Livecycles Process Ajax problem

I have a several LCES process that are called from an ajax app.  All works well except when the user's session expires/timesout.
After that when the user tries to invoke one of the processes, jboss returns a http 401 error as it's Basic Authentication. I cannot always handel this correctly in ajax as browsers will intercept this 401 error and offer an authentication challenge.
I guess I need something like the remoting end point 'Custom Authentication' but for the REST end point.
1) Could I configure jboss to issue a redirect to a custom html page when a 401 exception accurs?
2) Could I configure jboss to return a 403 or 500 error when there is a 'not Authorized' exception, instead of the 401?
3) If I set "Require callers to authenticate:No" and 'Run as System" for the service is there any way I could then check within my process to see if the current user is actually authenticated?
Any other suggestions?
Thanks in advance,

1) Could I configure jboss to issue a redirect to a custom html page when a 401 exception accurs?
Ans :  Yes you can handle it in front end in ajax by having a seperate exception handler in the server side which redirects the page when 401 exception is thrown from adobe
2) Could I configure jboss to return a 403 or 500 error when there is a 'not Authorized' exception, instead of the 401?
3) If I set "Require callers to authenticate:No" and 'Run as System" for the service is there any way I could then check within my process to see if the current user is actually authenticated?
No you can not since you set "Require callers to authenticate:No" . You can track your session in adobe side only when the user authentication is set to yes

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    Mahir M. Quluzade

    just check the time which you have given is OK or is overlappintg with some other job which is locking your table in process chain
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    or it fails because of lack of background processes.
    There could be numerious reasons and you need to analyze the log for this.
    But as you said the job is failing everday for different reasons..try to find the most common errors and try to remove it or mention that here.

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    Hi Gert,
    For the first part of your question ... yes it does mean the constraints when invoking a LiveCycle Process from Content Space.
    For the second part of your questions re: Review and Approval see the following and and look under the Content Services section.
    Take care.

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    Dear Mr. Ram KM,
    The business mentioned above by you was absolutely perpect.
    Adobe LiveCycle® ES (Enterprise Suite) is an integrated server solution that blends data capture, information assurance, document output, process management, and content services.
    I may guess you have to install ADOBE LIVECYCLE WORKBENCH ES. The Adobe liveCycle Designer ES comes with Workbench ES once you installed. Please go through the below information, you may get some idea.
    1. Significance of folders in Documentum Repository (for all regions)
    WorkBench -> where all work in progress or finalized templates should reside. Designer must carry his/her development of Form/Template design in this folder.
    Schema -> where the XML Schema (Using which data needs to bound to the template) should reside. This schema should be the same across the entire region (dev, UAT, Prod).
    Templates -> This is the run time folder. CPR application points to this folder while searching for templates. Designer should never work on this folder or move/copy any template from WorkBench to this folder. This action will be taken care of by CPR application.
    Master Fragment Library -> All the fragments should reside inside this folder. Once one fragment is changed in this folder then change will be reflected immediately to all the templates that use this fragments.
    2. Design approach through workbench ES.
    Designer selects UAT region through WorkBench ES to do the development of the Forms/Templates.
    Designer opens up an existing form/letter or creates a new form/letter through designer in Workbench ES
    He/She caries out the design (forms/letters) in Workbench folder.
    He/She carries out the design of fragments in Master Fragment Library folder.
    Once designer is satisfied with design he/she right clicks on the document and goes to the history popup.
    Select the latest document in the list and click on Save as button in the popup screen to save it to the local hard disk or any file system.
    Designer now goes to CPR Application and click on Add button.
    The Add popup opens up.
    Designer clicks on Browse button and adds the letter/forms she had downloaded to his/her disk and adds corresponding Meta data. He/She then hits Done. At this point behind the scene CPR application puts the corresponding letter/Form into Templates folder with all the meta data set.
    The UAT test on the newly uploaded templates then happens.
    Once the UAT is successful then the corresponding templates need to be promoted to Production.
    First Step: Promoting new Fragments to Production
    Administrator directly logs into Production fragment library folder and creates the fragments again in production. This needs to be done very carefully as this fragments will be available immediately for end users (on click of Save in the designer).
    Note: The downloaded fragments (from UAT region) can be moved to production directly using drag and drop feature of Workbench ES.
    Second Step: Promoting new templates to Production
    If UAT is successful Administrator then uploads the template file into production the way he/she did in UAT region. He/she needs to put appropriate meta data in production also.
    3. Design approach through workbench ES.
    Designer selects UAT region through WorkBench ES to do the change of the existing Forms/Templates.
    Designer opens up an existing form/letter or creates a new form/letter through designer in Workbench ES
    He/She caries out the design (forms/letters) in Workbench folder.
    He/She carries out the design of fragments in Master Fragment Library folder.
    Once designer is satisfied with design he/she right clicks on the document and goes to the history popup..
    Select the latest document in the list and click on Save as button in the popup screen to save it to the local hard disk or any file system.
    Designer now goes to CPR Application and finds the templates he/she wants to modify.
    Designer highlights the corresponding row and hits on Modify.
    The Modify popup opens up.
    Designer clicks on Browse button and adds the letter/forms she had downloaded to his/her disk and edits corresponding Meta data (if needed). He/She then hits Done. At this point behind the scene CPR application puts the corresponding letter/Form into Templates folder with all the meta data set. Also it inactivates the older version if any.
    The UAT test on the newly uploaded templates then happens.
    Once the UAT is successful then the corresponding templates need to be promoted to Production.
    First Step: Promoting existing Fragments to Production
    Administrator directly logs into Production fragment library folder and updates the fragments again in production. This needs to be done very carefully as this fragments will be available immediately for end users (on click of Save in the designer).
    Note: The downloaded fragments (from UAT region) can be moved to production directly using drag and drop feature of Workbench ES.
    Second Step: Promoting existing templates to Production
    If UAT is successful Administrator then uploads the template file into production the way he/she did in UAT region. He/she needs to put appropriate meta data in production also.
    import java.util.Properties;
    import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
    import com.adobe.etech.FileUtils;
    import com.adobe.formServer.client.EJBClient;
    import com.adobe.formServer.interfaces.*;
    import com.adobe.pso.eforms.model.XDPWrapper;
    import com.adobe.pso.eforms.model.FragmentMetadata;
    import com.adobe.pso.eforms.model.TemplateMetadata;
    import com.adobe.pso.eforms.model.XSDReference;
    import com.adobe.pso.eforms.util.FormServerDefinition;
    import com.adobe.pso.eforms.util.RenderFormOptions;
    import com.adobe.pso.eforms.util.RenderUtils;
    import com.adobe.pso.eforms.util.XDPUtils;
    * @version 1.0
    * @author
    public class FormFragsRenderPDFServlet extends HttpServlet {
    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    System.err.println("RenderPdfServletScott - doGet");
    try {
    ServletContext context = this.getServletContext();
    // 1. Construct the web app's context url
    String contextURL = request.getScheme()
    + "://"
    + request.getServerName()
    + ":"
    + request.getServerPort()
    + request.getContextPath();
    // 1a. If making an EJB remote call to FS, construct the JNDI properties object.
    Properties jndiProps = new Properties();
    jndiProps.setProperty("java.naming.factory.initial"," ontextFactory");
    // 2. Create FormServerDefinition object to define the form server invocation method
    FormServerDefinition fServDef = new FormServerDefinition();
    //Specify the path to load the data from
    byte[] cXMLData = getBytesFromFile(new File (context.getRealPath("/data/data.xml")));
    // 3. Set the various options for rendering the form. The setFormQuery() method establishes the name
    // of the temporary file created on the filesystem to hold the "pre-rend

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    You can simply use "Execute Script" operation in Workbench and make use of Below links should help :
    Hope this helps.

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    Thanks for the reply.
    Now I have developed a custom component as you told in above reply. I am able to get the form in the process.
    I am facing a issue in the rendered form. I have a form which contains two fragments and two text assets which are created in the CM. Issue is that, in the process when i render the form I am able to see only fragments and not text assets.
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    Many thanks!!

  • Ajax problem in IE7 - get.get() is empty

    I am testing Ajax under Mozilla Firefox and IE7. Under Firefox is everything fine but IE7 gives me errors.
    My process is the following:
    l_counter number;
    l_o_name varchar2(2000);
    owa_util.mime_header('text/xml', FALSE );
    htp.p('Cache-Control: no-cache');
    htp.p('Pragma: no-cache');
    htp.prn('<option value="x">x</option>');
    debug_add('ok') adds text 'ok' into debugging table. I can see that this info is being inserted into the table, so the process runs through.
    My JavaScript is in ApEx page attributes "HTML header" section and is like the following:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function get_AJAX_SELECT_XML(pThis,pSelect){
         var l_Return = null;
         var l_Select = html_GetElement(pSelect);
         var get = new htmldb_Get(null,html_GetElement('pFlowId').value,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=my_proc',0);
         gReturn = get.get('XML');
         if(gReturn && l_Select){
    alert('Never here in IE7');
              var l_Count = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("option").length;
              l_Select.length = 0;
              for(var i=0;i<l_Count;i++){
                   var l_Opt_Xml = gReturn.getElementsByTagName("option");
                   appendToSelect(l_Select, l_Opt_Xml.getAttribute('value'), l_Opt_Xml.firstChild.nodeValue)
         get = null;
    function appendToSelect(pSelect, pValue, pContent) {
    var l_Opt = document.createElement("option");
    l_Opt.value = pValue;
         if(document.all){/* why is ie different ask bill */
              l_Opt.innerText = pContent;
    alert(get.get()); gives me popup with text "undefined" in IE.
    So "if(gReturn && l_Select)" will never become true.
    I call it in an item:
    In Mozilla everything works, i can get correct answer from get.get() and the list is being filled with "x".

    I'm having a sporatic problem.
    Where do you put the encoding?
    Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    Pragma: no-cache
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    I have the following in my ODP function
    owa_util.mime_header('text/xml', FALSE );
    htp.p('Cache-Control: no-cache');
    htp.p('Pragma: no-cache');
    then I start my select list:
    and a loop to build the option code

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  • AJAX problem

    Hi All,
    Please help me on this. I am getting this exception when i tried to run my jsp using AJAX.
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/taglibs/standard/lang/support/ExpressionEvaluatorManager
    root cause
    javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/taglibs/standard/lang/support/ExpressionEvaluatorManager
    root cause
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/taglibs/standard/lang/support/ExpressionEvaluatorManager
    and in my .jsp i have coded like this
    <html:form action="/">
    <html:select property="make" styleId="make">
    <html:option value="">Select make</html:option>
    <html:option value="0">Zero</html:option>
    <html:option value="">One</html:option>
    <html:option value="">Two</html:option>
    <html:select property="model" styleId="model" disabled="true">
    <html:option value="">Select make</html:option>
    <html:select property="year" styleId="year" disabled="true">
    <html:option value="">Select model</html:option>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function initProgress() {'progressMsg');
    function resetProgress() {
    function reportError() {
    if ($('model').options.length == 0) {
    $('errorMsg').innerHTML = "Dropdown busted!";'errorMsg');
    setTimeout("Effect.DropOut('errorMsg')", 2500);
    <ajax:select baseUrl="${contextPath}/Test/"
    parser="new ResponseXmlParser()">

    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError means that a class can't be found. The class that can't be found is:
    So what do you think is the problem?

  • Owa_util.mime_header in select_list_value (or whole ajax) problem

    I'm using Ajax in "select multiple items". After few problems (I had to turn off session state protection) - I had to organise the same process on the popup.
    I open new page of my application in javascript using function. The problem is that when I'm trying to update or insert something on popup I got that kind of message:
    "problem with parsing XML file - didn't understand char after document element" - something like that (with additional about my adres and wwv_flow.accept)
    source of error page looks similar to that:
    <body><desc>this XML genericly sets multiple items</desc><item id="name">test</item></body>Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
    Cache-Control: no-cachePragma: no-cache
    <body><desc>this XML genericly sets multiple items</desc><item id="kli">test2</item></body>Content-type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
    Cache-Control: no-cachePragma: no-cache
    <select><option value="1">- choose person -</option></select>ERR-1777: Page 2 provided no page to branch to.  Please report this error to your application administrator.<br /><br /><a href="f?p=104">Restart Application</a>I use 3 times: - 2 times I put some values into 5-6 textfields and once I'm put some options into select list
    OWA_UTIL.mime_header ('text/xml', FALSE);
    HTP.p ('Cache-Control: no-cache');
    HTP.p ('Pragma: no-cache');
    OWA_UTIL.http_header_close;can any one know where is problem? I have the same construction on the static page (not popup) and there everything is ok.
    thanks for any help

    I have to add, that I understand that error :) it's easy to understand when it's raising - but why there is a problem with owa_util.mime_header - why it adds "content type" line...?
    why it was working fine before going to popup...
    sorry for English mistakes

  • XML News / AJAX problem

    We are using AJAX to call one portal component by sending some parameters to create the link for the news, which we create with xml form builder.
    We have modified the .xsl file of xml template and embedd the code to call the portal component.
    We are idenfying the news which is created by xml template and creating the link for that news in some other KM folder.
    After creating or updating the news with xml template all news will be displayed after compliting the process. But this is happening for first time only. If I try again to create/update the news the news item is creating/updating but browse is stuckup and popup message "Your request is being processed".
    Please let me know what might be the problem

    Solved my self

  • Error while invoking Livecycle process with Java

    I am trying to invoke a short lived process using java code. But when i try doing that i get the following error
    cannot access class com.adobe.idp.dsc.clientsdk.ServiceClient; class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 45.3 or 46.0 or 47.0 or 48.0.
    I am using the following versions:
    Adobe Livecycle: 9.0
    java version "1.5.0_03"
    Can some one please suggest the appropriate action i need to take so that i can compile the code.
    Thanks in advance

    If you are invoking LiveCycle ES2 on JBoss compile with JDK 1.6 and run against JRE 6.

  • Image processing Manupulation problem!!!

    Dear all,
    God Morning! hope u all are fine .. i have an issue regarding Image processing Manipulation.
    i want to give u all the details.. what i have done so far in java.
    i have used third party tool of java called ImageJ editor for image manipulation.i got the source of it i have made neccessary customization to store / fetch the image from my table (Database).now this editor is working fine when i click on open option from menu bar it fetches the image from database and after fetching it put the image on container where one can edit/ modify the image and save it back to the table.
    the above proceeds me to display or store the edited image on the database . now i just want to integrate the editor on browser ..
    how to call the class file when i click on the link on specified page and also how to pass parameter from jsp page to java class file.??
    please help me to sort out d problem
    "Thanks and regards"

    Increasing the contrast springs to mind.
    When used to extremes it is sometimes called
    Suppose your image was in 16 colors, you could
    reasonably safely assume at least two are red, two
    are blue, two are yellow ect.
    With regards an algorithm you are looking to 'round
    off' the color values to (my suggestion only) the
    nearest 64 or even the nearest 127...
    Bamkinjust be careful of that ORANGE color. Orange is a tricky color to define in either RGB or HSB, and is very similar to red and yellow. A little change in either direction makes it difficult to distinguish from one or the other.
    my thought would be to try to force your image to only six colors. Then those colors (it wouldn't really matter if they were accurate, as long as they are correctly distinguished) would be easy to identify.
    - Adam

  • Invoking a LiveCycle process with multiple input variables using REST

    Hi all,
    A simple scenario brushup:
    I have an LC process that takes as input 2 parameters:
    - formID
    - formXML
    The user starts out with an empty interactive form and fills out some info in this form. In the end he/she clicks submit and now I want to invoke my process to create a flattened form from the XML just entered in the interactive form.
    The process returns a flattened form with the data merged with the XDP template referenced in formID. Simple as that.
    What I basically need is to do something similar to the following in a LiveCycle Designer Form:
    ------------------------------------Snippet from 7fe5.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    <form name="input" action="http://localhost:9080/rest/services/RestTest3" method="post" 
    Doc: <input type="file" name="inDoc">
    String 1: <input type="text" name="inListOfStrings" value="hello">
    String 2: <input type="text" name="inListOfStrings" value="privet">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
    ------------------------------------End snippet from 7fe5.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    Now my question to you is (hope you can help out here):
    How do I invoke this process from my form using the REST endpoint - I need to specify 2 input variables for my process. One string (formID) and some xml (formXML). How is this done in Designer?
    Thanks in advance
    Kim Christensen
    Dafolo A/S

    Nobody who has an idea of how to do this?
    Thanks in advance
    Kim Christenen
    Dafolo A/S

  • Process order problem in COR2 - Urgent Please

    hi i have a problem in COR2.
    After creating the process order i TECO Technically complete the same,
    and when i save the process order the system just hangs.
    When i debugged the code i found that issue is inside the functional module CO_ZV_ORDER_POST - Create/change end routine order.
    It does not do the commit work properly. this is in PRD so please help me to resolve this
    I checked for other system and the process order gets saved.
    What should i do
    please help

    just  compare the  function  module  in  both  PRD & DEV  so that  see the difference in the code level  or else  in the debug  mode  upto the  hanging  code level  ....
    i think it is because of the performance  issue  ....  so  need to  be   created the index  of the  table which  it gets  updated  .....
    becuase  as your FM is  for create/chande  .... so it  will be an  big  table  .... so see it  and   do the performace trace  and  create the  index ..
    ST05 ,SCI  , SM30    .... These are  some of the  tracscation code for   Code Insecptor , performance trace & SQL trace , Runtime Analysis..
    seee if the code is  same  in both  the system   ... then it is confirmed  as   performance  issue  ....
    if the code is  different   then it is  patch level  issue ...  tell to  basis  to check the  patch level  of that  both system  and apply it.
    reward  points  if it is usefull ...

Maybe you are looking for