Live presentation

Is there any way to braodcast my Keynote presentation to remote viewers over the web?

Most modern HD TV sets have a HDMI input for connection from HD or Blue-Ray DVD players. Your MacBook Pro has a DVI-D output connector.
You can purchase an adaptor cable (DVI-D to HDMI) cable on eBay or from a well-stocked computer supply store. Be sure to get one that is long enough to reach from your computer to the TV. (I have seen them available in 15 and 30-foot lengths.)
As Kyn noted, however, the input for the TV might be something else. You need to determine this and purchase the appropriate cable and/or adaptor.
VERY IMPORTANT: Once you purchase the correct cable, ask the Court for time to come down in advance of the trial date to TEST THE SYSTEM to be sure that it will work properly once the trial convenes. You can't afford the embarrassment of the system not working.
Another option is to rent (or purchase) your own large-screen monitor (or projector) and then you know it will all work together properly.

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    Presenter has never been desiged to record a live presentation. However, you could use any audio recording software (Audacity is free) to record yourself lecturing through the slides, and then import the audio from your lection into Presenter and distribute it appropriately across the slides and sync it with the animtaions.
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    Presenter notes will show up when you connect a second display, and will behave as described by BartlebyScrivener. If you want to see your notes while playing the presentation without a second display, select ¨Rehearse Slideshow¨ from the Play menu. Read more here:

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    Welcome to the forums.
    If you'd like all that to be integrated, you probably want to look into iMovie. In general, iDVD handles the output from iMovie and creates DVDs, but iMovie allows the producer (you) to cut between shots of ppt slides, you, video clips, etc. Here are several tutorials which may be of interest:

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    Hi Jorma,
    Yes that would be ideal, I used captivate before. The much older version that is.
    Unfortunately my current employer only provides Adobe Presenter 8 with Office 2010, and the Adobe Creative Suits CS6, which includes Premiere, but not Captivate.
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    Welcome to the forums, Katherine.
    Keynote does not do live updating of a currently running presentation. So it is not possible to create slides "on-the-fly".
    For maintaining an ongoing speakers list, you might use a Dashboard widget along with this technique for keeping the widget above the live presentation. There are several notepad widgets that might work for you (e.g., this one has a nice black option that is quite attractive, and it is resizeable).
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    Thanks and appreciate!!!

    Question 1 - Yes, exactly.
    Question 2 - Rehearse Slideshow mode shows you what the Presenter Display will look like when you are in Play Slideshow mode, but for situations when you only have one monitor. A good example use case is when you are on an airplane and you want to rehearse your slideshow (hopefully not out loud) and you obviously only have your laptop monitor to work with. This way you can get used to working with the Presenter Display. When you go to Play Slideshow mode, it will look exactly the same, only your audience will be seeing your finished slideshow without the notes, Slide Browser, etc. from the secondary display output.

  • Difference between captivate and presenter

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    It took me a while to "get it" too. Yoiu can take a look at
    Adobe's spin on things from the blog site maintained by Silke
    Fleicher from Adobe at:
    Sike Fleicher
    But the real truth of this is that they are quite different:
    -Captivate Excels at computer software simulations, software
    demos and software learning simulations (where the user gets to try
    a simulation test.)
    -Captivate is a stand-alone application and not an add-in to
    -Captivate does let you import PowerPoint slides
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    and then you publish to Flash, Word, Acrobat
    -Captivate does not produce a side-panel to show progress,
    but it does provide a wide range of progress bars and related
    forward and back button options and positions
    -Presenter is an add-in to PowerPoint
    -Presenter has an optional navigation panel to show progress,
    but it has limited forward and back navigation button options.
    -Presenter is more like PowerPoint, but you gain Quiz sets or
    single Quiz options and the ability to integrate and embed Flash
    content such as Captivate SWF files as a slide set. For example you
    can have a PowerPointesque look with a navigation pane on the left
    or right and then present the user with a video or software
    simulation on another slide and then Quiz the user about the
    materials or demo.
    I would consider Presenter to be about as hard as learning
    how to use PowerPoint, but all of the options are now on one menu.
    I would consider Captivate to be about as hard as learning to
    use Excel, where the basics are easy, but there are many options.
    For Software demos and simulations, Captivate is the better
    For Quiz-Enabled PowerPoint, Presenter 7 is the better choice
    For e-learning of Software, you can use juset Captivate, but
    both products make a good team
    Finally, while Adobe charges a bit too much $$$$ for each,
    the cost is recouped with the time you save on a large project. If
    the products were 1/2 of the list price, they would probably sell
    10X the number of copies and create some real BUZZ about these
    products for the group of people that are not e-learning
    professionals (a huge group).
    The final piece is a system that integrates the Quiz results
    for user login and score tracking. Known as a Learning Management
    System (LMS). Both Presenter 7 and Captivate export to Adobe's
    Connect system in Connect format and they also publish to SCORM or
    AICC formats used by other systems. However, the cost of the
    Connect system for LMS (not the live presentation piece, just the
    e-learning piece) is well beyond reach for a small company (about
    3X the price of other products). The 40% annual maintenance fee
    charges, limited feature set and slow to fix it support make
    Connect about a grade "C" compared to the competition. Adobe can do
    far better to make Connect the LMS tool that it could be in terms
    of features, price and bug repairs. So if you need a LMS to go with
    this, then you should certainly look at Connect and price it (it is
    nice), but look at what you could get elsewhere for both features
    and support at a given price point.
    Joe C.

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    Any help would be highly appreciated!
    Thanks in advance,

    Sure, so here's what I'm trying to do: I have a development system consistion of an ERP 5 plus Portal 6.0 and all nessaccery components. I'll use this system to develop webdynpro apps and get them running in the portal.
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    So now I'm facing the problem: How do I get the remote system to be accessable by my JCOs. My thought was just add it in the SLD as a technical system.
    As you can see I'm lacking basic understanding of SLD. Maybe you could set me on the right track?

  • OSMF Online-only User Group Meeting -- Edwin van Rijkom  |  TODAY Wed, Jan 20 @ 12:00 NOON PST

    TODAY Wed, Jan 20 @ 12:00 NOON PST we are having the third meeting of the online-only OSMF User Group ( ).
    The online-only OSMF User Group is pleased to have a live presentation on OSMF's new features by a developer from the OSMF Team, Edwin van Rijkom, Sr. Computer Scientist at Adobe.  This meeting is open to all who are interested.  Please forward notice about this meeting to all who you think may be interested.
    The link for the online meeting room can be found in the meeting announcement link here:
    Edwin will be reviewing changes and new features in OSMF delivered in Sprint 8 (released December), as well as providing an overview of new features in Sprint 9 (releasing next week).
    Topics to be covered include:
    API Refactoring Changes
    Subclip Support
    Live Streaming Support
    Flash Media Manifest File Format (F4M) Support
    Multi-BitRate (MBR) Streaming;
    Digital Rights Management (DRM) via Flash Access,
    Closed Captioning Plug-in
    Pre-Assigned Durations
    Edwin previously presented at the Adobe MAX 2009 conference as a co-presenter on the session entitled "Introduction to Adobe's Open Source Media Framework".  Following is a link for a recording of Edwin's MAX Session (Edwin's portion starting at 24:00 in the recording timecode):
    OSMF is an open source ActionScript 3 framework for building video and media players supporting cutting edge Flash Platform features for media delivery.  If you have any curiosity about media players in Flash or Flex, this is a great forum for exploring and getting questions answered.
    If you have an ongoing interest in this area, please join this group by logging in at and selecting the "JOIN THIS GROUP" link (red graphic on right side).
    This online-only OSMF User Group meets regularly at this time and day of every month.  That is the 3rd Wednesday of every month @ 12:00 NOON PST time.  All meetings are recorded.  Links for prior meeting recordings are on the group site in various places including on the group home page under the heading "Previous Connect Sessions".
    Following are a few time zone conversions:
    London:  8:00 PM to 9:30 PM GMT
    Rome/Paris/Berlin:  9:00 PM to 10:30 PM CET
    New York:  3:00 PM to 4:30 PM EST
    Los Angeles:  12:00 NOON to 1:30 PM PST
    Sydney:  7:00 AM to 8:30 AM EDT ** THURSDAY January 21 **

    The presentation by Will Law was recorded and can be viewed online, on-demand from the following link: 
    Will's presentation is an excellent introduction to HTTP Dynamic Streaming.
    This presentation is a supersized version of a presentation that Will also will be delivering at Adobe MAX 2010.  MAX session description here: 
    Supersized in that in the recording above Will spent a bit more time in ActionScript for the OSMF developers in attendance than he will with more general audiences.  Plus supersized in that Will took 1 hour 15 minutes (plus 15 minutes more on Q&A), whereas MAX sessions are 60 minutes, less a few minutes for the Q&A.,

  • Looping a video track with escape -- Bug or Pilot error?

    [The next 2 paragraphs are a repeat of my previous post. I'm including them for context.]
    I'm working in DVDSP 4 and have encountered a few "anomalies". I wanted to see if I am doing something wrong or if I have found a bug. I will break this into two posts because they are two different issues.
    Basically I am creating a DVD that will back a live presentation. The video track is timed to approximate the length of the presentation. But I want to have several "escape hatches". If a segment does run a little long then the presentation will dump into another track that has a still image and a background music track. I don't want to pause the play, because I want full-field video and audio. I also want to advance through the presentation by simply clicking the NEXT CHAPTER button.
    [/End repeated section]
    So the other problem with looping a still on a video track is escaping the loop. I've set this track's END JUMP to go to the "Chapter 1" marker of the current video program. (It's the only marker on the this timeline.) I've targeted the "Next Chapter" button to return me to my main timeline. Whether I simulate OR burn this DVD program I get the same results. The playhead does not jump tracks. Instead it returns to the start of the current timeline and begins playing again.
    Is this supposed to happen? DVDSP lets me assign all these actions, and the manual and support seems to indicate this should work, but it doesn't. Not sure if this is a bug, a problem with the DVD spec, or simply my lack of knowledge. (please help)

    Houghts & Aldershot -- thanks for your reply. To add a little clarity the project goes like this:
    The MAIN track is 20 minutes long. If the speaker finishes a section early, he can "NEXT" to the next section (next marker). If he runs long, when he gets to the next marker the dvd will dump him into another track (Lets call it WAITING TRACK) that will "hold" (with some music) until he hits NEXT again. So far this all works.
    The problem is getting OUT of the WAITING TRACK loop and back to the MAIN track. Putting a second marker near the end of this track (as Aldershot suggests) will jump me to the end of WAITING but how do I get back to the marker in MAIN? Can I just set an end Jump to go back to the marker I want in MAIN? Will the presenter then have to hit skip forward twice? (I guess I'll have to try and see.)
    I guess I could target this marker in main with the MENU button, but then the presenter would have TWO buttons to worry about. I'm trying to make this as zipless as possible.
    By the way, if I don't loop the WAITING track back to the first marker, this scenario works. The problem only arises if I loop back to Chapter1. Making the end of the track an infinite hold looked to be a promising option. But it seems to put the player into pause. The user must hit PLAY and then NEXT. Two buttons again.
    I'll keep digging and follow up as I learn more.

  • Importing From Min-DV Camcorder: Sound on One Clip, not the Other

    Taped a live presentation on Canon HV 20. Part of the way through, briefly stopped then re-started camera. After importing to iMovie 6, the 16 minute clip 'pre-break' has no sound on playback, although it had sound in 'monitor mode' and on the tape. The 22 minute post break footage plays sound just fine.

    Here you go. I don't know exactly what I did to make the timeline clips disappear, but I was trying to find the effects clip and that's how it happened. I know I used the relink project files option to do so, and after that I couldn't find anything. I've checked everything and everywhere including trash, but nada!

  • No more alpha in exported QuickTime movie from Keynote '09

    In Keynote '08, I create a slide with no background (None).
    I add some text with some fancy text IN and OUT features.
    I export using the Animation codec and the transparency option.
    When I reimport the movie in another Keynote '08 file, it inherits the transparency of the imported file and thus everything is perfectly blended.
    In Keynote '09 it is not possible anymore.
    Even if I import an exported QuickTime movie from Motion with a transparent background, it is not possible to have a perfect blend, all layers are opaque.
    Last but not the least, adding transparent files on top of each other in QuickTime player does not preserve transparency despite the fact that the Animation + transparency features are added in the files.
    Thank you in advance.

    Hey Gary - first off, thanks for your reply! I am currently forcing spotlight to re-index to see if that might help me out. After that I will try your suggestion and run a system software check.
    I need a ProRes export as this is going to be combined with IMAG footage from a live presentation as well as additional video from an Arri Alexa. I want to preserve as much quality as possible so that there isn't a discrepancy in the final edit. Originally, I was rendering a small test to the desktop to gauge output quality of animations etc. I did go ahead and re-export a second time to an external drive, but it doesn't seem to matter as Keynote appears to initially render everything to the startup drive no matter what. The second export still ate about 15 gigs from my startup disk and I am unable to find any sort of temp files anywhere!
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    It's pretty much just plug it in, though doing something the first time in a live presentation, without having the opportunity to test things first, is a scary proposition. You'll get the presentation on the projector and a "presenter" display with tools. See:
    Hope all goes well.

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