IView Timeout PRT error

Hi all,
I developed custom portal component and created as an iView. when the iView get timeout it showing portal runtime error. Is this any ways to avoid PRT error?
Without changing the iView property, if no can be explain this scenario?
Note : Helpful answers will appreciated
Thanks & Regards,
Kathiresan R

Note however, that you should not create any threads on the java application server, this is not allowed by the Java EE specifiction since the application server is responsible for handling threads.
You could try to implement as a service (not sure if this will work), or a combination of a service and a message driven bean (service sends JMS message to MDB which process it, and sends back to the service which listens on a queue). Note however that the MDB solution has a high overheader (It does work, as I've implement it myself one time).

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    I am using EP6sp2 JspDynPage. i am getting F4 values only once(doInitialization) , store the values in RecordSet Object and display in JSP page.But i lost the values sometimes.
    For example , I have 4 screens to do some validation.
    First screen, the F4 values ok. then i moved to 3rd screen also F4 values are ok.
    when i click the button from 3rd screen and go back to the 1st screen i lost the data.The F4(Dropdown) showing empty.
    its happened only i am waiting more than 5 mins in my 3rd screen.If i click continuously everything working fine.
    any ideas....

    Note however, that you should not create any threads on the java application server, this is not allowed by the Java EE specifiction since the application server is responsible for handling threads.
    You could try to implement as a service (not sure if this will work), or a combination of a service and a message driven bean (service sends JMS message to MDB which process it, and sends back to the service which listens on a queue). Note however that the MDB solution has a high overheader (It does work, as I've implement it myself one time).

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    Please help.

    Note however, that you should not create any threads on the java application server, this is not allowed by the Java EE specifiction since the application server is responsible for handling threads.
    You could try to implement as a service (not sure if this will work), or a combination of a service and a message driven bean (service sends JMS message to MDB which process it, and sends back to the service which listens on a queue). Note however that the MDB solution has a high overheader (It does work, as I've implement it myself one time).

  • Interesting observation about iView timeout - Need Suggestions

    We have an iview which has the timeout property set to 180 seconds. Recently we observed that we have been getting iview timeout errors for this iview. As most of you are aware the message appears as "The iView has timed out. There is no cached content to display. Click 'Reload' to retrieve updated content. You may need to wait for the cache to retrieve the content from the source. Reload"
    Normally the content in this iView does not take more than 100 milli seconds to be retrieved. But looks like we are having occassional hiccups where the backend calls are failing (or taking too long) and hence the iview timout is occuring. What I observed is that if the iview times out once, then from the next time the timeout message appears straight away without even trying to execute the iveiw. This happens even if you logout and login even with a different user.
    So i am sure that the server/iview (or something else) is remembering or caching that an iview timeout has occurred once on this iview and hence when we access the iview again it is not even bothering to execute and showing the iview timout message stragiht away. The only solution to this problem is to bounce the node on which the problem is coming (which is bad).
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    Any help in this is highly appreciated.

    Hi Sudhir,
    Please try this let me know
    1. When the timeout occurs, can you refresh your browser cahce or delete all the cookies and history of browser. Re-try and see if the iview is re-executed.
    2. Check the backend when you call the iview, how much time is process taking.
    3. Check the parameter icm/keep_alive_timeout, if it is 60. you increare it 90 or 120.
    This would be my starting point.
    Thank You,

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    Thank you.

    Since we can live with some missing data, I think we should use asynchronous mirroring instead of synchronous, do you agree ?
    That may be an options, provided that you are on Enterprise Edition. As I recall, Standard Edition only has synchronhous mirroring.
    There are caveats with asynchronous mirroring. One is data loss in case of a failover, which you say that you can live with. There may be more caveats, though. Unfortunately, since my role is more of a developer than a DBA, I'm not too well versed in
    the details. Maybe someone else can fill in?
    Can a firewall issue cause mirror latency, that in turn causes the delay in writing to the principal database ?
    Firewalls and other network hiccups certainly can cause a latency.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

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    What's the problem? I assume the Standard S0 service tier should be sufficient in performance. We don't have much traffic on the site. 
    Hope someone can shed a light...

    Folks we know that changing business models is a hard thing to do.  In the Web/Business case, you pay on size of the DB and you get whatever performance we have at the time.  Sometimes this is great, other times this is ok and sometimes performance
    is very poor.  Customers have given us feedback that this unpredictable performance is very difficult to deal with.
    Using this feedback as a key input, the business model for Basic/Standard/Premium is $/perf.  As Jan points out below, understanding what resources your consuming is a great first step before moving to B/S/P.
    Your mileage may vary here.  Many customers see a decrease because of this business model change.  Others see no impact, and some will see an increase if their DBs are very small and consume a lot of resources.
    Jan, I and the team would be happy to help customers move into the new business model.  To have great conversations will need some customer specifics that aren't best shared in a public forum.  guyhay@microsoft is my email if you'd like to have
    that conversation.

  • IView Timeout problems...

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    The message is:
    The iView has timed out. There is no cached content to display. Click 'Reload' to retrieve updated content. You may need to wait for the cache to retrieve the content from the source.  Reload
    Of course the Reload doens't work, but is fixed in SPS14 apparently - we're running SPS13 at the moment.
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    Anyone else have any ideas as to what might be causing this iView to timeout on only one app server and not other others? I'm a bit stumped here as to what to do.
    Edited by: Beau Bourgeois on Mar 17, 2008 11:21 PM

    Please check on the parameters for (right click IView properties --Show All)
    1. iViewCaching ..
    2.The Timeout.
    Please do set them asper requirement.
    This will work and you will be able to control the iViewtime outs.
    Also lookout for your Page Timeout Property.
    Dhruv Shah

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    Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView : N/A
    Component Name : N/A
    Unable to lookup System 'MySystem2'. Please check the system object and the alias..
    The log file has error like (MySystem2 is the name of the system that the second iView is using):
    [VirtualDatabaseException] ERR.018.003.0078: Error trying to get the connector proxy for the model: MySystem2
    <CONFIG.ERROR> Error adding model for MySystem2 while adding EIS#
    If I preview the page by itself, it works fine.
    The iView that doesn't work is a simple URL iView.
    Any clues?

    If I log in as Administrator, then it works!  That is, the iView that got errors, works fine!
    So, what is going on?  Obviously this has to do with permissions, etc.  But, what is it?
    BTW:  The iView that ran into problem was actually a Dynpro app (not a URL iView, sorry, I misspoke).  I don't know if this has anything to do with it.
    I created the iView, the Page, the Workset, all as Administrator.
    The user that the iView did not work for had a "Standard User Role" role.
    So, how can I get this user the permissions to see this iView?
    I am sure this info is somewhere in the mountains of documentation.  Can anyone tell me quickly?

  • Java iview timeout error

    I have an java iview with many input fields. It needs more than 20 minutes to be filled up. But if it crosses 15 or 20 minutes then i get a timeout error saying "Error in service call of Resource". Do you have any suggestion as to how can I increase this session timeout period?

    Yes, I am using session scope and it seems this session expires after 20 minutes. I will trying changeing web.xml and will let you know further.
    One more suggestion from Detlev was to use HTTP event listeners i.e. implement a listener that reacts on unbinding the beans(s) from the sessions (that happens when the session gets invalidated) and then persist it "somewhere else" and retrieve it in the case I am working on. (i.e. no bean to be found in session, but also no initial call of my component). Has anybody worked on similar issue? Can somebody share part of his code?

  • Custom Search iView - Portal Runtime Error when in role

    I have created a custom Search iView based on a standard Search iView, but I have some problems with it.
    When this iView is placed inside a page and in the role and when it is being used (eg. user clicks Search), Portal Runtime exception occurs.
    Additional information: Exception during PageProcessorComponent.doContent()
    When I display this iView in preview mode, everything is fine, there is no errors.
    Also when this iView is being accessed through URLiView everything is fine too.
    So I think perhaps the problem lies somewhere in the portalapp.xml of this search iview.
    Here are the steps which I followed to create a custom search iView:
    1. I've imported the following par file: com.sap.km.cm.par.bak and created a project.
    2. The project name is: mycompany.km.cm.
    2. I've modified propertyapp.xml file so that the "basicsearch" and "search" components have some additional properties.
    3. I've exported a par (mycompany.km.cm.par) and deployed it on the server.
    4. I've created a search iView based on this par and put it inside a page and a role.
    Maybe I'm missing something, maybe there are some additional steps which should be made, for example SecurityArea property in portalapp.xml file or something similar.
    Help is very welcome cause I'm stuck with this.
    The new properties are: HelpIViewPathToCall, "TagCloudIViewPathToCall, SearchIViewPath,KnowledgeBaseIndexes
    Here is the portalapp.xml file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!--  edited with XML Spy v4.4 U (http://www.xmlspy.com) by Andreas Gaupp (SAP Portals Europe GmbH) -->
    <application name="com.sap.km.cm">
        <property name="SharingReference" value="com.sap.km.application"/>
        <property name="ClassLoadingPolicy" value="transitive"/>
        <property name="DeploymentPolicy" value="6.0"/>
        <property name="Vendor" value="sap.com"/>
        <property name="SecurityArea" value="NetWeaver.KMC"/>
        <component name="actioninbox">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="low_safety"/>
            <property name="DisplayEntryAsLink" value="true">
              <property name="type" value="select[true,false]"/>
              <property name="description" value="ACTIONINBOX_DISPLAYENTRYASL"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Displays items as links to content or Details dialog box."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Display Items as Links"/>
            <property name="MaxEntryLength" value="30">
              <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
              <property name="description" value="ACTIONINBOX_MAXENTRYLENGTH"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Maximum number of characters to be displayed."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Maximum Item Length"/>
            <property name="AutoRefreshInterval" value="0">
              <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
              <property name="type" value="select[0,1,5,10,30,60]"/>
              <property name="description" value="COMMON_AUTO_REFRESH"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Time interval for automatic refresh; 0 means no auto refresh."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Auto Refresh Interval (minutes)"/>
            <property name="LinkTarget" value="DetailsScreen">
              <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
              <property name="type" value="select[DetailsScreen,ContentScreen]"/>
              <property name="description" value="ACTIONINBOX_LINKTARGET"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Define which screen opens when an item is clicked."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Defines which screen opens when a resource name is clicked"/>
            <property name="FilterPath" value="">
              <property name="description" value="ACTIONINBOX_FILTERPATH"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Only display notifications for items in this folder (including subfolders); Blank means notifications for items from all repositories."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Path to Folder to Be Notified about"/>
            <property name="MaxEntriesPerSection" value="3">
              <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
              <property name="description" value="ACTIONINBOX_MAXENTRIESPERSE"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Maximum number of notifications to be displayed in the initial screen (for example, 3 subscriptions, 3 pieces of feedback, etc.)."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Maximum Items per Section"/>
            <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=ActionInbox.xml&amp;StartPage=ActionInboxPage&amp;Validate=false">
              <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
              <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
        <component name="applog">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="high_safety"/>
            <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=AppLog.xml&amp;StartPage=AppLogPage&amp;Validate=false">
              <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
              <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
            <property name="DisplayHeader" value="false">
              <property name="type" value="select[false,true]"/>
              <property name="description" value="COMMON_DISPLAYHEADER"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Display iView Name within iView"/>
        <component name="websiteimport">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="high_safety"/>
            <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=WebSiteImport.xml&amp;StartPage=WebSiteImportPage&amp;Validate=false">
              <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
              <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
            <property name="DisplayHeader" value="false">
              <property name="type" value="select[false,true]"/>
              <property name="description" value="COMMON_DISPLAYHEADER"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Display iView Name within iView"/>
        <component name="businesscard">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="low_safety"/>
            <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=BusinessCard.xml&amp;StartPage=BusinessCardPage&amp;Validate=false">
              <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
              <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
        <component name="cachestatistics">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="high_safety"/>
            <property name="SortColumn" value="gets">
              <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
              <property name="type" value="select[gets,size,capacity,maximum,current,hits,added,ratio,removed]"/>
              <property name="description" value="CACHESTATISTICS_SORTCOLUMN"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Initially Sort by"/>
            <property name="AutoRefreshInterval" value="0">
              <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
              <property name="type" value="select[0,1,5,10,30,60]"/>
              <property name="description" value="COMMON_AUTO_REFRESH"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Time interval for automatic refresh; 0 means no auto refresh."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Auto Refresh Interval (minutes)"/>
            <property name="SortOrder" value="descending">
              <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
              <property name="type" value="select[descending,ascending]"/>
              <property name="description" value="COMMON_SORTORDER"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Sort Order"/>
            <property name="DisplayHeader" value="false">
              <property name="type" value="select[false,true]"/>
              <property name="description" value="COMMON_DISPLAYHEADER"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Display iView Name within iView"/>
            <property name="ShowInstructions" value="summary">
              <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
              <property name="type" value="select[summary,none]"/>
              <property name="description" value="COMMOM_SHOWINSTRUCTIONS"/>
              <property name="long_Description" value="LONG_COMMOM_SHOWINSTRUCTIONS"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Instructions"/>
            <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=CacheAdministration.xml&amp;StartPage=CacheAdministrationPage&amp;Validate=false">
              <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
              <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
            <property name="TableRows" value="10">
              <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
              <property name="description" value="CACHESTATISTICS_TABLEROWS"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Maximum Items per Page"/>
            <property name="Paddings" value="10px">
              <property name="description" value="NAVIGATION_PADDINGS"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Paddings in standalone case"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Paddings in standalone case"/>
        <component name="classificationinbox">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="medium_safety"/>
            <property name="CategoryPaths" value="">
              <property name="description" value="CLASSI_TAXONOMYPATHPRE"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Root category path for navigation in taxonomy tree"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Root Categories for Navigation"/>
            <property name="ListMode" value="ABSTRACT">
              <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
              <property name="type" value="select[SIMPLE,ABSTRACT] "/>
              <property name="description" value="CLASSIFICATIONI_LISTMODE"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="List Display Modus"/>
            <property name="TaxonomyPathPreselection" value="">
              <property name="description" value="CLASSI_CATEGORYPATH"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Path of taxonomy that should be displayed initially"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Path to be Initially Displayed Taxonomy"/>
            <property name="DocsPerPage" value="10">
              <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
              <property name="type" value="select[3,5,8,10,15,20]"/>
              <property name="description" value="CLASSI_DOCSPERPAGE"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Maximum number of documents to be displayed on each page"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Number of Documents per Page"/>
            <property name="DisplayHeader" value="false">
              <property name="type" value="select[false,true]"/>
              <property name="description" value="COMMON_DISPLAYHEADER"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Display iView Name within iView"/>
            <property name="ShowInstructions" value="summary">
              <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
              <property name="type" value="select[summary,none]"/>
              <property name="description" value="COMMOM_SHOWINSTRUCTIONS"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Display instructions on user interface."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Instructions"/>
            <property name="ThresholdMaximum" value="100">
              <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
              <property name="type" value="select[100,200,500,1000,2000,5000,10000,99999]"/>
              <property name="description" value="CLASSI_THRESHOLDMAX"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Maximum number of documents in classification inbox worklist."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Max. No. of Documents in Worklist"/>
            <property name="ThresholdMinimum" value="10">
              <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
              <property name="type" value="select[0,2,5,7,10,25]"/>
              <property name="description" value="CLASSI_THRESHOLDMIN"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Minimum number of documents per folder in 'Docs to Classify' selection list"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Min. No. of Documents per Folder in Docs to Classify"/>
            <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=TaxonomyAdmin.xml&amp;StartPage=ClassificationInboxPage&amp;Validate=false">
              <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
              <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
            <property name="Paddings" value="10px">
              <property name="description" value="NAVIGATION_PADDINGS"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Paddings in standalone case"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Paddings in standalone case"/>
        <component name="classificationviasearchresults">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="medium_safety"/>
            <property name="EnableSearchAction" value="false">
              <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
              <property name="type" value="select[true,false]"/>
              <property name="description" value="COMMON_ENABLESEARCHACTION"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Enable Selection of Search Method (linguistic/fuzzy /exact)."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Enable Selection of Search Action in SearchResult List"/>
            <property name="DisplayHeader" value="false">
              <property name="type" value="select[false,true]"/>
              <property name="description" value="COMMON_DISPLAYHEADER"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Display iView Name within iView"/>
            <property name="ShowInstructions" value="summary">
              <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
              <property name="type" value="select[summary,none]"/>
              <property name="description" value="COMMOM_SHOWINSTRUCTIONS"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Display instructions on user interface."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Instructions"/>
            <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=TaxonomyAdmin.xml&amp;StartPage=TrainTaxonomyPage&amp;Validate=false">
              <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
              <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
            <property name="SearchPluginName" value="TaxTrainerSearch">
              <property name="description" value="SEARCH_PLUGINNAME"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Search dialog box options set defined in configuration  "/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Search Options Set"/>
            <property name="path" value="/taxonomies">
              <property name="description" value="CLASSIFICATIONV_PATH"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Path to Taxonomy Folder"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Path to Taxonomy Folder"/>
            <property name="OverwriteConfig" value="false">
              <property name="type" value="select[true,false]"/>
              <property name="description" value="SEARCH_OVERWRITE_CONFIG"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Overrule Search Configuration"/>
        <component name="crawlermonitor">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="high_safety"/>
            <property name="AutoRefreshInterval" value="0">
              <property name="personalization" value="dialog"/>
              <property name="type" value="select[0,1,5,10,30,60]"/>
              <property name="description" value="COMMON_AUTO_REFRESH"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Time interval for automatic refresh; 0 means no auto refresh."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Auto Refresh Interval (minutes)"/>
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              <property name="description" value="COMMOM_SHOWINSTRUCTIONS"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Display instructions on user interface."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Instructions"/>
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              <property name="description" value="NAVIGATION_PADDINGS"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Paddings in standalone case"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Paddings in standalone case"/>
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            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="high_safety"/>
            <property name="AutoRefreshInterval" value="0">
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              <property name="description" value="COMMON_AUTO_REFRESH"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Time interval for automatic refresh; 0 means no auto refresh."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Auto Refresh Interval (minutes)"/>
            <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=XCrawlerMonitor.xml&amp;StartPage=XCrawlerMonitorPage&amp;Validate=false">
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              <property name="type" value="select[summary,none]"/>
              <property name="description" value="COMMOM_SHOWINSTRUCTIONS"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Display instructions on user interface."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Instructions"/>
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            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
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              <property name="description" value="COMMON_AUTO_REFRESH"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Time interval for automatic refresh; 0 means no auto refresh."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Auto Refresh Interval (minutes)"/>
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              <property name="description" value="COMMOM_SHOWINSTRUCTIONS"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Display instructions on user interface."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Instructions"/>
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            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
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              <property name="description" value="COMMON_AUTO_REFRESH"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Time interval for automatic refresh; 0 means no auto refresh."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Auto Refresh Interval (minutes)"/>
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              <property name="description" value="COMMOM_SHOWINSTRUCTIONS"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Display instructions on user interface."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Instructions"/>
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            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
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              <property name="description" value="COMMOM_SHOWINSTRUCTIONS"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Instructions"/>
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            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
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              <property name="description" value="DOCS_PATH"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Path to the document to be displayed in iView."/>
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              <property name="longDescription" value="Display instructions on user interface."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Instructions"/>
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            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
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              <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
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              <property name="plainDescription" value="Display Title within iView"/>
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            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="medium_safety"/>
            <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=ICEConfig.xml&amp;StartPage=SyndicatorProperties&amp;Validate=false">
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              <property name="type" value="select[false,true]"/>
              <property name="description" value="COMMON_DISPLAYHEADER"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Display Title within iView"/>
        <component name="ice-syndicator-offers">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
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            <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=ICEConfig.xml&amp;StartPage=SyndicatorOffers&amp;Validate=false">
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              <property name="type" value="select[false,true]"/>
              <property name="description" value="COMMON_DISPLAYHEADER"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Display Title within iView"/>
        <component name="ice-syndicator-subscribers">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="medium_safety"/>
            <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=ICEConfig.xml&amp;StartPage=SyndicatorSubscribers&amp;Validate=false">
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            <property name="DisplayHeader" value="true">
              <property name="type" value="select[false,true]"/>
              <property name="description" value="COMMON_DISPLAYHEADER"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Display Title within iView"/>
        <component name="ice">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ICEServletProxy"/>
            <property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/>
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="low_safety"/>
            <property name="path" value=""/>
            <property name="AuthScheme" value="basicauthentication"/>
        <component name="ice-debug">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ICEDebugServletProxy"/>
            <property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/>
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="low_safety"/>
            <property name="path" value=""/>
            <property name="AuthScheme" value="basicauthentication"/>
        <component name="metadatadownload">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.MetaDataDownloadServletProxy"/>
            <property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/>
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="high_safety"/>
        <component name="indexadmin">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="high_safety"/>
            <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=IndexAdmin.xml&amp;StartPage=IndexAdministrationPage&amp;Validate=false">
              <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
              <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
            <property name="EnableDisplayNames" value="">
              <property name="description" value="INDEXADMIN_ENABLEDISPLAYNA"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Determine whether display names or IDs are displayed in list of assigned data sources."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Show Names rather than IDs"/>
        <component name="indexlog">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="medium_safety"/>
            <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=IndexLog.xml&amp;StartPage=IndexLogPage&amp;Validate=false">
              <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
              <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
        <component name="navigation">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="low_safety"/>
            <property name="StartUri" value="">
              <property name="description" value="BROWSE_STARTURI"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Path to first folder of breadcrumb; Blank means the entire breadcrumb from /root is displayed."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Path to Root Folder for Navigation"/>
            <property name="layoutSetMode" value="exclusive">
              <property name="type" value="select[exclusive,as default,force]"/>
              <property name="description" value="NAVIGATION_LAYOUTSETMODE"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Determine the priority of settings; Exclusive means that the iView settings override any existing OTH settings."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Layout Set Mode"/>
            <property name="rndLayoutSet" value="">
              <property name="description" value="NAVIGATION_LAYOUTSET"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Determine appearance of user interface and available commands."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Layout Set"/>
            <property name="rndRootLayoutSet" value="">
              <property name="description" value="NAV_LAYOUTSET_ROOT"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Determine appearance of user interface and available commands for the root collection."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Layout Set for Root Collection"/>
            <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=Navigation.xml&amp;StartPage=NavigationPage&amp;Validate=false">
              <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
              <property name="inheritance" value="non-final"/>
            <property name="XFProjectPath" value="">
              <property name="description" value="NAVIGATION_XFPROJECTPATH"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Path to the folder where project-specific items (e.g. images) for XML forms are to be stored. Overrides the project path set in the XML Forms Builder project options."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="XML Forms Project Path"/>
            <property name="path" value="/documents">
              <property name="description" value="BROWSE_PATH"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Path to folder to be displayed initially when iView is loaded."/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Path to Initially Displayed Folder"/>
            <property name="Paddings" value="10px">
              <property name="description" value="NAVIGATION_PADDINGS"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Paddings in standalone case"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Paddings in standalone case"/>
        <component name="basicsearch">
            <property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent"/>
            <!--  property name="ClassName" value="com.sapportals.wcm.portal.proxy.ControllerServletProxy"/ -->
            <!--  property name="ComponentType" value="servlet"/ -->
            <property name="SafetyLevel" value="low_safety"/>
            <property name="query" value="ConfigFileName=Navigation.xml&amp;StartPage=SearchPage&amp;Validate=false&amp;layoutSetMode=exclusive">
              <property name="personalization" value="none"/>
            <property name="SearchPluginName" value="">
              <property name="description" value="SEARCH_PLUGINNAME"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Search dialog box options set defined in configuration  "/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Search Options Set"/>
            <property name="SearchCompsName" value="">
              <property name="description" value="SEARCH_COMPSNAME"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Search dialog box component set defined in configuration"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Search Component Set"/>
            <property name="OverwriteConfig" value="false">
              <property name="type" value="select[true,false]"/>
              <property name="description" value="SEARCH_OVERWRITE_CONFIG"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Overwrite predefined configuration with specified parameters"/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Overrule Search Configuration"/>
            <property name="rndLayoutSet" value="">
              <property name="description" value="SEARCH_LAYOUT_SET"/>
              <property name="longDescription" value="Layout set for search result list display "/>
              <property name="plainDescription" value="Search Result Layout Set"/>
            <property name="ResourceListType

    I've also noticed that the same thing happens when I create search iView based on portal component com.sap.km.cm.par - basicsearch.
    Here's the exception:
    #1.5#0003BAD948F4007E000002A000004DED000441155DD57934#1197459931232#com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent#sap.com/irj#com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent#Administrator#799##gruffi_PPD_13557250#Administrator#b76ea9c0a8a711dcb17d0003bad948f4#Thread[PRT-Async 2,5,PRT-Async]##0#0#Error##Plain###Exception ID = c00956aa-d58a-2a10-0ea1-e22f57d2ce92 com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentException: Exception during PageProcessorComponent.doContent()
            at com.sapportals.portal.htmlb.page.PageProcessorComponent.doContent(PageProcessorComponent.java:139)
            at com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.ControllerComponent.doContent(ControllerComponent.java:77)
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(AbstractPortalComponent.java:209)
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(AbstractPortalComponent.java:114)
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(PortalRequestManager.java:328)
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(PortalRequestManager.java:136)
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncIncludeRunnable$1$DoDispatchRequest.run(AsyncIncludeRunnable.java:375)
            at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncIncludeRunnable.run(AsyncIncludeRunnable.java:388)
            at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.ThreadContextRunnable.run(ThreadContextRunnable.java:164)
            at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$Worker.run(PooledExecutor.java:729)
            at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    Caused by: com.sapportals.htmlb.page.PageException: null (java.lang.NullPointerException)
            at com.sapportals.wcm.app.controller.ControllerDynPage.doProcessBeforeOutput(ControllerDynPage.java:78)
            at com.sapportals.wcm.portal.component.base.KMControllerDynPage.doProcessBeforeOutput(KMControllerDynPage.java:57)
            at com.sapportals.htmlb.page.PageProcessor.handleRequest(PageProcessor.java:123)
            at com.sapportals.portal.htmlb.page.PageProcessorComponent.doContent(PageProcessorComponent.java:134)
            ... 11 more
    Message was edited by:
            Ladislav Pomezny

  • Unknown reasons for iView timeout in EP 6.0

    we have recently developed a HR portal application for appraising employees. It is an application using JSP DynPage,connecting to R3 with JCo. The strangest thing about it, is that it works perfectly well on our DEV EP, however on production portal it doesn't. When user tries to save an appraisal form, we get an error. This happens if time of edition of the form exceeds about one minute. If user saves his appraisal quicker,everything is just ok. We don't have this time restriction on DEV EP. User can save his appraisal even after 20 minutes of edition. We were looking for differences in DEV and PRD portals, and found none, except the number of users. We can't figure out, what may be causing this problem. Any ideas? Please help.
    Apr 7, 2006 2:40:39 PM Fatal PRT-Async 5 [async] Exception in PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest without timeout
         at com.img.polkomtel.hr.AppraisalCard$UsingJSPDynPagePage.doProcessAfterInput(AppraisalCard.java:181)
         at com.sapportals.htmlb.page.PageProcessor.handleRequest(PageProcessor.java:91)
         at com.sapportals.portal.htmlb.page.PageProcessorComponent.doContent(PageProcessorComponent.java:135)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(AbstractPortalComponent.java:209)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(AbstractPortalComponent.java:114)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(PortalRequestManager.java:301)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(PortalRequestManager.java:138)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(PortalRequestManager.java:191)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncPortalComponentResponse.include(AsyncPortalComponentResponse.java:384)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncPortalComponentResponse.include(AsyncPortalComponentResponse.java:338)
         at com.sapportals.portal.navigation.workAreaiView.doContent(workAreaiView.java:252)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(AbstractPortalComponent.java:209)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(AbstractPortalComponent.java:114)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(PortalRequestManager.java:301)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(PortalRequestManager.java:138)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncIncludeRunnable$1$DoDispatchRequest.run(AsyncIncludeRunnable.java:363)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncIncludeRunnable.run(AsyncIncludeRunnable.java:376)
         at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$Worker.run(PooledExecutor.java:729)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

    Hi Detlev,
    I guess the problem boils down to opening a new window in javascript and keeping the session. As I moved all Beans to SessionComponent and thier scope is "session", I can not access them from a new window. This is quite reasonable, but how to walk around ? I tried including the session id in url:
    function setTarget(newTarget, newParam, parentRow, who) {
                   <% String sessionid = request.getSession().getId(); %>
                   var url="<%=selectionBean.componentUrl%>"; 
                   var pageUrl = "<%=selectionBean.pageUrl%>";                 
                   var connected = "<%=selectionBean.connected%>";
    if (connected == 'true') {
    //                         var val = window.showModalDialog(url+"?JSESSIONID=<%=sessionid%>&param=note", '', 'dialogHeight: 285px; dialogWidth: 230px; edge: Raised; center: Yes; help: No; resizable: No; status: Yes');                    
                             var wind = window.open(url+"?JSESSIONID=<%=sessionid%>&param=note&parent=" + parentRow + "&who=" + who,"","menubar=0,resizable=0,width=205,height=235,center=1,status=0,scrollbars=0");
                        } else {
    //                         var val = window.showModalDialog(url+"?JSESSIONID=<%=sessionid%>&param=note", '', 'dialogHeight: 295px; dialogWidth: 230px; edge: Raised; center: Yes; help: Yes; resizable: No; status: Yes; menubar: Yes');                    
                             var wind = window.open(url+"?JSESSIONID=<%=sessionid%>&param=note&parent=" + parentRow + "&who=" + who,"","menubar=0,resizable=0,width=205,height=235,center=1,status=0,scrollbars=0");                         
    But it didn't help. I still get a null pointer exception when I open a new window. Any ideas ?
    Best Regards,

  • Testing a Stored Procedure iView gives an error!!

    I have created a stored procedure iView , associated with a SP object in MSSQL server.Tested the connection etc..everything is works. but when i Preview the SP iview..It gives me an error
    "No response from the backend application"
    Can u please let me know whats wrong and also let me know incase i missed any step in creating the Iview,

    I have created a stored procedure iView , associated with a SP object in MSSQL server.Tested the connection etc..everything is works. but when i Preview the SP iview..It gives me an error
    "No response from the backend application"
    Can u please let me know whats wrong and also let me know incase i missed any step in creating the Iview,

  • Server 2012 errors for timeout -- LDAP error number: 55 -- LDAP error string: Timeout Failed to get server error string from LDAP connection

    Hello, currently getting below error msg's utilizing software thru which LDAP is queried for discovering AD objects/path and resource enumeration and tracking.
    Have ensured firewalls and port (389 ) relational to LDAP are not closed, thus causing hanging.
    I see there was a write up on Svr 2003 ( https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/315071 ) not sure if this is applicable, of if the "Ntdsutil.exe" arcitecture has changed much from Svr 03. Please advise. 
    -----------error msg  ----------------
    -- LDAP error number: 55
    -- LDAP error string: Timeout Failed to get server error string from LDAP connection

    The link you shared is still applicable. You can adjust your LDAP policy depending on your software requirements.
    I would also recommend that you in touch with your software vendor to get more details about the software requirements.
    This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties or guarantees , and confers no rights.
    Ahmed MALEK
    My Website Link
    My Linkedin Profile
    My MVP Profile

  • Timeout causes error 500 (internal server error)

    I am running Weblogic server 8.1.
    Running a web application works ok initially, but -
    After initially viewing any page, if no user activity happens for about 30 minutes, and then user clicks any link, the following error is shown:
    Error 500--Internal Server Error
    From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
    10.5.1 500 Internal Server Error
    The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
    My guess is there is some timeout that is causing this.
    I searched the code, server settings and documentation for any kind of "timeout" value.
    No values were found in the code or server settings.
    My web.xml or weblogic.xml did not have any entries for timeout.
    I added a value for "session-timeout" in web.xml, which I made 65 minutes in web.xml, but still no change.
    Still times out in 30 minutes.
    Does anyone know what the issue could be?
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Edited by: 833070 on Feb 2, 2011 7:23 AM

    I looked but there is no Exception / error seen in the logs.
    I looked at mydomain.log, myserver.log, access.log and my own application logs.
    None of them show an error.
    The only error seen is by the user on the browser (after 30 minutes idle time), which I have mentioned earlier...

  • Web Service Timeout & connection errors

    Using jwsdp 2, i have developed a client that has a timeout property set. How are timeouts processed? Is an exception thrown by the port? or does the web method just return with a null return value?
    I also have noticed that in simulating a connection error (by stopping my app server) that an exception is thrown by the web method? but the exception is a javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException. How do I distinguish connection errors from other exceptions? what other exceptions are there?
    Basically, where is this info documented?

    Hello Vipul
    Enter the RZ10 and validates the TIMEOUT value of parameter "icm/server_port_<x>" for  PROT=HTTP and PROT=HTTPS.
    For example, the HTTP service is on port 0 and TIMEOUT=600 seconds
    icm/server_port_0 = PROT=HTTP,PORT=80$$,PROCTIMEOUT=600,TIMEOUT=600
    in your case, increasing the TIMEOUT and validates the WS again

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