ITunes Store - Valid Postal Code

I'm trying to set up an account in iTunes Store and I keep encountering the same problem in the form field. It reads in red letters, "The Postal Code must be valid (such as V7H 1V5)." The rest of the form is okay.
I've tried two credit cards and addresses in both Canada and the UK over the past several weeks and get the same message every time (except with a different post code format for the two different countries of course).
The Postal Code I'm entering is correct in both cases and fits the suggested format in both cases as well. I've tried it with and without spaces and upper and lower case letters and can't seem to make sense of it. A google search only returns three pages and I can't find it on your forum so I wonder if I'm making a silly mistake somewhere.

I had a similar problem. By using "Dr" instead of "Drive" for my address, it worked correctly. I thought of doing this by checking how my address appears on google maps, so you might want to try that as well.

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    Clic here:  iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting
    Then click:  Expand All Sections
    Then scroll down to error 5002.

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    Hi, Darron32. 
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    Below, you will find the best troubleshooting articles for issues connecting to the iTunes Store.
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting
    Jason H.

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    That is done via your computer

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    Quite often when there is a problem with the shipping calculator, the wrong information is being entered.Unfortunately if you put in the wrong measurement for a service and or use a service that doesn't exist in thatcountry, the calculator won't warn you. Out of all your current and completed listings, I only see 1 time when U.S. shipping was calculated and that's for the ipod. All of the other listings say shipping not specified. If you are using expedited U.S. the most common problem is putting in smaller measurements than what is allowed. The minimum is different for Canada Expedited and the U.S. expedted so just because the Canadian shipping is working doesn't mean that U.S. expedited is going to work as well. The minimum dimensions for expedited parcels within Canada are 10cm x 7cm x 1 mm   The minimum dimensions for USA expedited parcel are 21 x 14 x 0.5 CM Tracked packet USA and small packet USA allow smaller packages -140 mm x 90 mm x 1 mm  Maximum 1 kg If that's not the problem let us know.

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    According to this list:
    the digital copy offer for The Dark Knight expired in November of 2009, at least in the US. This is a scam being run by the movie studios; they advertise digital copies on the Blu-Ray and DVD disks they sell, but often don't tell you up front that they're redeemable only for a limited time after the movie is first released.
    You'll need to contact customer support for Warner Bros. and hammer on them:

  • Itunes store error 0x80092013 windows 7

    Ok before I start, I've started a new discussion because I want to layout all those things which I have tried to resolve this issue so before anyone posts a "try this" please read what I have already tried.
    Symptoms - When trying to access the itunes store a dialog box comes up saying unable to access store error 0x80092103, additionally under itunes 11:04 if you try to run the diagnostics itunes freezes. Additionally the behaviour under an earlier version of itunes 10.6 when accessing the itunes store the error code was 1202 but you could run diagnostics to completion (which reports no errors)
    Ok the things I've tried
    Earlier version of itunes - as you can see from above I did try 10.6 but same symptoms just different error code
    Re-installing itunes - Yes tried removing all instances of any programs which may have even looked closely related to anything apple, cleared all directories from windows explorer, rebooted and installed itunes but the same error displayed afterwoods. (Including appdata directories under [user] )
    Date Time - Yes tried the date time, tried setting different timezones, with reboots inbetween, same error
    Internet options - SSL3/TLS1 and server certificate revocation, tried these in various combinations with reboots in between, no luck
    Winsock reset and dns flush - Again I have tried this using various combinations of rebooting and not rebooting, running at elevated admin lvl and placing the whole lot of commands in a script to then execute itunes but still the same error occurs.
    Running itunes as admin and safe mode - Neither of these two options helped at all
    Running without AV software or windows firewall switched off - Yep have tried this as well, but no luck
    Microsoft Hotfix for Crypt revocation -  2615174, no joy either
    Revert to earlier version of Apple installer - ApplicationSupport 1.5.2  - tried a couple of earlier versions, same error
    Removed itunes preferences - Had covered this during previous install processes but thought it might be worthwhile trying post install, no luck same error.
    Winsock conflict - Yes checked the autoruns to see what else was there, only other entry was an entry for microsoft entry for msmail.
    The environemt is a windows 7 machine with the latest updates, the itunes store did work previously but stopped in the last week of may (as I'm told by the owner of the laptop, yes people this is an inlaws machine). When I first looked at the notebook I checked that no new programs had been added after the date itunes store stopped working. The rest of itunes is behaving ok, that is if you accept that itunes is a good piece of software :-) with the exception of the diagnostic tool freezing when it runs (ironic huh?)
    The owner did do the right thing before calling on me and spent several hours on the phone with Apple support to no avail and gave up in frustration, which apparently pleased the Apple tech.
    I'm sure I've tried a few more things(like diferent internet connections to rule out any isp based issues(they do have another desktop in the house which runs itunes store ok)) but none come to mind as you can appreciate I've spent quite a few hours on this.
    So calling on itunes gurus please come to the rescue, funny though the absence of apple techs replying to the already many threads on this on their own forums suggests that they don't have a solution perhaps "incapable of" or "not bothered", either way it's pretty poor.

    I suspect the itunes error is related to a broken certificate chain.
    "CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy failed with error 0x80092013"
    (log file under c:\users\[username]\appdata\roaming\apple computers\logs)
    I took an image of the original machine and restored to a vm and pared down the system and used revo to clear out itunes 11, went back as far as itunes 9.2 looking to find some synergy with the v11 message.
    Under v9 and v10 of itunes the store does not render correctly, the text displays but all images are omiited and just a placeholder is displayed. I've attached 3 images to illustrate, the first image is how the itunes store renders, I then copied the link from the itunes store and entered that into firefox (2nd image) and then lastly into safari. You'll see that itunes and safari are having the same problem rendering the page where as firefox is displaying correctly. (btw IE works the same as firefox)
    Clicking on a link in the itunes store results in error msg 1202, this is consistent with v9 and v10.
    Going back to safari I went to a secure banking site( test a theory, basically the same behaviour is exhibited with the addition of a prompt from safari saying that the website certificate is invalid, the page loads just text with image placeholders but no images as though the css is failing validation. This also generates an error in the same fashion as itunes in the above log.
    In the original post I had tried the Microsoft Hotfix for Crypt revocation -  2615174 as some people have tried this but uninstalling the hotfix and retrying did not work.
    In addition I've tried various combinations of itunes with older versions of quicktime, even went to the trouble of extracting older versions of apple application support and running those against newer versions of itunes, all to no avail.
    Some have suggested that this is a connectivity issue, so just to make sure I created a vm of my notebook and ran that against the non working version, so they had the same hardware, same network adapter, new ip stacks and of course the non working version continued to fail and my notebook vm worked ok.
    Just to emphazie that the itunes store is connecting this is a screen shot of the store in column browser mode
    (fyi - that's a really good book by SF, that one or the Hippopatamus)
    I've also tried removing all the root certificates from the windows installation with the idea of retrieving them as required but this does not help, the certificates are retrieved but itunes/safari continue to have an issue.
    As you might appreciate I've spent some time on this and would appreciate input from someone who can help, my lock and shammy have been seriously neglected . 

  • Can't Order Book. Postal Code not accepted

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    Now when i'm finished i cannot order since my Postal Code(Zip Code) isn't accepted.
    I live in Sweden and no matter what ZIp Code or variations of it i try (believe me i have tried) i cannot get past step2. I always get the dialog that i need to eneter a valid postal code.
    I've searched the web and tried (just to get past the second step) postal codes for a few other countries, and the ONLY one working is when i try a US address and ofcourse select USA as the country.
    I've tried with a new account, and with an existing account that works fine with itunes... Anyone have any ideas, or have i just wasted days creating a book i cannot order..

    Welcome to the Apple user discussionforums
    here is a link to the Swedish page on ordering problems with a form to request help from Apple -

  • Why do i keep getting an error message when i go to the itunes store

    I keep getting an error code when I try to go to the itunes store. The code reads "we could not complete your itunes store request. An unknown error occurred(0x800B0101)" and "There was and error in the itunes store. Please try again later.
    Can someone please help with this? It's been going on for several days.

    Please try downloading from the direct downoad links povided at :
    But make sure you follow the important instructions menioned on the page before initiating the download.

  • Error 1009 in Itunes Store

    I receive an error when accessing my Itunes store as follows:
    We cannot process your Itunes Store request error code ~1009
    When I run the Diagnostics I get the following:
    Microsoft Windows 7 Business Edition (Build 7600)
    Dell Inc. Latitude E6420
    QuickTime 7.6.9
    FairPlay 1.11.17
    Apple Application Support 1.5.2
    iPod Updater Library 10.0d2
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Apple Mobile Device
    Apple Mobile Device Driver
    Bonjour (214.3)
    Gracenote SDK
    Gracenote MusicID
    Gracenote Submit
    Gracenote DSP
    iTunes Serial Number 0013AE300C51C608
    Current user is not an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2011-07-13 17:32:40.
    iTunes is not running in safe mode.
    WebKit accelerated compositing is enabled.
    HDCP is supported.
    Core Media is supported.
    Video Display Information
    Intel Corporation, Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
    **** External Plug-ins Information ****
    No external plug-ins installed.
    iPodService is currently running.
    iTunesHelper is currently running.
    Apple Mobile Device service is currently running.
    **** Network Connectivity Tests ****
    Network Adapter Information
    Adapter Name: {7123C331-925F-4694-A55A-FD78408D17DD}
    Description: Juniper Network Connect Virtual Adapter
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled: Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
    Lease Expires: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
    DNS Servers:
    Adapter Name: {461F7F9A-09C1-4090-BF03-AA1478538821}
    Description: Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled: Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
    Lease Expires: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
    DNS Servers:
    Adapter Name: {C5093776-FAE4-4E98-8BFD-C4B93FC89D78}
    Description: DW1501 Wireless-N WLAN Half-Mini Card
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled: Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
    Lease Expires: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 1969
    DNS Servers:
    Adapter Name: {FCF881FB-3FEC-4FBA-82E6-6DD6C87BF767}
    Description: Intel(R) 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled: Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained: Wed Jul 13 17:24:09 2011
    Lease Expires: Thu Jul 21 17:24:09 2011
    DNS Servers:
    Active Connection: LAN Connection
    Connected: Yes
    Online: Yes
    Using Modem: No
    Using LAN: Yes
    Using Proxy: No
    SSL 3.0 Support: Enabled
    TLS 1.0 Support: Enabled
    Firewall Information
    Connection attempt to Apple web site was successful.
    Connection attempt to browsing iTunes Store was successful.
    Connection attempt to purchasing from iTunes Store was successful.
    Connection attempt to iPhone activation server was successful.
    Connection attempt to firmware update server was successful.
    Connection attempt to Gracenote server was successful.
    Last successful iTunes Store access was 2011-07-13 17:24:52.

    Click here and ask the iTunes Store staff for assistance.

  • Itunes cannot connect to itunes store and shuts down in xp

    Using Windows XP Home Edition SP3 32 bit: ITunes cannect to ITunes store. Error code:APSDaemon.exe then shuts down. Bigger problem is Itunes is stuck in the 'Open ITunes store' window and thus cannot use ITunes at all. Any ideas?

    Hello there, Metalman10.
    The following Knowledge Base article provides some great information for the issue you seem to be describing:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
    If the issue persists, these additional articles provides more guidance for troubleshooting:
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

  • Postal Code for portugal.

    Hi Experts,
    We are facing a production issue. When user enters the address details through the ESS he/she gets the error "Please enter a valid postal code".
    User is trying to enter 2820-363 for country portugal district charneca de caparica. But there is no table entry in view V_T5PCP for 2820*.
    The older postal code for portugal was 2815.
    Request you to let me know whether we need to implement any SAP not for this or directly enter a series of postal code. Also let me know all the new set of postal code for portugal.
    Best Regards

    Hi Manas,
    I guess this is updated by SAP by LCP update.
    But you can download the official Postal Code file from:
    -->Documentos para Informação
        -->Ficheiro de Códigos Postais (formato zip)   
    >(registration needed, but free !!! )<
    And upload the table view V_T5PCP, after LCP update it will be updated.
    Have fun.

  • ITunes store is rejecting my valid Visa Gift Card... iTunes store and my appleid account is not accepting the security code on the Visa Gift Card I purchased today... It keeps telling me the security code is not valid

    Has this ever happened to you?
    iTunes store and my appleid account is not accepting the security code on the Visa Gift Card I purchased today... It keeps telling me the security code is not valid

    The Apple Support Communities are an international user to user technical support forum. As a man from Mexico my first language is Spanish. I do not speak English, however I do write in English with the aid of the Mac OS X spelling and grammar checks. I also live in a culture perhaps very very different from your own. When offering advice in the ASC, my comments are not meant to be anything more than helpful and certainly not to be taken as insults.
    Sometimes the issue isn't really the security code, but the ZIP code or the form of the billing address.

  • HT201209 Itunes account shows 75.00 unable to use in Mac App store asked for code i no longer have

    New macBook pro I uploaded Itunes gift card by reading directly into mac.  Now see a valid balance so I trashed the gift cards.  When trying to redeem in the Mac App store it asks for a code.  Any thoughts?

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    You can't use iTunes Store gift cards in the Mac App Store.

  • Purchased gift cards that are valid only at US iTunes Store, at a foreign store. iTunes Store is changed to US. No Progress.

    I purchased an iTunes gift card here in Riyadh; the store was specific about purchases with the gift card is only valid at U.S. iTunes Store. I've recently changed my store location to U.S., and the code is still invalid, help

    That is because you cannot sign into the US store unless you are in the US and have a US address. The store can only be used in the country that you are located in. You cannot use the US store in Riyadh. The purchase of iTunes Gift Cards for you for use in the US store was not a good idea. Send them to a friend in the US, or sell them to someone in the US, but they are useless to you.

Maybe you are looking for