ITunes Match stopped (err =-100000)

I have done the matching, uploading and finally deleting to update some tracks to 256kpbs.  I have trouble downloading two tracks
1. George Harrison - Awating on The Wall from the album All Things Must Pass &
2. Foreigner - Waiting for a Girl Like You from the album The Very Best ... and Beyond.
Both tracks 'Matched' and are not 'Uplodaed'
When downloading I can see the tracks download and once they get to the end they just starting downloading again until I end up with the error message in the subject line.
Anyone else having trouble with these tracks?  How can I resolve it, I have tried downloadign them several times but they keep failing.  Stupid thing is I can play the song but it wont stay on the device be it iPad, iPhone or in iTunes on my iMac.

I have all three of these songs.  I Matched the Logical Song awhile back and that new file is in my collection now, with no issues.    I hadn't Matched the other two yet, but I just tried the Foreigner one (I have mine off "The Very Best of Foreigner" from 1992?) and it Matched and I was able to play it in iCloud and download / play it local.
I'm in the US, btw - not sure if that might be related or not.  These three are a bit tricky as there are likely remasters for all of them and I'm not sure if I matched to a different master or not - it depends on how many versions are in their database.
If you had a second computer, I'd recommend trying iTM on that one and retrying to Match / download these three songs, just to remove the other PC as a possible root cause.  Other than yet, you might want to call up support to see if they have any other suggestions (probably turning off / turning on iTM will be the first thing the L1 rep will suggest).
EDIT:  "Awating on The Wall", also got that to Match, no issues playing in iCloud or after re-downloading it / playing it local.   Another suggestion I have is to create a new library, iTM that and then re-try the Match / download of these three songs only in that new library. 

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    Additionally, if you select the song and GET INFO it will open a new window. Check the OPTIONS tab and make sure the song START TIME and END TIME jive with the actual length of the song. I've somehow altered this incorrectly when attempting to change the volume.
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    info.plist:   a9a70c73223c6744ff1d70552a6448cb
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    Hi there
    I was having this same issue after re-enabling iTunes Match despite it having worked previously.
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    Start deleting songs from your library that require to be uploaded and each time you do an album update match and see if it goes further. 
    Be sure to check that box that also deletes it from the cloud also.
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    I don't know any other way to tell you to do it. 
    Just start deleting songs that require you to upload until you find the right one. 
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    If you had to delete them all and then re add them into your library it really isn't that many.

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