Ipod recording background sound but not voices

whenever i record a video,only the background noises are played while my voice or anyones voice is very very low and i just upgraded to IOS 5.01 and it didnt fix the problem i opened voice memos and started tapping on the mic and the needle moved up while i screamed and it didnt move up at all. please help

No,I don't have it blocked you any sort of thing. But it once got wet 2 weeks ago and since then it wont record my voice..its weird because it can record any background noises like hitting the floor,tapping on the microphone ( voice memo) but it wont record any voice

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    Hey there Srkupo,
    It sounds like your vocal audio is not working with your headphones connected to your iPhone. I would start with the troubleshooting from the following article to help troubleshoot them named:
    Resolve issues with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch accessories
    Update your software
    Install the latest version of iOS. You can see which version is on your iPhone by going to the About screen.
    If the device doesn't update successfully, the issue might be with your device and not the accessory. Learn how to check your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
    Disconnect and inspect the accessory, then restart your device
    Disconnect the accessory and turn it off, if possible.
    Inspect the connection between the accessory and device and make sure that no debris or other damage is present.
    Restart your iOS device by turning it off, then back on. When the Home screen appears, reconnect the accessory.
    Try a different device
    Make sure the issue is with the accessory, if possible. Always use an identical or similar, compatible device with the accessory you're troubleshooting.
    If there's static coming from the left audio channel when you use headphones, try connecting the headphones to a similar device.
    If the device isn't syncing when connected to the dock, connect it directly to the computer using the Apple 30-pin to USB Cable or try another USB port.
    If you're using Lightning to 30-pin Adapter in a connection chain, try using the same adapter on a similar or identical device.
    Restore iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    Restore your iOS device. You should rarely need to use this step with an accessory issue. If the issue only affects a third-party accessory, contact the manufacturer before restoring the device.
    If this does not resolve the issue could you elaborate on where you are listening to this content from to help isolate the issue?
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

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    Here are the steps for AirPlay:
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    On your iPhone 4S/5 or iPad 2 or 3, double-click the Home  Button to view your recently-used apps.
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    Start up Azul now and using the settings icon on the top right corner go to the option that say "TV out" ON.
    When you do that you will see an Orange screen
    Now click "Done" and play the video you want to watch and it will AirPlay

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    Hi @anthony7722 ,
    Thank you for your query, I will do my best to help!
    I grasp that you uninstalled the Intel graphic driver and the catalyst control.  You reinstalled the Intel driver and now you can view and hear videos on the Internet but you are unable to set the resolution as high as previously.
    When I checked the specifications for your notebook I see that you have switchable graphics.
    Here are two links that I believe will help.
    Overview of Switchable Graphics or Dual GPUs
    Switchable Graphics on Notebooks Configured with Intel and ATI GPUs
    Here is a link to HP Pavilion dv7-6150eb Entertainment Notebook PC Drivers
    Please try this process.
    1. Download the chipset driver, and both graphic drivers and save them  but do not install them yet
    2, Delete the chipset driver and install the updated one.
    3. restart your notebook
    4.Delete the Intel driver and install the updated one
    5. restart your notebook
    6. Delete the AMD driver and install the updated driver. 
    You should now have a Catalyst Control Center.
    This should now allow you to use the higher graphic card which should support the higher resolution.
    I hope this helped.
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom right to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    Can someone please explain why apple tech is such a pain when it comes to Windows 8 and how I can fix this without losing 2 years worth of school and saved games?!?!?!?

    Try a full teardown as in Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates?
    A recent poster to forum is suggesting uninstalling WMP from Windows?
    Connect the device to a different compuer and back it up there. You should be able to copy off the library to a portable hard drive. See also Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.

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    Hi Tom,
    Your LOOKUP formula will return a value that it finds in the "other" table. That value can be used in conditional highlighting rules. (Numbers 3 calls it conditional highlighting, not conditional formatting. Just to keep us awake, I guess, but it works the same).
    Please explain what you are trying to do.

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    I'm amazed that each time these type of problems arise we get the same advice time-and-again to go through this exceedingly manual process of due-diligence checks-and-balances to figure out what it is that we have as ad-ons that supposedly now clash with changes that FF have made to the browser.
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    Sorry to go on a bit of a rant-and-rage B-U-T we are not getting these repeated problems withe other browsers which we are getting more and more frequently with FF.
    Never mind. I'll go through this rigmarole of checks yet AGAIN, no doubt then having to put up with the same sequence of threads from the likes of Morbus re the Plugin-container fiasco "Nothing to do with this [whatever we put forward it might be]. Try flash [or this or that or something else]. Uninstall it and reinstall it. Make sure it's up to date too.", like we're a bunch of morans who don't have the dummy sense to check these things out thoroughly before we go asking for help on the FF Forum.
    "Let's blame the add-ons that have nothing to do with FF" Nowt has changed on that front since 08/2010.
    Still, what can we really expect from a free browser? A browser that works?????
    I hate IE --- but at least it isn't failling over with hardware acceleration issues every few updates!!!!!

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    As previously stated, when I run with all of the addons disabled, the problem still exists. I just tried this again and verified it again. Per your suggestion, I created a new profile and found that the save image as command worked. Do you have any idea what part of the profile is corrupted and causing the problem? I'd like to localize the problem so I can save as much of my old profile as possible, and not have to start over rebuilding all of my settings.

  • Ipod appears in finder but not itunes

    ipod nano 3rd gen: see it in finder as a volume, it opens itunes BUT does not appear in list of devices!!
    tried hard reset, restart, etc. Have the latest itunes and have tried to "see" the ipod on different macs, running different OS's
    Of note: the ipod was possibly tangled with : my daughter tried to have some music transferred on her mom's PC, believe it or not. In so doing, they drag/dropped the files on the disk image (I guess). I have since deleted the folders and transferred contents into itunes.
    The ipod starts up fine except it starts up as a "new ipod " each time, requesting language before being used.
    Can't sync it since it doesn't appear in itunes...
    Any ideas. I've looked into the forums but no success so far
    Thanks for your numerous hepfull replies

    Kenichi Watanabe
    Re: I have a ipod nano 5th generation that can not be found on itunes on Mac 
    It sounds like the iPod needs a Restore using iTunes.  But you're saying iTunes does not see the iPod, even though Finder sees it, so if iTunes does not see it, you can't do aRestore.  It definitely does not appear in the iTunes sidebar, under DEVICES, correct?
    I just did the following with my 5th gen iPod nano and Mac (just to confirm it does no harm), so you can try it, if you want.  This procedure will erase the nano, so I hope all the songs (and other content) on it now are all synced from your Mac's iTunes library.  I have previously done this with older "hard drive" iPods before, but not a nano.
    Put the nano into Disk Mode, as before (link in previous post).
    With iTunes NOT running, run Disk Utility and connect the nano.  The nano should appear in the Disk Utility sidebar.  Select "Apple iPod Media" in the sidebar, NOT the iPod's "volume" that is indented under it (so the DEVICE should be selected, not the device's volume).  Over to the right, go to the Erase tab.
    Set Format to Mac OS Extended (Journaled).  You can Name it whatever you want, or leave it "Untitled."  Click Erase.  This will erase (reformat) the iPod's flash storage.  Because the DEVICE was selected in the sidebar, it will also re-partition it (to one partition).  It should take less than one minute to complete, then Eject the iPod.  It should say OK to Disconnect on nano's screen.  But you don't need to disconnect it.
    Use the Reset procedure (link in previous post) to take the nano out of Disk Mode.  Run iTunes.  Hopefully, iTunes will see the iPod (in "recovery mode"), and offer to Restore it.  If you can then Restore it successfully, your nano should be working properly again.
    NOTE:  If there is a hardware problem with your nano, erasing it with Disk Utility may not work.  And that will leave your nano non-functional.

  • Can transfer videos to iPod via Videora: SOUND but no MOVIE!!!

    I have been able to transfer videos (after they were converted using Videora iPod Converter) to iTunes and then to the iPod. But when I go to play it, I hear the sound but I don't see the movie. I have the tv out feature set to OFF as well. Can anyone help me? Anyone who solves this has just about solved the video problem for hundreds of others as well!!! Please help.

    Hmmm that is weird. Have you gone into your Ipod options and made sure under video, that you DO NOT have "do not update videos" selected. If that is not the problem then try this.
    Make a new playlist to hold your videos in your Ipod. Then under "videos" in your Ipod options select "Automatically update selected playlist only", and then select the playlist that you created to hold your videos and click "ok". After you do that put the videos into your library, then from your library click and drag the videos into the playlist you created to hold your Ipod. Then update your Ipod and you should have them on their.
    Dell   Windows XP  

  • IPod appears in Finder,  but not in iTunes.  iPod in Disk Mode

    I have a 5th Gen, 30G iPod that cut out in mid-song this morning. The hard drive starting making the "tick, tick, tick...pause...tick, tick, tick" sound. I reset it and it does not show any of the music on it (only pictures). When I plugged it into the computer, it appears on the desktop (eventually) and in Finder, but not in the iTunes Source List.
    After working my way through the first 4 of the 5 R's, I have come to Restore. Since I couldn't get the iPod to appear in the Source Menu, I haven't been able to hit the Restore button in iTunes. So I have placed the iPod into Disk Mode, and reattached it to the computer. Still nothing, just it icon on the destop, but nothing in iTunes.
    I assume that the Data is Corrupt on the Hard Drive of the iPod, but how can you restore an iPod if you can't get iTunes to recognize it?!
    Any ideas are greatly appreciated!

    Hey there,
    Have you had a chance to work through the troubleshooting solutions offered in this Apple support document? If not, it would be a good place to start. Hope it helps.
    [iPod does not appear in iTunes or iPod updater in Mac OS X|http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1461]

  • Bug/Solution: iPod seen by Windows but not by iTunes

    (apologies if this has already been reported)
    So I had the problem where iPod would show up in Windows as a drive letter, but iTunes wouldn't see it at all. I had followed all the instructions in this article to no avail:
    And then I tried something which ended up working. This may be somewhat of an edge case scenario, but it's possible others may hit it:
    My OS is installed on the D: drive, instead of normally on C:. Also, there was nothing assigned to C:. So when the iPod was plugged in, Windows gave it C:. As I said, iTunes would not recognize the device at all.
    On a whim, I reassigned some other USB device to C: so that the iPod would be forced to a different drive letter (I think it was G). Lo and behold, iTunes recognized the iPod just fine.
    I didn't do any other testing on it, but it seems if iPod's drive letter < OS letter, iTunes won't see it(?)
    Anyway, hope this helps someone else.<br>
    30gb   Windows XP  

    Thanks a lot, I must have spent close to 15 hours trying to figure out why my ipod didn't work with my re-installed windows. It turned out my windows was on drive H:, and the ipod was being mounted to drive C:. I switched the ipod to drive I:, and it finally worked! The following instructions may help if your computer sees your ipod in windows explorer (My computer) but not in iTunes, and the ipod is mounted on a drive letter lower than the operating system.
    To switch your Ipod to a different drive letter:
    1. Connect your ipod to the desired usb 2.0 port.
    2. Go to the start menu and click "Control Panel".
    3. If you are in "Category view" (check the upper left where it says "Switch to classic view") switch to classic view.
    4. Double-Click "administrative tools".
    5. Double-Click "computer management".
    6. Under "storage" on the left, click "Disk Management", and wait for it to connect to the logical disk managament service.
    7. Your Ipod should show up in "volume" column; RIGHT click on it and select "Change Drive Letter and Paths..." from the pop-up menu.
    8. Click on the "Change..." button.
    9. Select a different drive letter from the pull down menu. (Pick a drive letter higher than the one your operating system .ie Windows XP.. is installed on. For example if Windows is on drive D:, then pick a drive letter E: or higher.)
    10. Click "Ok"
    11. Click "Yes"
    12. Restart the computer, and see if your Ipod will connect to iTunes!
    Dell Dimension 8200 Windows XP Pro

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