Is it possible to reschedule a report??

Hi Friends,
I have encountred a quick question by a customer like " Is it possible to re-schedule a report" what I  could in Crystal reports.
As of now I came know we can schedule a report at specified a date and time but how to re-schedule a report immediately.

You can try using SSRS cascading parameter.
Regards, RSingh

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    Hi All,
    I am trying to reschedule a report to use a new password using a c# program. But when I run the new schedule, the instance always shows "running" status. If I click on the status, I get the message "An error has occurred: The property with ID SI_NAME does not exist in the object" .  Please find below the code snippet. Am I missing something?
    IDE: VS 2005
    Server : CRS 2008 V1
    BOE SDK Version: 12.0.1100.0
    What I am trying to do is
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    2. Load their parent reports
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    4. Delete the old recurring schedule
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    SessionMgr sessionMgr = new SessionMgr();
    EnterpriseSession entSession = sessionMgr.Logon(lUid, lPwd, lServer, lAuth);
    EnterpriseService entService = entSession.GetService("InfoStore");
    InfoStore infoStore = new InfoStore(entService);
    string query = "select SI_ID, SI_NAME, SI_PARENTID from ci_infoobjects where si_recurring = 1 and SI_NAME = 'TEST REPORT'";
    InfoObjects infoObjs = infoStore.Query(query);
    foreach (InfoObject infoObject in infoObjs)
        //Get the si_id for the parent report
        strParentID = infoObject.ParentID.ToString();
        //Load the parent report object
        string rptquery = "Select SI_NAME, SI_ID From CI_INFOOBJECTS Where SI_KIND='CrystalReport'And SI_ID =" + strParentID;
        InfoObjects infoObjects = infoStore.Query(rptquery);
        InfoObject infoObjectrpt = infoObjects[1];
        Report report = (Report)infoObjectrpt;
        SchedulingInfo schedulingInfo = report.SchedulingInfo;
        schedulingInfo.Type = CeScheduleType.ceScheduleTypeDaily;
        schedulingInfo.RightNow = false;
        ReportFormatOptions rfo = report.ReportFormatOptions;
        rfo.Format = CeReportFormat.ceFormatPDF;
        ReportPrinterOptions reportPrinterOptions = report.ReportPrinterOptions;
        reportPrinterOptions.Enabled = true;
        reportPrinterOptions.Copies = 1;
        reportPrinterOptions.FromPage = 1;
        reportPrinterOptions.ToPage = 1;
        //Delete existing schedule

    Hi All,
    Can someone help me with this please? I am not able to schedule a report using sdk. It does create an instance, but it fails with the error "Information is needed before this report can be processed.". The instance also shows around 15 parameters for a report that has only 5 parameters.  Any  help is highly appreciated.

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    Why not?Through se38 only you create ALV report. there you can give your report name and go to program on menu bar - click - execute buton- click-Background . You will get new screen there you can choose Execute immediate or schedule.
    Chandra Sekhar.
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    Check this -
    For Report Painter
    Re: Interactive ALV
    With Regards

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    this property is used with passing Record Groups as data parameters from Forms.
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    Thanks for your prompt reply.
    Through form I'm able to create report object and report is displayed successfully.
    I'm using the following code:
              report_id Report_Object;
              ReportServerJob VARCHAR2(100);
              rep_status VARCHAR2(50);
              report_id:= find_report_object('Report1');
              SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(report_id,REPORT_OTHER,'vouno='||:vouno||' paramform=no');
              WHILE rep_status in ('RUNNING','OPENING_REPORT','ENQUEUED')
                        rep_status := report_object_status(ReportServerJob);
              END LOOP;
              IF rep_status = 'FINISHED' THEN
                        message('Error when running report');
              END IF;
    I'm not able to use the same code in Menu, as there is no way to create report object "Report1"
    Or is there any was to create object.
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    I used report_id:= find_report_object('c:\.... *.RDF');

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    Hi Vasu,
    If I understand you correct, you want to group the data on Region level and add a Region parameter on the report. If I have anything misunderstood, please point it out.
    In MDX, there is no direct equivalent to a "GROUP BY". Currently, adding a Region attribute is by far the easiest way to do this. With an attribute the query is trivial and it will work in other client tools like Excel. If you want to achieve it on query
    level, you have to manually generate members to aggregate each Region. I am afraid it will be much more complex. Here is a blog about GROUP BY query on MDX, please refer to the link below.
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

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    What do you mean by "in Start Menu"? Do you mean Live tile? See
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help

  • Proxy error when Rescheduling a report

    When rescheduling a report  we get "An error has occurred: $Proxy8" after we click the Parameter tab.  Restarting the browser and rebooting the computer do not fix the problem.

    Sometimes I have the same problem.  So what I do is logging off , wait some miutes and log in again and I reschedule again the report.
    In this link someone explained a workaround for this behavior:
          Rescheduling PDF Reports Error
    hope this helps.

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    Hello Morten,
    In Reports 9i, with new feature JDBCPDS its possiable to create a report against a existing stored procedure.
    Using JDBCPDS, user can access any JDBC-enabled data source. You can access database like Oracle, DB2, Sybase, ODBC Data Sources, etc using supporting
    JDBC Drivers. User can also connect ODBC Data Sources like SQL Server, MS-Access, Excel etc.
    User can create a JDBC Query angainst a SQL Query or Stored Procedure in any of mentioned dataSource.
    Following is the syntax of the Oracle Stored Procedure, which can be used as Data Source with JDBCPDS.
    Steps to create a JDBCPDS Report through Report Builder : - > JDBCPDS- > How To
    //----------Package definition for Ref cursor ----------/
    package test_Procedure as
    type empcurProcedure5 is ref cursor;
    end test_tryProcedure5;
    // -----------Procedure definition ---------//
    test_Procedure(p_emp_cv out test_tryProcedure5.empcurProcedure5,
    p1 in NUMBER) is
    update emp set sal=sal + 50 where deptno > P1
    open p_emp_cv for select * from emp where deptno > P1;
    end test_Procedure;
    Procedure first parameter will be Ref Cursor and will be used to return the resultSet to JDBC Query.
    User should create first this procedure in Database. Then in JDBC Query Dialog, user can call this stored procedure by specifying procedure name.
    Please see ORACLE_HOME/reports/conf/jdbcpds.conf for more Connection and
    JDBC-Driver information.
    With Regards
    Reports Team

  • Rescheduling Excel Reports Error ($Proxy4, $Proxy5)

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    Is this resolved in a later fix pack or service pack?  I am currently using Crystal Reports 12.1.0
    Edit:  Corrected Version #
    Edited by: Jeff F. on Feb 15, 2011 5:13 PM

    Problem Description: Same functionality works fine in XIR2 and all its packages. However, this
    functionality breaks from XI 3.0.
    In Infoview schedule the report to pdf format, and once it goes to success.
    Click on the reschedule option and then click on the parameter option.
    The error "An error has occurred:$Proxy4" will be thrown.
    Target Fix: XI 3.0 FP1
    Workaround: No
    It looks like this was fixed in FP1 released a while ago. Can you download patches from SMP or ESD?
    Also I'm moving this post to the administration forum, that's where server issues should be posted for maximum response.

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    SAP Solution Manager can be used for entire ALM so you need to clearly specify which area and what report you are talking about
    General transaction code for reporting is
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