Keyboard, main keys how to fix ?

My keyboard doesn't work neither does the call button, blackberry menu button, back button, and the end call button how can I fix this ?

BillJ wrote:
Either learn some manners
You mean like "do unto others" etc.?
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    What I have that is working is:
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    Check your firewall and make sure it is not blocking Thunderbird.
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    You realise that Enter works on whatever is the active button?  That defaults to the OK button when you open Levels, and stays there if you just adjust the sliders, but will move to whatever button you click on i.e. Auto.   If you really want to use the keyboard, then hitting Shift Tab a couple of time will move you back from Auto to OK and you can then hit enter to close the dialog box.

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    Photo of electrical board and BT Master socket layout
    Mains units (L to R)
    1. Off peak clock
    2. House RCD
    3. Live junct. box
    4. Meter
    5. Incoming mains
    Below is phone board
    with new External supply with RCD
    L to R
    Box 1. Solwise filtered phone point (used as Junct box)
    Box 2. BT Master with test socket in use
    3. External supply Dist box with RCD + 2 breakers
    BT line in is White sheath from lower right of picture
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    feeding all house phone wiring from the Solwise
    rear terminals (Box 1)
    BT Master to External dist box: ~ 50mm horizontally
    BT Master to live Mains tail: 220mm vertically
    Phone cables have to run at RH side, near incoming mains.
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    Noise 15.1 / 13.0                 6.4 / 13.0
    Attentuation 62.0 / 31.5       61.2 / 13.5
    Power 16.6 / 12.4               3.8 / 1.3
    IP Profile 1.27 / 0.45           (not taken)
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    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try on another computer          
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar       

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    All new keyboards need Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and above for full functionality.
    Rather short-sighted of Apple perhaps, but that seems to be a trend these days.
    I'm afraid the only fix is to upgrade to SL. Personaly, I'd take it back and get a refund and seek an older keyboard or a third-party one elsewhere.

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    You may have this sorted out by now - but if not try resetting your Language to English.  I had the issue and found the emoji keyboard was set to spanish.

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    Unfortunatley, short of shooting your MBA with a gun, spilling coffee on the keyboard is just about the worst thing you can do. Primarily, because there is often fatal damage, and not much you can do about it short of taking it in to a Authorized Service Provider for major systems replacement.
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    Make sure that there is no entry in system prefs/language & text/text/symbol and text substitution which causes this.
    Try another keyboard.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Its tricky to fix this if the plastic hinge is broken.
    Not sure if you will be able to replace only the hinge but I found a nice movie on youtube which shows a replacement of such hinges.
    However, in worst case you will need to replace the keyboard.

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    For the keyboard backlight:
    Have you tried pressing the "lights on" F-key, that has like a half-round rays of light over a bar symbol (currently F6 on my Mac, but may be different on other models)? If it doesn't work, does anything show on the screen?
    If a crossed-out symbol pops up onscreen when you press the F-key, that means that automatic keyboard lighting is enabled and the Mac thinks surroundings are too bright already. Go to System Preferences / Keyboard and uncheck the "Automatically illuminate keyboard..." item, then try again.
    For the screws:
    Visit or and see in their Mac parts section for a replacement screw set. You will need to know your Mac's model, printed on the bottom lid, to ensure you get the correct parts for that particular computer.
    For the RAM:
    While in either of the two places I mentioned above, visit their How-To / DIY section for instructions on how to replace RAM on your Mac. Then visit,,, or any other RAM maker, use their RAM advisor together with your Mac's model to select the correct RAM upgrade kit for your Mac.

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    Try restarting your iPhone by holding down the on/off and the home buttons at the same time until you see the Apple logo, double check the volume button just in case.  If you still can't hear the tones go into your settings>sounds and make sure the options are on. 

  • How to fix the mouse and keyboard freezing when installing Windows 7 on 27' iMac late 2013?

    Hi, I have a question for u guys who can solve this.
    I recently bought the new 27' iMac late 2013, and I installed some softwares and used it for few days.
    Before I bought this I used the 15' Macbook Pro Retina, I installed Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, and I used the Windows for gaming.
    So back to my question.
    So I bought the new iMac and I was tying to install Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit (with the same CD).
    After dividing the partition, and other stuff, the iMac rebooted and I hold down the option (alt) key. I choose the Windows CD, and it said it is "getting ready to install Windows". I let it load, and the blue screen where you choose the language, time/location and keyboard input popped up. At the bottom right corner (at the same page), there is a button that said "Next (N)" which u need to click it to go to the next step. I was moving my mouse to click the button, but I realized that my mouse and keyboard was frozen. I tried both wireless and wired mouse and keyboard but they didn't work. There was nothing I could do. I hold the power button, (that was the only option) and tried my mouse and keyboard on Mac OS and it worked fine.
    I thought something went wrong in the CD so I bought the Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. The result was same. It frizzed again. (I just wast few hundred $)
    Latter my friend lend me his Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit. I tried it, and it worked, it didn't freezed on Windows 8.
    The problem is I played Battlefield 4, Titan fall, and Watch Dogs, and Battlefield 4 multiplayer doesn't work on Windows 8.1. Even though when it works on Windows 8, I prefer using Windows 7.
    Dose anyone knows how to fix this freezing thing?
    My computer is:
    27' iMac late 2013 (bought it just few days ago)
    I did no upgrades when I bought it, except the graphic card.
    I bought the iMac in Korean Apple Store, and my Windows CD is in Korean, can that be a problem?
    Please leave a comment when u think u can solve my problem.

    See -> 10.8.pdf.
    In addition to the Windows disc (or USB flash drive with the Windows installer) you'll need a 8GB+ flash drive.
    The referenced manual - on page 3, I think, gives you a run-down of what you'll need before you begin the installation. You may also want to post any further Boot Camp questions in the Boot Camp forum ->
    Good luck,

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