Lookout communication to a micrologix 1500 via 1761-Net-ENI

We are running Lookout 5.0 server/client setup. We have a number of Allen Bradley SLC500 we communicate with via ethernet. We have just installed 2 new UV water disinfection units that are controlled with Allen Bradley Micro Logix 1500 PLCs. The 1500s are connected serially to a AB 1761-NET-ENI ethernet module/gateway. After setting up an AB Logix Driver in our Lookout server using the ethernet interface option from the drop down list, I'm still unable to communicate with the 1500. Is there a solution to this problem without running a OPC server to communicate with the 1500.

Another thing to think about is the '4 user' limit to the net-eni. We had this issue at our facility.
A vendor brought in a new system, it had seversl MicroLogix's with net-eni's on them. They supplied their own mmi package. It consisted of 2 pc's running RS-View. There was a ControLogix5000 running 'supervisory' diuties, talking to all the micros.
I wanted to gather some performance data with our lookout server, however it couldn't 'find' the MicroLogix.
After some calls to AB, we were informed that the net-eni would only talk to 4 devices at a time. 2 of them was to the RS-View pc's, 1 was to the ControLogix5000, and the last one was being used by the PLC Programmer's computer's RSLinx (which he keeps running all the time). so there went the 4 'slots' and Lookout couldn't talk to them.
We decided that we would do a com request in the ControLogix to get the info, and read it into a register, then talk to the ControLogix with Lookout.
Rich Anderson
Anamax Group

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    Another thing to think about is the '4 user' limit to the net-eni. We had this issue at our facility.
    A vendor brought in a new system, it had seversl MicroLogix's with net-eni's on them. They supplied their own mmi package. It consisted of 2 pc's running RS-View. There was a ControLogix5000 running 'supervisory' diuties, talking to all the micros.
    I wanted to gather some performance data with our lookout server, however it couldn't 'find' the MicroLogix.
    After some calls to AB, we were informed that the net-eni would only talk to 4 devices at a time. 2 of them was to the RS-View pc's, 1 was to the ControLogix5000, and the last one was being used by the PLC Programmer's computer's RSLinx (which he keeps running all the time). so there went the 4 'slots' and Lookout couldn't talk to them.
    We decided that we would do a com request in the ControLogix to get the info, and read it into a register, then talk to the ControLogix with Lookout.
    Rich Anderson
    Anamax Group

  • Lookout and allen bradley micrologix

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    Hi Carlos,
    I would love to see that document. Do you know if you can use Linx Lite?
    "Carlos Barberino" wrote:
    >>"John Dunlop" wrote>>Hi,>>Does anybody know
    (or have experience) of connecting Lookout to an>A-B Micrologix>1500?>>I
    guess I could use the RSLink OPC server (or even>DDE link) as mentioned>in
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    "I want to aquire data from PLC ... and I want to write on it too using LabVIEW 7.0"
    Do you have plain LabVIEW or LabVIEW + DSC (i.e. Datalogging and Supervisory Control module in the Prof. Control Development Suite)?
    ... and do you have Allen Bradley's RSLinx?Message Edited by Donald on 04-04-2005 03:20 PM
    Fading out. " ... J. Arthur Rank on gong."

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    Buen día:
    Observa los siguientes enlaces:
    2. ¿Cómo Puedo Conectar un PLC Allen Bradly Micrologix 1400 con NI OPC Servers?
    El primero afirma que es posible utilizar tu dispositivo con NI OPC Server y el segundo explica paso a paso como configurarlo (procedimiento similar a pesar que el hardware es distinto).
    Espero esto ayude
    Alejandro | Academic Program Engineer | National Instruments

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    (SID_LIST =
    (SID_DESC =
    (ORACLE_HOME = D:\oracle\product\11.1.0\db_1)
    (SID_NAME = test1)
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         (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = host_ip)(PORT = 1521))
         (CONNECT_DATA =
              (SERVER = DEDICATED)
              (SID_NAME = test1)
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    Edited by: user547746 on Apr 3, 2009 12:48 PM

    lsnrctl status
    Listening Endpoints Summary...
    Services Summary...
    Service "test1" has 2 instance(s).
    Instance "test1", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    Instance "test1", status BLOCKED, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    lsnrctl services
    Services Summary...
    Service "test1" has 2 instance(s).
    Instance "test1", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
         DEDICATED SERVER established:0 refused:0
    Instance "test1", status BLOCKED, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
         DEDICATED SERVER established:0 refused:0
    I hope this is enough and well translated.

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    Use OPCClient object in Lookout. Set up the OPC Server, including the configuration of items, then the OPCClient is able to connect the OPC Server and read or write items. In this way, Lookout just talks to the OPC Server. The communication with the PLC is handled by the OPC Server.
    Ryan Shi
    National Instruments

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    Thank you in advance,

    I've experienced this with programing software ( S5 in DOS before 1990 ). I can get the program code but NO realtime data.
    Actually I don't know the solution to problem, but I hope this info helps.
    I think the best way is to contact the siemens directly !?

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      Obviously somewhere in the old process is some kind of enable instruction for the Field points, that I don't have in the new process, but I do not have a clue as to where to look or what to look for. Again the manual did not offer any help.
      The FieldPoint units that we are using are: FP DI 301, 330, FP DO 401, and FP AI 110, along with the FP 1001 serial network modules 
      Desperate in Denver.
    Need answers fast!

    To get the best support for lookout check out these places:
    and submit a new email support request with Lookout selected for the Software Platform.
    Lookout Discussion forums
    Peter Flores
    Applications Engineer

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    XI - Version 3.0 - 640 SP Level 14
    SCM - 4.10 - 640 SP Level 12
    The connectivity between the systems has been set up as described in the configuration guides. On sending an IDOC (basic type ORDERS05) into XI I get the following error message 'Http server code 500 reason Internal Server Errorexplanation Error during parsing of SOAP header'.
    The Error XML is as follows:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!-- Call Adapter
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30"
    <SAP:P2>Internal Server Error</SAP:P2>
    <SAP:P3>Error during parsing of SOAP header</SAP:P3>
    <SAP:P4 />
    <SAP:AdditionalText />
    <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />
    <SAP:Stack>Http server code 500 reason Internal Server Error
    explanation Error during parsing of SOAP header</SAP:Stack>
    Any assistance would be much appreciated.

    Yes this an IDOC to http scenario. There was no dump at the receiver end. I've found out what was causing the problem - I was using an adapter type of HTTP. It should have been of type 'XI'. I've altered this and it works. Hopefully this will resolve your problem Vinod.

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    Connected PC to domain, logged in, drive mapping worked as it should.
    Rebooted a few times after installing software that I normally install on my computers (from the same sources/locally from my file server, etc).  Rebooted a few more times all is well.
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    There are several reasons causing the issue:
    First, The problematic client doesn't reconnect to the target share at logon. 
    Please follow the steps to re-configure the mapped driver on the client and then check if the issue will re-occur.
    a. Open "My Computer"
    b. Click on "Tools" and then select "Map Network Driver"
    c. input the \\ipaddressofserver\sharename to give the path of the share
    d. Check "Reconnect at logon"
    e. Drive gets mapped
    f. Double click on the drive to check.
    Second, Antivirus software or Windows Firewall may block the mapped share.
    If there is any Antivirus software and the Windows Firewall is enabled on the problematic client. If so, please disable them to check if the issue can be resolved.
    Third, Fast Logon Optimization is enabled on the clients.
    The fast logon feature may affect the display and drive letter assignment of a mapped network drive. As a result, the drive may have been mapped; however, the user on client cannot see it in Windows Explorer. He may recognize it as a failed network drive
    mapping. This is the reason why we usually suggest you to disable fast logon on the clients via a GPO, and please check if the mapped network drive will be occur under this circumstance.
    Please also configure the following group policy setting to disable Fast Logon Optimization to see if the issue still exists on the problematic clients.
    Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Logon\Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon
    If we cannot get this issue fixed, please post back the event log related to this issue.
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • How do I write to A-B PLC through 1761-NET-DNI?

    Thanks, Emilie, for your previous response.  I guessed that was the case, but as I'm new to DeviceNet, I was unsure.
    I am still having problems communicating with the Allen-Bradley PLC, and am not sure whether the problem is with my LabVIEW code or configuring my DNI.  I have attached a sample of the program I'm using to send a message to my PLC.  Do I have the correct idea regarding how to send messages to the DNI network through my NI-DNET card?  I set up the DNI so that the I/O page is in the Bit register file, and have programmed the PLC to turn an output light on if a certain bit in that section of the register file is logic-1.  I use my LabVIEW program to send a message to that bit, but the light does not go on.  Are there any obvious problems with my LabVIEW code?  Thanks.
    Mark Leusink

    Hi Mark,
    I took a look at your code, and for the most part, it looks very
    good.  There are only two things that I can see that may be
    causing some issues.  The first and most obvious is that you are
    not using your error inputs and outputs at all.  If you take a
    look at any example program, the pink error cluster is wired through
    all the VIs.  This is always good practice, because the error
    message returned from these VIs usually can point us in the right
    direction of getting the error solved.  If you do not wire this
    through, the error may be lost completely.  There may even be an
    error message occurring in this program that we are not seeing that
    could help us figure out why your device is not responding.
    The other point of interest that I saw was in the inputs to the Convert
    for DeviceNet Write.vi.  The DNetDataIn input is left blank, which
    is fine, except that you also have a byte offset of 1 as an
    input.  DNet Data is in an array format, and this VI will take
    other data and convert it into DNet data, placing it in the data array
    wherever you specify in the byte offset.  Since you have nothing
    wired into the DNetDataIn, then it starts with an array of all
    0's.  The byte offset is 1, so it skips over the first byte (at
    index 0) and then places your data starting at byte index 1.  This
    may be the way your device is expecting the data, but if you want that
    data to be at the front of the data array, then you need to wire a 0
    into the byte offset.  Otherwise, the data being sent out starts
    with 0's.
    Hope this helps!
    john m
    Applications Engineer

  • On Payment via e-nets

    There is no solution or answer to my current sitation except a standard - wait for maximum 14 days for credit to be reflected when it typically takes 10 minutes after I make the payment. So it might be a suggestion to resolve this issue:
    1. I made the payment to top up my credit via bank transfer
    2. My first transfer was unsucessful (this always happens as the change from Skype to inlcude e-nets is not always smooth)
    3. Re-try : My 2nd attempt was sucessful ( i checked my bank account, the payment was deducted)
    4. for last 24 hours, my purcahse history shows -pending (for the 1st fail attempt, and the 2nd sucessful attempt)
    5. I thought my only solution (so that I can use my skype) is to terminate my 'pendings' and purchase again. But, how do I do that?  Since it only shows Pending and not Delivered. Yet, my money in my bank account have been deleted. 

    For your company code, in the ranking order, there will not be an entry in QAS or DEV for payment method "E" and current "AED"
    Either transport it to QAS if it is missing in QAS, or if it is in QAS and not DEV, enter the values from QAS into DEV, and then re-transport.

  • P Help - Laptop can't print via wireless net to 7780 all in one office jet.

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    1. Make sure the printer is turned on and connected to your network. Verify that you can access the printer's internal web page by browsing to its IP address before continuing.
    2. Click >> Start >> Control panel >> Printers.
    3. Click the Add a printer
    4. Select Local printer
    5. Select Create a new port and select Standard TCP/IP Port and click Next button.
    6. Under Device type, select TCP/IP Device. Under Hostname or IP address, enter the printer's IP address. Click Next.
    7. Select Hewlett-Packard from the list of manufacturers and select and select your printer model. Click Next.
    If your printer model was not listed, then select Have Disk, browse the HP CD that came with your printer and select the first file that starts with hp and ends with inf. Click Open then OK. Select your printer model. Click Next.
    8. If you are asked, use the currently installed driver.
    9. It will ask for the Printer name -- enter a new name or use the existing one. This will be the name of the printer that you select from other applications.
    10. You may be asked to share the printer. Choose NO.
    11. The Print Test Page box appears. Go ahead and print it.
    12. Click Finish.
    Say thanks by clicking "Kudos" "thumbs up" in the post that helped you.
    I am employed by HP

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    Assuming you are correct that nothing in the configurations have changed, then I would start by shutting down all three computers, the TC, and your cable/DSL modem. Wait at least one minute. First, turn on the modem and wait for the status lights to indicate connection to your ISP. Next, turn on the TC and wait until it boots and the status lights indicate communication with the modem. Lastly, power up the computers. See if this restores your network function.

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