Lookout 6.2 Hypertrend Panel Reports

I'm having issues getting reports with full panel graphics that contain hypertrends to properly update the trends prior to the report generation.  The computer doing the reports does not actually have a monitor connected to it.  I'm using it as a developer machine and I remote control to do the developing.  The behavior is the same however, even with a local monitor hooked up.
Issue is that the actual screen redraw seems necessary to make the panel ready for report generation.  That is, if a screen saver is on, or a different panel is over the panel in the report, the report graphic will not have updated Hypertrend traces in the panel graphic of the report.
Anyone have a workaround to fool lookout into thinking the panel is active prior to generating the report?  I've tried "popping" or activating the panel many seconds prior to the panel generation, but it does not seem to help.
Strangely, one of the 19 Hypertrends on the panel is always up-to-date, and the other 18 are only up to the point of the previous report.
Message Edited by erblock on 04-29-2009 10:32 PM

Your queston confuses me. I have never used a html report in that way. The only thing i've used it for, is to create a static report for supervisors. For example... putting formatted data on a web page for them to view like a shift report (showing production rates, scrap rates, production hours, equipment effectiveness, etc.) The reports I make are static, fixed.
It sounds like you have it working as a 'live' page, updating information periodically. (using it as a form of a 'display only' client?)

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    Could be an anchor problem. I have seen splitting pages with the use of anchors when attached to repeating frames. Also, I am assuming all your frames are variable elasticity.
    I would try removing all anchors in the report. If nothing else, it will eliminate them as the potential culprit. At a minimum, remove any attached to the repeating frames.
    Good luck...

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    If you are using a free client software, not a server version, the client does not filter any alarms. It's a known issue in Lookout. There is a workaround right now, follow these steps to use NI AlarmEvent Browser ActiveX control.
    Add the ActiveX object called NI AlarmEvent Browser to the Client Process.
    On the Properties window for the ActiveX object, click on the Property Pages button.
    Set the PopupMenu property to True and then set the Active property to True.
    Exit and close out of the various property windows, saving the changes.
    Drag the new ActiveX object onto the panel and size appropriately.
    Go to Run Mode.
    Right-click on the Alarm and Event Viewer and choose to Select Processes...
    Select the server process you wish to monitor and click OK.
    You should now see any active alarms and events. Right-click on the Alarm and Event Viewer again to set the Filter Options and acknowledge alarms.
    The second question is also a know issue. Sometimes the hypertrend stops refreshing. It's maybe caused by a "missing data". This problem is to be fixed in the next version of Lookout.
    Do you have a firewall enabled? If yes, I'd like you to disable it and see if hypertrend works.
    Ryan Shi
    National Instruments

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    I'd really like to see that fixed!  Related to this... even pop-up windows positioned over  or dragged across over a panel with a WMF image, render the WMF image missing lots of information.  It takes a manual refresh to get the underlying image back to normal.
    Message Edited by erblock on 03-10-2008 02:04 PM
    Message Edited by erblock on 03-10-2008 02:07 PM

  • Multi panel report

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    Could be an anchor problem. I have seen splitting pages with the use of anchors when attached to repeating frames. Also, I am assuming all your frames are variable elasticity.
    I would try removing all anchors in the report. If nothing else, it will eliminate them as the potential culprit. At a minimum, remove any attached to the repeating frames.
    Good luck...

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    Because the processes are all production, I have not yet been able to mess with process names and loading order to possibly elaborate on the symptom.
    It is "maybe" and issue that Lookout 6.5 can't properly share out (via shared variable engine) variables from more than 3 processes at a time???
    Please advise ASAP.

    The access denied error is more like a security issue. In Lookout Object Explorer, right click on process, and select Configure Network Security. If I give Everyone "No Access", or I just remove any permissions, I will get the access denied error in Tag Monitor.
    Actually Lookout has no limitation on the number of exported processes or tags. All the tags in each process are the tags in Logos Server. The LabVIEW access these tags by Logos protocol. If Lookout set the security, and the LabVIEW doesn't have enough access level, it will get access denied error. For example, lookout gives no access to the process.
    You can configure the Network Security for process, as well as any objects. By default, Everyone has Read&Write permission.
    Ryan Shi
    National Instruments

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    SQL Server 2012 SP1 Enterprise edition
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    Any help will be welcome.
    Thanks and best regards,

    Hi  Joss,
    I am in the same situation, 
    SQL Server was installed in the standard mode because of that the powerview option is not working. 
    I have changed teh edition using maintenance --> upgrade edition. the sql server components like DB engine, SSAS and integration services are now showing in enterprise edition. The reporting services are installed from the application end still showing
    as the reporting services are standard.
    we reinstalled the reporting services but still persists the issue.
    suggest me is there any work around to fix the issue other than reinstalled the whole SQL Server.

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    For making the A4 Standard printing needs the option to make Pane A4 Size.
    Then we can make easily create the front panel reports easy manner, add Indicator (result ,title, logo, auto signatures etc)  in the report and generate the print out.

    Developing a GUI on a computer monitor is that much different from printing an A4 (or letter for those americans insisting to use this peculiar standard ), that I think there are not many use cases to force it to the size of a piece of paper.
    Alternatively, one could define a printing area, optionally being visible on the front panel and being able to print just that area. So put all controls and indicators you want to be printed in that area, leaving space for GUI elements you don't want to be printed.
    The more I think of this the more I like it.
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    (and yes, we all do have taps here ).

  • Semi-opaque panel gets more and more opaque

    Hello forum members.
    I'm writing a semi-opaque panel with an undesired behaviour and is hoping for clues to what I should do about it.
    Desired functionality: A semiopaque panel that can change colour and opacity.
    Problem: when I press the 'change colour' button in the code below, the colour changes but the panel gets more opaque for every press on the button. When I resize the panel manually, opacity and colours are drawn as they are supposed to be.
    Is there som event to be fired that redraws the panel from the beginning?
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.color.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TransparentPanelTest implements ActionListener {
      private JDialog dialog = null;
      private Color bgColour = Color.YELLOW;
      private TransparentPanel panel = null;
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
            new TransparentPanelTest().show();
      private void show() {
        dialog = new JDialog();
        panel = new TransparentPanel();
        panel.add(new JLabel("Hello world"));
        dialog.add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        JButton changeButton = new JButton("change colour");
        dialog.add(changeButton, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        bgColour = (bgColour == Color.YELLOW) ? Color.GREEN : Color.YELLOW;
        System.out.println("Setting colour " +
          (bgColour == Color.YELLOW ? "yellow" : "green"));
       * Semiopaque panel.
      private class TransparentPanel extends JPanel {
        private Color panelColour = Color.YELLOW;
        private float panelOpacity = 0.2f;
        public TransparentPanel() {
        public void setColour(Color transparentColour) {
          this.panelColour = transparentColour;
        public void setOpacity(float opacity) {
          this.panelOpacity = opacity;
        public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
          Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g.create();
              AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, panelOpacity));
          g2d.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());

    your panel reports being fully opaque while in fact it isn't, thuss confusing the painting mechanism

  • Misleading Vertex position info in the info panel

    If anyone is at all interested, the vertex position information provided in the info panel is in a coordinate space relative to the current zoom of the currently active composition viewport, not the coordinate space of the composition.
    So if your composition is 512x512 pix and you're at 200% zoom in the comp viewer you're going to see coordinates within this space of your vertex position in terms of a 1024x1024 space. Similarly, at 400% zoom you're now in a coordinate space of 2048x2048 for the vertices of your path objects, but NOT for the info panels reporting of your current mouse positioning.
    You will therefore not have true pixel precision available to you for vertex movement unless you divide whatever coordinates you see by the rate of zoom, or work at 100% zoom.
    Is this in the documentation anywhere?
    Is this a feature, or a remnant of a finer nudge feature?
    Anyway to turn on pixel snapping for a zoomed in view when moving vertices of a path, shape or mask?    

    It works as it always has/ is designed. Same answer as your otehr post: If you need precision, use Illustrator.

  • Graphics In Reports

    I am new to printing reports using LV. As I see it, there are two ways to
    handle printing:
    1) print front panel - this is good because I can print plots, text, etc.
    but LV seems to throw in extra header stuff at the top that I can't turn
    2) Print VI's - These seem to be limited to text only where I need to print
    out both text and plots.
    Anybody have any ideas.

    > I am new to printing reports using LV. As I see it, there are two ways to
    > handle printing:
    > 1) print front panel - this is good because I can print plots, text, etc.
    > but LV seems to throw in extra header stuff at the top that I can't turn
    > off.
    > 2) Print VI's - These seem to be limited to text only where I need to print
    > out both text and plots.
    It should be possible to turn off the header options using either the
    VI Setup or the Preferences. The report VIs don't currently support
    images, but you can incorporate the panel images into an HTML document
    by using the VI Server action to Get Panel Image and making references
    to the image within an HTML document. If you aren't up on HTML, then
    you may want to look into the Internet toolkit as it has VIs
    that help
    when generating an HTML form.
    There are also lots of things that you can do with Panel printing. You
    can use string conrols and transparency to make pretty cool reports.
    LTR has had issues that help with panel reports in the past.
    Another option is to use something like Crystal Reports. This sort
    of tool usually works best when the data is in a database or can
    be indexed as if it were in a database.
    Several things to consider.
    Greg McKaskle

  • How to Keep all the Portal report menu's are "open" when the user logs on?

    I have a question about the BI Portalu2019s configuration.  Does anyone know how to keep the Web Portal (i-vew) report menu's are "open" when the user logs on?
    For example:
    Web Report Panel
    Report  Folder A 
                  i-view  a1
                  i-view  a2
                  i-view  a3
                  i-view  a4
                  i-view  a5
                  i-view  a6
    Report  Folder B 
                  i-view  b1
                  i-view  b2
                  i-view  b3
                  i-view  b4
                  i-view  b5
                  i-view  b6

    Thank you very much.  The problem is the Folder didn't 'open when the user logs on.  Yes, the iview can be openned.  Does anyone know how to set the default Open for the Folder.  My question is about the folder in BI portal.  Yes, the ivew we can set the defaul Open but we have Folder in the portal and our user wants to be able to see the report lists when they log on to the Portal.
    For example:
    Our Current situation
        Navigation Panel
       .>Act vs Plan report Folder_
       .>Year to Day report Folder_
    Hope To Be (When user logs on the BI Portal)
       Navigation Panel
        .>Act vs. Plan report Folder
            (i-view) Report A
            (i-view) Report B
            (i-view) Report C
            (i-view) Report D
            (i-view) Report E
    .>Year to Day report Folder
           (i-view)  Budget by Cost Element report
           (i-view)  Actual by Cost Center report
           (i-view)  Income statement report
           (i-view)  Balance Sheet report

  • MSI tab reports wrong mem size workaround

                           The problem:
    The MSI tab in the display properties panel reported 64 megs instead of 128.
    I had installed the drivers that came with the CD in the box (v 31.xx i think), I then removed them and installed
    detonator v 41.09 from nvidia, that is when i noticed 64 instead of 128.
    I tried removing 41.09 and installing 41.07(from MSI), it didn't make any difference, so I went back to 41.09 and I deleted 'msicpl.dll' to remove the MSI tab.
                            The Workaround:
    1 Download the Detonator Destroyer (do a search)
    2 Remove current Drivers with ADD/Remove Programs
    3 Run Detonator Destroyer
    4 Reboot
    5 Choose Standard PCI VGA adapter and reboot if asked
    6 Install 41.07 from MSI and reboot if asked
    7 Repeat  steps 2 to 5
    8 Install 41.09
    This is what I did and now I'm running 41.09 with the
    MSI Tab reporting 128 megs correctly.
    If anyone follows these steps without success I apologize for wasting your time.
    Keep in mind the Msi Tab it's not a necessity.

    Detonator Destroyer is not yet written for XP or 2000.
    In your case it worked like a charm because DD supports 98 8)

  • Vista "Problem Reports and Solutions" - Compatibility issues?

    The Visa +Problem Reports and Solutions control panel+ is reporting three problems which I cannot seem to be able to find a resolution to.
    ( So far I've just installed Vista 32 business ed. on my iMac 20". Installed bootcamp drivers, updated bootcamp to 2.1 and applied Vista updates.)
    *The Problem Reports and Solutions control panel reports the following:*
    1. Download and install the driver for Apple performance counter
    This problem was caused by Apple performance counter, which was created by Apple Inc..
    2. Compatibility issue between Intel 82801GBM (ICH7-M) LPC Interface Controller - 27B9 and Windows. This problem was caused by a compatibility issue between Intel 82801GBM (ICH7-M) LPC Interface Controller - 27B9 and this version of Windows. Intel 82801GBM (ICH7-M) LPC Interface Controller - 27B9 was created by Intel Corporation and is distributed by Apple Inc..
    3. Problem caused by Apple Desktop Null Driver.
    This problem was caused by a compatibility issue between this version of Windows and Apple Desktop Null Driver. This product is usually distributed by the company that manufactured your device or computer. Note. If you bought Apple Desktop Null Driver from a retailer and installed it yourself, you will need to contact its manufacturer.
    Are these genuine, and if so, is there a solution? No solutions are proposed by Vista itself.
    Mac OS 10.5.5 , bootcamp 2.1
    Message was edited by: noutram

    A performance counter is not something that is usually in use by any application except by the developers of the unit itself. nothing to be alarmed about (well, except perhaps that it should have been removed).
    A null driver is (as the name indicates) null, there is no functionality assigned with it. MS error message is just brilliant "there is an error in your null driver", like what, there is no functionality in a null driver. So no problems there either.
    I got the 2 above error messages on the very first generation 17" MBP for ages and so far not seen any impacts in it for my work.
    The Intel issue is interesting, it might be a good idea to see if Intel has an updated driver for the problem.

  • NIHypertrend in report degraded

    HTML Report which contains three separate NIHypertrend active X objects (size 800x300 pixels) is generated.
    Looking at the finished report, what happens sometimes is that NIHypertrend unexpectedly shrinks from 800x300 down to 100x100  graph area
    which is positioned in the left upper corner, where the rest of 800x300 object is just filled black.
    It happens the same to all of the three NIHypertrends when the report is created.
    Before report is created, in NIHypertrend.properties.refreshed connection is true for a second.
    Any suggestions how to fix this problem?

    In which way do you add the hypertrend to report?
    I connect hypertrend.graphic to report.display. When the report is created, there will be an html file and a bmp file. The bmp file is the hypertrend. So, in the html report, there are no more hypertrend objects, but only some pics. If the pic shrinks to a small one in report, you can check the bmp file if it is still of the right size.
    And also you can check if the bmp is black. If it is, the hypertrend in report should be black.
    Message Edited by Ryan.S on 09-21-2006 09:45 PM
    Ryan Shi
    National Instruments

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