ITunes In-App Purchases costing up to $4 more than advertised? Help!

Hello Apple community, thanks for trying to help me out.
Recently, I added my Paypal student debit card to my iTunes account. Right off the bat, Apple took $1 out of my account. I shrugged this off, thinking that it would come back (it did). Later down the road, I downloaded Bad Piggies from the App Store (it was free that week). Then, I bought the "Field of Dreams" In App Purchase for $0.99. Just a few minutes ago, I checked my Paypal balance. It says Apple subtracted $5.97 for the purchase. I am %100 sure that it is the right subtraction. Please assist me, as I wouldn't like my eWallet to be empty!!

what happens is you download a "free" app then inside the game the gems or whatever costs money and you think they are free... if anyone else is playing the game they could be purchasing things inside the apps/games that you are unaware of.
Check with itunes at and either talk to a live advisor or send them an email and they can tell you what is going on!

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    This is the solution to your issue.
    I wish you the best of luck.

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    Hi lucaloo,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below may be able to help you with this.
    If you can't update or restore your iOS device
    - Judy

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    I dont think there is some standard report to meet this requirement,also please check whether this link can help you,
    Re: Product cost report
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    These are user-to-user forums, you are not talking to Apple here.
    What happens when you try to buy in-app purchases, do you get any error messages ? If you are getting a message to contact iTunes support then you can do so via this page : - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption
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    in order for you to save your CD music you will have to use a 3rd party extractor to put the content onto the new computer
    this is one extractor you can use
    hope this helps:)

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