Itunes library view

I have albums mainly in itunes library plus a bunch of individual songs.  can i put all the individual songs in one "folder" so that only full albums show up in library plus one other "folder"?  any advice welcomed. thanks

skegs wrote:
thanks for your response.
creating playlists does remove the individual songs from the library view though - correct?
Every item in iTunes is always in Library.
A playlist is simply a bunch of links to songs in the library

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    iTunes on the iPad is not your iTunes library like it is on your computer. iTunes on the iPad is a store. You view and play your synced music in the music app.
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    iTunes: Syncing media content to your iOS devices and iPod.

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    Quit iTunes if it’s running, open Terminal (in Applications -> Utilities), and enter these two commands (the $ is just the prompt; don’t type that), pressing Return after each:
    $ defaults write show-library-playlist -bool TRUE
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    Sorry, thanks for your reply, but you missed the point.
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    Hi Ted,
    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    Not quite sure what you are referring to - the column views can be changed in the view menu.
    Is it the Browser - you can show and hide this on the view menu.
    Is it the MiniStore - again toggle on or off with the view menu.
    Colin R.

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