Is my plan advisable?

I want to set up a wireless network in my home linking the following: Verizon FIOS Broadband, Nintendo Wii, Mac iMac G5 (hard cable Ethernet connection), and (soon) Apple TV. My question is that, since the Wii and the Apple TV use different WiFi standards, will the Apple Extreme 802.11n be able to maximize transfer speeds to both of these devices?
iMac G5/1.8 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

Would using both the Airport Express and the FIOS router at the same time work or conflict?
Do you mean the new 802.11n AEBS or the AirPort Express (AX)?
You could configure the new 802.11n AEBS to work at 5 GHz and allow the FiOS base station to operate at 2.4 GHz. Then the Apple TV would connect at full speed without any impact from the Wii.

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    Close the file
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    Thanks Phillip for getting back.
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    I have been using a the batchStack. jsx bridge you posted on the Bridge script forum.
    I found your script very useful. Thanks for the contribution.

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    I had to use one like that once. Had no access to codes though, but I can remember more or less how it works.
    I remember there were four Z tables. One was the master, where every interface (inbound or outbound) should be registered before being able to be executed (this check were done under the incapsulated code of the functions). Second was responsible for registering processing data (each time an inferface was processed), like how many records were processed, valid processed transactions, etc. Third was to record history data, which user executed the interface, etc.
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    Unfortunately, no other solution is available.
    Hope this helps

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    Start here
    Education Plan
    One Year Intro Price
    ID Proof

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    No...see the link I posted:
    If you did not enable Find My iPhone on your missing device
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    If you can't tell, I am extremely frustrated by this. I qualify to keep the unlimited data plan that I have always had, and I want it kept on my account. I will not settle for the 2 GB plan and just "monitor my usage." No way. I shouldn't have to deal with a limit because of someone else's mistake. So, yeah...what do you all think are the chances of me getting my unlimited package back? What if for whatever reason I am told that I can't?
    (I'm sorry for the angry tone of this post, but I believe it is justified in this particular case.)

    It happened to me too on July 20  when I returned a less than a one-month old defective Samsung Charge only to get a "certified like new" one to replace it.  It took a week but I was given the unlimited data back.  I certainly didn't authorize that, as I'm sure you didn't, but there were documents in my account that indicated it had been changed on the date I went back to the store with my defective phone and they ordered me a re-furbished one when the customer service rep promised me a new one.   My opinion--now disgruntled and cynical about Verizon--is that they do that with everyone in the hopes we don't catch it in time and are stuck with it.  You'll get the unlimited data back.  It's just inconvenient, frustrating, and time consuming. 

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    Hi guys,
    I have 2 questions. The first one is as you know before, I would like to learn all secrets behind explain plan and how how oracle works behind the scenery. I have researched some books. I found Oracle SQL Tuning: A Close Look at Explain Plans by Dan Hotka. Do you recommend this book? I have just read one page of this books, I thnik the language of this book is simple and it explains the situation from the beginning. I think, it is usefull for beginners like me. Because the things become hard to learn in first time for beginners. As a result I just would like to learn that do you recommend this book?
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    Thanks a lot for your help.

    944258 wrote:
    Hi guys,
    I have 2 questions. The first one is as you know before, I would like to learn all secrets behind explain plan and how how oracle works behind the scenery. I have researched some books. I found Oracle SQL Tuning: A Close Look at Explain Plans by Dan Hotka. Do you recommend this book? I have just read one page of this books, I thnik the language of this book is simple and it explains the situation from the beginning. I think, it is usefull for beginners like me. Because the things become hard to learn in first time for beginners. As a result I just would like to learn that do you recommend this book?Hi, why not start here first: There is probably as much information about execution plans found online, as there is in the books. At least the part you would like to know and try to remember will be online available :-)
    My second question is, I want to buy this book but I couldn't find in England (as paperback, not e book). But, appereantly I have to buy it online as ebook. Do you know any trusted web site that I can buy this book's ebook version?

  • What are the disadvantages of implementing APO- Demand Planning without improvements or cleaning up the MRP. in other words is DP implementation dependant on MRP process. Gurus please advise

    HI All. What are the disadvantages of implementing APO- Demand Planning without improvements or cleaning up the MRP. in other words is DP implementation dependant on MRP process. Gurus please advise

    Hi Amol,
    DP is the demand planning machine, here you estimate your forecast (future sales).
    The MRP is a supply planning machine, here you use estimate the replenishment.
    Both machines in a technical perspective are independent one each other. Now in a business perspective they are not: The problem that you will have if you don´t clean your MRP elements is not a problem in DP itself. I mean, you can have a very success implementation in DP, your forecast accuracy will be very good.. and you will get a very good forecast, but when the MRP run and estimate the replenishment, the effort that you made in DP will not be translated in good results and your planning situation will be still not good.
    Kind Regards,

  • Int'l Msgs: On MORE plan, but received message advising of charges after landing.

    Hi, I'm on the MORE plan which is supposed to include free international messaging.   When I landed in Japan and powered up my phone I received the standard activation text that stated what my fees would be to send/receive texts ($.50/$.05).  Is that a fluke?

        Thanks for reaching out to us. We wish you a wonderful trip while you are in Japan. We want to clear up any confusion.
    The welcome message is correct.
    The free unlimited international messaging is for messages sent from the USA to another eligible country
    As you are roaming internationally, you would be responsible for any texts sent and received while in a foreign country.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • I am having trouble opening files with a psa extension. These files come from space planning software and I was told that Photoshop elements would be able to open files with a pas extension. Does anyone have any advise?

    Does anyone know why I am unable to open psa files with elements 13. I read on the internet that elements was the software that I needed. However, it does not work. The files are coming from space planning software.

    In older versions of Elements PSA files were associated with Photoshop Album which has now been replaced by the Organizer. Elements has no 3d functionality for supporting space planning files but these files can normally be exported or saved by the originator as a bitmap or pdf file. Those could then be opened in PSE. I suggest you explore the possibilities of file conversion with your original source.

  • Inspection plan expert advise rquired

    as i don't want to have much more master data in my production server i was decide to work without inspection plan
    to achive this i have created 4 dummy material in the system and create inspection plan for these four material
    so when ever any GR happen to my real material system will created inspection lot with CRTD status
    so i will got to QA02 transaction and in  inspection specification tab i change material name with any one of the dummy material
    and click the task list button so system will assign the inspection plan
    Now i want to know if i work on these way what are the consequences will come to me later in production sever.and please tell me that these is a good method??
    i am expecting any expert advice on this

    Sure Faisal, I try to explain!
    1.     Basically letu2019s first of all understand why we need to create a task list (inspection plan).
    2.     Go to material master inspection set up. Double click on assigned inspection type there or click on detail view there.
    3.     Under detail information on inspection type (the below portion where you assign inspection types) you will observe that Insp with task list option is ticked default for 01 inspection type.
    4.     As a result of which you must have to create inspection plan. If you donu2019t lot goes to CRTD mode.
    An idea about Z01 is, it will be the copy of 01 inspection type. The only difference is u201CInsp with task list would not be ticked. So that there would be no compulsion to create task list eliminating the lot status CRTD. How to customize this?
    1.     QCC0 > Quality Inspection > inspection lot creation > Maintain inspection types > select 01 inspection type and press F6 to create Z01 type by copying 01.
    2.     Give the code as Z01 change the description as inspection without task list. Save it.
    3.     Now go to QCC0 > Quality Inspection > inspection lot creation > define default values for inspection type. Again here you can copy from 01. Make following changes there. Remove inspection with task list tick, remove record characteristic results and assign requirement automatically ticks. And save.
    4.     Finally go to QCC0 > Quality Inspection > inspection lot creation > Maintain inspection lot origins and assign inspection types
    5.     Select 01 lot origin and double click on Inspection types for the origin. Assign there Z01 and save.
    6.     You can save all these changes in a single request.
    Now assign this new inspection type Z01 to material master and click on preferred inspection type and active tick as well. You will notice that inspection lot would be generated with Z01 inspection type. Here directly proceed for stock posting or defect recording as no need to record results.
    Try if works for you!
    Anand Rao

  • I am planning to buy new Imac please advise

    Hello All,
    I am planning to buy IMac. Please advice..

    It would also be helpful to know what sort of advice you're looking for; what configuration to buy, where to purchase, etc.

Maybe you are looking for