Lightroom 4.1 RC2

Lightroom 4.1 RC2 has quit and when I try to start the program it tells me the Beta version has experied.  I cannot find lightroom 4.1 (which i purchased)  Hellp?

You can follow the directions listed at to download the install files from your account.  Also since it is Photoshop Lightroom you can download the Photoshop Lightroom 4.1 update from the Product Update page at

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    I am running win7 64 bit with 12GB RAM and installed  Lightroom 4.1 RC2. 1) I am (trying) to edit large panoramic files, and the 1:1 preview images do not seem to be saved from session to session. Images take quite a while to load in Library and even longer in Develop. 2) There seems to be a major memory leak. Upon startup I can edit a couple of panos, but then the machine becomes very slow and basically quits working. 3) I don't see "x64" in the tile bar. Is it running 64 bit?

    Running Win7 64-bit here as well and installed LR 4.1 RC2 last week.  There is definitely a memory leak of some sort, as I too am experiencing major latency after a few minutes of editing.  When I check memory usage in Task Manager, I'm seeing more than 2GB (of 4GB) of RAM being consumed by LR and my machine is running like molasses.

  • Lightroom 4.1 RC2 - Keep crashing

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    Now i have the same problem using a SINGLE monitor with the release candidate 2 of lr 4.1...
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    I am also crashing on Win7 64bit...but not just Lightroom, it actually crashes my whole machine. I'm on a fresh install of Win7 with only CS6 & Lightroom installed. Lightroom so far has been the only program to cause this, and it typically happens when I'm adjusting filters or moving sliders for example. I'm guessing it's when I'm taxing the CPU/memory a bit...However, when performing the same type of tasks in Photoshop, AE, etc., I have not experienced any crashes. I've ran some diagnostics on my memory as well as my hard drives to hopefully rule out any hardware issues, and it all seems to check out OK. Because it's crashing the whole machine, I'm unfortunately getting no feedback in the system/error logs. I'm at a loss right now, and it seems others are only having application crashes.
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    NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 w/ Dual Monitors
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    Known bug. library_and_develop_modules

  • Lightroom 4.1 RC2 Crashes

    Windows 7 64 SP1 with all MS patches. Had crash problems with 4.1 RC1 also and hoped RC2 would fix them. No problems with LR 3.6. LR runs OK for a while but eventually crashes. Can't identify any action in particular that causes it to crash. Here's the info from the crash dialog:
    Problem signature:
      Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
      Application Name: lightroom.exe
      Application Version:
      Application Timestamp: 4f9700dd
      Fault Module Name: mfc100u.dll
      Fault Module Version: 10.0.30319.415
      Fault Module Timestamp: 4d26eaa8
      Exception Code: c0000005
      Exception Offset: 0000000000264dd8
      OS Version: 6.1.7601.
      Locale ID: 1033
      Additional Information 1: 2c25
      Additional Information 2: 2c25001fd5296f082fed0942ce10eaf7
      Additional Information 3: f531
      Additional Information 4: f53123819697f9a972934918a649d0df

    This can also occur with LR 3.6. I had multiple crashes with LR 3.6 since I installed the 64-bit version under Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate (8GB memory available). Like you, I couldn't relate the crash to any particular action.

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    At least the techies at Epson have sent me some suggestions, but the techies at Adobe never respond.
    Has anyone else had a similar problem? Any suggestions will be tried and appreciated.

    Thanks for your suggestion. I tried deleting all catalog files and rebuilding a new catalog solely on my HD, but unfortunately it did not work. The answer must be something similar to what you suggest since the Epson techie had me work with updating their software and drivers, which I did but that didn't work either. The mystery remains, how all other programs on my computer work with my Epson printer, but Lightroom does not.
    Thanks again,

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    So is very difficult to extract consecutive image, because every time is necessary to restat from the beginning.
    If I try to jump to a specified position in the movie, the acquisition result is a black image.

    Yeah, I just checked : I have OS X 10.6.8...
    The runniong at 64-bit, I'm not quite sure where to look/change that.... But I am running lithroom 4.0 without any problem (?)

  • I can't launce Photoshop CS 6 from within Lightroom Properly.

    I'm using LIghtroom 4.1 RC2 Camera Raw 7.1 RC, CS6 Master Collection Trial Version, Windows 7
    This is a known issue / conflict with the Photoshop 6 Beta and Windows UAC that seems not to have been resolved (See detailed description below)?? If anyone knows of a workaround I would be VERY Grateful… Turning UAC off is not an option nor does it rectify  the problem.
    When I select an image right click and choose Edit In “Edit in Adobe Photoshop CS6…” Windows throws a UAC User Account Control warning “Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer” choosing yes opens Photoshop CS6 but the image is never created. I have to exit out of Photoshop. After Photoshop has closed (And a few minutes) Lightroom will then display “The File could not be edited because Adobe Photoshop CS6 could not be launched…” I then get a second UAC User Account Control warning “Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer” and the file is created and opens up in Photoshop. (The last part never happened in the Beta but at least Lightroom now creates a .psd file (In the Beta, I had to first create the PSD using Photoshop 5.1)
    However I still can’t get Lightroom to open a dng as a smart object in Photoshop Edit In /  “Open up in Photoshop as a Smart Object” to work at all!! This is ultamatly what I would perfer to be able to do.
    This info below was posted here -
    Unfortunately it doesn’t seem that the problem with User Profiles (where the user profile doesn’t reside in the default location C:\Users\XXX) has been resolved… took two days but I finally was able to down load and install Master Collection…
    In Windows there is an Administer Icon on lower 1/3 of the Photoshop Icon, indicating that you need to “Run As Administrator” which wasn’t present in the Beta. And when application is launched “User Account Controls” does prompted you “Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer”
    On the - Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Photoshop.exe I have changed the “Change Settings for All Users” to “Run this program as Administrator” but as with the Beta I still get the User Account Controls prompt each time I launce Photoshop!
    It was a real problem with Lightroom 4… I was never able to create a smart object  psd in Lightroom. And creating a psd file required that I create the PSD using Photoshop 5.5 and only after creating the 5.5 PSD could I open the file in Photoshop 6.
    Is there some stem that I have missed or some other work around???

    I tried the solution I posted last night ( g-photoshop.html) and it didn't work uninstall / reinstalling CS6 also doesn't work!! Finaly I went into the Registry and removed all referances to Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 (there are a number of them) and pointed them to Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 but that also doesnt work!!!
    The only solotion sofare is what I posted earlier... adding a pointer in "Edit In" to the 32bit version of Photoshop. Dut as I stated it still dosen't alow me to open in Photoshop as a Smart Object -- I GIVE UP!!!!

  • Lightroom and Photoshop CS 6 workflow

    Lightroom 3.6
    Lightroom 5.3
    Photoshop CS6
    Windows 8.1
    all programs 64 bit (except InDesgin)
    there's a problem, which I couldn't solve.
    I choose a photo in LR 5.3 to edit in an external editor (which is Photoshop CS 6, format: psd, 16 bit, 300 dpi) and PS CS 6 starts so I can do the editing.
    When I save my work, the new file not appears in the LR 5.3 catalogue / collection.
    I choose different a file format (tiff), but I haven't success.
    Any ideas, what could be the reason?
    Thank You all!!

    If you decide to stick with your present software configuration then it will be necessary for you to convert your raw images using the latest DNG converter.  Conversion to DNG is built into Lightroom, and it doesn't use the standalone DNG converter.
    I might suggest that you download the Lightroom 4.1 RC2 from the Adobe Labs web site and give it a try.  It will create a copy of your Lightroom 3 catalog, but it will not interfere with your use of the previous version.  I am running it, and don't find that I have the problems that some are.  You can use it for free until it expires.  That should give you enough time to evaluate whether or not you want to switch.  I have purchased Lightroom 4 but have not installed it yet.  I'm going to wait until 4.1 is officially released.

  • Lightroom 4.1RC2 no export color fringe correction to CS5 Camera Raw 6.7RC

    The new colorfringe correction method in Lightroom 4.1 RC2 works fine even for difficult longitudinal CA when used with care. After basic adjustments I normally export my raw file to CS5 for further editing.
    However found out that even after the Camera Raw update to 6.7 RC my Lightroom colorfringe adjustments were not transfered to CS5.
    I sincerely hope this is not true: but do we require to buy CS6 with Camera Raw 7 to open the raw image with Lightroom corrections for colorfringes maintained?
    Herb Sennet
    The Netherlands

    Herb 19 wrote:
    However found out that even after the Camera Raw update to 6.7 RC my Lightroom colorfringe adjustments were not transfered to CS5.
    Herb Sennet
    The Netherlands
    I just confirmed for myself that the defringe adjustments do not transfer to Photoshop when you tansfer via an "Edit in Photoshop."
    Hopefully this is very temporary (until we get ACR 6.8 for CS5), since I regularly bring raws into PS via the "Edit in" route.  I find this is useful to see if further improvements are possible.  A good percentage of the time the answer is no, in which case  I leave the image as a space-saving 16-bit raw, rather than a  bulky 16-bit tiff. 
    As things stand now, I''l have to first render my images as Tiffs in LR, then erase those that don't benefit from PS processing.  Yuck.
    That defringe is a really nice tool, though!    

  • Cannot Install Lightroom 4.1 on Mac

    Hi all,
    I just upgraded Lightroom from 3 to 4.0. I wanted to update to 4.1, because I shoot with a Canon 5D Mark III and Lightroom 4.0 does not support it's raw files.
    I have no problem downloading it. When I click on the icon on my desktop, the installation starts and completes, but does not install 4.1, it just installs 4.0 again.
    I've tried downloading it 3 times and installing it 3 times and it just keeps doing the same thing. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Or how to fix this?
    This is the name of the package that downloads to my desktop: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.1 RC.pkg - however, even though it says the installation is sucessful, I still only have Lightroom 4.
    HELP PLEASE? I can't do anything with my pictures until I can get this update!
    Thank you!

    Have you tried the LR4.1 RC2 install that has been available for some days, now?
    Also, perhaps the installer only mentions the major version number, 4, rather than then major.minor version numbers 4.0 or 4.1.  If you check the version from within LR4, itself, what does it say?  In Windows I’d do Help / About Adobe Lightroom 4.1 RC2… which shows Adobe Lightroom 4 in big letters and over to the side in gray on white, it says Version 4.1 RC 2 / Camera Raw 7.1

  • Catalog optimizing needed after import / LR4.1 RC2

    When applying any changes (cropping is the worst) on the photo after import and returning to grid view, updating the preview seems to take 30 sec or so. On the top of the histogram there is a text 'calculating'. This affects also the earlier imported photos, but the time is a bit shorter. During the time LR is unusable. Even the mouse is sluggish.
    Optimizing catalog fixes the problem, but obviously that has to be done after every import. After optimizing, creating the preview takes 2 sec max.
    - LR4.1 RC2 (The problem has been there since LR4.0, where I experienced severe other performance problems. Now it seems to be running relatively well, except the problem described here.)
    - Win7 x64
    - 6 GB RAM
    - Intel Q9550
    - LR and Win7 installed on a SSD, lrdata and lrcat as well
    - Raw cache and photos on a traditional hard disk

    On a Mac, Lightroom 4.1 should replace Lightroom 4.1 RC2 as well.
    However, curiously, it was still _named_ "Lightroom 4.1 RC2" on my computer.  Which was suboptimal.  I ended up just deleting it from /Applications and re-installing.

  • Lightroom creating large cr_sdk_*.tmp files

    I'm using Lightroom 4.1 RC2 on 64bit Windows 7. My C: drive is an SSD and only has about 8GB free. My catalog and Lightroom cache are both configured to live on my F: drive however, so I wouldn't have thought this would be a problem.
    What I'm finding is that after an hour or so of editing (in the Develop module only), I run out of space on my C: drive which causes Lightroom to exit, and other general system instability (eg Windows Explorer dies). It looks like Lightroom is creating large files in my temp directory (C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp) called eg cr_sdk_03182513.tmp.
    What are these files for and why do they get so big? Can I configure Lightroom to store them elsewhere (ideally without relocating my temp dir)?

    Thanks Dorin. I'd performed a quick search of the forum but only found a few comments vaguely alluding to the problem, I missed these two threads.
    I realised I could relocate my tmp directory but figured the behaviour looked more like a bug in LR than sensible use of the temp dir. Sounds like I don't have much choice other than to live with it for now; I'll move my temp folder to a different drive and hope it gets addressed in an upcoming release.
    Thanks again,

  • Develop Mode 2nd Monitor not showing edit adjustments

    I am using Lightroom 4.1 RC2 on a Windows 7 64 bit system with dual monitors. When I am in the develop mode and make edit adjustments on any setting the 2nd monitor does not update. If I move to another image then come back the image is updated but it does not work in real time. I have never had this problem before and it worked fine in Lightroom V4.0

    It's a bug in LR4.1 RC2.
    The workaround seems to be to increase the size of the Standard Preview setting (File Handling tab of the Catalog Settings)....go up at least one setting (e.g. if it's currently 1024 change it to 1440 or 1680). No need to recreate your previews, just increasing the setting seems to work in most cases.
    You might also, without realising it, be suffering a fairly dramatic memory leak which is also stopped by changing the settings.
    For a longer answer, see here:

  • RAW and JPEG Management

    I'm shooting RAW (to CF card) + JPEG (to SD card) on my Canon 5D Mk III. When I import to Lightroom 4.1 RC2 I see the JPEG and RAW (CR2) image side by side. I'm coming from Aperture 3 where the two gets stacked together and I can select which one (the JPEG or RAW) is master.
    Is there any way I can do something similar in Lightroom? It's annoying me to have the JPEG and RAW side by side in a collection. (Looking for a setting or something automatic that happens on import.)

    There is an autostacking option in Photo->Stacking that can do what you want. It will automatically stack images with the same capture time (such as a raw and jpeg from the same exposure). You can swicth the frontmost one of a stack in a similar fashion as in Aperture with Set Copy as Master in the Photo menu. I don't think you can do the autostacking immediately on import so you will have to invoke the autostack yourself.

Maybe you are looking for