Lightroom 2.5, Canon Raw error

I am using lightroom 2.5 on Mac OS 10.5.8 and am unable to read raw (cr2) files from certain Canon cameras.  I have tried updating my Adobe Camera Raw 7.1 but there is an error that says I need ApplcationManager.  However ApplMngr6.2, 6 will not open on my computer, it is as if the application cannot be read by computer. The odd thing is that when I try to open the AppMngr I do not get any error messages it just does not open. 
Anyway curious if anyone has any ideas on how my lightroom can use these new types of raw files.  I have been moving in circles for hours trying to figure this out.

The only way you can get support in Lightroom for additional newer cameras is to get a later version of Lightroom. Camera Raw is not utilized in Lightroom as a plug-in. That technology is part of the core program. So it's necessary to pay for major upgrades while "dot releases" are free upgrades to those who have purchased the new version. In short, there is no way you can add a later ACR to Lightroom in order to get new camera support. In fact, you can't even do that in Photoshop. The new version of Photoshop is released, and ACR will only be compatible with the new version. That's the Adobe business plan. The only alternative you have if you insist on sticking with your Lightroom 2.5 would be to use the latest DNG converter to create digital negative copies of your raw files. Those DNG files could then be opened with what you already have. It's worth noting that the new PV 2012 that is part of Lightroom 4 is far superior to anything you are using now.

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  • Error when opening Canon Raw images.....Photoshop CC2014

    tried already in the german forums without answer, so will try it her
    macbook pro 2012, Core i7
    16GB Ram
    after upgradinf to 10.10. full and the upgrades for Photoshop i have the following problem,
    this occured 4 times now.
    When double clicking a Canon Raw Image (.cr2 file) Camera Raw 8.6 opens.
    Now i can adjust the pic - and/or can open it into Photoshop
    worked fine so far....but not always since the update
    If i do so, sometime the pic will be opened like this
    is here a photoshop pro aware of this error?
    So far i did NOT reinstall Photoshop.
    Its the only application i use (and PTGui sometimes)
    happens since the last updates
    The only thing i did is: also using (at this time only installed) Lighroom. Have to look how it works first
    Ideas or suggestions?

    I have made a few more observations.
    I can actually open Camera Raw if I click the "Open in Camera Raw..." icon i Bridge.
    In Camera Raw I can save files as .psd for example, and also open them in Photoshop. I still get the error when I try to open Camera Raw settings.

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    Any ideas on how to get this working ?

    Raw import is not yet supported by Lr Mobile. You can vote for this feature request Lightroom mobile: Ability to import raw files

  • Lightroom v1.2 and canon raw

    I am a new user of lightroom have had it for only a week,have just purchased a 40D imported my first lot of raw files without any problems. Removed images from Cf card and took more photos went to import them into lightroom and all that happens is I get a message "no photos were found to import". I have read that canon raw was not supported in lightroom or has this been rectified in v1.2 as it did import the first batch of photos.
    Can some one enlighten me on what may have occurred.
    thank you Peter

    Peter, You may have selected "Auto reset" in the "File numbering" item of the camera's set-up menu, in which case it will start numbering the images from 1 again after re-inserting the CF card. When importing the next time into LR it will see the same file names and tell you that it does not find any new photos to import. This process is determined by file name only in LR and it will import the same file name of different formats having the same prefix, like when you shoot RAW + JPG and have _MG_0123.CR2 and _MG_0123.JPG.

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    Download the newest DNG converter from Adobe, convert your RAW photos to DNG, and then Import into Lightroom.

  • Lost support for CR2 (Canon RAW) in After Effects following AdobeCameraRAW update

    Has Adobe dropped Canon RAW support in After Effects?
    I do timelapses.  I grade in Lightroom, create xmps, then drag the folder containing the CR2s and xmps from the Finder window into After Effects to create the sequence.
    I was post-processing timelapses in After Effects on April 7th, 2014.  I then receive an update notification for Camera Raw  I closed all open apps and updated.  Once the update had finished, I reopened the same project in After Effects, to find that After Effects no longer supports CR2 (Canon RAW).
    Can't work with old projects containing CR2, likewise can't import new folders from the Finder window by clicking and dragging, or otherwise.   Can't even import a single still CR2 file into After Effects since updating.
    Error ( 39 :: 7 )
    iMac 10.1 (maxed out)
    MBP Retina 10.1 (maxed out)
    CS6 Production Premium
    Lightroom 5
    Same results on both computers since updating.

    Thanks Rick,
    Though this workflow may be valid from this point on, I unfortunately have a library of around 11 TB of CR2 images that I use on a regular basis in After Effects.  Going back and converting these images to DNG or JPEG would equate to an immesurable amount of time lost, not to mention the massive amount of additional hard drive space that would be required.
    I've used this workflow on an almost daily basis for two and half years.  I've only experienced a similar problem when Lightroom upgraded to version 5.  AdobeCameraRaw was buggy when linking to other Adobe apps, but the problem was soon taken care of by Adobe.
    Adobe still advertises CR2 support for After Effects 11 on their website.  It worked without a hitch until the recent update.
    Has anyone experienced similar problems?
    Where can I find the install page for legacy versions of AdobeCameraRaw?

  • Aperture / iPhoto not recognizing CR2 Canon Raw anymore

    hello all,
    ive been using lightroom to manage my photos which are a CR2 Canon Raw from my Canon 5D Mark II. I recently decided to try out aperture and see if id like it better since i do use iPhoto to manage all of my simple little snapshots from my point n shoot. iPhoto seemed to be working with my raw format images but i recently updated my cameras firmware to 1.0.7 from 1.0.5 and iPhoto will no longer recognize the format. I think i had the camera raw 2.4 update but i went on the apple site and got 2.5 and reinstalled it just in case and my camera is in the listed ones supported but now i get the same error in iPhoto and in Aperture but lightroom can still import them. Is anyone else experiencing this or have a possible solution to it?

    ive discovered the problem. my camera can shoot raw in 3 different resolutions and iphoto / aperture will only accept the original highest quality raw (which is 21mp) so there must be some slight difference in the other size formats. this needs to be fixed apple since i shoot a lot of random photos in a raw format at a smaller resolution. it works in lightroom.

  • Awful canon raw conversion for photos with dramatic (i.e. underwater) non-standard white balance

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    I'm not sure whether this is related to the plethora of threads about canon raw processing and overly green output. Has anyone else experienced this or have any ideas? I could batch convert to tiff in the canon software but I'd really rather not do that... For one thing the 16bit tiff files are so much bigger than the raws and it is an annoying extra step. Also, note that I can't just batch fix the white balance because (a) I'm having a hard time getting aperture to do it properly (possibly b/c the red channel is clipped as far as the aperture UI is concerned?) and (b) The white-balance changes from picture to picture as I change depth, which is the whole reason I white-balance as I'm shooting in the first place..
    I've attached two versions of a picture, one of which I processed the raw in aperture and one of which I processed the raw (and converted to TIFF to give to aperture) in the canon software. I then exported both as small jpegs from aperture.
    Canon Digital Photo Professional (correct):
    Aperture RAW processing (very wrong):

    >Is MS Picture Viewer a colour managed application? I don't know, but don't think so. Lightroom is however which might be the cause of your problems.
    Not in XP. In vista it is color managed. From the sound of it, the problem is a bad monitor profile but you might also have a corrupt Lightroom database. You need to recalibrate the monitor and NEVER use canned profiles from the monitor manufacturer. They are almost always corrupt. As a very last resort, you can use sRGB as the monitor profile (delete any profile found in the windows display properties) but only to hold you over until you can really calibrate it. The other problems with weird errors are pretty worrisome though. Do you also get them when you start a fresh catalog?

  • Problem with Canon RAW 5D/7D Raw file and Magenta highlights

    Hi everyone,
    I've noticed a problem with some Canon RAW nightly shots when in scene are present magenta spotlights (also red and blue):
    In the core of light, magenta color become "solarized" and white burned, and there is no way to recover it with any Adjustments. (also but in minor way, Red and Blue lights)
    Opening the RAW file in Canon Digital Photo Pro the same images are perfect:
    (left image Aperture3 - right image Canon DPP)
    Any suggestion?

    I have exactly the same problem with the 7D RAW files. I have tried Leopard+ Aperture 2, Snow Leopard + Aperture 3 trial and nothing makes a difference. Horrible magenta colour cast on the neutral tones, yet the blues are over-saturated and total lack of sharpness no matter what you do.
    I shot JPEG (neutral) and RAW together so know what they should look like. I don't get any problems with Canon DPP software so the error seems to be in the Aperture RAW converter. The issue seems to be more apparent in low light or images with a lot of neutral tones, other images shot outside in good light appear to be pretty much ok. I even tried the latest version of Lightroom and that can't seem to handle them well either.
    The link below was a thread that was running on the 7D problems, but no solution was ever provided.

  • Why my raw looks different in lightroom and camera's raw processing software

    Hi, I am using a Sony A-100 and just start using Lightroom to process my raw file. I quite like lightroom's interface and its workflow, however, a a problem disturbing me is the image look quite different in sony's raw processing software and in lightroom (just import without any editing). In sony's software, the WB and exposure is correct and I don't need to adjust so much. But in lightroom, the color always looks warm and image is underexposure.
    Is it a common problem or it is just a special case as to sony's dslr camera.

    The main reason is that each different software is interpreting image and color data in its own way due, I guess, to different processing methods.
    In that way, digital is not different than film : no film render colors and contrast the same way.
    You have to choose what fits the best for you.
    As an example, I think ACR / LR handle Canon files pretty well ( quite close to Canon's propietary raw converter - neutral settings - ). On the other hand, Nikon owners have more troubles and seem to prefer Capture 4 or NX renderings.

  • [お知らせ]Lightroom 5.7.Camera Raw 8.7 をリリースしました

    Lightroom 5.7とCamera Raw 8.7のアップデートが提供開始となりましたのでお知らせします。
    Lightroom 5.7は、Lightroom 5ユーザー向けに無償アップデートとして提供されます。Camera Raw 8.7は、Photoshop CCおよびPhotoshop CS6のユーザーに無償アップデートとして提供されます。CS6向けのCamera Raw 8.6については、Camera Rawのポリシー変更に基づき、カメラおよびレンズプロファイルのサポートのみのアップデートとなりますのでご留意ください。
    – キヤノン EOS 7D Mark II
    – キヤノンPowerShot G7 X
    – キヤノンPowerShot SX60 HS
    – カシオEX-100PRO
    – 富士フイルム X30
    – 富士フイルム X100T
    – 富士フイルム X-T1 Graphite Silver
    – リーフ Credo 50
    – ライカ D-Lux (Typ 109)
    – ライカ M-P
    – ライカ V-Lux (Typ 114)
    – ライカ X (Typ 113)
    – ニコン D750
    – オリンパス PEN E-PL7
    – オリンパス STYLUS 1s
    – パナソニック DMC-CM1
    – パナソニック DMC-GM1S
    – パナソニック DMC-GM5
    – パナソニック DMC-LX100
    – ペンタックス K-S1
    – ペンタックス QS-1
    – Samsung NX1
    – Sony ILCE-5100
    – Sony ILCE-QX1
    – Nikon D4S
    – Nikon D810
    iPhone 6
    iphone 6 Plus
    Canon EF
    SIGMA 18-300mm F3.5-6.3 DC MACRO OS HSM C014
    Canon EF
    SIGMA 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM S014
    Canon EF
    Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX-II 11-16mm f/2.8
    Canon EF
    Zeiss Otus 1.4/85 ZE
    Fujifilm X
    Fujifilm X100T
    Fujifilm X
    HandeVision IBELUX 40mm F0.85
    Hero4 Black Edition
    Hero4 Silver Edition
    Leica M
    Leica SUMMARIT-M 35 mm f/2.4 ASPH
    Leica M
    Leica SUMMARIT-M 50 mm f/2.4
    Leica M
    Leica SUMMARIT-M 75 mm f/2.4
    Leica M
    Leica SUMMARIT-M 90 mm f/2.4
    Leica M
    SLR Magic 50mm T0.95 Hyperprime Cine Lens
    Leica M
    Voigtlander VM 12mm F5.6 Ultra Wide Heliar ASPH.
    Leica M
    Voigtlander VM 15mm F4.5 Super Wide Heliar II ASPH.
    Leica M
    Voigtlander VM 21mm F1.8 Ultron ASPH.
    Leica M
    Voigtlander VM 21mm F4 Color Skopar
    Leica M
    Voigtlander VM 25mm F4 Color Skopar
    Leica M
    Voigtlander VM 28mm F2 Ultron
    Leica M
    Voigtlander VM 35mm F1.2 Nokton II ASPH.
    Leica M
    Voigtlander VM 35mm F1.4 Nokton Classic
    Leica M
    Voigtlander VM 35mm F2.5 Color Skopar
    Leica M
    Voigtlander VM 40mm F1.4 Nokton Classic
    Leica M
    Voigtlander VM 50mm F1.1 Nokton
    Leica M
    Voigtlander VM 50mm F1.5 Nokton
    Leica M
    Voigtlander VM 75mm F1.8 Heliar
    Leica S
    Leica SUMMICRON-S 100 mm f/2 ASPH.
    Nikon F
    Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 20mm f/1.8G ED
    Nikon F
    Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 400mm f2.8E FL ED VR
    Nikon F
    SIGMA 18-300mm F3.5-6.3 DC MACRO OS HSM C014
    Nikon F
    SIGMA 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM S014
    Nikon F
    Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX-II 11-16mm f/2.8
    Nikon F
    Voigtlander SL 40mm F2 Ultron ASPHERICAL
    Nikon F
    Voigtlander SL 40mm F2 Ultron ASPHERICAL Close-up Lens
    Nikon F
    Zeiss Otus 1.4/85 ZF.2
    HD PENTAX-DA 645 28-45mm F4.5 ED AW SR
    HD PENTAX-DA 16-85mm F3.5-5.6 ED DC WR
    HD PENTAX-DA 20-40mm F2.8-4 Limited
    SIGMA 18-300mm F3.5-6.3 DC MACRO OS HSM C014
    SIGMA 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM S014
    Sony Alpha
    SIGMA 18-300mm F3.5-6.3 DC MACRO OS HSM C014
    Sony Alpha
    SIGMA 24-105mm F4 DG OS HSM A013
    Sony Alpha
    Sony DT 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 SAM
    Sony Alpha
    Sony DT 18-70mm F3.5-5.6
    Sony Alpha
    Sony DT 55-200mm F4-5.6
    Sony Alpha
    Sony 75-300mm F4.5-5.6
    Sony Alpha
    Sony 300mm F2.8 G SSM
    Sony Alpha
    Sony 500mm F4 G SSM
    Sony E
    HandeVision IBELUX 40mm F0.85
    Sony E
    SLR Magic 50mm F0.95 Hyperprime Lens
    Sony E
    Sony FE 16-35mm F4 ZA OSS
    Sony E
    Sony FE PZ 28-135mm F4 G OSS
    Sony E
    Zeiss Loxia Biogon T* 2/35
    Sony E
    Zeiss Loxia Planar T* 2/50
    このアップデートは、Adobe.comとPhotoshop CCおよびPhotoshop CS6のアップデートを通して入手できます。
    Creative Cloud ヘルプ | アプリケーションのインストール、アップデートまたはアンインストール
    2 閲覧
    カテゴリ: レンズプロファイル、カメラプロファイル
    タグ (編集):
    メッセージ編集者: TETSUMA SHIMIZU

    Blue screen/Computer shuts down is almost always a hardware malfunction or a driver problem.
    Make sure your video driver is up to date.
    If it is, then the next suspect, in my mind, is overheating, make sure all of the fans in your CPU case are working properly.

  • Lightroom 3, CS5 & Canon 5D Mark III Issues

    I have read the product support and am I right in understanding the you need camera raw 7 to import RAW files into Lightroom with the Canon 5D Mark III?  And that this is not supported with CS5?  I am unable to import RAW files into Lightroom 3.  I use a Mac OSX platform.  Please help...

    You need ACR 7.1 or LR 4.1 to open 5D M3 raws...either that or download the free DNG Converter 7.1 and convert to DNG so LR 3.x will read them.

  • I have CS3 and when I try to open Canon Raw files in Bridge, I am unable to do so.

    i have cs3 and i am unable to open canon raw files.  please help.

    What camera generated your Canon raw files.
    A lot more information about your hardware and software is needed.
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand,
    such as your platform (Mac or Win),
    exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop (not just "CC", but something like CC2014.v.2.2) and of Bridge,
    your settings in Photoshop > Preference > Performance
    the type of file you were working on,
    machine specs, such as total installed RAM, scratch file HDs, total available HD space, video card specs, including total VRAM installed,
    what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far,
    what error message(s) you receive,
    if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them,
    if you're having printing issues, indicate the exact make and model of your printer, paper size, image dimensions in pixels (so many pixels wide by so many pixels high). if going through a RIP, specify that too.
    a screen shot of your settings or of the image could be very helpful too,
    someone may be able to help you (not necessarily this poster, who is not a Windows user).
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

  • Photoshop Elements 7 Canon RAW image

    I just purchased and loaded Elements 7, because I couldn't use Elements 5 to read Canon RAW (.CR2) images. I was told that Elements 7 would read Canon RAW files.
    I get the same error message when I try to load a Canon RAW image. Message is "Cannot open Canon IMG_001.CR2 because it is the wrong type of fie". The file format type, .CR2, is not even listed as an option. I am using Windows Vista Home Premium. Camera is Canon 50D.
    What do I do? If Elements 7 won't read Canon RAW, then I guess I need to return it.

    You may have been given misleading information -- PSE 5 should indeed read Canon 50D raw files. According to this Adobe tech note, PSE 5 supports Adobe Camera Raw 4.6:
    and according to the ACR 4.6 download page, it supports the Canon 50D:
    So if you really didn't want to spend the money for upgrading, you could return PSE 7.
    If you want to keep PSE 7, then that error message indicates that either you have the wrong version of ACR installed or it is installed incorrectly. The Adobe tech note above walks you through how to fix it.

  • Canon RAW images displaying color borders at contrast edges

    I noticed annoying color borders in RAW images taken from my Canon PowerShot S120. They look like the color planes are misaligned. Around high contrast areas (between light and dark grey) I can notice magenta borders in one direction and cyan borders in the opposite direction, both approximately 5 pixels wide.
    I record and store images as RAW+JPEG pairs. In Aperture I set RAW as master.
    In the original JPEG of the image pair from the camera this error is absent, the color is neutral on both contrast edges.
    The error in the RAW image can also be seen when the file is opened directly in Preview or if the RAW image is exported to a TIFF using Aperture and then opened with Preview.
    I compared this to older RAW+JPEG image pairs I took with the previous model, a Canon PowerShot S90. There I see yellow and blue borders in opposite directions in Aperture or Preview, also approximately 5 pixels wide. In the camera's original JPEG image from the image pair this is still a bit visible, but far less pronounced.
    My oldest RAW images taken with a Nikon E8800 (.NEF) don't show such artifacts when viewed in Aperture.
    Since the JPEG from the pair does not have these artefacts my guess is that the RAW converter is not optimal or some metadata in the Canon RAW files (.CR2) is either missing (worst case) or not used correctly.
    My hope is that I just have to adjust some presets to correct this. Else it is probably up to Canon or Apple.
    Does anyone know how to fix this issue (without going through the individual files, if possible)?

    Hi Keith
    Thanks for the infos.
    Just to clarify:
    I didn't ask for RAW, I just use raw formats because there's curretly no better alternative. I would like to see what came into the lens - like an ideal hole camera . Ordinary JPEG is way too limited (8bit resolution per color channel plus really ugly compression artefacts).
    For archiving I would much prefer the JPEG2000 format with lossless encoding and as many bits per pixel as the camera's analog to digital converters provide, linearly encoded (above the noise background but including one bit of noise, to be precise). But, alas, when I did my last experiments (Snow Leopard) the image framework in Mac OS X did still not support more than 8bit resolution per color channel in JPEG2000.
    One good thing about raw formats is that the corrections could actually be better than what is always done by the camera's firmware for JPEG or standard TIFF at the time of the shot. Another good thing is that various sensor and color patterns can be handled directly.
    If Canon can do it in DPP, then I strongly hope they will also provide a better converter for Mac OS X. On some pictures this aberrations are really obvious and irritating.

Maybe you are looking for