Linking to specific tracks in iTunes U PSM

OK, on the new iTunes U public interface it doesn't seem possible to link directly to a specific track and have it start playing in iTunes when the link is clicked.  Instead the link opens a collection page in the browser.  This is a change from how the old public side worked.
Anyone have any ides how to link directly to a track?

Two additional pieces of information:
Be sure that you are clicking the "View in iTunes" button next to the specific track that is highlighted on the iTunes Previews page. Many users make the mistake of clicking "View in iTunes" below the collection's artwork. This is indeed a collection URL and will redirect you into the iTunes Store without highlighting a specific track.
If you want to link to a specific track and have the link automatically open iTunes you need to add an extra parameter to the end of the URL. If the link you have copied already contains a question mark (?) add the text: &ls=1 If it does not then it should be: ?ls=1.
With ? - add "&ls=1"
Before: 972552
After: 972552&ls=1
Without ? - add "?ls=1"

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    See this page for more information on importing CDs:
    There is a video tutorial and a number of links to related articles.
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    Hey bjboles,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    The article linked below describes what to do after changing your Apple ID, but you can use it as a guide to resolve the incorrect Apple ID account information entered issue that you described.
    Apple ID: What to do after you change your Apple ID - Apple Support

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