Little MP3 tolera

Hi there good people
My system 256MB MuVo Slim OS Win ME Memory 256 MB HD 80GB
Downloading MP3 titles from my PC to the 256MB Muvo slim I found that the upper capacity limit it would accept AND play back, was about 75MB. Next time I tried this it was down to 4 titles
My player chokes and reverts to the radio when I fill the memory with >75MB,.... (going down, now just 4 titles) of MP3 music
Well I thought I had a memory failure and wiped the MuVo memory from the PC. Windows ME, indicated ( now empty of recordings)243MB of free memory.
I next tried filling the memory with WAV recordings. This time , it was OK and I could reproduce 240MB of music, but in WAV format.
This in my case is about 45 songs to fill the 240MB.
Down side is that 45, 3 min songs are played in 45 x3 min, about two and a quarter hours. Not much really.
Any one got any ideas why I can't fill with MP3's which occupy about a quarter of the memory letting me get possibly 8 hours of music while out of town.
As a portable disk it is fine and will fill to 240 MB and accept all my usual files e.g. exe, txt, html, MP3 and let me carry them to another pc with no recovery problems, it just balks when PLAYING MP3s.
I also can't rule out that this is a software problem where the MP3 module has become corrupt.
Any guru out there had any similar sort of experience'

You should definitely be able to fill the player with MP3s.
It doesn't sound like you're hitting the file number limit (which is about 00 files or so in the root) but just to be sure try putting these files in folders.
If this doesn't help then make sure you have the latest firmware.

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    +"I recently purchased an album... so I could copy it into a little MP3 player..."+
    You shopped at the wrong place. The iTunes Music Store does not sell (and has never sold) anything in MP3 format. If you want MP3s for your MP3 player, shop at online stores that sell MP3s, such as
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    You know, the only people who come to the fora are
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    --> **Adobe Certified Expert**
    Eyphoon wrote:
    > Hi, I'm new to Action script and all this stuff so help
    would be most
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    > I made a website in flash that starts off with a little
    bit of sound and
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    created a little mp3
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    played normally without
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    Settings\\Owner\\Desktop\\Drama Group\\Flash
    > Sites\\Phantom\\Music Player\\Player.swf", "0");

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    I am a MuVo TX 256 new user. I bougth my little mp3 player fi've days ago and i have a problem. The MuVo TX 256 sotpped player musics 0 minutes after starting work. The battery icom is full, I already updated the firmware, formated the device and the problem sttil happening. The musics are mp3-28 bits format. I don't know what can I do....
    Andr? Lima

    The flash players are all very easy to use, we have a few different ones, it's best to look at the product pages to see which you prefer. In roughly the same pricerange as the TX 256, we also have the MuVo TX FM 256, the MuVo Micro 256MB, or if you want to spend a little more (and have more storage), there are larger capacity versions of each of the above, and the Zen Nano (52MB or GB), Zen Nano Plus (52MB or GB), MuVo Sport C00 256MB and MuVo Slim (256MB or 52MB).
    The product pages are linked on this page:

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    **bleep**!? I have this problem too (perhaps). I have now gotten 2 Zen Nano Pluses and they both APPEAR to work out of the box. As soon as I hook it up to my Dell C series (hey, my company makes us keep them 4 years...) and sync the music, the thing plays for 3 seconds and shuts off. The only odd thing I see is that I get this message about hooking to a /2 powered USB hub, but the message seems to indicate everything SHOULD work fine, but it seems to fry the inards of the Zen. Oh and to the guy who implied that Creative should not have to create a fix for this, well, who do you think makes a **bleep**load of computers in the world? Dell. Seems to me I'd want to know how my little mp3 players acted with computers from one of the world's largest makers.
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