LO Delta

Hi ,
In LO i did full update and cube is filled . Now how to do Delta Update . I need step by step procedure to be done in R3 and BW System  .

Had you cleared the entries in LBWQ/SM13 before filling setuptable?  If so are there any entries in  LBWQ/SM13 .If there are records avaialble, they might have been created at the time of filling setup table or completion of filling setup table process. If they were created at the time of filling setup table process, you may get double values for those records in BIW.
If they were created after the time of filling setup table process,you can do Delta init w/o data transfer and then u can continue with Delta.
If there are no entries in LBWQ/SM13 for your present application ,you can do Delta init w/o data transfer and then u can continue with Delta.
IF you had not cleared the entries in LBWQ/SM13 before filling setuptable. Just do all teh steps mentioned in previous post.
It seems you better read WEBLOGS of MR.Roberto on LO Extraction.
With rgds,
Anil Kumar Sharma .P

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  • K7N2 Delta lock ups

    Hi there,
    I've got a MSI k7N2 Delta sitting in my PC atm. But with a nasty problem. I have to keep the cpu sitting in it (AMD Barton 3000) underclocked for me to use my PC for more then 40 mins at a time. After that time, it just freezes, and the sound card (not system speaker) emits a nasty high pitched sound. Using a more intensive game, i.e. planetside speeds up the process, somethimes running for a mere 5 mins. To use the pc atm, the cpu is clocked at 1.4Ghz, instead of the over 2ghz it should be at.
    Any suggestions anyone?
    K7N2 Delta
    AMD Barton 3000+
    512Mb Kingston DDR (on compatibilty list)
    ATI Radeon 7500
    SB! 128
    Antec 400Watt PSU

    ok, after some more testing (man i love CS  ) it still locks up, but it took longer initially. It now just freezes, with no beeeep from the sound card. It may be temperature related though, as after the intial freeze, it will now only take a few minutes before it does it again. Straight after it freezes I'm getting temperature of around 50 on all monitors.
    Ill whip out that TV card and give it a whirl now
    p.s. case fans, i think one is in the wrong way, is the spinny side supposed to facing in the case, or out the case? cheers

  • Error while resetting the delta in ODS  (BI 7.0)

    Hi all,
    I face a problem in delta resetting...need your help... Thanks..
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    NO issues till now....
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    Is there any way to disconnect this delta link between ODS1 - ODS2..... So that I will reload the data in ODS1 and populate into all targets...
    I dont think you can disconnect the link. just delete the requests originating from ODS1 in ODS2 and you can leave all other requests intact that are from other dataproviders and do a reinit.

  • About delta loading for master data attribute

    Hi all,
    We have a master data attribute loading failed which is a delta loading. I have to fix this problem but I have two questions:
    1. how can I find the those delta requests because I need to delete all these failed requests first, am I right ? Master data is not like cube or ods that we can find the requests in Manage, for master data how can we find them ?
    2. Could you please let me know the detailed procedures to perform this delta loading again ?
    Thanks a lot

    1. how can I find the those delta requests because I need to delete all these failed requests first, am I right ? Master data is not like cube or ods that we can find the requests in Manage, for master data how can we find them ?
    Look.....for master data.....no need to delete request from the target..........just make the status red.......and repeat the load.....But problem is that master data sometimes does'nt support Repeat delta..........if u repeat......then load will again fail with Update mode R.........in that case u hav to do re-init.......
    1) delete the init flag.......(In the IP scheduler >> in the top Scheduler tab >> Initialization option for source system)
    2) Init with data transfer(if failed load picks some records)..........otherwise .....init without data transfer.....if the last delta failed picking 0 records.......
    3) then Delta.......
    2. Could you please let me know the detailed procedures to perform this delta loading again ?
    1) Make the QM status red.........to set back the init pointer.......
    2) Repeat the load.....
    After that.........if again load failed with Update mode R.....
    1) delete the init flag.......
    2) Init with data transfer(if failed load picks some records)..........otherwise init without data transfer.....
    3) then Delta.......

  • Not getting delta master data after refresh

    We have just refreshed our QA (BW and R/3) environments from our production environments.  It was a synchronized restore.  We have done this multiple times in the past and have not run into this problem before.
    Everything checks out fine - full master data loads fine, and delta transaction data loads fine, but our master data loads that are deltas retreive no data and produce the following message:
    Selection conditions replaced by last init. selection conditions
    Message no. RSM1036
    Selection conditions replaced by init. selection conditions.
    No new selections can be made when requesting delta data from a 2.0 extractor.
    Delta selections are composed of the total quantity of all the selections of all the sucessful init. requests for this DataSource.
    I have looked this up here and in OSS.  What I have found would indicate that we have multiple inits.  However, when I look at the Initialization Options for Source System from within the infopkg, there is only one.  Also, RSA7 appears to be fine on R/3.
    Is there table or setting that may have been missed or some other place I need to check? 
    Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.

    Thanks, but I do not understand what exactly to look for in that table.  What fields in that table should I check and for what?
    I have compared rssdlinit on BW with roosprmsc on R/3 and they match.  I have checked other tables too and they look fine. 
    There was a mistake made when the system was refreshed that may have caused this problem.  That would at least explain why we are having this problem now and did not before.
    I tested one of our delta master data objects (0material_text).  I deleted the init from within the infopkg.  Then I ran the infopkg to init with no data transfer.  That appeared to work - resulting in 1 record which is normal for an init delta with no data.  Then changed material text on R/3 and ran the infopkg with delta update.  It still gave the same message that I listed in my first post, and it retrieved 0 records.
    Any ideas?

  • View data in Delta Queue (RSA7)

    We want to see data records available for extraction in delta queue.
    Data source is 0CO_OM_NWA_2. In RSA7 it is showing 5 in total column for this datasource.  When we select "Diaplay Data Entries (F2) , select update mode Delta and execute it is displaying "List contains no data"
    How to view this data ?

    Once you schedule the infopackage , it will pick up the data from RSA7  . Afterwards when you check the data in RSA7   by selecting update mode as delta - you won't find any records . but you can see the data in by selecting update mode - delta repetition - execute it. It will show the records which has been already transferred to BW side.
    Update mode - repetition , will hold the data until the next delta is successful..
    Hope i am clear..

  • ODS Delta Process, DataSource and Delta Queue

    Hi to all,
    loading data from a SAP source system into SAP BW 7.0 via generic 3.x datasource causes problems.
    Here is a short description:
    The data flow is from a source table using a generic extractor into a target ODS in full update mode.
    Update rules should move data from table structure into ODS structure in this way:
    Source table structure
    CustKey1     Key2     
    13386          C23     
    13386          B14     
    13387          A13
    13387          E25
    ODS structure
    CustKey1     col1     col2     
    13387          A13     E25     
    This works pretty well - as long as all records with the same CustKey1 are transfered in the same data package. Data Browser (SE16) shows the situation in ODS-"New data" view  (data is not activated):
    Request    Data_packet_number     Data_record_number      CustKey1
    112            000003                  1.061              0000013386
    112            000004                      1              0000013386
    112            000004                      2              0000013387
    There are two records for CustKey1 0000013386 with
    data record 1.061 in data packet 000003   and
    data record       1 in data packet 000004.
    The obove constellation is the cause for errors in the ODS Delta Queue and subsequent data processing.
    I think there may be one solution to solve the problem by changing the Delta Process of the Data Source.
    The properties are:
    - Record type: Full, delta, before, after images
    - Delta type: Delta from delta queue or from extractor
    - Serialization: No serialization, serialization of request, serialization of data packages
    But how can I change these settings? Transactions RSA2 RSO2 RSO6 RSO8 don't do this.
    What is the right delta process to use?
    I have tried changing the delta process generating several 3.x datasources with the following delta processes (see table RODELTAM)
    - " " (Full-upload)
    - AIE
    - ADD
    Unfortunately with no effect.
    Who can help?
    Edited by: Josef L. on Mar 20, 2009 7:44 PM

    hi venkat,
    whenever you load a delta from ods to cube , whatever the data changed in ods since last delta will be updated, hence from you case, both req1 and req2 will be loaded to cube.
    Assign Points if useful

  • Not getting the data for delta for 0ASSET_ATTR_TEXT  in RSA3

    Hi All
    In RSA3, I am not able to extract the delta for the datasource ASSET_ATTR_TEXT. But when it is on full update then i am gettign the records, when i changed to "D" it is giving me the error 'Errors occurred during the extraction' and the error messege says
    "Errors occurred during the extraction
    Message no. RJ012
    During the extraction phase an error occurred for the extractor. An exception, 'error_passed_to_mess_handler' was triggered.
    System Response
    A more precise description of the error can be found in the log.
    Check the function module or the call from the extractor check program
    Kindly provide some inputs on the same

    hi Siggi,
    I have checked Datasource in the ROOSOURCE Table for this datasource the DELTA IS - AIE. And do did the Init from the BW i got 8210 recods.Then i executed the Delta Pack. there was an error happend.
    But When i loaded Delta i got the error as :
             Not all the initialization requests have been completed yet for this   
        DataSource, or there may be an incorrect initialization request.                                                                               
    System response                                                                               
    No delta requests can be processed whilst there is an initialization   
        request that has not been completed.                                                                               
    Procedure                                                     Wait until the initialization request has finished, or delete the entry
        for the incorrect initialization request from the corresponding display
        in the Scheduler.                                                      

  • Load data in R/3 BW delta Queue

    Is there any option to load data in R/3 BW delta Queue. I have done nothing for that. I have found that new record is available in source table. Is there any option to schedule / execute in R/3 end.
    Thanks & regards,

    Hi Goutam,
    What do you mean ...Is it R3 Delta Queue or BW delta Queue???
    As far as I consider it is R3 Delta Queue....For loading the data to R3 delta queue...1st let me know which update method you are using...
    If its Direct update....document posting will be directly written to Delta Queue---RSA7.
    If its V3 unserialised...then the changed document posting wil be captured and will be avaialble in Extraction Queue LBWQ and from there a collective run i.e. control jobs need to be scheduled as per your desired frequency to move it from LBWQ to Delta Queue RSA7.
    If it is queued delta
    u2022 Extraction data is collected for the affected application in an extraction queue
    u2022 Collective run as usual for transferring data into the BW delta queue
    Hope it is clear...
    Let me know in case you need further details...
    Amit Kr.

  • Compare data in R/3 with data in a BW Cube after the daily delta loads

    Hi Friends,
    How can I compare data in R/3 with data in a BW Cube after the daily delta loads? Are there any standard procedures for checking them or matching the number of records?

    Hi Sunil,
    If you want to check the records daily instead of checking the data in R/3 manually ......
    You can try this...
    If you have staging DSO(level 1) that means whatever data is in source system load it to Staging DSO without any routines or any modifications.
    Now load this DSO data to Cube or DSO(level 2) as per your requirement with routines etc.
    Now Staging DSO contains Source system data.
    Now the level 2 Cube or DSO contains BW data with some modifications.
    Now create a Multiprovider based on level 1 and level 2 data targets.
    Now create a report on which keyfigures you want to test the data.
    In Multiprovider there is a field called 0infoprovider in data packet dimension.
    you can drag this infoprovider to the columns and restict your keyfigures with level 1 and level 2 data targets.
    In the first column you can see the level 1 DSO data ( source system data),in the 2nd column you can see the BW data.
    Now create a formula which gives the diffrence b/n level 1 and level2.
    that is R/3 data - BW data.
    If the diffrence is zero both R/3 and BW data are same.
    if the diffrence is not eqaul to zero check whether any routine is there or not.

  • Remote Delta link setup problem with Bean / Access Service

    I am trying to setup Remote Delta Link (RDL) between two portals. (Both portals same version - EP 7.0 EHP1 SP 05 - are in the same domain)
    I already have the Remote Role Assignment working without any issues.
    The following have been done successfully:
    1. Same user repository has been setup for both the portals
    2. Setup trust between producer and consumer (SSO working fine)
    3. Producer added and registered succesfully on consumer
    4. Permissions setup on producer and consumer
    4. pcd_service user with required UME actions setup
    I am able to see all the remote content in the Consumer portal.
    When I try to copy the remote content and paste it as local content, I am getting the following error:
    Could not create remote delta link to object 'page id'. Could not connect to the remote portal. The remote portal may be down, there may be a network problem, or your connection settings to the remote portal may be configured incorrectly.
    After increasing the log severity, I am able to see the following in Default Trace:
    com.sap.portal.fpn.transport.Trying to lookup access service (P4-RMI) for connecting to producer 'ess_int' with information: com.sap.portal.fpn.remote.AccessServiceInformation@31c92207[connectionURL=hostname.mycompany.com:50004, shouldUseSSL=false, RemoteName=AccessService]
    com.sap.portal.fpn.transport.Unable to lookup access service (P4-RMI) with information: com.sap.portal.fpn.remote.AccessServiceInformation@31c92207[connectionURL=hostname.mycompany.com:50004, shouldUseSSL=false, RemoteName=AccessService]
    com.sap.portal.pcm.admin.exceptions.DirOperationFailedException: Could not retrieve the bean / access service to connect with producer
    Could not retrieve the bean / access service to connect with producer
    Like you can see above, there is some bean / access service which is not retrieved successfully. I am not sure if this is a permission problem on the consumer.
    I have checked that the P4 ports are configured correctly (standard - not changed) and I am able to telnet from producer to consumer (and vice versa) on the P4 port.
    I am stuck at this point and am not able to find any information on this.
    I would really appreciate if some one can point me in the right direction.
    Thank you for reading.
    - Raj

    Hi Raj,
    Please check your config of the P4 port on the producer.  Is it really 50004 (check SystemInfo of the producer)?
    I do think there's a problem with the P4 communication since RDL requires P4 connection.
    Do you have load balanced consumer-producer connection? Please refer to this blog for further details
    Little known ways to create a load balanced Consumer – Producer connection in a FPN scenario

  • Unable to get delta observation,

    i am trying get delta records from ztable based on time stamp with 900sec lower timestamp,,,,,,,,,,
    please correct my code,
    Example: DataSource for table SFLIGHT
      TABLES: zsales_order1.
    Auxiliary Selection criteria structure
      DATA: l_s_select TYPE srsc_s_select.
    Maximum number of lines for DB table
      STATICS: s_s_if TYPE srsc_s_if_simple,
              s_counter_datapakid LIKE sy-tabix,
              s_cursor TYPE cursor.
    Select ranges
      RANGES: l_r_zvbeln FOR zsales_order1-zvbeln,
              l_r_zerdat FOR zsales_order1-zerdat,
              l_r_zerzet FOR zsales_order1-zerzet,
              l_r_ztimestamp FOR zsales_order1-ztimestamp.
      DATA : startdate TYPE sy-datum,
             starttime TYPE sy-uzeit,
             enddate TYPE sy-datum,
             endtime TYPE sy-uzeit,
             timestamp TYPE tzonref-tstamps.
    Initialization mode (first call by SAPI) or data transfer mode
    (following calls) ?
      IF i_initflag = sbiwa_c_flag_on.
    Initialization: check input parameters
                    buffer input parameters
                    prepare data selection
    Check DataSource validity
        CASE i_dsource.
          WHEN OTHERS.
            IF 1 = 2.
              MESSAGE e009(r3).
    this is a typical log call. Please write every error message like this
            log_write 'E'                  "message type
                      'R3'                 "message class
                      '009'                "message number
                      i_dsource   "message variable 1
                      ' '.                 "message variable 2
            RAISE error_passed_to_mess_handler.
        APPEND LINES OF i_t_select TO s_s_if-t_select.
    Fill parameter buffer for data extraction calls
        s_s_if-requnr    = i_requnr.
        s_s_if-dsource = i_dsource.
        s_s_if-maxsize   = i_maxsize.
    Fill field list table for an optimized select statement
    (in case that there is no 1:1 relation between InfoSource fields
    and database table fields this may be far from beeing trivial)
        APPEND LINES OF i_t_fields TO s_s_if-t_fields.
      ELSE.                 "Initialization mode or data extraction ?
    Data transfer: First Call      OPEN CURSOR + FETCH
                   Following Calls FETCH only
    First data package -> OPEN CURSOR
        IF s_counter_datapakid = 0.
    Fill range tables BW will only pass down simple selection criteria
    of the type SIGN = 'I' and OPTION = 'EQ' or OPTION = 'BT'.
          LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO l_s_select WHERE fieldnm = 'ZVBELN'.
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING l_s_select TO l_r_zvbeln.
            APPEND l_r_zvbeln.
           LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO l_s_select WHERE fieldnm = 'ZERDAT'.
              MOVE-CORRESPONDING l_s_select TO l_r_zerdat.
              APPEND l_r_zerdat.
           LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO l_s_select WHERE fieldnm = 'ZERZET'.
                MOVE-CORRESPONDING l_s_select TO l_r_zerzet.
                APPEND l_r_zerzet.
       LOOP AT s_s_if-t_select INTO l_s_select WHERE fieldnm = 'ZTIMESTAMP'.
                  timestamp = l_s_select-low.
                  CONVERT TIME STAMP timestamp
                  TIME ZONE sy-zonlo INTO DATE startdate TIME starttime.
                  timestamp = l_s_select-high.
                  CONVERT TIME STAMP timestamp
                  TIME ZONE sy-zonlo INTO DATE enddate TIME endtime.
                  l_r_zerdat-low = startdate.
                  l_r_zerdat-sign = l_s_select-sign.
                  l_r_zerdat-option = l_s_select-option.
                  l_r_zerdat-high = enddate.
                  APPEND l_r_zerdat.
                  l_r_zerzet-low = starttime.
                  l_r_zerzet-sign = l_s_select-sign.
                  l_r_zerzet-option = l_s_select-option.
                  l_r_zerzet-high = endtime.
                  APPEND l_r_zerzet.
    Determine number of database records to be read per FETCH statement
    from input parameter I_MAXSIZE. If there is a one to one relation
    between DataSource table lines and database entries, this is trivial.
    In other cases, it may be impossible and some estimated value has to
    be determined.
          OPEN CURSOR WITH HOLD s_cursor FOR
          SELECT zvbeln
    ztimestamp FROM zsales_order1 WHERE zvbeln IN l_r_zvbeln
                                  AND zerdat IN l_r_zerdat
                                  AND zerzet IN l_r_zerzet
                                  AND (
          ( zerdat >= startdate AND ( zerzet >= starttime     OR
          ( zerdat <= enddate   AND   zerzet <= endtime ) ) ) OR
          ( zaedat >= startdate AND ( zaezet >= starttime     OR
          ( zaedat <= enddate   AND   zaezet <= endtime ) ) )
        ENDIF.                             "First data package ?
    Fetch records into interface table.
      named E_T_'Name of extract structure'.
        FETCH NEXT CURSOR s_cursor
                   OF TABLE e_t_data
                   PACKAGE SIZE s_s_if-maxsize.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          CLOSE CURSOR s_cursor.
          RAISE no_more_data.
        s_counter_datapakid = s_counter_datapakid + 1.
      ENDIF.              "Initialization mode or data extraction ?
    thanks in advance

    As per the description of this forum at the top of the page I do not think this is posted correctly:
    This forum is dedicated to all other development-related questions which are not directly addressed by other forums. This includes Business Objects SDKs, products, or technologies which do not fall under BusinessObjects Enterprise, BusinessObjects Edge, Crystal Reports Server, or Crystal Reports (for example Desktop Intelligence SDK, Universe Designer SDK, Portal Integration Kits, Java User Function Libraries, and other third party technologies or development languages).
    - Ludek

  • Someone plz help me with my k7n2 delta-ilsr

    Hey everyone,
            I just put my sytem togother and ran into a problem.  I got the system to boot up just fine.  It was not until I tried installing windows xp proffesional that  I ran into problems.  The installation process runs pretty smoothly, until the computer reboots to run windows for the first time.  After it reboots the windows logo appears and the after 2 seconds or so, a blue screen appears saying that windows was shut down to prevent any damage to my computer.  I have never encountered this problem before when I built other systems.  The screen suggests that I should check my HDD's for viruses or check to see if they are configured correctly.  The HDD's are SATA and I have them set up in RAID 0 mode and yeah I installed the RAID drivers during the installation process.  Thinking that I had made mistake setting up the SATA drives, tried installing windows using a regular IDE hard drive and it gave the same message.  I am stumped anybody have any ideas of what I might be doing wrong?  Any help would be appreciated .  My system specs are below.
    MSI k7n2 delta-ilsr mobo
    AMD 3000+ Athlon XP cpu (333 fsb)
    ATI Raedon 9000 ( I know it's crappy , I'm still saving up for the ATI all in wonder 9800 )
    x1 kingston 512mb pc3200 DIMM
    x2 maxtor 80gb maxtor hdd's
    x1 regular cd-rom drive
    x1 floppy drive
    420w raidmax psu
    (+3.3v = 26A, +5v = 32A, +12v=13A)

    Memory that comes with timing of 5 2 2 2 or 6 2 2 2 or usally winbond BH-5 memory chips. Ones with 5 3 2 2 or CH-5 winbond chips. The BH-5 chips overclock a little better than the CH-5. (Muskin uses BH-5 winbond in there black ram)
    Winbond is no longer making BH-5 chips but is going to make a limited run of them as demend is high for them.
    The first number shown here is the Traz and it controls the flush timing bench testing is showing that a higher number of 9, 10 or 11 or getting better bench results than the 6 or 5. Thats with Dual Channel memory.
    The timing you show probly should be something  like 8 3 3 3 or 8 3 3 2.5 unless it is there faster Dual channel ram.
    The timing numbers can also appear like this 2 2 2 5 the high number is the Traz either way.
    Look on your memory manufactor web site for the timing that if should run at also look at the voltage as this can make a big differance.

  • HELP me with my K7N2 delta ilsr

    Can anyone help me with this problem. I have just upgraded to MSI's K7N2 delta ilsr motherboard. Its all working quite well apart from the fact that the pc wont start up from cold....at all.
    When I start the pc from an off state, it runs up the fans and drives, but does not post.
    The diagnostic led pannel on the back of the pc shows that the cpu is faulty or not installed correctly.
    If I then press the reset button, the pc posts, and boots up just fine.
    It does this EVERY time I start up.
    I have tried re installing the cpu, which is an XP 2800+ 333 barton, but to no avail.
    I have asked a few questions on other forums, but I cant solve it.
    These are the suggestions so far.
    1. the psu (I have a Tsunami 400 atx psu) could not be giving out enough power on initial startup, but once the pc is running, it has enough to boot the pc from a reset.
    2. The mobo or the bios could be at fault. I have not flashed the bios, or upgraded it in any way from original, so is there an issue with the original bios on these boards, and 2800 barton chips??? Could it be a mobo fault? The pc runs fine once the machine is booted.? how do I test it?
    3. The cpu could be faulty? but would this not stop it running fuull stop?
    4. my ram. I have a single stick of OCZ 512mb pc3200 ddr, which I was told would make the pc fly. Not shure on that statement, but is this ram compatible?? could this be the problem?
    Im fairly new to the upgrade side of things, and I need some help with this one.
    Also, Id be really greatfull if some one could talk me through flashing my bios to the latest version, as the thought of doing this narks me a bit...I dont want to mess it up and get a dead pc...

    +3.3v 14A
    +5v 28A
    +12v 16A
    +5vsb 2A
    -5v 0.5A
    -12v 0.8A
    Hope this helps, as my pc seems to be living with its case off a lot these days..haha

  • Internet Connection Problem on MSI K7N2-Delta-ILSR

    Hi, recently I buy an MSI K7N2-Delta-ILSR.I have a problem when I was trying to connect to the Internet through my modem on WinXP Pro SP1. It bring me up an error message 678 ( The computer that was tried to connect did not respond...). I have also a second hard disk with Mel windows. On disk the disk with the Mel I don’t have any problem with the internet connection. All my settings are same on WInXP pro and Mel.I have checked I thousand times. My computer configuration is:
    Athlon XP 2400+ Overclocked to 2205MHz
    2 memory modules of 256MB 400 manufactured by Samsung
    TharmalTake Volcano 11
    Triplex Xabre 400 PRO with 128MB
    Hercules Gamesurrround Fortissimo III 7.1
    Microcom InPorte Home modem 56k
    Leadtek winfast 2000 (TV/FM radio)
    Acard SCSI controller (Acard AEC-6710D) for my scanner
    WesternDigital WD800 GB
    WesternDigital  15.3gb
    Bios ver.7.4  
    Can anyone help me?

    Originally posted by Roger Wilco
    Hmmmmm, I\'m also having a problem with the onboard lan of the K7N2 Delta.
    I have an ADSL connection, and have an Alcatel SpeedTouch Home modem.
    I pretty much get the same error as SiliconMan (The computer that was tried to connect did not respond...)
    I ended up giving up on it for the time being, just using my SMC NIC. Would be quite interested in finding out what the problem is though.
    Anyone else in the same boat?
        Your problem is not the same, SiliconMan is trying to connect with a dial-up modem not LAN. Your problem sounds like it may be configuration, do a search on this post, I'm sure you will find people with onboard LAN troubles. It's hard to troubleshoot though since you didn't provide any info about your computer. Good Luck  

  • Strange phantom restarts on MSI K7N2 Delta ILSR

    Just wanted to see if I could get opinions on this. My MSI K7N2 Delta ILSR mobo runs real nice now, but still, on occasion, very rare and intermittently, it will just restart. Not likely a heat issue, as the temps are nice and low. Also, not just happenning when I'm playing a game or anything strenuous. Did it once while checking email, once during install of an MS Office program, and once during a game. Could it be my old Gforce 2 MX 200 video card, as the picture sometimes gets wavy (like fine waves on an ocean), and the old computer it was in did similar things, or is it common with this mobo.
    MSI K7N2 Delta ILSR
    Athlon XP 2500+ Barton
    1026 MB Kingston DDR RAM (2x512 Dual)
    Gforce 2 MX 200 AGP 4x
    WD 60 GB 7200 RPM

    I had errors on test 4 not 5 with Winbond 2-512 Dual Channel called Hardcore Cooling and they said that getting errors with memtest86 may not mean that the ram is defective, it may not be compatible with the memory comtrol and they had me RMA it back. I also was not able to run the ram stable at there advertized rate of 6 2 2 2 it was only stable at 8 3 3 2.5
    I replaced it with OCZ after talking to there Tech support people about compatiblety problems with the Nvidia chipset. Sense I installed the OCZ I only had one ram reboot and when I checked I was running the voltage at 2.5 and OCZ said that I should be running at 2.6. They also said that I could run it up to 2.8 with no worry.
    Look on manufactor web site to see what ram timing yours should be running at and what voltage, Auto setting in Bios is not always the best setting.
    If it still not stable at manufactor spec than I'd talk to who ever you bought it from about replacing it or refund and buy something thats on the Nvidia compatible list.
    Most ram manufactors have a list of motherboards that there ram will work on but sometimes the newer boards like K7N2 or not listed yet as still working that out.

Maybe you are looking for

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