Keeps prompting to restore

I have the iPod classic 80 GB and iTunes keeps prompting me to restore my iPod. I have, several times. I have done the 5r's and when I connect it still wants to restore. I cannot get past this. Do I have any options?

Maybe this...
Windows confuses iPod with network drive or hard drive and may keep iPod from mounting or songs may seem to disappear

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    I'm afraid that deleting Trash didn't help me.
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    Identifier:      Finder
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    1. Turn off iPad
    2. Turn on computer and launch iTunes (make sure you have the latest version of iTune)
    3. Plug USB cable into computer's USB port
    4. Hold Home button down and plug the other end of cable into docking port.
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    7. Select "Restore iPad"...
    1. Data will be lost if you do not have backup
    2. You must follow step 1 to step 4 VERY CLOSELY.
    3. Repeat the process if necessary.

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    Maybe here:
    Restore loop (being prompted to restore again after a restore successfully completes)
    Troubleshoot your USB connection. If the issue persists, out-of-date or incorrectly configured third-party security software may be causing this issue. Please follow Troubleshooting security software issues. .

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    It did not work for says that it is enabled, the http link you gave says that the lastest version is installed, it says that activex is unchecked, yet each website I visit I get a prompt to install the latest version, even though the latest version is already installed!
    Pat Willener <[email protected]> wrote:
    Pat Willener created the discussion
    "Re: Keeps prompting to reinstall player"
    To view the discussion, visit:

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    Then about 10 of these:
    8/13/12 10:19:31.193 AM CalendarAgent[12480]: [] [Account refresh failed with error: Error Domain=CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain Code=401 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain error 401.)" UserInfo=0x7fb603b9d990 {AccountName=, CalDAVErrFromRefresh=YES, CoreDAVHTTPHeaders=<CFBasicHash 0x7fb603f5a4b0 [0x7fff79a05190]>{type = immutable dict, count = 10,
    entries =>
        0 : Case Insensitive Key: X-Content-Type-Options = <CFString 0x7fb6038d0650 [0x7fff79a05190]>{contents = "nosniff"}
        1 : Case Insensitive Key: Content-Type = <CFString 0x7fb603bd3930 [0x7fff79a05190]>{contents = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"}
        2 : Case Insensitive Key: Server = <CFString 0x7fb603b1c400 [0x7fff79a05190]>{contents = "GSE"}
        3 : Case Insensitive Key: Transfer-Encoding = <CFString 0x7fff792226b8 [0x7fff79a05190]>{contents = "Identity"}
        6 : Case Insensitive Key: Date = <CFString 0x7fb603bf6300 [0x7fff79a05190]>{contents = "Mon, 13 Aug 2012 14:19:31 GMT"}
        7 : Case Insensitive Key: X-Frame-Options = <CFString 0x7fb603869680 [0x7fff79a05190]>{contents = "SAMEORIGIN"}
        8 : Case Insensitive Key: X-XSS-Protection = <CFString 0x7fb603b01740 [0x7fff79a05190]>{contents = "1; mode=block"}
        9 : Case Insensitive Key: Www-Authenticate = <CFString 0x7fb603bcf200 [0x7fff79a05190]>{contents = "BASIC realm="Google CalDAV""}
        11 : Case Insensitive Key: Cache-Control = <CFString 0x7fb603b08d50 [0x7fff79a05190]>{contents = "private, max-age=0"}
        12 : Case Insensitive Key: Expires = <CFString 0x7fb603bf8a20 [0x7fff79a05190]>{contents = "Mon, 13 Aug 2012 14:19:31 GMT"}

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    And no, it isn't the incorrect password. I have tried putting in an alternative password to check, before refreshing it said it was incorrect.
    With the correct password it'll just keep prompting me over and over so I cannot get in. This is really annoying and I don't know what to do as this hasn't happened before.
    If anyone knows what is going on please inform me.
    (Also: I cannot sync my iPod into any computers at the moment. I lost the previous computer and if I synced it with the new one I would lose everything on it, and some information on there is dear to me such as photos and videos. That is if I had a choice - computers with iTunes don't seem to recognise it as an iPod device, rather a camera which I can't take anything off of.
    This is another problem on its own, though.)

    Have you tried going to Settings>iTunes and App Stores (or just Store) and signing out and then signing in again?

  • HELP my ipod keeps going into restore mode

    hi i have a problem with my ipod touch 2nd generation firmware 3.1.2. it keeps going into restore mode randomly when i play with ir or use it. i upgraded and downgrade and nothing seems to work. i think there is a problem with the hardware!
    oh and when i bought it there was a problem with the headphone jack(brand new)
    and nobody would help. i had warranty to. we live in a cruel world. =(

    Yesh, take it to the Apple Store and make a fuss.

  • Why does Outlook keep prompting for password

    We have seen our community members ask questions about Outlook keeps prompting for credentials many times. This issue could be caused by numerous reasons. Below is a list of the most common reasons for this problem:
    Outlook is configured to prompt you for credentials
    Incorrect password cached in credential storage
    Required Authentication Settings for outgoing server and incoming server
    Outlook Anywhere is not configured to use NTLM Authentication
    Corrupt Outlook profile
    Slow or unstable network connection
    Antivirus programs
    Shared calendars
    Outlook is configured to prompt you for credentials
    If you are using an Exchange account, there is a setting in your Outlook profile to always prompt for logon credentials. To find the setting, please follow:
    1. In Outlook 213, go to File tab > Info >
    Account Settings > Account Settings…
    2. Highlight your Exchange account and click Change button.
    3. Click on More Settings button.
    4. Select the Security tab.
    5. Under the User Identification, make sure the “Always prompt for logon credentials” option is not selected.
    If you are using other types of email, please make sure you have ticked the option “Remember password”.
    Incorrect credential cached in Credential Manager
    Your Windows system stores user credentials on your computer. If the cached credentials are incorrect, you will be prompted for password. This issue usually happens after the password for your domain user account is changed. Before your password changed,
    you saved your credentials. The stored credentials are not overwritten when Outlook triggers the authentication prompt even if you enable the Remember my credentials option.
    To fix this issue, you need to remove the corrupted credentials, follow these steps:
    Click Start,      click Control Panel, and then click Credential Manager.
     Note If View by is set to Category, click User Accounts first, and then click Credential Manager.
    Locate  the set of credentials that has Outlook in the name.
    Click the name to expand the set of credentials, and then click Remove from Vault.
    Repeat step 3 for any additional sets of credentials that have the word Outlook in the name.
    Required Authentication Settings for outgoing server and incoming server
    Different email provider may need different authentication settings. Please make sure you have set the server settings correctly. You can contact your email provider to gather the information.
    In general, we select the “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication” option and the first bullet “Use same settings as my incoming mail server”.
    In addition, click on the Advanced tab and check if you have enter the correct Server Port Number and select the correct encrypt type. Below is a screenshot for an IMAP account:
    Outlook Anywhere is not configured to use NTLM Authentication
    The Outlook Anywhere feature allows you to access your Exchange account remotely from the Internet when you are working outside your organization's firewall.
    When using Outlook Anywhere to connect to your Exchange server, we need to choose
    the authentication method among Basic Authentication, NTLM Authentication and Negotiate Authentication. The difference among them is the way that the passwords are sent when connecting to the server. With Basic Authentication,
    the password is sent in clear text. Using NTLM Authenticationcan significantly reduce the number of password prompts.
    To check the authentication setting, please go to File > Account Settings > Account Settings,
    select the Exchange account, and then click
    Change. In the Change Account wizard, click
    More Settings, and then click the Connection tab. Click the Exchange Proxy Settings button and now, you can see the settings under
    Proxy authentication settings. Try to change the authentication to
    NTLM Authentication and then check the issue again.
    Slow or unstable network connection
    If your network connection is slow or unstable, Outlook may lose connection to the mail server. When Outlook try to reconnect, it will prompt for the credentials. To verify this, please switch to a stable network environment and then check if this issue
    Corrupt Outlook Profile
    Corrupt profile may cause Outlook to no longer remember your password. Please try to create a new mail profile in Control Panel and reconfigure your email account in the new profile to fix the issue. To create a new mail profile, you can refer:
    Antivirus software
    Antivirus software usually integrates into your Outlook and it may cause some conflicts. Try to temporarily turn off your antivirus software to check if the issue will be gone.
    Shared Calendar
    Shared calendars can impact the user credentials, this issue may also occur if you have shared calendars opened in Outlook. You can try to unselect the shared calendar to check the result. It’s recommended to not open the shared calendar unless you want
    to view them.
    If you have any comments, welcome to post in the forum. Thank you.
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    I went through point by point by point, top to bottom, checking and verifying every single item as a possible cause for why my system (Outlook 2013 running on Windows 8.1 and connecting to Exchange 2010) insists on prompting me for my password every single
    time I start Outlook.  None of the solutions worked, my system still prompts me.  I don't even have to supply a password.  When the prompt dialog appears, I just cancel it.  Within a few seconds, the bottom Outlook status bar changes to
    "Need Password" with a key icon to the left.  Then I just click on that message and immediately Outlook connects to Exchange.
    The freaking software is BROKEN!  Period.

  • ITunes keeps prompting me to authorize my computer when I try to play a movie I rented.  Then it tells me my computer is already authorized and I'm stuck in a loop.  I've tried all the troubleshooting options but no luck.

    iTunes keeps prompting me to authorize my computer then tells me it's already authorized and I'm stuck in a loop. The troubleshooting options haven't worked.  Any suggestions or does anybody have a phone number for iTunes so I can talk to a human being about this?

    christinefromsan francisco wrote:
    The troubleshooting options haven't worked
    you mean this support article ?

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    I have the new 5s and I'm trying to get ALL my music on it but it keeps prompting me to authorize my computer. (which I have done multiple times) I have all my purchased music on the phone already but it won't let me sync all my other music that I have on my iTunes.

    iTunes repeatedly prompts to authorize computer to play iTunes Store purchases

  • HT201269 hello, i have a brand new iphone 5 and when i tried to restore from a back up (my latest 4s back up) i had to update the ios on the iphone 5 first.  I was prompted to restore it as a new iphone and then do the restoring.  How do I resotore from t

    how do i restore my backup from an iphone 4s to a brand new 5? my 5 had to be updated to the newest ios and therefore was prompted to restore as a new iphone first

    Did you follow the article you linked above? An iPhone running a new version of iOS can be restored by using the backup of an iPhone running a lower version. You can also follow this article:
    iOS: Back up and restore your iOS device with iCloud or iTunes

  • Firefox keeps prompting an update, but can't complete it. It gets stuck on "Connecting to the Server" and runs for hours until I stop it. Help!

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    If you have problems with updating then easiest is to download the full version and trash the currently installed version to do a clean install of the new version.
    Download a new copy of the Firefox program and save the DMG file to the desktop
    * Firefox 4.0.x:
    * Firefox 3.6.x:
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    * Install the new version that you have downloaded
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