Lint Tool to detect unused public methods?

I'm looking for a java lint tool that will point out <b>public</b> methods that
are unused within my codebase. All of the tools I've reviewed to date
have only detected unused private methods. Does such a tool exist?
If so, can you point me in the right direction?

I don't think such a tool can exist, because the tool wouldn't know whether your writing an API or an end user application.
Also, in any program you might end up with public methods that do nothing, but need to be there to complete an interface implementation.
Presumably, the goal with finding the unused public methods is to remove them and to improve performance somehow. I don't think this is a worthwhile exercise as the compiler does a pretty good job of this optimisation already.

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    Hi Epesh,
    I have found an Open Source Package named PMD from SourceForge that identifies the Unused Private methods,Unused Formal parameters and Reports them.
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    thanks & regards

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    In your case, you can use the following cmdlet to determine unused mailboxes. If a mailbox has never logged on, the Lastlogontime is empty.
    Get-Mailbox|Get-MailboxStatistics |fl DisplayName,Lastlogontime
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    Hope this can be helpful to you.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

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    PS: See this, it offers a clue.
    The java programs run unhindered when one-way authentication is being used. These products ship with a digital certificate that is in the path of most popular CAs.
    Corollary, if the Web Server is configured for mutual authentication then you need to install and configure the client certificate in the tools.
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    int abc = 2;
    return XXX;
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                   IMPORTING  pf_obj       TYPE balobj_d
                              pf_subobj    TYPE balsubobj
                              pf_extnumber TYPE string
                   EXPORTING  pfx_log_hndl TYPE balloghndl
                   EXCEPTIONS error
      METHOD create_new_a.
        DATA: ls_log TYPE bal_s_log.
      Header aufsetzen
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                  e_log_handle = pfx_log_hndl
                  OTHERS       = 1.
        IF ( sy-subrc NE 0 ).
          MESSAGE ID      sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                  WITH    sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4
                  RAISING error.
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        DATA: log_hndl   TYPE balloghndl READ-ONLY
            , t_log_hndl TYPE bal_t_logh READ-ONLY
        METHODS: constructor
                   IMPORTING  pf_obj       TYPE balobj_d
                              pf_subobj    TYPE balsubobj
                              pf_extnumber TYPE string
                   EXCEPTIONS error
               , msg_add      REDEFINITION
               , display      REDEFINITION
    CLASS gcl_applog_temp IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD constructor.
        CALL METHOD create_new_a
               EXPORTING  pf_obj       = pf_obj
                          pf_subobj    = pf_subobj
                          pf_extnumber = pf_extnumber
               IMPORTING  pfx_log_hndl = log_hndl.
        IF ( sy-subrc NE 0 ).
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                  WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4
                  RAISING error.
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    Can you please suggest how to change the code with out affecting the functioanlity.
    Thank you ,

    Call that method by instance of Subclass.   OR
    Read very useful document
    Constructors are special methods that cannot be called using CALL METHOD. Instead, they are called automatically by the system to set the starting state of a new object or class. There are two types of constructors - instance constructors and static constructors. Constructors are methods with a predefined name. To use them, you must declare them explicitly in the class.
    The instance constructor of a class is the predefined instance method CONSTRUCTOR. You declare it in the public section as follows:
            IMPORTING.. [VALUE(]<ii>[)] TYPE type [OPTIONAL]..
            EXCEPTIONS.. <ei>.
    and implement it in the implementation section like any other method. The system calls the instance constructor once for each instance of the class, directly after the object has been created in the CREATE OBJECT statement. You can pass the input parameters of the instance constructor and handle its exceptions using the EXPORTING and EXCEPTIONS additions in the CREATE OBJECT statement.
    The static constructor of a class is the predefined static method CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR. You declare it in the public section as follows:
    and implement it in the implementation section like any other method. The static constructor has no parameters. The system calls the static constructor once for each class, before the class is accessed for the first time. The static constructor cannot therefore access the components of its own class.
    Pls. reward if useful....

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    I don't know why it happens, but this works for me in both versions:
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    </applet>and in javascript use

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    Thanx and Regards,

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    Are you sure that you want to have everything static here? You're possibly throwing away all the object-oriented goodness that java has to offer.
    Anyway, it seems to me that you can't get to that variable because it is buried within a method -- think scoping rules. I think that if you want to get at that variable your program design may be under the weather and may benefit from a significant refactoring in an OOP-manner.
    If you need more specific help, then ask away, but give us more information please about what you are trying to accomplish here and how you want to do this. Good luck.
    Edited by: petes1234 on Nov 16, 2007 7:51 PM

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         frame.setVisible (true);
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  • Problem with local class, static private attribute and public method

    Hello SDN,
    Consider the following situation:
    1) I have defined a LOCAL class airplane.
    2) This class has a private static attribute "type table of ref to" airplane (array of airplanes)
    3) A public method should return the private static table attribute
    a) The table cannot be given as an EXPORTING parameter in the method because TYPE TABLE OF... is not supported and I get syntax errors. I also cannot define a dictionary table type because it is a local class.
    b) The table cannot be given as a TABLES parameter in the method because TABLES is not supported in the OO context.
    c) The table cannot be given as an EXPORTING parameter in the method defined as LIKE myStaticAttribute because my method is PUBLIC and my attribute is PRIVATE. ABAP syntax requires that all PUBLIC statements are defined before PRIVATE ones, therefore it cannot find the attribute to reference to with LIKE.
    I see only 2 solutions:
    a) Never ever use local classes and always use global classes so that I might define a dictionary table type of my class which I can then use in my class.
    b) Make the attribute public, but this goes against OO principles, and isn't really an option.
    Am I missing anything here, or is this simply overlooked so far?

    Hello Niels
    Since your class is local and, thus, only know to the "surrounding" application is does not really make sense to make it public to any other application.
    However, if you require to store instances of your local classes in internal tables simply use the most generic reference type possible, i.e. <b>OBJECT</b>.
    The following sample report shows how to do that. Furthermore, I believe it also shows that there are <u><b>no </b></u>serious inconsistency in the ABAP language.
    *& Report  ZUS_SDN_LOCAL_CLASS
    REPORT  zus_sdn_local_class.
    " NOTE: SWF_UTL_OBJECT_TAB is a table type having reference type OBJECT
    *       CLASS lcl_airplane DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_airplane DEFINITION.
        DATA:    md_counter(3)             TYPE n.
        METHODS: constructor,
                     value(rt_instances)   TYPE swf_utl_object_tab.
        CLASS-DATA: mt_instances    TYPE swf_utl_object_tab.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_airplane DEFINITION
    *       CLASS lcl_airplane IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_airplane IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD constructor.
        APPEND me TO mt_instances.
        DESCRIBE TABLE mt_instances.
        md_counter = syst-tfill.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "constructor
      METHOD get_instances.
        rt_instances = mt_instances.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "get_instance
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_airplane IMPLEMENTATION
      gt_instances      TYPE swf_utl_object_tab,
      go_object         TYPE REF TO object,
      go_airplane       TYPE REF TO lcl_airplane.
      " Create a few airplane instance
      DO 5 TIMES.
        CREATE OBJECT go_airplane.
      gt_instances = go_airplane->get_instances( ).
      CLEAR: go_airplane.
      LOOP AT gt_instances INTO go_object.
        go_airplane ?= go_object.
        WRITE: / 'Airplane =', go_airplane->md_counter.

  • Including External LVOOP Public Methods in Executable

    I have an application which on the top level must 'talk' to several different instruments; a LabJack UE9 (USB) , a Newport Motion Controller (USB-Serial), etc.    When I wrote the drivers for these instruments in LV, I used the LVOOP functionality and created individual Classes with public methods for each of the different devices I need to communicate with.  Sounds logical to me, anyway. 
    In my top-level application, I call the public methods (and must include local instances of the LVOOP classes) for those independant instrument-specific classes.  In the development mode, everything works peachy.   However, when I go to build the application executable (build), I get some weird behavior;
    Firstly, with the default setting in 'Additional Exclusions' in the Build Properties of 'Remove as much as possible', I get errors when the builder gets to my independent classes.  I get the message:
    "An error occurred while building the following file:
    C:\Documents and Settings\Wes Ramm\My Documents\Projects\RDT\LabJack\Class\Common Methods\Get DO Line
    The VI became broken after disconnecting type definitions. Open the Build Specification and choose a different option on the Additional Exclusions page."
    Ok, it seems that the class object is not linking, but I can get around that by selecting the second option in 'Additional Exclusions' ; 'Remove unreferenced project library members'.  BUT, when the build is done, I get a couple of subdirectories with vi's named for all the different class methods for each independent that I am calling.  There is no front panel or block diagram for the vis, so it looks like they are correctly 'included' in the build, but it seems cumbersome to include these subdirectories.
    I even tried to 'add' the independant classes to the project by 'Add Folder', but got the same behavior. 
    The classes that I made are not a part of the top level VI, and the top Leve VI is not a member of any of the classes, so this I think is the crux of the matter.  However, I am instantiating only the public methods, and the problems only pop up when I try to build the executable.
    Am I missing something?  Is there a more elegant way to do this?  Any advise / tutorials / knowledgebase articles you can point me to?
    The tree for the directory structure for my build looks like this (for reference)
    \\Application Directory\
                                      \ Class One.lvclass  (first external class that I am calling in my top-level vi)
                                          \ Method 1
                                          \ Method 2
                                          \ Method 3
                                           \ etc
                                      \ Class Two.lvclass
                                            \Method 1
                                            \Method 2
                                            \Method 3
                                            \ etc
    Wes Ramm
    Wes Ramm, Cyth UK

    Hello Wes Ramm,
    It's better late than never! Hence I'm going to address some of the issues that you've brought up.
    1) Which version of LabVIEW are you using? LabVIEW 8.5 has fixed a lot of issues that occured between the Application Builder and LV Classes. If you were using LV 8.2, I would suggest changing to LV 8.5 or at least LV 8.2.1
    2) Apart from setting "Do not disconnect type definitions or remove unreferenced members" in the Additional Exclusions page, I would suggest also checking the box against "Enable Debugging" on the Advanced Page.
    The following forum post has discussed many of the problems that have come up when building an executable which uses LVOOP classes. Hope this helps.

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    iphone 4 after install the iOS 6 wi-fi networks are not detecting on public spot but working on home network.What is the reason for this/ any settings?

    Is the firmware in the router up to date?
    See here for the latest for v2.2:
    Note: All these ideas are a bit lame since you say that some iPhone 5s are connecting OK and they running the same iOS level 6.1 and, i think, have the same Broadcom WiFi chip BCM4334.
    All devices are running iOS 6.1 right not 6.0.1, or 6.0.2?
    You might want to try your iPad mini on some other WiFi networks to see how it fares there.

  • Why only public methods in interfaces?

    Howdy all,
    I'm wondering if someone can shed some light on why Java doesn't allow interfaces to declare non-public methods.
    Ideally, I'd like to do something like this:
    public Interface Foo {
      protected void setFooProperty(int);
      public int getFooProperty();
    public Interface Goo {
      protected void makeGooey(boolean);
      public boolean isGooey();
    public class A implements Foo
    public class B implements Goo
    public class C implements Foo, GooI don't see any technical reason why interfaces must be restricted to declaring public methods only, but it seems too arbitrary to have been done without reason. Any ideas?

    I don't think that is a good idea to put non-public methods in public interfaces. But I beleive that's a good idea to have protected (or friendly) interfaces to be used only in package scope. It could help a lot some projets defining a second level of data exposure of an object so that developers of that package could have more information that others users from outside the package have that are interesting to develop better algorithm that work with that data. In this way, we can defien thre levels of that access: The lower is the package user, that can see the minimum that's possible, above him we have the package developer that don't work directly with the data, but needs some deep access to it to do cool stuff, and finally we have the guy that is doing the object that deals directly with the data (and encapsulate it).
    In this way we can decouple a little the data from the algorithms that work on it, put between them an interface that standarize the access to the data in an intermediate level.
    Hope you are able to understand what I wrote (my english isn't so good!).

  • Limiting access to public methods

    I'm just curious if there's a way to do this.
    You see, I have a package that is supposed to read an xml file, and through public methods give out data from that file.
    Now, in order to do this, I implement a SAXHandler. But the SAXHandler needs to have public methods like startElement, etc.
    Now let's say I'm one of those anally retentive information-hiding people. I really wouldn't want those public methods to be available to ust anyone who uses my class. And I can't make them protected, because the interface says they can't be, and anyway - there's no simple way to put the SAXParser in my package
    While this example is specific, the problem seems a general one.
    What do you do when: an interface calls for public methods, but you don't want just anyone to get to those public methods. (the only one you want to allow is the one that made you implement the interface in the first place).
    Any hints? Thanks!

    thanks for the hint's everyone! Your thoughts were along the lines of my own. Hiding the implementing class inside another class is probably my best bet.
    I doubt I'll do it though - I guess I'm just not that anal... yet...;-)
    I guess what I was thinking was that maybe there was some way around the necessity of wrapping the implementor, because that just seems ugly in a lot of cases and Java been so good at getting rid of ugly since Tiger IMHO.

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