Is Normal? Consistency Check is cancelled when File is Restored

Is it normal operation for an on-going Consistency Check to be canceled by the system when a file restore is performed on the same volume?
This happens in my environment, however I haven't found any documentation supporting it.

Synchronization jobs are definitely canceled during a restore, so it would not surprise me at all that a consistency check would also be canceled. You can get around this by restoring the data to another location (perhaps the DPM server itself) and then
manually copying the data to the target server.  More work, I know, but it will not interrupt a consistency check.

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    Dear Experts,
    I am trying one simple File to File scenario in which i have only fields 1>salesorder_number 2>Description
    I created a txt file with line items "100,crudeoil" with file name as salesorder.txt
    In the sender file adapter i have configured the file convertion paramenters as follows:
    Document name : mt_salesorder_sender  
    Document namespace :          "Namespace of message type
    Recordset Structure : document,*
    document.endSeparator : 'nl'
    document.fieldSeparator: ,
    document.fieldNames : salesorder_number,Description
    So after this if i run the scenario In file adapter i am getting the error like "Conversion initialization failed: java.lang.Exception: java.lang.Exception: java.lang.Exception: Error(s) in XML conversion parameters found: Parameter 'document.fieldFixedLengths' or 'document.fieldSeparator' is missing Consistency check: no. of arguments in 'document.fieldFixedLength' does not match 'document.fieldNames' (0 <> 2) "
    Please let me know where i am going wrong.

    please maintain the order as
    Recordset Structure : document,*
    document.fieldNames : salesorder_number,Description
    document.fieldSeparator: ,
    document.endSeparator : 'nl'

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    Hi varun,
    to automate rpd global consistency checkNo,there is no automate for consistency check.Anyways why you want to automate.Its a one step process just clicking global consistency check.

  • Recovery points and consistency checks are failing for one disk on file server. Access is denied (0x80070005)

     Good day! I've built a new DPM 2012 R2 server and migrated or re-created jobs from my older 2012 SP1 DPM servers as trying to upgrade them was not working out. The DPM R2 server is running great besides this one issue. The problem is with a file
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    Access Denied error is usually caused by Antivirus software.  Please disable real time scanning on the DPM Server for DPMRA process. 
    928840 You receive job status failure messages in Data Protection Manager;EN-US;928840
    For DPM 2012 the path has changed.
    To resolve this problem, configure the antivirus program to exclude real-time monitoring of the Dpmra.exe program on the Data Protection Manager server. By default, the Dpmra.exe file is located in the following folder:
    %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft System Center 2012\DPM\DPM\Bin
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT]
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • When do consistency check for a sharepoint content databse : that RBSID in table AllDocStreams registered with RBS is invalid

    In my sharepont farm  a web application configured with RBS and its working fine,
    when users upload pdfs the no of files are increased in RBS file system folder,
    but when i run Consistency check  before running RBS maintainer for cleaning garbage dta for this web applications content database , i faced below issue , its saying 
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Remote Blob Storage 10.50\Maintainer>Microsoft.Da
    ta.SqlRemoteBlobs.Maintainer.exe -ConnectionStringName RBS_2 -Operation Consiste
    ncyCheck -ConsistencyCheckMode c
    Starting Maintainer tasks.
        Starting RBS consistency check with check only.
            The column <RbsId> in table <dbo.AllDocStreams>
             registered with RBS is invalid.
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    and also its recommended to check consistency before cleaning garbage data from content database
    The GC of RBS maintainer just purges BLOBs in SQL Server. And FILESTREAM GC is needed to purge the files in file system. : (FILESTREAM GC)... runs as part of the database checkpoint
    process. This is what causes some confusion - an old FILESTREAM file will not be removed until after it is no longer needed AND a checkpoint runs. 
    Yes, In Simple recovery mode, just run SQL statement:
     In  Full recovery mode, two transaction log with CHECKPOINT are needed. Detail in the link above.
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

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    I am no pro at this product but when you look in source control, who does it say has those files checked out.  Does that user match the credentials that you use to connect to source control.  The only reason I ask this is, when I first set this up for my Publishers, I used the default admin account to connect to RSC.  Then I created accounts for them and went to their workstations to change credentials.  I changed the credentials but they had checked out some docs before that and could not check them back in because they were still checked out as admin. Had to change it back, have them check projects back in and then switch credentials.  Hope this helps.

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    since you've seen this before....did you have a problem doing "Estimate Levels" when you had measures in the hierarchy (usually they get there when you select a level for measure in its settings). I suspect the problem is in the measure - using FILTER function which references the dimension.

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    Everything seems to be fine (all the pictures are there...) but I still don't feel very safe.
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    Thank you.

    I apologize for disturbing.
    I did a fourth "Consistency Check" and it went fine.
    Thank you!

  • Secondary DPM (2012 R2) Issues: synchronising too much data from Primary DPM, persistant consistancy checks, and no dedup support!

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    Issue 1:
    As expected Volume D: was initially replicated to the secondary DPM server at its undeduplicated size ( 39TB), as was Volume E:\ with initial replication to the secondary of 5.5 TB.  So when is Microsoft going to support dedup on a secondary DPM ? It
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    Issue 2:
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    - has anyone any ideas?
    Issue 3:
    Another File server I am protecting on both the Primary & Secondary DPM server - always fails over to a consistency check on the secondary server - usually due to the fact it cannot access a particular file which results in an inconsistent replica .
    However the Sync (and subsequent restore point) on the primary DPM server from the original datasource is always completes without any issues. Again, has anyone any clues ?
    I do get the impression that the whole Secondary DPM thing is not quite robust enough. I can only assume that as the Primary seems to protect the original datasources ok, that the issue is with the secondary reading the information on the primary DPM.

    I tried changing the time of the synchronization, but that didn't help.
    Meanwhile, I was working on another unrelated case with Microsoft and so I didn't want to have a second case open at the same time. So I waited for some weeks with no change on this problem. Then, about a day or two before I was finally going to call Microsoft
    to open a case (months after the problem had started), the problem suddenly resolved itself, with no input from me! So I don't really know if it was time that fixed it eventually or what. Sorry I can't be of more help.

  • Windows Server 2012 - Backup failing with Exchange - The application will not be available for recovery from this backup. the consistency check failed

    We have a Windows 2012 server with Exchange 2013, all is working fine except now i am getting issues with the backup.
    'Exchange - The application will not be available for recovery from this backup. the consistency check failed for the component Microsoft Exchange Server'
    I have checked the database all is fine, i have created a new db and move all mailbox;s over and then removed the old db, i have enabled circular logging and then disabled it, it seems no matter what i do i cannot get a full backup!
    i did have to restore the server once and the backups still worked for about 4 days after that and then stopped, i have also tried to remove and re add the backup role!
    i am stumped, any advice would be great!

    Ok, i created a test db and tried to back it up right away, it failed, i did not add any mailbox's to it either. i got quite a few events in the windows logs, as well as the same event above i got the following:
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        MSExchangeRepl
    Date:          21/01/2013 10:16:30
    Event ID:      2038
    Task Category: Exchange VSS Writer
    Level:         Warning
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      NERDS-DC01.nerds.local
    Microsoft Exchange VSS Writer backup failed. No log files were truncated. Instance 75754d0d-8dfe-4909-8beb-5a4f824254a9. Database 4843b37c-7b3c-42b2-8b57-1393615c2c15.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="MSExchangeRepl" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="32772">2038</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-01-21T10:16:30.000000000Z" />
        <Security />
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        MSExchangeRepl
    Date:          21/01/2013 10:16:30
    Event ID:      2038
    Task Category: Exchange VSS Writer
    Level:         Warning
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      NERDS-DC01.nerds.local
    Microsoft Exchange VSS Writer backup failed. No log files were truncated. Instance 75754d0d-8dfe-4909-8beb-5a4f824254a9. Database db5826f3-1029-4219-ad80-441a0e94537a.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="MSExchangeRepl" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="32772">2038</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-01-21T10:16:30.000000000Z" />
        <Security />
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        MSExchangeRepl
    Date:          21/01/2013 10:16:30
    Event ID:      2034
    Task Category: Exchange VSS Writer
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      NERDS-DC01.nerds.local
    The Microsoft Exchange Replication service VSS Writer (Instance 75754d0d-8dfe-4909-8beb-5a4f824254a9) failed with error FFFFFFFC when processing the backup completion event.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="MSExchangeRepl" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="49156">2034</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-01-21T10:16:30.000000000Z" />
        <Security />
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        SPP
    Date:          21/01/2013 10:16:30
    Event ID:      16389
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      NERDS-DC01.nerds.local
    Writer Microsoft Exchange Writer experienced retryable error during shadow copy creation. Retrying...  More info: .
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="SPP" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="0">16389</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-01-21T10:16:30.000000000Z" />
        <Security />
        <Data>Microsoft Exchange Writer</Data>
        <Data>The writer experienced a transient error.  If the backup process is retried, the error may not reoccur. (0x800423F3)</Data>

  • ERROR consistency check in  recordset structure validation

    I have a file that has the format below. The file is managed with the below content conversion parameters. However, it's not working and the error message that i get is "Conversion of file content to XML failed at position 0: java.lang.Exception: ERROR consistency check in recordset structure validation (line no. 7: missing structure(s) in last recordset". Any idea, what when wrong? Thanks.
    Message Type defined:
    FileHeader            (occurrence = 1)
      ARPostingRecord    (occurrence = 1 to unbounded)
        RecordHeader       (occurrence = 1 to unbounded)
        RecordDetail          (occurrence = 1 to unbounded)
    Source file looks like this:
    01 Field1 Field2...Field-n  
    H  Field1 Field2...Field-n  
    L  Field1 Field2...Field-n  
    L  Field1 Field2...Field-n  
    H  Field1 Field2...Field-n  
    L  Field1 Field2...Field-n  
    L  Field1 Field2...Field-n  
    01 is the keyfieldvalue for FileHeader
    H is the keyfieldvalue for RecordHeader
    L is the keyfieldvalue for RecordDetail
    Specified parameters:
    Recordset Name:
    Recordset Structure:

    >ERROR consistency check in recordset structure validation (line no. 7: missing structure(s) in last recordset". Any idea, what when wrong?
    When you are not sure about number of records for RecordHeader and RecordDetail, Please specify wildchar character. Dont give max numbers.  The errors says expecting the specified number for recordset and  since it is missing gives errror.

  • Fileserver consistency checks failing 0x809909B0

    I have a file server with approx. 1.7TB of files which became inconsistent on the 8<sup>th</sup> of November, and has been unable to complete a consistency check since then. 
    Consistency checks fail with the error:
    The protection agent on <server> was temporarily unable to respond because it was in an unexpected state. (ID 60 Details: Internal error code: 0x809909B0)
    I have removed and re-added the server, including deleting the protected data from DPM disk, and reinstalled the DPM agent on the file server, but I still receive the above error when consistency checking. 
    DPM is System Center 2012 R2 v4.2.1254.0 on Windows Server 2012 R2. 
    The file server is running Windows Server 2012 R2 also. 
    KB2919355 is installed on both systems.
    I did have Dedup running on the file server, but have un-deduped the drive as part of troubleshooting this issue.
    Other servers backed up by this DPM server are being backed up fine, including a HyperV cluster, 2 exchange servers and 2 sharepoint farms.
    There are a large number of these errors in the DPMRA log around the time the job fails:
    5288       4F48      
    11/28     22:49:56.601      
    [00000000013EE9D0]       50C1500F-0353-4D2A-8188-FC03612E2503
    Failed: Hr: = [0x809909b0] : CRADefaultSubTask: WorkitemID does not exist, {EB6F4726-E5C5-4958-B034-542518E5A931}
    5288       4F48      
    11/28     22:49:56.601      
    [00000000013EE9D0]       50C1500F-0353-4D2A-8188-FC03612E2503
    Failed: Hr: = [0x809909b0] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : CommandReceivedSpecific(pCommand, pOvl)
    5288       4F48      
    11/28     22:49:56.601      
    [00000000013EE9D0]       50C1500F-0353-4D2A-8188-FC03612E2503
    Failed: Hr: = [0x809909b0] : Encountered Failure: : lVal : CommandReceived(pAgentOvl)
    5288       4F48      
    11/28     22:50:03.635      
    [00000000012F4850]       50C1500F-0353-4D2A-8188-FC03612E2503        
    FATAL   Subtask failure, sending status response XML=[<?xml version="1.0"?>
    5288       4F48      
    11/28     22:50:03.635      
    [00000000012F4850]       50C1500F-0353-4D2A-8188-FC03612E2503        
    FATAL   <Status xmlns="" StatusCode="-2137454160" Reason="Error" CommandID="RACancelAllSubTasks" CommandInstanceID="8a514c9b-6a62-42b4-a03b-0f938e3f20cc"
    GuidWorkItem="eb6f4726-e5c5-4958-b034-542518e5a931" TETaskInstanceID="50c1500f-0353-4d2a-8188-fc03612e2503"><ErrorInfo xmlns="" ErrorCode="536872913"
    DetailedCode="-2137454160" DetailedSource="2"><Parameter Name="AgentTargetServer" Value=""/></ErrorInfo></Status>
    5288       4F48      
    11/28     22:50:03.635      
    [00000000012F4850]       50C1500F-0353-4D2A-8188-FC03612E2503        
    FATAL   ]
    I have also tried the steps in this article with no change:
    Currently I have reduced the amount of shares being backed up to just ~400gb of data and I have it in a consistent state, but I need to get the remainder of the data backed up, and I can’t be in a situation where if it becomes inconsistent it can’t run a
    successful consistency check again.

    If you want to pursue this immediately, you can visit the following web site to open a support incident. The charge to your CC will not be processed until your case is resolved and closed, if it's a code defect in the DPM then we wave all charges.
    In the Quick product finder, enter:System Center 2012 R2  - then select System Center 2012 R2 Data Protection Manager
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT]
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

  • Consistency check error 38011: Logical tables from multiple subject areas..

    I received multiple 38011 errors when performing a consistency check after merging repositories:
    For example:
    Logical tables from multiple subject areas associated, OHRP and Enterprise Warehouse
    (OHRP and Enterprise Warehouse refer to different business models)
    I'm really not sure what this means, and Metalink and Google aren't turning up anything.

    Does it say anything about Assertion Failure? Also, this is straight up from help regarding import (through file menu) "Use this option when the objects you import are unrelated to objects already in the repository such as when the business model and physical layer objects do not exist. If an object of the same name and type exists, the import process overwrites the existing object with the new object. When you import objects from one repository into another, the repository from which you are importing must be consistent."
    Sometimes Merge does bring unexpected (and unwanted results) - especially if there're presentation aliases, duplicate business models, or naming conflicts. If it's not too late, I suggest you use Import,rather than Merge, also, preferably starting with a new RPD file. This would enable you to bring items piece-by-piece and hopefully would allow you to isolate the problem.
    Also, depending on the size - it's sometimes preferable to just reproduce missing part(s). I hope this is helpful.
    Also, I forgot to say - the Import is deprecated and not supported. They suggest you use Project Extract and Merge. If Merge isn't working out for you and Import isn't an option - maybe you could try Project.
    Edited by: wildmight on Mar 9, 2009 7:58 AM

  • CR Consistency check

    Hi experts,
    I'm trying to transport CRs from our system to another one. Before processing further, I'm making some checks: Syntax check and Request Consistency.
    But I have a problem with a task: when I try to make the Consistency Check for that task, I get the following warning message:
    Object messages: R3TR TABU BSPC_DL_STXTREP2
    Object TABU BSPC_DL_STXTREP2 has object function "K", but no key
    Object messages: R3TR TABU PPFTSFFXCU
    Object TABU PPFTSFFXCU has object function "K", but no key
    Object messages: R3TR TABU PPFTWFCU
    Object TABU PPFTWFCU has object function "K", but no key
    What is the problem? How can I solve it?
    Thanks & Regards

    Looks like you learned something from this
    Consistency Check of RPD without opening it
    I expect you mark or update on this before you post any thing.
    Try out if you can call any batch files from Answers, I dont think you call them.
    Edited by: Srini VEERAVALLI on May 13, 2013 11:19 AM

Maybe you are looking for