Kind of an odd question - 10.4.11 to 10.5

My parents wanted to get an iPad (and perhaps there is an iPod Touch in my dad's future). Unfortunately they are running an iMac G5 with Tiger (10.4.11), which is incompatable with the new iPads, iPods, iPhones, etc.
Finding a copy of Leopard (10.5) under $200 (a $500 iPad would turn into a $700 dollar one) is tough to say the least. You can find it on eBay, but I don't feel comfortable buying an OS off of eBay. Who knows what you'll wind up with.
Then it hit me...Back in 2007, I bought myself a MacBook Pro. It came with the install disc for Leopard. I personally never used that install disc. Would my parent's be able to use it, or is that disc the exact one that Apple used to install my OS in the factory? I assumed I couldn't use it for my parents, but man would it be a life saver. I'm running Snow Leopard now and will probably upgrade to Lion in the not too distant future (something my parents will sadly never be able to do with their iMac G5).
Any thoughts or suggestions on where to find 10.5 at a reasonable price (something closer to original retail)?

Thanks for the tip. I talked to a few Apple retail stores, but I didn't think to call them direct (silly me). I'll definitely give that a shot.

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    Using the netbook for the configuration you are requesting is not supported. Only hotspot devices support a similar setup to a router. Examples of these devices would be the following:
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    Dave M.
    MacOSG Founder/Ambassador  An Apple User Group  iTunes: MacOSG Podcast
    Macsimum News Associate Editor  Creator of 'Mac611 - Mobile Mac Support'

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    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

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    Go to Solution.

    Check the specifications for maximum storage temperature for the laptop.

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    Can anything be done?
    Move the fan, maybe?
    I presume this is a CRT monitor, not a flat panel. If so, the fan motor's magnetic field is undoubtedly affecting the monitor.
    Message was edited by: eww

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    make field ANLA-LIFNR obligatory
    -> than you must fill XNEU or XGBR

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    So, if I replace this torn ribbon, will it wake normally? OR is there a known issue with Wallstreet and OS X 10.3 and XpostFacto???

    There is a known workaround for the dark backlight in OSX when waking and for some even when booting. Just boot to 9.x or any supported Classic OS from the HD or CD, then restart to OSX. Somehow OSX changes a setting which causes this issue; resetting PRAM or power manager is no help but the boot to Classic corrects the issue. As long as the Wallstreet does not lose power, this fix will stick.
    The sleep switch is located on the right side of the 'book in the body along the frame rail next to the 'delete' key. You can stick a paperclip about 4 inches from the bottom of the right, vertical display frame and locate the magnet. I have not looked at the wiring diagrams of the Wallstreet for a long time so I can't say yet what wires are involved. However, if this freeze started when you installed 10.3, odds are it is a software issue, especially since the 'book will go to sleep properly but freezes when wakened.
    Unfortunately I only have 9.x on my Wallstreet now, but I have run 10.2, 10.3, and 10.4, and I do not recall a sleep issue.
    The first step I would take is to reset the power manager since this will often correct sleep issue.
    If no help, disconnect all peripherals (USB, FireWire, CardBus slot) and test sleep.
    Are you using the XPostFacto control panel to switch startup volumes? I found that using the control panels in 9.x and 10.x when running XPostFacto would cause a freeze.

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    Smash Brother,
    Have you called Apple or AT&T and told them you found it? Did you report it yourself to the police that it was found? Typically with found property police will make an effort to find the correct owner, and if they can not find them, then you get to keep it.
    Had I lost an iPhone, I might not have known what location to go back to and report it. Did I lose it at the gas station, work, etc? However, I would make a police report about it being missing.
    Hope this helps,
    Nathan C.

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    Is there a way to move files from Mac to PC (bootcamped) through an external drive that is formatted to the Mac.
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    Hi Ollie,
    with the BootCamp 3.0 Drivers Apple introduced a read access from BootCamp Windows to Mac OSX partitions, but this seems to only work with internal harddisks not with external ones.
    MacDrive is the choice get full read and write access on Mac OSX partitions/harddisks while in Windows
    For a simple read-only access HFSExplorer can be used
    The 4GB size limitation is only active on FAT32 file system not on NTFS, but Mac OSX itself can only read from NTFS partitions not write to them without additional helper like NTFS-3G
    So, with you scenario (external HD = MacOS file system) it seems that MacDrive would be the way to go.
    Hope it helps

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