IPhone syncs, nano won't

Is there something different about the code in iTunes that syncs a nano, relative to that which syncs an iPhone? My iPhone 2G syncs reliably, but every time I try to sync the new purple 8gb nano I bought for my fiancee, my computer (XP, SP2) hangs.
I have the nano directly connected to a USB port on a PCI card with an NEC chipset and correct drivers.
I have restored the nano within iTunes (didn't help) and by formatting the nano's drive in Windows then restoring (synced one podcast episode, then froze when I tried an album).
This is a hard freeze- no CTRL-ALT-DEL possible, required a hard reset to reboot the PC.

I spoke too soon. Itunes wouldn't sync a 60-song playlist to the nano ths morning without my computer freezeing. The same playlist syncs just fine to the phone. XPSP3 didn't resolve the issue, but installing it ate half my morning. I split the playlist into 4 10-5 song lists, which I was able to sync to the nano, one at a time. What a pain.

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    Sorry, I followed both guides and uninstalled everything - rebooted, reinstalled iTunes like your second link instructions said.
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    It has nothing to do with de-authorizing the old computer.  You cannot use iTunes to transfer song files from iPod to computer (because it does not have that function), except as you indicated, for songs that you purchased from the iTunes Store.  However, there are third-party methods and utilities that will allow transfer from iPod to computer.  If you do a Google search on something like "ipod transfer," you should get some links (if you use a Mac, add "mac" to he search).
    Once the song files are on your new computer, add them to the iTunes library.  You can simply drag the files, or the folder(s) containing the files, to the iTunes window. 
    NOTE:  This is how you can de-authorize the old computer without the old computer.  Run iTunes and go to the iTunes Store in the sidebar.  Log in with your Apple ID, if you are not already.  Click on your Apple ID at the upper right corner of the window to go to your Account Information screen.  There should be a button to Deauthorize All.  This will deauthorize your current computer too, but you can authorize it again.  (You can have up to FIVE computers authorized for your iTunes Store account, so you can just leave the old one authorized.)

  • HT2729 My 7th generation iPod nano won't allow me to sync videos from iTunes. How can I fix this?

    My 7th generation iPod nano won't allow me to sync videos from iTunes. How can I fix this?

    What video content works with iTunes and mobile devices?
    Video content purchased from the iTunes Store.
    QuickTime and MPEG-4 movie files that end in ".mov", ".m4v", or ".mp4" and are playable in QuickTime Player.
    Video podcasts.
    iTunes Digital Copies.
    iTunes Store Movie Rentals (Requires iTunes 9 or later).
    Mobile Devices:
    Video content purchased from the iTunes Store.
    Videos that have been shared to iTunes using QuickTime Player (Mac OS X v10.6 Snow Leopard).
    Videos that have been re-encoded for iPod with QuickTime 7 Pro.
    Videos that have been re-encoded for iPod with iMovie, Final Cut Pro, and others. Refer to Exporting a movie from iMovie HD to iPod for an iMovie HD tutorial.
    Video Podcasts that have been created for mobile devices.
    Video files after using the iTunes File > Create New Version > Create iPod or iPhone version option.
    Video files after using the iTunes File > Create New Version > Create iPad or AppleTV version option (iPad and AppleTV only).
    See below for detailed movie specifications.
    iTunes  Store Movie Rentals (Requires iTunes 9 or later).
    Does the video need to be encoded in a special way?
    All mobile devices which iTunes can sync video to can play the following video formats:
    File formats: .m4v, .mp4, and .mov
    Video: Up to 768 kbits/sec, 320 x 240, 30 frames per second (fps), Baseline Profile up to Level 1.3.
    Audio: AAC-LC up to 160 kbits/sec, 48 Khz, and stereo audio.
    File formats: .m4v, .mp4, and .mov
    Video: Up to 2.5 Mbits/sec, 480 x 480, 30 fps, Simple Profile.
    Audio: AAC-LC up to 160 kbits/sec, 48 Khz, stereo audio.
    Other formats may be supported by newer devices. The technical specifications can give additional details.

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    My iPod Classic 2nd gen. worked great until it broke and my iPhone Gs syncs great, so I can't believe that this new iPod Nano 6th gen. won't work without a simple fix.
    Come Apple, don't fail me now.

    Your problem is completely different from the original post. The OP could not run the correct version of iTunes on their older computer. You're much more likely to get the help you need by starting your own thread with a properly descriptive subject line.
    If you need instructions on how to start a new thread, see this link:
    Best of luck.

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    Hi Charlie,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.  If your iPod nano isn't actually completing its sync, I would put it through this troubleshooting assistant:
    iPod nano (3rd generation) Troubleshooting
    Try syncing again after each suggested step.
    - Ari

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    When you connect your ipod up to the computer. It should show the device, usually with the name of the device, in my case 'jordan's ipod'. This should be on the row which shows 'songs', 'albums' e.t.c on the far right. There when you click on it it should go to a different screen showing a picture of your ipod along with two buttons - Update and Restore. Click update and it should take a 2 mins while your ipod is updated to the latest version of Ios.
    After updating te ipod see if there is a change in results.
    PS: make sure the device is active while syncing so keep tapping the screen.
    Sorry for any incorrect info, i have an ipod touch, but i've had experience with an ipod

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    iPod nano won't sync podcasts from iTunes after I "Restored" the iPod.

    If you've read the Technical Specification you will find that the nano can only use Firewire for charging, not for syncing:
    "Charging via USB or FireWire to computer system or power adapter (sold separately)"
    So you can rule that out.
    Have you tried the 5 R's?

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    Sorry, but this doesn't work either.  Thank you for the response though.
    I originally tried the Manually Manage Music and Videos and even though I selected what I wanted to copy and then clicked the Sync button.....nothing gets copied over.   I then tried copying over my entire library (and I expected the phone to explode since my library is HUGE) and clicked the Sync button....nothing got copied over.
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  • 1st Generation iPod nano won't sync

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    Last year I hooked up my iPod to a new computer, and synced my music just fine. The next day when I tried to add new songs, it deleted my entire library. I restored the factory settings and bought new songs.
    Last week I used my sister's external hard drive to put some of her music on my iPod, and it accepted them and kept working fine. A few days ago I tried to add more music from her xHD onto my iPod, and ended up with an error message like this:
    "your iPod is corrupted and needs to be either restored to factory settings, or disconnected and reconnected."
    I removed and re-connected my iPod, and it deleted all the songs I had acquired off of the xHD. Now when I try to add music it says, "Attempting to copy to the disk has failed. Unknown error occurred (-69).
    How can I add more music to my iPod? I really don't want to reset my iPod just because it has so much valuable music and it's already cost me so much to acquire this much. It's only synced with one computer, and unfortunately my computer doesn't have a CD burner.

    Is your sisters xHD connected to your PC permanently? I suspect not, and I also suspect that your iTunes install isn't set to copy the files over when you add new music to iTunes.
    You need to go into your iTunes settings and tell it to keep your music library organized ( it will copy all the music to your default directory) and to copy music when adding to your library.
    Otherwise it just makes a pointer to where the music is when you add it, and if that is an external hard drive it won't be able to sync when that drive isn't connected.
    You don't need to burn to back-up your music - resetting your Nano won't delete the music from your hard drive. But, you should copy it to either an xHD or another location on your HD as a temporary measure.

  • TS1538 I have 6th gen iPod nano.  When I try to sync it my computer tells me it has malfunctioned and Windows does not  recognize it.  My iPhone syncs fine so the problem must be the iPod.  I have reset the iPod several times and no luck.  Any suggestions

    . I have 6th gen iPod nano.  When I try to sync it my computer tells me it has malfunctioned and Windows does not  recognize it.  My iPhone syncs fine so the problem must be the iPod.  I have reset the iPod several times and no luck.  Any suggestions?

    Hello Alexdad,
    We've an article that can help get your iPod Nano working with your computer.
    iPod nano: Error message saying that iPod 'could not be identified properly'

  • HT1977 I downloaded an app on my PC, signed into my iTunes account, but when I connect my iPhone and click sync, it won't copy to my phone. How can I get this app to install on my phone?

    I downloaded an app on my PC, signed into my iTunes account, but when I connect my iPhone and click sync, it won't copy to my phone. How can I get this app to install on my phone?

    Your phone connected, iTunes running, under the "Apps" tab, you've selected this app to install on your phone, correct? Hit the "Apply/Sync" button, lower right on the Apps tab, what happens?

  • IPhone and Nano syncing...

    I currently have my iPhone synced to my laptop, and my nano synced to another laptop.
    I am now wishing to get rid of the iphone and the old laptop, and wondering if I will be able to easily sync my nano to my new laptop with little bother?
    If I remember correctly, I can put the music on my nano onto the current laptop or vice versa - is this correct?
    When I synced my iPhone with this laptop, I'm sure I saw something about it being my 4th authorised computer - will that have implications for my nano or the person why buys my iPhone?
    Many thanks in advance for any helpful answers!

    Hello Lou1985,
    If I remember correctly, I can put the music on my nano onto the current laptop or vice versa - is this correct?
    Yes, you can copy the music from your iPod to your computer
    When I synced my iPhone with this laptop, I'm sure I saw something about it being my 4th authorized computer - will that have implications for my nano or the person why buys my iPhone?
    No. This is referring to the number of computers you have authorized to play your iTunes content. The limit is 5. All you will have to do with the Nano is copy the music currently on it to your computer and then restore it, so you can sync all the old back to it plus any new content.
    And as long as you restore the iPhone, whoever purchases it from you should have no problems.
    Hope this helps.

  • First, I've read the manual. This new Nano won't sync and won't charge. Itunes does recognize the device. When it's connected to a Windows PC, the battery indictor shows charged. When it's not connected, the indicator shows no charge. I've tried this on t

    First, I've read the manual. This new Nano won't sync and won't charge. Itunes does recognize the device. When it's connected to a Windows PC, the battery indictor shows charged. When it's not connected, the indicator shows no charge. I've tried this on two PCS without success.

    Maybe the Nano you got is defective. Have it replaced.

  • IPod nano won't sync in new laptop

    Hello everyone,
    my 6th generation 8GB iPod Nano won't sync in a new Windows 8 (not upgraded to 8.1) laptop. iTunes recognizes it and is able to enable disk use but will not sync the music. The computer also recognizes it. It just won't sync, when I press the sync button it seems as if it is going to sync but it stops after a few seconds without synching or changing anything. I already uninstalled and installed iTunes and restarted the laptop and the problem is still there. Also I wonder why iTunes doesn't say that the iPod is synched with another library and if I want to sinc it with the new one since the music my iPod currently has comes from an old laptop that doesn't work anymore so that's why I have my music now in this new computer, but it won't sync and it's frustrating. Any advice? Thank you.

    Type "ipod not recognized in itunes" into the search bar at the top of this page by "Support"

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