KM266 Combo Boot Problem

My motherboard (KT266) burned-up, so I went down to local store and picked up a KM266 Combo board.  I moved all the components over and attempted to boot up.  I have yet to be successful.  The CPU / System & PS fans will all go ON for about 2 secs - then go OFF.  In addition, I get a two loud beep - followed by two more quieter beeps (probably because power is dying).  Note that I have removed all non-essential components, below is my base boot config:
AMD XP1700
Spectek PC2100 DDR 256MB
SPI 300W PS (3.3V & 5V=180W)
MSI KM2M Combo (KM266)
Any clues?  Is 300W PS not enough?

I swapped PS and still have the same problem.
I swapped RAM and still have the same problem.
I swapped processor to an AMD Duron 600 and the fans will stay ON but the system will not POST.  Even if I remove the RAM, I don't get any BEEP Codes.
(I tried clearing CMOS and verified that FSB jumper is set to 100)
I'm beginning to think it might just be a bad board ??

Similar Messages

  • P35 Neo Combo, boot problem? [FIXED]

    ** PROBLEM SOLVED - Tech support told we that if there was any way to update the BIOS to version 1.3 then I should do that. I found a way and after that everything have been running smoothly.
    I would like to thank everyone that helped me in here and hope that my experience and the solution might come in handy to someone else. **
    **This thread have been updated with more information and an alteration of the story as my experience with the board/BIOS grew larger, and some information was given to me by at kind person in this thread**
    Hello everyone. 
    Some days ago I got some new hardware and put it all together but I ran into a big problem.
    Specs of the new machine:
    Case: Arctic Cooling T2 Pro, Miditower, 500W
    Psu name: AX-500F, specs:
    +12v: 14 A (15 A peak)
    +12v2: 16 A (19 A peak)
    +5v: 25 A
    +2.3v: 30 A
    -12v: 0.5 A
    +5vSB: 2.0 A (3.0 A peak)
    This information is a direct quote from Artic Cooling's homepage:
    Power Supply
    The AX-500F is a power supply optimized for high end PC's and complies with Intel's ATX12V version 2.0. The continuous output power fulfils gaming system requirements based o­n multiple VGA boards.
    The AX-500F was tested with the following configurations:
    AMD Athlon FX-62 CPU
    2 GB Ram
    2x ATI X1950 XTX (Cross Fire)
    Intel Core 2 Extreme CPU
    2 GB Ram
    2x NVIDIA 7950 Gx2
    I also did try booting with a more powerful PSU but still no luck, and from what I can see then this one should be powerful enough
    Mobo: MSI P35-NEO-Combo-F, Intel P35, Ver. 1.0, BIOS ver. 1.2
    CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6750, BOX
    Ram: Corsair TWIN2X2048-6400C4, 2x1024MB 2.1v
    Graphics card: Inno3D GeForce 8800GTS, 320MB, PCI-E
    CD-rom: Lite-On DVD/CD
    HDD: Western Digital Raptor 74GB
    OS: Windows XP 32bit
    When I turned it on for the first time nothing happend, no picture no error sounds although I could see and hear that the computer was on. I turned it off and then on again, nothing, I turned it off and then on again and something happend.
    I got a red text message saying that my overclocking attempt was unsuccessful, which I found pretty odd cause this was the first time the computer was on. I have now been informed that it's a fail safe build into the BIOS to prevent a melt down if you overclock it too hard, which is kinda smart. I then had the option to go into the BIOS, so I looked at every setting to see if things were OK and if it was somehow overclocked or had some wrong settings.. Everything looked and still looks alright when I save and exit. When I do save and exit, be it with the settings I think is okay, the fail safe or optimized settings then the screen just goes black.
    So now for the 'clearing the CMOS' part When I reset the CMOS with the jumper I can get further than the error message about overclocking. I get two options:
    1. To enter BIOS setup to configure the bios.
    2. To automatically load some default settings and continue booting.
    First I tried option 1, after doing a save and exit the screen went black again, got the overclocking message and had to clear the CMOS one more time.
    Then I choose option 2, windows started to load, I got into safe mode and windows started to find all the new hardware and so on. When that was done I was kinda forced to reboot, screen went back and yes you guessed it... I had to clear the CMOS and choose options 2. I got as far as getting into windows and installed some of the stuff from the CD-rom's that came with the motherboard, again I was doomed to reboot and clear the CMOS. Once again option 2 needed to be selected to get the system up and running, and I got as far as to the "Want to activate windows" option, and couldn't do that cause the network card was not installed so I had no internet connectivity. Apparently if windows detect too much hardware being replaced then the activation thing pops up, and I later learned that I can't activate my windows anymore cause I used my activation quota and I have to get a new key
    What I learned from my brief time in windows normal mode:
    Everything seemed to work nicely, and freaking fast too....swiiing!
    2gb of ram was detected, running dual channel and at the desired voltage.
    The CPU was running at normal speed and voltage.
    All in all everything seemed normal until I rebooted.
    The only thing I can conclude is that something goes horribly wrong when I clear the CMOS, load some default settings and then reboot. I have seen that I am able to get into the system with my current hardware, but only after a CMOS clear, so what the heck is wrong, what goes wrong after the reboot?
    And this is as far as I can get with my own knowledge of computers :(
    So now I hope to go that I can get some help from some of you guys, any thoughts on this or anyone know of such a problem and maybe know a solution?
    If I missed some information you guys need to solve this puzzle then just ask.
    On a side note, if I somehow get the chance to flash my BIOS to version 1.3 in hope that if will solve my problem, then will it erase my chances to send it in for RMA and get a new board? Do I break any rules by doing that?
    Best Regards
    Mads, Denmark

    Quote from: Maesus on 24-August-07, 23:29:25
    ok, when you turn it off and on and off and on, the BIOS will think it's an overclocking failure event, and hence display the overclock error message.
    usually this is due to the memory settings was set incorrectly (by the BIOS itself). You may need to manually change the memory settings and see if that helps. And, please make sure that your BIOS can support FSB1333 processor like E6750 out of the box. If not, try flashing to the latest BIOS.
    Hello and thanks for the quick anwser.
    I did check if memory/cpu settings were okay and the seem to be on the right defaut setting. I save and exit and the screen just goes black. I forgot to add the motherboard and BIOS versions but they are there now: Mobo: MSI P35-NEO-Combo-F, Intel P35, Ver. 1.0, BIOS ver. 1.2
    I don't see how I will be able to flash the bios when I can't get into windows and do it, and there is no way else for me to do it. If it was the case that the BIOS didn't support FSB1333, then I would never have gotten as far as getting into windows and getting the activation message would I?

  • 645 Combo Boot Problem

    Why does my 645 Combo (6737) Motherboard make a siren noise when I turm my computer on?
    I have just built a 1.8 Pentium 4 with 512DDR PC2700. 10 gb Fujitsu HDD, 230 Watt power Supply. (Think the power is the prob)

    I found out the answer, dont worry. The CPU Fan was to quiet for the Motherboard to sense it!!! (ARCTIC COOLING 3ghz fan!!) HOW BIZARRE!! Anyway got another fan more expensive though, and the system works now. :D
    Cheers :D

  • K7N2 Delta-L: Strange cold boot problem & solution

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    I found the following solutions:
    1. After you power up and get a blank, hit the reset button.
    2. Don't unplug your PC. My PC is connected to a AVR and after I power down the PC I usually turn the AVR off. If i do this, than the computer will have a booting problem if I try to boot it up 30 minutes later or so. Now if I don't unplug it/power off the AVR than everything is fine.
    I don't understand why it acts the way it does though.
    Does anyone know of any other solutions?

    Have you cleared the cmos. If you do be sure you have the power turned off don't move the cmos jumper with the power on.
    I found that turning off power at power supply and unpluging, than turning on the computer the fans will spin just a little this drains all the power. Clear cmos 2-3 than return to
    1-2 position.
    Than plug the power back in and turn it back on, than try the computer again.

  • Mid 2006 iMac Boot Problem (Since latest firmware update)

    I have a Mid 2006 17" iMac. Ever since the latest firmware update in early December, about every other startup I've been having boot problems. After the white screen with the Apple Logo and the spinning wheel it goes to a blue screen like normal, but instead of the 'Loading Mac OS X' white window popping up it stays blue and the spinning loading wheel starts. I've left it loading for quite a while before and nothing changes. I have to do a force shut off by holding the power button. and then I start it up and it will boot normally.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Actually, I think it'san early 2006.

  • 1st series iMac G5: Booting problems, kernel panics, waking from sleep...

    Specifications of the iMac described: 1.8 Ghz, 1GB, 80GB, 64 Mb Nvidia VRAM, Airport, 10.5.5
    Back in August 2004 my dad bought us kids an iMac G5 for ‘family use’. It had a fresh install of 10.3.5 on it and compared to the (1999) iMac G3 it replaced it was amazingly fast.
    The iMac never showed any signs of probable issues, until we decided to upgrade to Leopard in January 2008. Initially, this upgrade was only meant to be able to sync with the latest iPod nano (who demanded a newer version of iTunes).
    After the installation the first thing I noticed was a high CPU usage, the machine seemed slower than ever and that with 1 Gb of RAM (the minimum sys. req. for Leopard are 512 Mb of RAM). Anyway, then the real thing started, it wouldn’t turn on anymore. We brought it to an Authorized Apple Reseller, the Tech department said the Logic board had failed. The costs of the fix weren’t the worth the computer anymore, so...end of story. The iMac was indeed one of the bad series, although it hadn’t any swollen capacitors.
    My dad already made up his mind and bought himself a Macbook. He then told me that if I was able to get the broken iMac fixed, I could keep it. And so, I bought an ‘as-is’ logic board on Ebay. Last weekend I installed it, and it actually seemed to work! Yet, the problems are during the startup: the first thing I see is a screen full with horizontal lines flickering all the time, like an old TV with bad signal. Mostly it won’t boot and I get the message to restart the computer (kernel panic, I got dozens of logs already!). Sometimes it got stuck during booting (grey apple screen with gear in the middle) making the fans go crazy (after a while) and sounding what others describe as a ‘jetliner taking off’ sound. Sometimes the screen remains black. Generally it takes me 5 to 10 minutes to start up properly. Maybe it’s just me but it seems like when the computer has warmed up a little (by turning on and off on and on) starting up gets smoother. I mean the startup screen suffers from less horizontal flickering lines.
    During the use of Leopard, I again get high CPU usage, especially when I use multiple programs at the same time, or when starting multiple programs. My iStat Pro said once that the fans were running at 4700 rpm and the heat of the CPU was about 70 Celsius. If I really want to **** my iMac off I should play a racing game. That just totally freaks him out! These problems could probably be solved by adding more RAM. Right?
    The iMac also has a sleep problem. Sometimes after lets say an hour or so, you can’t get it out of sleep mode (by manipulating keyboard and/or mouse, the sleep light stops, but the screen stays off --> only solution is to restart). What happened to me once was that it slept so long that it just got into a deep sleep by turning itself off completely!
    Here’s a list of what I tried so far:
    - Disk Utility: Resetting the permissions, no problems were found.
    - Resetting the SMU, both on the logic board itself as by pressing the power button 5 - 8 seconds, no improvements.
    - Resetting the PRAM, no improvements.
    - Did the Hardware test of the original install CD, nothing was found, all good.
    - Did Archive and Instal, this actually messed my system entirely, cause it wouldn't boot at all and when starting up from the Leopard installation DVD it wouldn't recognize the Macintosh HD.
    - Did Archive and Instal with the original disks, this disk did recognize Macintosh HD and so I installed the original system, 10.3. Booting problems and those flickering lines are still there though.
    Next phase will be erase and install, but first I want to know what you guys think about all this.
    Oh eh, One more thing; The guys at Applecare (phone support) told me that the replaced logic board was also out of warranty and so they couldn’t help me. But as the man on the phone was kind, he told me to go look for a special ‘driver’ on the net. He said that the driver should be able to resolve some of the issues described. He said that I had to give in the name of the LB on google and look for results. Is this bogus? Because I haven’t found anything useful on google so far. What’s the name (rather than a number) of the LB in the first place?
    I hope you guys can give me some answers. I'm kinda desperate. But I still feel there's hope...

    The symptoms of a flakey power supply are sleep problems and you have done all the right things as far as resetting the SMU and PRAM. Your CPU usage can be tracked by going to Utilities>Activity Monitor - look and see what is hogging the memory. The flickering lines could also be an optical system going south.
    The other thing you can do is run DiskWarrior or TechToolPro to see if you have corrupted directories. Preferential Treatment will let you check for corrupted preferences.

  • MSI P45 Neo-f with intermittent boot problems

    Current system:
    *CPU: Intel core2duo 4300 1,80GHz
    Mobo: MSI P45 Neo-F LGA775
    *Memory: 1 Kingston 1GB PC2-5300 667MHz DDR2 and 1 Dane-Elec 1GB PC2-5300 667MHz DDR2
    Videocard: Club3D Nvidia 8800GT 512MB GDDR3
    *Hard drive: 120GB IBM deskstar 7200rpm Ultra-ATA/100 (yes I realize it is known as the deathstar, but it hasn't failed so far, I do back-up because I'm paranoid
    PSU: Real Silent Nexus NX-5000 500 watt
    *Soundcard: Soundblaster Audigy
    OS: Windows XP home, service pack 2
    *Lite-on IT dvd-rom drive
    *floppy disk drive
    I also have 3 case fans spinning away in a marginally large Chieftec Dragon tower.
    The parts I marked with an asterisk (*) are parts that I removed from my old rig and re-used.
    I'll try to give a clear rundown of my problem and the steps I've taken so far.
    3 days ago I acquired the P45 Neo and installed it into my system, together with the 8800GT videocard. I was still using my old PSU, a Chieftec 360watt. This PSU served me well for 7 years, but it was starting to build up noise while trying to keep up games on my old rig.
    I had some trouble getting the system to boot, I tried changing some of the 4 pins wires going to the hard drive and the dvd drive. I don't know if it was luck or if I managed to divide the load properly for the system to boot. But I succeeded into booting up, got into the bios and eventually installed WinXP.
    As soon as it was time to install the videocard drivers, it stopped responding. I assumed it was a power issue, since I could only install the 20pin and 4pin cpu, but my Chieftec PSU didn't have a 24pin plug to the mobo - and it needed replacing anyway! So I bought a new 500watt PSU that had all the required plugs and more wattage.
    I installed the new PSU, checked every connection and pressed the power button. 'Lo and behold, the computer starts up. I install the videocard drivers and it proceeds with no problems. I try to install the soundcard, but the cd says I don't have one installed. I fix that by going to the System list and install the drivers from there. I install a firewall. By then I have successfully rebooted the computer 3 or 4 times. I decide all is well and turn off the computer. But I realize I wanted to check up something on the internet.
    I press the powerbutton. The PC power light go up for just a fraction of a second. I can see the blue LED of one of the case fans switching on just as briefly - then it goes out. The computer keeps trying to turn itself on. It looks like it's hickupping to try and boot!
    I turn off the PSU power on the back-side because the computer keeps trying and wait for a bit. After 10 minutes, it still doesn't work. I leave the computer for a bit and return an hour later. The computer then starts up with no problems. I turn it off after a few hours, do a reset, start it up, no problems. But then the next day it happens again.
    It's pretty tough figuring out what the problem is because it looks..almost random. I considered it could be a heat issue, but sometimes it *does* start up just after it's been turned down. Checking the bios shows no strange temperature shifts.
    Hope anyone can help me, because I do not want to go back to my old Asrock mobo

    While powered down I cleared the cmos data, removed the Dane Elec DDR2 module and set the bios to optimized defaults. Computer restarted to WinXP with no problems (it has been off the whole night). I shut down WinXP, wait a few moments and then turn the computer back on. Alas, it won't start and starts hick-upping. I turn power off at the PSU again, so it stops.
    Now I try switching out the Kingston module instead. By now the computer has been off for 10 min (while I write this entry on laptop). I press the power button on the PSU and then the power button on the front. There is a short pause, lasting a second. The computer turns on, longer now, but it only lasts 2 whole seconds before it turns off again and goes on again (I believe now you can call it powercycling). It repeats this process until I shut off the PSU.
    I check to see if I have installed it properly and try again but it starts powercycling again.
    15 min pass, I put the Kingston module back in, press the power button and voila, this time it does start. WinXP shows up, no problems. I leave it on for a bit and then shut down. And when I press the power button again - the feeling of dread returns, when it starts hickupping again.
    I'm going to see if I can install one of the memory modules from my housemate. Then hopefully tommorrow, I'm going to try if I can test a different PSU, since I see someone else on the forum - who recently posted, has the exact same power supply and also has boot problems, coincidence... or not ^^;.

  • I have an early 2008 Mac Pro, which has re-booting problems. Also what does the spinning beach-ball indicate?

    Hi, I have an early 2008 Mac Pro which has re-booting problems.
    Processor speed is: 2.8
    Memory: 2GB 800 MHz DDR2 FB-DIMM
    2 x 28GHz Quad Core Intel Xeon
    I am running OSX Yosemite Version 10.10
    My Mac Pro keeps re-booting. Last year I had to replace my graphics card. My original card was the ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT 255MB, and that is what I have now. At this precise moment my Mac Pro is running perfectly, except that it is slow and the spinning beach-ball keeps appearing. I have managed to do some work with the disk utilities, verifying, cleaning and partitioning. Some errors were found and when it was cleaned this seemed to help my Mac Pro to function properly. Although I am able to use my Mac Pro now, from day to day I still experience re-boot problems. Also quite unexpectedly my mac dictionary has an error, it closed itself down and will not open at all, I had the message to say that a report will be sent to Apple.
    I have tried starting my computer with an external hard drive fitted via a USB cable, I use for back-ups. This worked and I was able to wipe my hard drive clear and replace all info from the back up I had done only a few days ago.
    This worked for a few days and then the same problem started again.
    I am beginning to wonder if I need to buy a new hard drive.
    If there is anyone who has some answers to help me solve my problem, I would be most grateful.

    When you have the beachball activity, note the exact time: hour, minute, second.  
    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad and start typing the name.
    The title of the Console window should be All Messages. If it isn't, select
              SYSTEM LOG QUERIES ▹ All Messages
    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
    Each message in the log begins with the date and time when it was entered. Scroll back to the time you noted above.
    Select the messages entered from then until the end of the episode, or until they start to repeat, whichever comes first.
    Copy the messages to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of it useless for solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

  • Windows 8.1 pro boot problems

    I upgraded my OS on a hp pavilion g6-1d73us from windows 7 home premium to windows 8.1 pro and ever since I have had boot problems. I took all the software off since I thought that might be the problem but the boot problems persist. The computer's self diagnosis helps but I still have problems. Is my laptop incompatible with windows 8.1? Windows 8.1 was a download and I still have recovery disks for windows 7. I originally thought the problem was incompatible software but now I am not sure.

    Hi @hifive11 ,
    Thank you for visiting the HP Support Forums and Welcome. I am glad you have recovery disks for windows 7, smart thinking. I have looked into your issue about your HP Pavilion g6-1d73us Notebook and having issues with the Windows upgrade to 8.1. Here is a link to the drivers page for your product. I do notice there are drivers for Windows 8.The Updates you need for the system are the Chipset. These are located on the driver page link above.
    One of the things that can cause an issue is things connected USB. The computer can not load the drivers so it causes an issue. Once the machine is up to date then return the USB devices.
    Then I recommended to restore the BIOS to factory defaults.Here is a link to restore the BIOS. 
    You can do a system restore. System restore will help if something automatically updated and did not go well on the Notebook.
    Please note remove any and all USB devices. Disconnect all non-essential devices.
    Hope this helps.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • The mother of all re-boot problems.

    Hi All,
    I've got that re-boot problem that seems very common but the solutions out there aren't working.
    Basically the computer will turn on, chime, grey screen comes up, shortly after apple logo, and then the gear starts turning, about 2 minutes later restart, process repeats.
    I've tried.
    - Booting from CD/Recovery Disk - Won't happen
    - A million different key combinations, I've read about 10 different posts on key combinations and tried them all, including PRAM reset, boot from different source, etc.
    Basically it's like my keyboard commands aren't being heard at all, but to test if the keyboard was working I pressed the caps lock button and the light was going on and off which tells me its powered. The only kind of input I have been able to acheive is by holding the mouse button down to eject the CD, other than that I have absolutly no control what so ever.
    Would like any insight.

    If you've had your iMac for less then one year then it's covered by the one year limited warranty.
    Take it to an Apple store or an Apple certified repair provider.
    Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

  • Mac Pro Boot Problems. Kona 3?

    I'm having booting problems with a Mac Pro. It's got a kona 3 card in one of the PCI slots, and we've been tinkering with it to try to get the audio to work right. However, I've been having huge problems whenever I try to restart the computer. After hitting the power button, or telling it to restart the screen goes to black and sometimes I hear a chime. However, the computer does not boot any further. Then, after holding the power button down and restarting the computer, I can sometimes get the computer to boot normally.
    I suspect the Kona card is causing some of the problems. I have multiple hard drives on the system, and I have the ability to boot onto two separate drives in 10.5.8. Both drives are having the same problems.
    it's a 2x2.8ghz quad-core Intel Xeon with 10gb of ram. The Kona card is in slot 2. Slot 3 has also been tried, but similar problems remained.

    removed kona card. uninstalled aja programs. restart problems still persisting.

  • Mac Pro Boot Problems After 10.6.2 Update

    After installing the latest version of snow leopard I am now having boot problems on my mac pro.
    -Screen resolution is incorrect at apple splash screen.
    -Takes a lot longer than usual to boot.
    -Once booted the blue tooth magic mouse isn't imediately reckonised, takes a while to find that.
    -Once the mouse is finally reckonised it can move around but can't click on anything or bring up the dock. Tried a wired mouse, had the same problem.
    -The keyboard is also not appearing to do anything, none of the shortcuts or quick keys work..
    Had exactly the same problem after 3 restarts but on the 4th after leaving it for a good 20-30minutes it setled down and everything was working okay. However this is a recurring problem as I had the same thing yesterday...
    I have a my 10.5.8 system backed up on an external so I am running from that at the moment. Don't want to go back to snowy til these problems are solved.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    Try Safe Mode (It will take more time to startup in Safe Mode because it runs a directory check.)
    Let us know.

  • Booting Problems

    Booting  Problems
    Help !! my new K8N does not boot from Hard Disk (sorry for very bad english)
    My bios detect
    Ide Primary MAster : Maxtor 40 Gb -34098H4 5400 rpm Ultra-ATA/100
    Ide Primary Slave : ---
    Ide Secondary Master : Seagate 120 gb Barracuda - st3120026a 7200 rpm
    Ide Secondary Slave : CD-Rom Sony
    1st/2nd/3rd Boot Device :Floppy / CD-ROM / Hard Drive
    I Format my first partition in NTFS (maxtor) installing XP then  not Boot from my hard disk ...only boot from my bootable Xp CD  
    When i boot up it says
    "Verifying DMI Pool Data ..........
    Finally  work!! ...but only work if I turn off Secondary Master & Slave in Bios ==> (NONE)  
    I change my the IDE HDD cable  , jumpers , etc  
    The memory works good in my old PC (athlon 2.0 hs -MSI k4 ultra)
    any suggestion , idea or opinion ?  Thanks  
    CPU AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor 3200+ Newcastle
    BIOS Award Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
    BIOS Award W7030NMS V1.4 082604
    MSI K8N Neo Platinum (nVIDIA nForce3-S, AMD Hammer)
    Soundblaster Live 5.1
    Font Vitsuba Vtx-45-C (450 w)
    ATI Radeon 9600 XT 128 mb (RV360) (Asus A9600XT) Internal DAC(400MHz)
    Samsung SyncMaster 905DF(X)/955DF(X)/MagicSyncMaster CD195A
    Microsoft Windows XP Professional V5.1.2600 (WinXP Retail)
    Service Pack 1
    DIMM 1
    Module Name SMT-OF-AMERICA
    Module Size 256 MB (1 rows, 4 banks)
    Module Type Unbuffered
    Memory Type DDR SDRAM
    Memory Speed PC2700 (166 MHz)
    Module Width 64 bit
    Module Voltage SSTL 2.5
    Error Detection Method None
    Refresh Rate Reduced (7.8 us), Self-Refresh
    Memory Timings
    @ 166 MHz 2.5-3-3-7 (CL-RCD-RP-RAS)
    @ 133 MHz 2.0-3-3-6 (CL-RCD-RP-RAS)
    DIMM 2
    Memory Module Properties
    Module Name SpecTek
    Module Size 256 MB (1 rows, 4 banks)
    Module Type Unbuffered
    Memory Type DDR SDRAM
    Memory Speed PC2700 (166 MHz)
    Module Width 64 bit
    Module Voltage SSTL 2.5
    Error Detection Method None
    Refresh Rate Reduced (7.8 us)
    Memory Timings
    @ 166 MHz 2.5-3-3-7 (CL-RCD-RP-RAS)
    @ 100 MHz 2.0-2-2-5 (CL-RCD-RP-RAS)

    hi Dzal,
    1) Change
    1st/2nd/3rd Boot Device :Floppy / CD-ROM / Hard Drive  
    1st/2nd/3rd Boot Device :Floppy / Hard Drive / CD-ROM  
    2)  Bios
         Advanced bios:
         Hard Disk Boot Order
            1st  Maxtor 40 Gb -34098H4 5400 rpm Ultra-ATA/100  
            2nd Seagate 120 gb Barracuda - st3120026a 7200 rpm  
    if no [Pageup] [Pagedown] until Maxtor 40 Gb -34098H4 5400 rpm Ultra-ATA/100 top
    save & exit
    good luck

  • A very strange boot problem not yet found in the User Forums

    I know you guys are fed up with all the booting problems, but this one is the strangest one I've yet come across.
    I'm putting a PC together to function as an extra render for my 3D animations. Here is the specs as follows.
    865PE Neo2-P Mobo
    Intel Pentium 4 2.8GHz Processor
    2 x 256 DDR 400MHz Memory modules (two of the exact same make and model)
    300w PSU
    60GB HDD Maxdor
    nVidia nForce 5600
    here is the problem.
    It goes past the post, but then the system stops there. It does not go to boot at all.
    In the top of the screen below the memory testing and above the HDD and DVD Ram listings it displays as follows:
    DEL -> Bios, F12 - Boot Menu etc.
    when i press any of keys listed there, that line changes accordingly to the function I selected.
    I can get into the BIOS.
    But the Motherboard does not boot any further, it just stays there.
    I tried diffrent memory, CPU, Powersupply etc, but to no avail.
    (I disabled the QUICK BOOT options to see what problems it may give, but it lists none what so ever.)
    On the motherboard, where the DIMM2 starts and the MSI CoreCell chip, to above the IDE1 connector to the full length of the IDE connectors, it looks like the transistors/chips connections has a kind of plaque, it does not shine like the rest. Could that be the problem? How can I clean it?
    Please help, this is sort of urgent!!!!!!

    Disconnect hard & optical drives........
    Power up system.
    Do you still have freeze on post? (Start up)
    I would also concur with Bas, 300w psu no go.
    Intel P4 478 2.4 and above Northwood processors are very power hungry. You would be advise to look for PSU with at least 24amps on the +12V rail....... (Enermax 465 and some 365's or the new Corsair VX 450)

  • Satellite A660 - USB boot problems after BIOS update

    I own a Toshiba Satellite A660 and recently have update the BIOS to the latest version (1.80). Since then the notebook will freeze on the boot screen (the one with the Toshiba logo) whenever a USB flash memory is attached.
    It works without the flash memory connected and also if I connect it after I enter the boot menu or the BIOS setup. I can even boot from it like this.
    As far as I am concerned this is a serious regression. Is there any way I can downgrade the BIOS version, or any other way to fix this issue ? I rely heavily on external USB drives.

    I too am having problems with my A660 since upgrading to 1.80 bios - the HDD/SD utility, the pc health monitor and half the other toshiba utilities no longer work because they can't recognize the bios and actually tell me this... I get an error message telling me ''can't get bios type''...
    On top of this I get the boot problem as well - I have to unplug half of my USB devices to get the laptop to boot properly...
    And now - one month into owning my new A660 - after a hard drive failure, a problem with the Broadcom internal wireless adaptor I now have the internal TV tuner no longer working and have no idea how to fix it...
    My gut feeling is that the sooner I can downgrade to the original factory bios the BETTER - and wait for another bios update to come along that is not faulty/buggy...
    HOPE someone can help me with this...

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