCHP lease based on time and date, which yours is off.
    So hook up the computer to the router using a Cat 5 Ethernet cable and try reinstalling OS X again that way, correcting for the time and date issue.
    You might have to Zap the PRAM, which clears this EPROM setttings.
    Step by Step to fix your Mac

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    Since updating to 10.7.2, I'm getting this annoying pop up error message about AOL instant messaging password error.  The message states: iChat can’t log in to @mac.com because your login ID or password is incorrect.  I don't use ichat and want the message to stop, so what do I do?

    In iChat go to the iChat Menu > Preferences > Accounts
    In here go to the Server Setting tab/Button for your @mac.com name
    Disable (Untick) the SSL option.
    Make sure the NON SSL server reads login.oscar.aol.com
    This is the most common issue if the name worked before.
    The other issue is having a @Mac.com name with a password that is longer than 16 characters.
    If you are just getting around to using the @Mac.com in ICHat you will need to shorten the Password due to the Limit AIM has on checking passwords.
    8:12 PM      Saturday; October 22, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    Have you tried creating a second AIM account? and see if it also comes up the same way when chatting with friends?
    It's possible that when you were using AIM on another system and customized your profile or display name, it may of appeared in another way.
    I don't use AIM Software at home I use
    All these are all in 1 chat programs, Mainly for PC and other for Mac. But I do chat people from my iPhone using AIM or SMS responses. They never see the DIV at all.
    Make a test account and see if it still happens. Make sure to check for App updates for iPhone and update your AOL AIM App if there is an update.

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    brconflict1 wrote:
    Since the latest updates to iOS, I'm hearding more issues reported to my company where iPhone users are not able to be routed correctly in our IVR. From the PBX, I'm seeing such as the following example: Callers dialing an extension 312, for example are able to dial 31, but the 2 is not responding on the iPhone. When the caller does eventually get the 2 to go through, the PBX states 31 is an invalid extension, and then registeres the 2 as a new entry, which is our Sales Queue option. I have confirmed this on my iPhone 4S.
    Dialing in the main keypas dialer on the iPhone is fine. However, the additional, smaller keypad for IVR nagivation use is not.
    IF the keypad is fine on the iphone, but not smaller keyboard whatever that is, what makes it an iphone/Apple or software issue.

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    New apple iPhone 5S heating up issues in a day. Please give a solution or why it is happening ?

    I was having the same problem and also loosing battery life - it suddenly happened.  I went online and saw where someone said to get rid of all the unused apps still sitting there, deleted all the old posts and yea!   suddenly the problem has been fixed.   Hadn't deleted the unused apps in quite sometime, so obviously draining everything.

  • HT3228 Why is it that when I delete an email message from an account on my iPhone it instantly disappears from the same email account on my wife's iPhone?

    Why is it that when I delete an email message from an account on my iPhone it instantly disappears from the same email account on my wife's iPhone? We both have iOS7 and have imap email accounts.

    not all mail providers sync the send mail part of the mail box
    you can try to contact yahoo if this is the case with them

  • Ipod doesn't work on speakers but headphones are fine and speaker works with iPhone. Possible connector issue? Any thoughts on how I can get the fixed?

    ipod doesn't work on speakers but headphones are fine and speaker works with iPhone. Possible connector issue? Any thoughts on how I can get the fixed?

    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:       
    iOS: How to back up           
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.

  • 10.4.8 and AOL instant messenger

    I just ran the update... went to universal access to get rid of the black box, but now I noticed that i can't sign onto ANY AOL instant messenger program be it ichat, AIM or Adium. Being a college student you KNOW how important this is to me . But any suggestions would be very appreciated.

    doesn't anyone have any ideas how to help me fix this?
    I can get it to work with a browser through AIM express, but shouldn't there be a way for me to get a client to work?

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    My Iphone 5 has some issues when I tried to restore it, I could not as it is displayed "iTunes could not contact the iphone software update server because you are not connected to the internet Make sure your internet connection is active and try again, while I am connected to the internet. can someone help please?

    Hi, Jam 974. 
    Here is an article I would recommend going through when experiencing this issue. 
    iTunes for Windows: iTunes can't contact the iPhone, iPad, or iPod software update server
    Jason H. 

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    I've been unable to log into iChat with my @me.com username for the last week. Every time I try to set my status to Available I get this message:
    AOL Instant Messenger Login
    iChat was unable to login to AOL Instant Messenger because your screen name or password was incorrect.
    Is this happening to anyone else? Will it ever be fixed? My Login ID and Password are the same as they've always been. Nothing's changed at my end. So why can't I get online with iChat?

    You're lucky. I tried deleting my MobileMe account within iChat, and re-adding it, but I still have the same error message. I haven't been able to use iChat for coming up to a month now

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