JDev 12.1.2 - 32-bit support

Hi all,
Oracle JDeveloper  and ADF 12c (12.1.2) Supported Systems
It is stated that : All 32bit support is provided for the purposes of a single user in a development environment only. Not intended for production deployments.
Is it possible to develop on a 32bit machine and then at the and of the project, rebuild and deploy on a 64 bit machine without any problems ? Or should I start with 64-bit environment at the beginning ?
Also , I want to ask you that if there is any problem with non-English Operating Systems for 12.1.2 JDev installation ?
Thanks ...

One more question : Oracle JDK 1.7 Update 15+ is needed for 12.1.2 JDevelopers. Do the clients also need to have jre 1.7 update 15+ ? Clients can not update to jre 7 because they are Oracle Forms users and have stay in jre 6 ..

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    Apple's response is:
    Dear developer,
    We have discovered one or more issues with your recent submission for "DPS Notes". To process your submission, the following issues must be corrected:
    Missing 64-bit support - Beginning on February 1, 2015 new iOS apps submitted to the App Store must include 64-bit support and be built with the iOS 8 SDK. Beginning June 1, 2015 app updates will also need to follow the same requirements. To enable 64-bit in your project, we recommend using the default Xcode build setting of “Standard architectures” to build a single binary with both 32-bit and 64-bit code.
    Once these issues have been corrected, use Xcode or Application Loader to upload a new binary to iTunes Connect. Choose the new binary on the app’s Details page in My Apps on iTunes Connect, and click Submit for Review.
    The App Store team
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    Comments on your 2 questions:
    1) Yes. IIRC, SC31 for S10 actually supports ONLY 64 bit. To be clear, this means
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    As for your RT being 64 bit, and scrgadm being 32 bit, no problem.
    2) See (1). You are good.
    Go for it.

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    Hi Srini,
    No, XI R2 is getting close to legacy mode so no new OS platforms will be added unless some large Partner requests it. Cr 12 is the only option, R2 will likely anyways. It wont be officially supported but it should work.
    Thank you

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    - TimeZone
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    - ExplicitTimeRangeEnd
    - ContinuousTimeAxisInterval
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    you should have followed up on the thread you reference. First of all, Katia gave you the answer of how to get the listener working
    "The recommended way is to create a line graph, and then add a time selector tag (like Peter pointed out).
    However, since in the dvt:lineGraph there is no attribute for the time selector listener, you need to add the listener in the backing bean.
    Here are the code snippets:
    In jspx:
    <dvt:lineGraph id="master"
    imageFormat="FLASH" imageWidth="400"
    <dvt:legendArea rendered="false"/>
    <dvt:timeSelector explicitStart="#{sampleGraph.startDate}" explicitEnd="#{sampleGraph.endDate}" fillColor="#33FFFFFF" borderColor="#313675" mode="EXPLICIT" />
    <dvt:seriesSet defaultMarkerType="MT_CURVE_LINE">
    <dvt:series id="0" color="#FDB026"/>
    In the backing bean:
    public UIGraph getRichTimeSelectorMasterGraph()
    if (m_richTimeSelectorMasterGraph == null)
    m_richTimeSelectorMasterGraph = new UIGraph();
    return m_richTimeSelectorMasterGraph;
    public void setRichTimeSelectorMasterGraph(UIGraph graph)
    m_richTimeSelectorMasterGraph = graph;
    Second, you got Katia's attention already and this is as much developer contact you can get on this forum. Katia ia the product manager for DVT

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    It's a shame, I really liked my Palm.
    Post relates to:
    Message Edited by smkranz on 08-19-2008 10:54 AM

    I have been reading the forums with a rapidly sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. After having a TX for only a year, I now have to find another product. I just bought a new puter, and it's running Vista 64 bit. I have had Palms for years, but since they seemingly have no plans to release the software for Vista 64 bit, even though pretty soon that's what everyone will have, my TX is useless to me. It seems that it's been more than a year since they said they were "working" on it, but I am thinking that was only the 32 bit version.
    If you have read the forums, then you are also aware of the Bluetooth Solution which is available.
    Because there really isn't anything more to add to the discussion (other than hoping maybe the new Palm OS under development will have 64 bit support), we'll close this thread. 
    Post relates to: Centro (AT&T)
    Message Edited by smkranz on 08-19-2008 10:53 AM
    I am a volunteer, and not an HP employee.
    Palm OS ∙ webOS ∙ Android

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    Successful package :
    Unfortunately i cannot use this option in the main app as a bunch of other ANEs will start failing.
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    Anton Azarov did you try with the Hide-ANE-Library-Symbols checked ?
    Abhinav Dhandh can you check if you guys can reproduce this and help me out.

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    Would both versions of Logic work on the same system together in the way that as I hope?  Obviously, I wouldn't need them both open at the same time, but I didn't know if one would work correctly after installing the other, etc.
    Thanks very much!  Upgrading can be a hassle with consideration to legacy projects!   This would just be one step for me; it's a whole other question as to whether or not I could get the fxpansion vst wrapper working in Logic 9 on mavericks (surprisingly, it seemed to work with Logic 8 on mavericks, but the black curtain of Logic 8 almost makes it unusable).
    Thanks very much!

    Thanks everyone!   I was afraid that I was going to have as much trouble as I did migrating from Logic 4 to Logic 7 (yeesh, what a mess that was).
    Blueberry, are you warning about literally running both Logic 8 and Logic X simultaneously?   Because I don't imagine I would do that.  Could their be adverse consequences of merely having both installed?
    It is my hope that I can gracefully migrate away from Logic 8/9 altogether, but the OCD in me needs to have adequate access to legacy projects in a pinch.
    Thanks again!

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    cost of upgrading mac book to mutilcore intel prcessor with 64 bit support and 4 gb

    Processors can not be upgraded.  Therefore youa re looking at upgrading to a new machine.

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    Windows 7 Ultimate Edition x64.

    Hello! This is Noah with Verizon Wireless. Hope you are having a great day!
    I apologize but currently there is no information on the release of an update for the V Cast Media Manager software.

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    I would like to ask the question like this: does the 64 bits support mean i will have to purchase 64 bits machines for my CS5 copy?
    Thank you for your helps.

    Yes, you will need to have a 64-bit operating system and a 64-bit processor.
    For Mac OS, Leopard (10.5) and Snow Leopard (10.6) are already capable of running 64-bit applications, and any Macintosh sold in the last few years can run 64-bit software.
    For Windows, you need 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows Vista.
    For system requirements, see this page:

  • 10-bit Support from GeForce Card?

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    Don't pop the champagne right away. The pearly gate to 10-bit heaven is still not opening.
    That checkbox just means Photoshop will deliver on its end, but the rest of the chain needs to be there as well. I can check that box too, but I know I don't have the video card for it although everything else is ready.
    Quadro / FirePro still applies. There were rumors of the "high-end" Radeons getting 10-bit support, but that was based on a beta driver and never came to anything AFAIK.
    Even when it all supposedly works, it's not all it's cranked up to be: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1295887  (from post 17 and down). With a good monitor/calibration system banding is a non-issue anyway.

  • Standard version left behind on 64-bit support

    How come 64-bit support is only available for the enterprise
    I shelled out a lot of money for various versions of Cold
    Fusion standard but now I feel ripped off.
    64-bit support has been slow to come on CF and is not even
    available unless you're an enterprise customer.
    What gives?

    The following still run as 32-bit in the enterprise edition:
    DataDirect Drivers, Verity Search functionality, and
    ColdFusion .Net integration.
    With that said they should have included the 32-bit version
    of any 3rd-party driver where the cost is an issue, Adobe would
    explained why and we would understand. Instead they chose a path
    where they seem greedy.

Maybe you are looking for