Issue with 3 attachments in an email

Hi All,
Anybody can send me the program which generates 3 excel sheets as an attachment. i wrote one program which geberates .txt files as an atatchmetns.

following is the code which uses both formats PDF and CSV OR XLS.
*&  Report  Z_SEND_JOB.                                                &*
*& Title            : Send spool lists with PDF / CSV attachments.     &*
*& Program name     : Z_SEND_JOB.                                      &*
*& Source Code Type : Report                                           &*
report  z_send_job.
*                           INCLUDE                                    *
include z_send_job_data.
include z_send_job_pai.
*                    AT SELECTION-SCREEN.                              *
at selection-screen.
  if s_email1[] is initial.
    message s899(mm) with 'Please Enter E-Mail id'.
  if p_spool is initial and p_tcode is initial and p_pgna is initial and p_sch is initial.
    message s899(mm) with 'Please enter Spool Number or Tcode or Program name or created by'.
*                    START-OF-SELECTION.                               *
  perform get_job_details.
  if not p_pdf is initial.
*process to send as pdf attachment
    perform convert_spool_to_pdf.
    perform process_email.
*process to send as excel attachment
    perform convert_spool_excel.
    if not it_spool_xls_return[] is initial.
      perform process_email.
      message i000(0) with 'Cannot Send this spool as an Excel File'.
*iinclude z_send_job_data.
*&  Include           Z_SEND_JOB_DATA
*                       Tables Workarea                                *
tables: somlreci1,
*                       TYPE-POOLS                                     *
type-pools: truxs.
*                           CONSTANTS                                  *
constants: c_no(1) type c value ' ',
           c_device(4) type c value 'LOCL'.
*                   GLOBAL DATA DECLARATIONS                           *
data : gd_recsize type i.
data : l_format(3) type c.
*Job Runtime Parameters
data : gd_eventid like tbtcm-eventid,
       gd_eventparm like tbtcm-eventparm,
       gd_external_program_active like tbtcm-xpgactive,
       gd_jobcount like tbtcm-jobcount,
       gd_jobname like tbtcm-jobname,
       gd_stepcount like tbtcm-stepcount,
       gd_error type sy-subrc,
       gd_reciever type sy-subrc.
data : w_recsize type i.
data : gd_subject like sodocchgi1-obj_descr,
       it_mess_bod like solisti1 occurs 0 with header line,
       it_mess_att like solisti1 occurs 0 with header line,
       gd_sender_type like soextreci1-adr_typ,
       gd_attachment_desc type so_obj_nam,
       gd_attachment_name type so_obj_des.
*Spool to PDF conversions
data : gd_spool_nr like tsp01-rqident ,
       gd_destination like rlgrap-filename,
       gd_bytecount like tst01-dsize,
       gd_buffer type string.
data : gv_client type tsp01-rqclient,
       gv_name   type tsp01-rqo1name,
       gv_type   type  rststype-type,
       gv_objtype   type  rststype-type,
       gv_is_otf(1) type  c value ' ',
*         GV_SPOOL   type  i,
       gv_pdfspoolid type tsp01-rqident,
       gv_jobname    type tbtcjob-jobname,
       gv_jobcount   type tbtcjob-jobcount.
*                       Field Strings                                  *
*Spool IDs
types: begin of t_tbtcp.
        include structure tbtcp.
types: end of t_tbtcp.
*for excel
types: begin of t_spool.
        include structure bapixmspoo.
types: end of t_spool.
*                     Internal Tables                                  *
data: it_tbtcp type standard table of t_tbtcp initial size 0,
      wa_tbtcp type t_tbtcp.
*Binary store for PDF
data: begin of it_pdf_output occurs 0.
        include structure tline.
data: end of it_pdf_output.
data t_spools type standard table of t_spool with default key.
data : it_spool_xls        like   t_spools with header line.
data : it_spool_xls_return type   truxs_t_text_data.
data: wa_spool_xls_return(255) type c.
data:   it_message type standard table of solisti1 initial size 0
                with header line.
data:   it_attach type standard table of solisti1 initial size 0
                with header line.
data : begin of gt_spool_file occurs 0,
           tdline(2500) type c,
       end of gt_spool_file.
*                    Selection Screen                                  *
selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
select-options: s_email1 for  somlreci1-receiver
                              no intervals.
parameter: p_spool like tbtcp-listident,
           p_tcode like tstc-tcode,
           p_pgna like tstc-pgmna,
           p_sch like tbtcp-sdluname default sy-uname.
selection-screen end of block b1.
selection-screen begin of block b2 with frame title text-002.
parameter: p_pdf radiobutton group g1 default 'X',
           p_excel radiobutton group g1.
selection-screen end of block b2.
*include z_send_job_pai
*&  Include           Z_SEND_JOB_PAI
*&      Form  GET_JOB_DETAILS
form get_job_details .
  data : l_spool(10) type c.
  if p_spool is initial.
*IF USER ENTER tcode get program name
    if not p_tcode is initial.
      select single pgmna into p_pgna from tstc
                                      where tcode = p_tcode.
*get spool if for program name.
    if not p_pgna is initial.
      if p_sch is initial.
        select listident into l_spool from tbtcp    "GD_SPOOL_NR
                                up to 1 rows
                                where progname = p_pgna
                                order by listident descending.
        if sy-subrc eq 0.
          move : l_spool to gd_spool_nr.
        select listident into l_spool from tbtcp
                            up to 1 rows
                            where progname = p_pgna
                            and sdluname = p_sch
                            order by listident descending.
        if sy-subrc eq 0.
          move : l_spool to gd_spool_nr.
*get spool id with usr name
    if not p_sch is initial and p_pgna is initial.
      select listident into l_spool from tbtcp
                              up to 1 rows
                              where sdluname = p_sch
                              order by listident descending.
      if sy-subrc eq 0.
        move : l_spool to gd_spool_nr.
    gd_spool_nr = p_spool.
  if gd_spool_nr is initial.
    message s899(mm) with 'Spool not found'.
endform.                    " GET_JOB_DETAILS
form convert_spool_to_pdf .
  call function 'RSPO_RETURN_SPOOLJOB'
      rqident              = gd_spool_nr
      first_line           = 1
      last_line            = 1000
      desired_type         = 'RAW'
      buffer               = gt_spool_file
      no_such_job          = 1
      job_contains_no_data = 2
      selection_empty      = 3
      no_permission        = 4
      can_not_access       = 5
      read_error           = 6
      type_no_match        = 7
      others               = 8.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
  select single rqclient
                into (gv_client, gv_name)
                from tsp01
                where rqident = gd_spool_nr.
  call function 'RSTS_GET_ATTRIBUTES'
      authority     = 'SP01'
      client        = gv_client
      name          = gv_name
      part          = 1
      type          = gv_type
      objtype       = gv_objtype
      fb_error      = 1
      fb_rsts_other = 2
      no_object     = 3
      no_permission = 4
      others        = 5.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
  if gv_objtype(3) = 'OTF'.
    gv_is_otf = 'X'.
    gv_is_otf = space.
  if gv_is_otf eq 'X'.
    call function 'CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF'
        src_spoolid   = gd_spool_nr
        no_dialog     = ' '
        pdf_bytecount = gd_bytecount
        pdf_spoolid   = gv_pdfspoolid
        btc_jobname   = gv_jobname
        btc_jobcount  = gv_jobcount
        pdf           = it_pdf_output.
    call function 'CONVERT_ABAPSPOOLJOB_2_PDF'
        src_spoolid              = gd_spool_nr
        no_dialog                = c_no
        dst_device               = c_device
        pdf_bytecount            = gd_bytecount
        pdf                      = it_pdf_output
        err_no_abap_spooljob     = 1
        err_no_spooljob          = 2
        err_no_permission        = 3
        err_conv_not_possible    = 4
        err_bad_destdevice       = 5
        user_cancelled           = 6
        err_spoolerror           = 7
        err_temseerror           = 8
        err_btcjob_open_failed   = 9
        err_btcjob_submit_failed = 10
        err_btcjob_close_failed  = 11
        others                   = 12.
  if sy-subrc eq 0.
* Transfer the 132-long strings to 255-long strings
    loop at it_pdf_output.
      translate it_pdf_output using ' ~'.
      concatenate gd_buffer it_pdf_output into gd_buffer.
    translate gd_buffer using '~ '.
      it_mess_att = gd_buffer.
      append it_mess_att.
      shift gd_buffer left by 255 places.
      if gd_buffer is initial.
endform.                    " CONVERT_SPOOL_TO_PDF
*&      Form  PROCESS_EMAIL
form process_email .
  if not p_pdf is initial.
    describe table it_mess_att lines gd_recsize.
    describe table it_spool_xls_return lines gd_recsize.
  check gd_recsize > 0.
  perform send_email.
endform.                    " PROCESS_EMAIL
form send_file_as_email_attachment
     tables it_message
     using p_mtitle
           changing p_error
  data: ld_error               type sy-subrc,
        ld_reciever            type sy-subrc,
        ld_mtitle              like sodocchgi1-obj_descr,
        ld_email               like somlreci1-receiver,
        ld_format              type so_obj_tp ,
        ld_attdescription      type so_obj_nam ,
        ld_attfilename         type so_obj_des ,
        ld_sender_address      like soextreci1-receiver,
        ld_sender_address_type like soextreci1-adr_typ,
        ld_receiver            like sy-subrc.
  data: t_packing_list         like sopcklsti1 occurs 0 with header line,
        t_contents             like solisti1 occurs 0 with header line,
        t_receivers            like somlreci1 occurs 0 with header line,
        t_attachment           like solisti1 occurs 0 with header line,
        t_object_header        like solisti1 occurs 0 with header line,
        w_cnt                  type i,
        w_sent_all(1)          type c,
        w_doc_data             like sodocchgi1.
  ld_mtitle              =   p_mtitle.
  ld_format              =   p_format.
  ld_attdescription      =   p_attdescription.
  ld_attfilename         =   p_filename.
  ld_sender_address      =   p_sender_address.
  ld_sender_address_type =   p_sender_addres_type.
* Fill the document data.
  w_doc_data-doc_size = 1.
* Populate the subject/generic message attributes
  w_doc_data-obj_langu = sy-langu.
  w_doc_data-obj_name = 'SAPRPT'.
  w_doc_data-obj_descr = ld_mtitle .
  w_doc_data-sensitivty = 'F'.
* Fill the document data and get size of attachment
  clear w_doc_data.
  read table it_attach index w_cnt.
  w_doc_data-doc_size =  ( w_cnt - 1 ) * 255 + strlen( it_attach ).
  w_doc_data-obj_langu = sy-langu.
  w_doc_data-obj_name = 'SAPRPT'.
  w_doc_data-obj_descr = ld_mtitle.
  w_doc_data-sensitivty = 'F'.
  clear t_attachment.
  refresh t_attachment.
* do the follwoing 3 times with three different internal tables.
  t_attachment[] = it_attach[].
* Describe the body of the message
  clear t_packing_list.
  refresh t_packing_list.
  t_packing_list-transf_bin = space.
  t_packing_list-head_start = 1.
  t_packing_list-head_num = 0.
  t_packing_list-body_start = 1.
  describe table it_message lines t_packing_list-body_num.
  t_packing_list-doc_type = 'RAW'.
  append t_packing_list.
* Create attachment notification
  t_packing_list-transf_bin = 'X'.
  t_packing_list-head_start = 1.
  t_packing_list-head_num = 1.
  t_packing_list-body_start = 1.
  describe table t_attachment lines t_packing_list-body_num.
  t_packing_list-doc_type  = ld_format.
  t_packing_list-obj_descr = ld_attdescription.
  t_packing_list-obj_name  = ld_attfilename.
  t_packing_list-doc_size  = t_packing_list-body_num * 255.
  append t_packing_list.
* Add the recipients email address
  clear t_receivers.
  refresh t_receivers.
  loop at s_email1.
    t_receivers-receiver   = s_email1-low.
    t_receivers-rec_type   = 'U'.
    t_receivers-com_type   = 'INT'.
    t_receivers-notif_del  = 'X'.
    t_receivers-notif_ndel = 'X'.
    append t_receivers.
  call function 'SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1'
      document_data              = w_doc_data
      put_in_outbox              = 'X'
      sender_address             = ld_sender_address
      sender_address_type        = ld_sender_address_type
      commit_work                = 'X'
      sent_to_all                = w_sent_all
      packing_list               = t_packing_list
      contents_bin               = t_attachment
      contents_txt               = it_message
      receivers                  = t_receivers
      too_many_receivers         = 1
      document_not_sent          = 2
      document_type_not_exist    = 3
      operation_no_authorization = 4
      parameter_error            = 5
      x_error                    = 6
      enqueue_error              = 7
      others                     = 8.
* Populate zerror return code
  ld_error = sy-subrc.
  if ld_error ne 0.
    message s899(mm) with 'Error while sending email'.
    message s899(mm) with 'Email sent succesfully'.
* Populate zreceiver return code
  loop at t_receivers.
    ld_receiver = t_receivers-retrn_code.
endform.                    " SEND_FILE_AS_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT
*&      Form  SEND_EMAIL                                               &*
form send_email. " USING  P_EMAIL.
  data p_sender like somlreci1-receiver.
  data l_sub(50) type c.
  refresh it_mess_bod.
* Default subject matter
  if not p_pdf is initial.
    gd_subject = 'SAP Report Spool Output - .pdf File Attachment'.
    gd_attachment_desc = 'spooldata'.
    it_mess_bod = 'SAP Report Spool Output - .pdf File Attachment'.
    append it_mess_bod.
    gd_subject = 'SAP Report Spool Output - .xls File Attachment'.
    gd_attachment_desc = 'spooldata'.
    it_mess_bod = 'SAP Report Spool Output - .xls File Attachment'.
    append it_mess_bod.
* If no sender specified - default blank
  if p_sender eq space.
    gd_sender_type = space.
    gd_sender_type = 'INT'.
  if not p_tcode is initial.
    concatenate 'Attachment from TNS' p_tcode into l_sub separated by space.
  elseif not p_pgna is initial.
    concatenate 'Attachment from program' p_pgna into l_sub separated by space.
  elseif not p_spool is initial.
    concatenate 'Attachment from spool' p_spool into l_sub separated by space.
    concatenate 'Attachment from user' p_sch into l_sub separated by space.
  if not p_pdf is initial.
    l_format = 'PDF'.
    l_format = 'XLS'.
    it_mess_att[] = it_spool_xls_return[].
* Send file by email according to the selection file format (.PDF,.XLS File)
  perform send_file_as_email_attachment
          tables it_mess_bod
          using l_sub
          changing gd_error
endform.                    " SEND_EMAIL
*&      Form  convert_spool_excel                                      &*
form convert_spool_excel .
  data : lv_spool like tsp01-rqident,
         l_count  type sy-tfill,
         l_tabix  type sy-tabix.
  lv_spool = gd_spool_nr.
      rqident              = lv_spool
      first_line           = 1
      buffer               = it_spool_xls
      no_such_job          = 1
      not_abap_list        = 2
      job_contains_no_data = 3
      selection_empty      = 4
      no_permission        = 5
      can_not_access       = 6
      read_error           = 7
      others               = 8.
  if sy-subrc ne 0.
    message s899(mm) with 'Error while reading spool'.
  call function 'SAP_CONVERT_TO_CSV_FORMAT'
      i_field_seperator    = '|'
      i_line_header        = '-'
      i_filename           = 'TEST'
      i_tab_sap_data       = it_spool_xls
      i_tab_converted_data = it_spool_xls_return
      conversion_failed    = 1
      others               = 2.
  if sy-subrc <> 0.
  data : l_length(3) type c.
*change the format to excel by using the object classes
  loop at it_spool_xls_return into wa_spool_xls_return.
    condense wa_spool_xls_return.
*  l_length = strlen( wa_spool_xls_return ).
*  l_length = l_length - 3.
**delete header lines if contains any
    if  wa_spool_xls_return cp '|--*--|'
    or  wa_spool_xls_return np '*|*|*|*'.
      delete it_spool_xls_return.
      clear wa_spool_xls_return.
*      concatenate cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline wa_SPOOL_XLS_RETURN
*      into wa_SPOOL_XLS_RETURN.
*      modify it_spool_xls_return from wa_spool_xls_return.
*      clear wa_spool_xls_return.
*If not new line then replace '|' by tabs
      if not wa_spool_xls_return eq cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline.
        if wa_spool_xls_return ca '|'.
          concatenate cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline wa_spool_xls_return
*        cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab
          into wa_spool_xls_return.
          replace all occurrences of '|' in wa_spool_xls_return
          with cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab.
*get rid of '-' symbol if contains any
*        if wa_SPOOL_XLS_RETURN CA '-'. "or not wa_SPOOL_XLS_RETURN CA '|'.
*          concatenate cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline wa_SPOOL_XLS_RETURN
*          cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab
*          into wa_SPOOL_XLS_RETURN.
*        endif.
          replace all occurrences of '.' in wa_spool_xls_return
          with space.
          condense wa_spool_xls_return.
          modify it_spool_xls_return from wa_spool_xls_return.
*          wa_SPOOL_XLS_RETURN = cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline.
*          IF l_count NE 0 .
**        l_tabix = l_tabix + 1.
**Insert new line for the excel data
**        if sy-tabix gt 1.
**        endif.
*            l_count = l_count - 1.
*          ENDIF.
          clear wa_spool_xls_return.
          delete it_spool_xls_return.
          clear wa_spool_xls_return .
*          concatenate cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline wa_SPOOL_XLS_RETURN
**        cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab
*          into wa_SPOOL_XLS_RETURN.
*          modify it_SPOOL_XLS_RETURN from wa_SPOOL_XLS_RETURN.
*          clear wa_SPOOL_XLS_RETURN.
endform.                    " convert_spool_excel

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    CALL METHOD l_email->set_subject
            subject = v_subject.
    *   Set the message
        CALL METHOD l_email->set_message
            text = i_content
            type = zcl_email_message=>doc_type_text.
        CALL METHOD l_email->add_attachment
            contents_bin = i_attach_raw
            name         = lv_name
            type         = 'BIN'.
          CALL METHOD l_email->add_to
              address = i_rec.  " fill i_rec with email id's u want to send the email.
    *   Send the e-mail.
        CALL METHOD l_email->send
            commit_work = space
            send_error  = 1
            OTHERS      = 2.

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    I am using my Q10 as my business device and most of the time I love it, it brought me back to BBRY. But one thing is really causing me headaches and problems I thought were left in the past since a couple of years.
    I receive and send a lot of Emails and I rely a lot on this way of communication. But with the Q10, I always have to carry my old iPhone 5 with me, because the Q10 can´t open roughly 50% of all the PDF attachments on Emails. I just found a PDF Viewer which can open those files, but its a hustle which I don´t understand, because its actually the first phone which I owned in the past years which has such an issue in such an essential feature.
    For example, one of my employee´s just send me a handwritten checklist as a PDF document via Email and when I try to open the file, the viewer, which is started out of the Email-Programm, says (in german) that an error occured while opening the file. The Acrobat Reader gives the same error-message. qPDF Viewer is able to open the file without an issue at all. Also the iPhone 5, iPad and every Email programm that I tried has no problem to open the file.
    My employee used the built-in scan-to-PDF-functionality of one of our HP Officejet 8600 Pro printers in the office to create the file. It was not changed after the scan-process.
    I bet that the issue is known, but if I can help, I will provide as much information as you need (incl. sample-files of course), but this problem needs to be fixed immediately. I can´t think of a serious business device which has problems showing several PDF-files, this is something every Smartphone can do since the 8800 or even before that, and without any problems! Not to mention all the toyish Android Smartphones and iPhones on the market. This is a key feature for many many many companies, just imangine you´re in a hurry and you need to decide upon a changed offer, but you´re not able to open the file on your phone? You´ll need to carry an extra device for that, thats not good.

    Hey -jo-,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry® Support Community Forums.
    Currently the BlackBerry Q10 smartphone supports PDF files with true PDF text, rather than scanning images into the PDF. Alternatively, if the sender has the option they can try sending the file as a text file(.txt).
    Let me know if you have any other questions.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Forwarded emails with attachments not showing email thread history

    My boss has a Mac laptop and forwards me emails for me to action. When the emails have attachments the email thread history doesn't come along with the email, so all the conversation leading up to the email being forwarded. It just shows what he has written and stops at the signature.
    When an email is forwarded without attachments the thread history is included. We've done some testing and it's specific to him and his Mac.
    Sorry I don't have a mac laptop myself so don't know a lot of details about what he uses but can find out information that is important to solving the issue.
    I've had a good look but can't find any setting on his Mac to change this, any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks, Simon

    Still love any advice on this issue if anyone can help????

  • I am having issues with attachments using IBM Lotus iNotes 8.5.1. Sometime they re there, others not. Any know issues?

    I recently downloaded and installed Firefox 4.0 on my MacBookPro. My employer uses IBM Lotus iNotes 8.5.1 for email. Since I have installed 4.0, some of the attachments come through, others do not. I am also having issues forwarding emails as certain buttons do not appear such as "Send". The previous version of Firefox had no issues of this kind.

    Did you read this? <br />
    That articles says to install this extension for remote XUL support. <br />

  • Issue with Activating a New Email in BC

    I created three email addresses and have sent the invitation email to activate the account and create passwords.  But I'm getting a Page Not Found error after I click on the link on the email.
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Tenneil,
    Greetings from Adobe.
    Please click on the below link and download the updated Glosarry Interaction.
    Extract the zip file to your desktop.
    Copy "08_Glossary.wdgt" from the extracted zip file.
    Go to : C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 6 (32 Bit)\Gallery\Interactions (For 32 bit Captivate) or C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 6 (64 Bit)\Gallery\Interactions (For 64 bit Captivate).
    Replace the glossary widget in the interaction folder. Restart Captivate 6. (Make sure that you take the backup of the original Glosarry Widget)
    Apply the widget again and check for the issue.
    Let me know if it works for you.

  • Having issues with making word docs, email and webpages using Firefox to PDF. Here is my info and can you fix this via a remote login with my permission? Adobe X Standard 10.0

    Redownloaded this software into my new machine with Windows 7 and it just hangs up when trying to convert Word Docs, Emails via webmail and web pages to PDF.  I select it from the printers dropdown menu
    but it just hangs up.

    Is the install fully updated? If not consider doing so and trying again.
    Be well...

  • Formatting Issues with IE8 and Verizon Email

    I am using Internet Explorer 8/Windows7  to view and compose emails in the "new" Verizon Email interface and have become increasing frustrated with the way the <enter> key doesn't work the way its supposed to.  At the end of a sentence when I hit the enter key to start a new line it moves some or all of that line down the page, breaking it - and does not put my cursor at the beginning of the next line the way one would expect.  Very frustrating.  Had to switch to Mozilla Firefox where it appears to be OK.

    I normally use Firefox and do not experience what you describe. But I just started IE8 and tried it there, also worked just fine, using the "new" webmail interface. Do you have any add-ons enabled in IE? If so, have you tried starting IE without any add-ons to see if that has any effect? I have seen some reports of add-ons causing problems with webmail.
    It could also perhaps be caused by fixes applied to IE. Is your IE up to date? I updated mine yesterday with the latest Microsoft fixes so if yours is current that is probably not a possibility. 
    In my Windows 7 I have an entry in All Programs under Accessories ==> System Tools that will start IE without any add-ons.
    Verizon FiOS TV, Internet, and phone
    QIP6416-P1, IMG 1.8, Build 02.54
    Keller, TX 76248

  • IMAP email issue with hundreds of phantom emails arriving

    Hi guys,
    I have seen this phenomenon described on other forums but haven't found a solution as far as I can tell, so am hoping someone here can help us please.
    We recently switched to IMAP email with virginmedia (previously had been using POP with btinternet). The whole IMAP thing is taking a little while to get used to but we are getting used to it.
    Now the wierd bit.
    Every now and again I notice hundreds of emails appearing to arrive (the status bar tells me they are arriving), but nothing lands in my inbox apart from a few real ones.
    Although we are on a mac running lion, it seems to be a frequent problem on PC's with Outlook running IMAP. I have used Virgin webmail and checked - there really aren't hundreds of emails anywhere.
    Thanks for any insight or advice you can offer.

    Imap does have folders for sent mail, trash, junk all of which (unless you specifically turn it them off) will end up syncing.  Not sure what your problem is but if virgin mail is moving things around on it's own (like to spam folders) those changes will sync to you.

  • Issue with attaching photos to email

    Hi, when I want to attach a photo to an email, I go to attach a file and the only choice I have to is to attach my entire iPhoto library.  Can anyone help me work out how I can send individual photos?  Thanks, Sue

    How to Access Files in iPhoto

  • Issues with windows calendar and emails

    Windows Calendar on this new lap top is denying access so how do I have access to it and I cannot receive emails only send them. What is that problem?

    regarding the calendar I really have no clue. Maybe you do something wrong? Which system you´re running?
    Regarding your E-Mails: Check in your account configuration if you specified the correct mail server and login data.
    Depending on your E-Mail provider you should login over the webbrowser in your E-Mail account and go to the help section of your account to check out which things have to be filled in your E-Mail readed configuration.
    That would be the best, otherwise contact the E-Mail provider for some support on your problem.

  • Issues with google or aol email?

    Since I updated my iTunes to newest os I now cant use google or aol email accounts.

    Since I updated my iTunes to newest os I now cant use google or aol email accounts.

  • Issues with sending mail when using 2 email accounts - possible bug?

    Hi all,
    Having issues with trying to send email from the 3g iPhone. I have 2 IMAP acounts set up on the phone, one
    which works fine but when I try to create mail from the primary account as soon as I hit send it exits the mail program and goes back to the home screen.
    Both IMAP accounts have identical settings apart from the username and email address. On the primary account there is no sent messages folder on the iPhone whilst there is on the account that works. I've had a look in the advanced settings and it is programmed to store sent messages in the local sent folder which doesn't exist. I've tried selecting it to store in a IMAP folder as I thought maybe it was crashing as the local folder wasn't there but it has the same result.
    Have deleted the account and entered the settings back in again to try to coax it to create the local sent folder but cake up with the same problem.
    Suggestions are welcome.

    You have their SMTP servers mixed up, go to Mail>Preferences>Accounts>Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP), click on the server then choose Edit SMTP Servers and select the correct one for each account. Then check the Use Only This Server box

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    I bought this iphone4s from Thailand but now Im live at Xiamen China Can i go to Apple store in Xiamen for fix my iphone's problem ????????