Location manager progblem

why i get this message under the
Location Estimation
"Location could not be determined. Insufficient number of reports."

I have the same problem also with WLSE 2.7. Initially the WLSE was able to determine the "rogue" AP (known and purposely placed) on 6th-floor. The next AP scan, the WLSE could not determine the location because the rogue ap was seen by other ap's from different floors.

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  • Location Manager as Security Safeguard?

    When OS X first came along, many of us were still using dial-up connections. When I installed Panther on my old blueberry iMac, a book I was reading suggested using the Location manager to create a so-called "offline" location so that the computer wasn't constantly attempting to dial up the internet when you didn't intend it to. (Obviously this "offline" setting wasn't a location at all but simply a way of turning off both of the "network port configurations": "Internal Modem" and "Built-in Ethernet" for this airportless machine.)
    As I've upgraded to newer machines and software versions (currently the latest iMac and OS 10.5.6), I've kept on setting up the location manager this way (at present, "offline" renders "Ethernet" and Airport" inactive while letting "Firewire" and "Bluetooth" remain working). When I know I'm not going to be using my Mac (for instance while I'm not home or when I'm sleeping), I set the location back to "Offline." Yesterday, out of the blue, I suddenly wondered, "Why am I still doing this?" In the back of my mind, I guess I've been imagining a security benefit from this old "offline" habit: "offline" means my Mac is (at least for a time) not accessible to hackers via my cable modem, even though it is not shut down.
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    Before you reply, I should add that I've read many security-related posts in various forumns, and I've used the good advice. Specifically, I use a new Airport Extreme Base Station and have password-enabled WPA2 Personal encryption. I also utilize the obvious "General" security preferences: requiring a password to wake the computer from sleep or a screensaver, or to unlock a System Preferences pane; disabling automatic login; and enabling secure virtual memory. Furthermore, I have created separate user accounts (without administrative status) for general use, and I use a specific account with FileVault enabled for dealing with sensitive information. In addition, I have my firewall set to "Set access for specific services and applications," which at present only allows iTunes to communicate with an Airport Express (also with password WPA2 encryption) to use AirTunes. Lastly, I've enabled the "Stealth Mode." Well, I could go on: "Accept cookies...Only from sites you navigate to" in the Safari preferences. On and on. (Feel free to add to my list.) But, to return to my question, with all the aforementioned diligence, does such an "offline" setting in the Location manager serve any real purpose? Or am I just wasting my time?
    In advance, thanks for taking the time to read such a long posting.

    I created a singleton for this - seems to work quite well

  • Location Manager - Java Swing / DB Related

    OK the following code is part of my project. I have a Location manager which will manage the location of items within a warehouse. The panel itself contains a Combo box with Product ID's. What I want to do is when an item is selected from the combo box, the data associated with this selected item (product id and product location) is displayed in two textfields below the combo box. Here is my code:
    package orderproc;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.net.URL;
    import java.sql.*;
    * <p>Title: </p>
    * <p>Description: </p>
    * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003</p>
    * <p>Company: </p>
    * @author unascribed
    * @version 1.0
    public class EditItemLoc extends JApplet implements ActionListener, ItemListener {
    JPanel westPanel;
    JPanel eastPanel;
    JPanel editPanel;
    GridBagLayout gbl;
    GridBagConstraints gbc;
    protected JLabel lblProductDescription, lblProductID, lblLocation, lblNewLoc;
    protected JTextField txtProductID, txtLocation, txtNewLoc;
    DefaultComboBoxModel model = new DefaultComboBoxModel();
    JComboBox cmbProductDescription = new JComboBox(model);
    String res;
    JButton btnExit, btnCancel, btnSubmit;
    public EditItemLoc() {
    //connect to database
    System.out.println("Drivers loaded");
    String url = "jdbc:odbc:wms";
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"root","");
    System.out.println("Connection established");
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
    System.out.println("Statement created");
    ResultSet res = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT ProductDescription FROM productinfo");
    {// add the result set ProductDescription to the combobox
    catch(Exception e)
    gbl = new GridBagLayout();
    gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
    westPanel = new JPanel();
    eastPanel = new JPanel();
    getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    getContentPane().add(westPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    getContentPane().add(eastPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    lblProductDescription = new JLabel("ProductDescription: ");
    lblProductID = new JLabel("Product ID: ");
    lblLocation = new JLabel("Current Location: ");
    lblNewLoc = new JLabel("New Location: ");
    txtProductID = new JTextField(20);
    txtLocation = new JTextField(10);
    txtNewLoc= new JTextField(10);
    btnSubmit = new JButton("Submit");
    btnExit = new JButton("<<<<Back");
    btnCancel = new JButton("Cancel");
    gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHEAST; // Align labels
    gbc.gridx = 1;
    gbc.gridy = 1;
    gbl.setConstraints(lblProductDescription, gbc);
    gbc.gridx = 1;
    gbc.gridy = 2;
    gbl.setConstraints(lblProductID, gbc);
    gbc.gridx = 1;
    gbc.gridy = 3;
    gbl.setConstraints(lblLocation, gbc);
    gbc.gridx = 1;
    gbc.gridy = 4;
    gbl.setConstraints(lblNewLoc, gbc);
    gbc.anchor = GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST;
    gbc.gridx = 2;
    gbc.gridy = 1;
    gbl.setConstraints(cmbProductDescription, gbc);
    // Register item listener
    gbc.gridx = 2;
    gbc.gridy = 2;
    gbl.setConstraints(txtProductID, gbc);
    gbc.gridx = 2;
    gbc.gridy = 3;
    gbl.setConstraints(txtLocation, gbc);
    gbc.gridx = 2;
    gbc.gridy = 4;
    gbl.setConstraints(txtNewLoc, gbc);
    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie) // Item event handling
    if(ie.getSource() == cmbProductDescription)
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) // Action event handling
    if(ae.getSource() == btnExit)
    public void init()
    EditItemLoc myEditItemLoc = new EditItemLoc();

    Not sure. I am using a JList to do a very similar thing to you and it works for me. They share same datamodel so I thought it would work for you.
    try passing it to a textfield & seeing if that gives you the correct database entry.
                 aName = new JTextField(20);
                 aName.addActionListener(new DetailListener());
                 String name = listModel.getElementAt(list.getSelectedIndex()).toString();
        class DetailListener implements ActionListener {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                   }  // end try
                   catch (Exception exc){}
    public void details(){
    //.... your resultset here
    }That way, you are dealing with a string & not an index. I am a novice at this & this may not be the 'correct' way to do it but I find it easier to deal with a string than an index. woks for me at the moment :)

  • Location manager design pattern?

    What is the best design pattern for using the location manager with intermittent but time-sensitive use? My app records location each time the user creates a photo, creates a note, records audio, etc and stores it using CoreData. The problem is the location manager has to spin for a bit to get the best reading, and in that time the user could easily have navigated the UI to delete the object they've created and create a new one. In that case I'd want to interrupt any location services active for the deleted object.
    Is a singleton the best pattern, keeping the active objects in an array and using @synchronize(object)...but running each in a different thread?
    Or assigning the location manager as a transient property of the object and calling stopUpdatingLocation if it gets deleted?
    Any thoughts? TIA...

    I created a singleton for this - seems to work quite well

  • WLSE Location Manager

    I'm running WLSE 2.5 and the Location Manager performance is very sporadic. When I'm loading floor plans into the system, only about 25% of them will load. I've tried the different file formats (GIF, JPG, or PNG) and it doesn't seem to be any better.
    I'll normally receive a message "no map image available" where the drawing preview should be or I'll receive "Cannot have a number larger than 1000" in the bottom left-hand corner.
    Is there some magic secret on how to get this application to be useful? Have the newer versions 2.7 and 2.9 (upcoming) resolved these bugs?
    Is there any way to decipher the information in the JAVA debug window?

    Upgrading to the latest version is always recommended. For LM images, the key thing to remember is that the image size does matter. Recommended image size should be around 300kb and the resoluation should be not more than 1000x1000 pixels. The larger the image size the longer it takes to load it and more problems you may run into. Try reducing the image size to the above recommendations and then load it.

  • Location Manager and Time Zones Feature Request

    I use my Powerbook for consulting - and travel extensively.
    Location Manager handles my network setups, but, to the best of my knowledge, NOT the time zone information.
    I'd like to have the option to set the time zone from my location manager, so that when I get to a customer site, and attach to the network, files, iCal, Mail, and other timestamped files are correctly in sync with the location.
    I could probably write an automator script to do this, but it would be best supported directly in Location Manager.

    Hi, Kirk. Welcome to the Discussions.
    For Mac OS X feature requests, submit a Mac OS X Feedback. These Discussions are user-to-user communications only. Feedback is the formal mechanism for submitting feature requests.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

  • WLSE Multiple instance of AP in Location Manager

    Is there a way to have a an AP on multiple maps within Location manager?
    We will have coverage across our Campus including some outside coverage. Besides the interior floor plans I'd like to have an overall coverage map of campus showing all APs (at least first floor). This requires the AP be placed on at least two maps.
    Wondering if this might affect running the radio managment feature?
    Another item, How many users can be accessing the WLSE simultaneously?

    1) No
    2) There is no limit on the users

  • Why does location manager always reports kCLErrorLocationUnknown in simulator?

    As the subject says the location manager is always sending the kCLErrorLocationUnknown error in the simulator. I've tried changing the accuracy and it didn't help.
    Here is the code:
         locmanager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
         [locmanager setDelegate:self];
         [locmanager setDesiredAccuracy:kCLLocationAccuracyKilometer];
         [locmanager  startUpdatingLocation];
    This always calls didFailWithError with error kCLErrorLocationUnknown.
    Any idea of what is wrong?

    I read somewhere that apple doesn't use skyhook any more
    Googling bears this out, but I can't find a way to manually update the Apple DB.  Which must mean that Apple does it magically.  Try allowing your iPhone to get a precise GPS position and then use it over your WiFi access point to download an app or song from the iTune store.

  • [iphone] - Location Manager won´t update

    I´m just using CLLocationManager class, and I´ve found a strange behaviour. Sometimes the location manager show the last location. The steps I´m taking:
    1- [startUpdatingLocation] (from work) It gives the correct coords.
    2- I go home, restart my iPhone and the application and try calling [startUpdatingLocation] again, the location I get is the first one, from step 1..
    Do you have a solution for this? Am I doing something wrong or it´s just a bug from the sdk?

    Installed IOS 6.1.3 last night and to do so, had to make space on the phone as it was near full.
    After that, it took a dirt nap.
    I have the 4S and experienced  the same "problem" documented all over these message boards. Frustrated after trying all the fixes, including a hard reboots, resets of settings, deleting apps, reinstalling apps, new apps, synching ... everything that made sense.
    Finally, frustrated and wishing I owned something other than an Apple product at this moment, I decided to go back to what I did to "free up" space -- once I fixed this, the apps stopped "waiting" and started updating.
    The issue was in iTunes where I had selected on my phone's settings (to be clear, this is under "Apps" in iTunes), and DESLECTED "Automatically Fill Free Space with Songs."
    Solution/Issue: my guess is that the updates were spooling because there wasn't enough space to run the sync.
    Thank you Apple -- for NOTHING. A simple error message "Not enough space" would have been brilliant.

  • Will Distance Filter for Location Manager still work when User Tracking Mode is enabled?

    Basically I have the MKUserTrackingBarButtonItem with my Map View. When you turn it on it basically turns on the MKUserTrackingMode where your location is updated live on your map. My question is if I have my Location Manager's Distance Filter set to 100m and I traveled with my device 100m and at the same time the map is updating my current location live how will it detect that the device traveled 100m from its original current location? And how will it enter the locationUpdate: delegate method for Location Manager if it only fires when the users location has traveled 100m from it's previous current location? Thanks.

    I found my answer through experimentation, yes it will still work. How does it do it exactly? I still have no idea. I hope someone would enlighten me on this.

  • Location manager issue in iOS 7.0.4

    I am using location manager in my Application which is called in timer.
    Application was running fine in iOS 6 and initial iOS 7.0.1 as well.
    But when I have updated my iPhone with iOS 7.0.4, location manager delegate "didUpdateLocations" is not being called.
    I an using xcode version 4.6.2
    I am unable to find solution for this, please help !!!!

    Console is providing error message : CoreLocation: CLClient is deprecated. Will be obsolete soon.
    And debugging do not allow to reach upto "didUpdateLocations".
    Restrictions is turned OFF in General Settings.

  • Location Manager Strange Behavior

    debbung my application i have discovered that location manager have sometimes a strange behavior. Sometimes when i start to get location only the first "Bad" point with v. accur. = -1 is returned then no other point i returned. If then i open Apple Map i see that also map doesn't get point. So i must shutdown and restart Location service and all work perfectly. I have also strange issue when i change distanceFilter in the already created location manager Instance. it's doesn't work no point are peeked. If i restart the app sometimes work.
    Finally i have discovered on the iphone syslog that it try to connect to an apple site "http://iphone-wu.apple.com" to download a file" lto2.dat" someone know what is this file?
    Thanks you

    Hello, I see the same in my Iphone.
    I search in google and found this:
    "Global Locate predicts the satellite orbits for 2, 4, 7, or 10
    days in advance, and you download that. AKA "Long Term Orbit" or LTO."
    It's a module used in opensource gps

  • Location manager on WLSE

    I have with a Location manager on a WLSE 1133. The maps are showing incorrect signal coverage despite recent AP scans. They indicate that each access point can give coverage to an entire floor. A physical survey shows this is not the case. Basically showing me false information. Any ideas?

    I would:
    - check the RSSI cutoff (at what RSSI level is the entire floor seen covered? -90 dBm?)
    - verify the scale of your maps...

  • Location Manager - Location of Rogue AP´s

    How does WLSE Location Manager calculate the estimated location of Rogue AP´s?
    If I understand it right, the WLSE calculates the pathloss between a reporting AP (or client) of received beacons. Can someone explain in details how this works?

    See the section 'How does WLSE detect rogue APs?' at: http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/rtrmgmt/cwparent/cw_1105/wlse/2_7/ts_gd/faqs.htm#wp1049446 which explains it in detail

  • Object location manager

    Hello !
    Context :
    You can register for an instance with a name in the object location
    Later, you can obtain a proxy on it with the bind method of the
    You need the name of the instance you want to bind.
    The name is structured with / (like directory on hard disk).
    Inside an application it is OK.
    Problem & questions :
    Bind an instance from another application. How is the syntax of the
    name ?
    If an application A provide an soA. How can I bind it from an
    application B ?
    How to bind an instance of an application A inside an application B ?

    I liked your approach to getting around the
    deserialization error problem. Please clarify if this is
    what you had in mind :
    1) Every Client does a 'bind' on start-up.
    2) Every Client does a de-register when they log-off.
    If the answers to the points above are 'yes', I'm not
    sure what the implications are from a performance
    standpoint on a environment with a large number of
    users, including mobile ones.
    There was a design pattern presented at the Forum (I
    can't remember which one) which talked about having a
    remote SO do the bind to various SO's and Clients get a
    reference to the <<realSO>> proxy via this remote SO.
    Somewhere in the pattern was a way to get around
    deserialization errors, but I just can't remember how !
    Sorry to be late jumping into this thread - I've been chasing other
    issues the last couple days.
    I did not get to see <bigger>Fabrizio Genesio's presentation at Forum,
    although I certainly wanted to, because his topic was somewhat similar to
    mine. And Ravi's comments about de-coupling and making plug and play
    components almost sound like they came out of my abstract.
    Yes, Geoff, you can remove the supplier plan, bind to a distributed
    service dynamically at run time, and not get a deserialization error.
    There are a couple of tricks, but the code attached illustrates that it
    When you create your interface, also create a "dummy" or generic class
    that implements that interface. I like to put the dummyClass and the
    interface in the same library, because when you need one, you usually
    need the other. The dummyClass should have no "real" code, and no
    supplier dependencies. Just put in do-nothing methods that implement all
    of the interface methods, and return nil or zero where needed, so you
    don't get compiler warnings.
    Then create the real implementation in a separate project, which has the
    interface library as a dependency. The realClass must be a subclass of
    the dummyClass that is in the interface library. This is essential to
    make the dynamic binding work without the supplier dependencies. This
    service project does NOT need to be a supplier to the client. All the
    client needs is the interface library.
    When you instantiate the service, you will instantiate and register the
    realClass. When your client does the BindObject, it can bind to the
    dummyClass, because the realClass "IsA" dummyClass. And you can cast the
    returned object to the interface, because the dummyClass does implement
    the interface.
    The reason you do not get deserialization errors is fairly simple. You
    have essentially created your own proxy using the dummyClass, which
    exists on the client. It does not matter that the proxy has no code,
    because it will never get called.
    The realClass is anchored on the server, and does not need to be
    recreated on the client for any reason. Serialization and
    deserialization do not even occur with the realClass, therefore you get
    no errors. However, if you try to send the client a reference to the
    realClass, other than by way of the BindObject, then you most certainly
    will get the dreaded deserialization error.
    Hope this helps,
    </bigger>At 07:23 PM 5/20/99 -0500, you wrote:
    -----Original Message-----
    From: [email protected]
    [mailto:[email protected]]
    On Behalf Of Geoff Puterbaugh
    Sent: Thursday, May 20, 1999 2:03 PM
    To: Kalidindi, Ravi CWT-MSP
    Cc: 'Jean-Baptiste BRIAUD'; '[email protected]'
    Subject: Re: Object location manager
    When I tried this, it didn't work. Aside from the
    fact that you can't dynamically load interfaces,
    to the best of my knowledge (but you can dynamically
    load classes which implement interfaces), the
    suggested scheme simply fails.
    But you have to be careful about what you're doing.
    You have to really REMOVE the supplier plan for
    the service object you're trying to reference,
    and you have to create real applications which
    are running outside of the repository. At least
    two separate applications which are running from
    distributions, not the repos.
    If you do that, you'll find that BindObject
    works just fine, but assigning the object
    returned by BindObject to the interface will
    produce a run-time error: 'This class does
    not implement this interface.'
    I can send or publish some code which demonstrates
    this failure if you like. I'd be delighted to
    learn that I've made a mistake somewhere.
    But my theory is that once you remove supplier
    plan A from the application, Forte no longer
    includes plan A in the application distribution,
    and so your application at run-time just has
    no information about class A or SO A.
    All my best,
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
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    MSF&W Software, Product Development
    (217) 698-3535 ext 207
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